Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 370: Car skill upgrade master

Chapter 370 Car Skill Upgrade Master

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, your skills have been upgraded! 】

After eating, Ye Mo strolled around for a while, and then said goodbye to Ning Yuting.

On Huiying, he returned to the studio.

As soon as the car is parked, the system beeps sound.

He was slightly startled.

Finally, the skill of car skills has also been upgraded to master.

There are only painting skills, nourishing qi, two of which are still proficient, and two primary levels of sports and language.

He realized that the changes were quite big. Now he can drive not only cars, but other things, and his body has also undergone a lot of changes, especially in the area of ​​neural responses.


He smiled, opened the door and walked out, then took the two babies from the back seat.

They are all seated on baby-specific seats, which he bought specially, so it is also safe.

Originally, he wanted to go to Yuying and Zhongtai to have a look, but he called and asked, and there was nothing wrong, so he simply didn’t go, saving two babies.

He is going to take a rest first, and then go to Yueyun Village at three or four in the afternoon.

Over there, he has to go. Not only Baoyue\'s chef, but also the chef hired by Miss Qin are all in Yueyunzhuang, waiting for him to teach him a hand!

entered the house, he cleaned up the baby, sat on the ground and played with them.

At half past one, Yuqing called. .

She had just finished her work and was having dinner with Yang Manni, so she had time to make this call.

"Today, I took them to the hospital for a checkup!"

After chatting for a while, Ye Mo talked about it and showed her the various inspection sheets.

"It\'s all right!"

Su Yuqing was a little nervous.

"No problem! The doctors said it\'s very healthy!" Ye Mo laughed, "That\'s... I cried a lot when I was drawing blood."

Su Yuqing smiled immediately.

Before Nuonuo fell ill and had a high fever, she went to the hospital to draw blood and cried for a long time.

"I\'m busy!"

After eating, she hung up the phone and went back to work.

Ye Mo continued to accompany the baby, seeing the sun outside, he took them out for a walk.

After three o\'clock, he took the baby and rushed to the Yueyunzhuang Hotel.

asked Li Lijuan to help with the baby. He went to the back kitchen and taught for an hour or two, and then, by the way, cooked a meal for that Miss Ji.

"Miss Ji, has she been in the hotel all the time?"

After , he went to Li Lijuan, picked up the baby, and asked about Miss Ji by the way.

"It\'s all here! However, I often go out during the day, so I don\'t feel bored. I see her very happy. She is here and has a few friends. I heard from her that her former teacher is also here, and she often goes there. watch."

Li Lijuan laughed.

The happiest time for Miss Ji is definitely when she eats the dishes prepared by Ye Dong. She is just like a genius. She is so excited and in high spirits that she does not usually see it.

"That\'s good!"

Ye Mo smiled.

He was worried that Miss Ji, a member of the Imperial Capital, would feel bored and bored if she stayed in this hotel all the time. Since she was having a good time, he was relieved.

"By the way, Miss Ji said that she will go back to Dijing after a while, saying that the restaurant she opened with Miss Qin is about to open."

What came to mind, Li Lijuan said again.

She knew about this restaurant, and it seemed that Dong Ye had also invested some money in it. The chefs that Miss Qin hired had all come here from the Imperial Capital to study.

"So soon?"

Ye Mo was startled, a little surprised.

But think about it carefully, they were preparing for the opening of the restaurant two years ago, and it has been more than a month since the New Year’s Eve, and with a lot of money invested, it’s normal to do it faster.

"I haven\'t even been there, but next time I go to Tejing, I\'ll have to see it!"

Then, he chuckled.

"I think, with Miss Qin and you, Director Ye, this restaurant will definitely open and business is booming!" Li Lijuan laughed.

Ye Mo laughed for a while.

After chatting for a while, he left.

went back to the studio and was busy for a while, and he started a live broadcast.

As soon as started broadcasting, the atmosphere quickly became lively.

Now, he has nearly 90 million fans, and the popularity of the live broadcast every day is amazing, and his fans continue to increase every day.

He has always had a good relationship with the Douyin official. Last time he went to the annual meeting. He met the person in charge of the company here and had a good chat. Douyin kept pushing him. He just started making clothes before, and the official also helped him. He is quite busy.

It was after ten o\'clock, he rested for a while, gave the baby a bath, coaxed him to sleep, and then answered Yuqing\'s call.

After answering the call, he continued to broadcast until after two o\'clock.

He didn\'t dare to broadcast too late, otherwise a bunch of fans wouldn\'t sleep.

After the broadcast, he got up and went to see the babies. Seeing that they were sleeping soundly, he smiled, leaned over and kissed each of them. Then he went to make a cup of tea and sat down in front of the computer.

"Tianhong Fund!"

The screen of the computer brightened, and there was a document on it. It was some companies and stocks invested by Tianhong Fund.

And this Tianhong Fund was run by Xu Tianyi.

Last time, it was only a small loss for him, but it was not enough.

Drinking tea, Ye Mo pondered.

"No hurry!"

After a while, he closed the information and opened the software for stock trading and currency trading.

I want to deal with this Tianhong Fund, but I can\'t be in a hurry. The other party invests in relatively stable assets, and it is not so easy. We have to slowly find ways and find opportunities.

After five in the morning, he took a nap.

When he got up, the two babies also woke up, and he was busy again.

After the baby was fed, the clothes were washed, and the studio was cleaned up, he was finally able to sit down and rest for a while.


Suddenly, the phone vibrated and rang.

is here on WeChat!

"Who! So early!"

Looking at the time, it was only less than half past eight.

With a swipe of his finger, he opened the phone and saw that it was from the girl Huang Yiyi.

"Cousin, you came back from Teijing?"

Huang Yiyi added an excited expression after these words.


Ye Mo replied simply.

"That\'s great! Today, my classmates and I are going to the city to see the stars, and drop by to see you and the baby! You don\'t mind, I\'ll bring a few more classmates over there! They all want to see you. !"

Huang Yiyi quickly replied.


Ye Mo pondered for a while and replied.

Today, he has nothing to do. He stays in the studio during the day and goes to the Su family\'s villa for dinner in the evening. The day before yesterday, his father-in-law told him that he should go to the house for dinner.


Huang Yiyi replied excitedly, and sent several emojis in succession.

Ye Mo laughed.

"Look at a star? It should be an idol! Don\'t all the little girls like that!" He smiled, put down the phone, got up again, tidy up the studio, and prepared some tea in advance.

I was ready, so I sat down, took out the sketches, and started designing various types of clothing.