Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 372: Zhou Zixuan: This is ridiculous!

Chapter 372 Zhou Zixuan: This is ridiculous!

Putting on her stockings, Jiang Shiyun stood up.

She took out a collar from the cabinet and put it on.

Then sat down, put on a little makeup, decorated some jewelry, and then looked in the mirror, she was startled.

Usually, she seldom dresses like this, and even she seldom wears makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she doesn\'t recognize herself, she is very fashionable, sexy, and her figure has a bit of lust.

Zhou Zixuan also got up that day and tried her best to dress up, but when she saw Jiang Shiyun, she was a little broken.

Even if she dresses up again and puts on makeup hard, she can\'t compare to this Jiang Shiyun!

Even if people don\'t wear makeup, they are pure and immortal, and they are recognized as school flowers.

"never mind!"

She hastily transformed it, dressed it up, and it was all set.

"Let\'s go!"

Huang Yiyi went out and came back from the next bedroom.

Soon, she took a group of girls out, took a taxi, and arrived at the studio door an hour later.

"It\'s here!"

Huang Yiyi pointed to the studio door ahead and shouted.

"What kind of car is that?"

"Super run!"

A group of girls were a little excited. Looking left and right, they noticed a few cars not far away. There were two cool sports cars and one, like a Rolls-Royce.

"Really rich!"

They sighed.

Yiyi\'s cousin is really rich. According to Yiyi, her net worth is more than one billion. They don\'t really believe in this number, but at least there are several hundred million. After all, such a big anchor, The revenue must be in the billions. .

The key is, it\'s super handsome!

Last time, he came to pick up Yiyi downstairs in the bedroom, and they all saw it from a distance.


When they knocked on the door and saw the face sticking out from inside, they were all startled and looked a little dumbfounded.


Huang Yiyi shouted sweetly.

"This is Shi Yun, you remember wow! This, Zhou Zixuan, is also in the same dormitory, these... are all in my class." Then, she turned around and introduced them one by one.

"come in!"

Ye Mo smiled and greeted.

"walk into!"

Huang Yiyi took the lead and walked inside.

Jiang Shiyun returned to her senses, bowed her head, and walked in, but she looked a little shy.

Zhou Zixuan was also stunned for a while. The last time I only saw it from a distance, I didn\'t see it very clearly. Now, when I look at it from a close distance, I feel that this Yan Jun is too beautiful to describe in words.

Compared with him, the idols seem a little out of the norm.

She bit her red lips lightly, but the bottom of her heart was even more unpleasant, and she became more and more jealous.


Entered the room, and a group of girls were amazed again and again.

Many of the things on display in the room have been seen before.

Seeing the two babies, they surrounded them, all looking very excited.

"Can we take some pictures?"

A girl picked up her phone and asked.

Ye Mo smiled and nodded.

A group of girls picked up their mobile phones and took a group photo with their baby.

"Drink tea!"

Ye Mo made the tea, brought it over, looked at Huang Yiyi again, and asked, "What star are you going to see today?"

"There are many. Today, there is a brand event in Zhongtai, and several celebrities are invited. One of them is very famous recently, Cai Zihao! I like him!" Huang Yiyi said excitedly.

"He\'s super handsome... Of course, you\'re handsome without your cousin!" She laughed again.

Although his cousin is handsome, he is his own cousin after all, and he is different from an idol.


Ye Mo raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Cousin, you know him too! He\'s been on fire recently, he\'s handsome and hardworking, I like him very much." Huang Yiyi clenched her fist, her face flushed with excitement.


Ye Mo nodded.

Then, he smiled, it\'s okay for little girls to chase stars.

"It\'s eleven o\'clock now, let\'s sit for half an hour, let\'s go!" Huang Yiyi looked at the time and said.

"You can visit at will, as long as some equipments are not moved around, they are easily injured."

Ye Mo took a sip of tea and said to the girls.


They got up excitedly and went to look at each room.

Soon, half an hour passed.


Huang Yiyi, who was just about to get up and leave, brushed the news in the group, and was stunned.

"What\'s wrong?"

Jiang Shiyun said in surprise.

"The group said that because there are too many people, some activities may have to be cancelled." Huang Yiyi lowered her face and looked depressed.

Thankfully, she had been looking forward to it for a long time, thinking with joy that she could see her idol up close, but she didn\'t expect that the event would be cancelled before it even started.

"What? Cancelled?"

Several other girls were also annoyed.

"There\'s no way, the popularity is too explosive!" Huang Yiyi said helplessly, "Wait a minute, if it\'s really canceled, we\'ll go have a meal and go shopping, we can\'t come out for nothing."

"Do you... want to see him?"

Ye Mo looked at her and smiled.

"Of course! I\'ve been looking forward to it for a long time!" Huang Yiyi said.

"Wait, I\'ll let you meet him! I know him." Ye Mo said with a smile.

Hearing the words, Huang Yiyi couldn\'t help being stunned, her eyes widened and she couldn\'t believe it.

Cousin, he actually knew Cai Zihao?

Still let her go to see him?

The other girls on the side were also dumbfounded, some couldn\'t believe it.

This cousin Yiyi, although he is famous, is still just an internet celebrity! If you are not a star, how can you know Cai Zihao? And, can you let them meet?


Zhou Zixuan frowned and said to herself.

She admits that Yiyi\'s cousin is amazing, but after all, he\'s still just an internet celebrity, and he\'s not in the same circle as celebrities. If you say it out, your identity is also a bit worse than a celebrity. After all, an internet celebrity can\'t be a celebrity.

That Cai Zihao is also a popular idol recently. He is famous for traffic and makes a lot of money, so he may not look down on him.

"Forget it, let him come over! Save you a trip!"

Ye Mo thought about it and said again.

Zhou Zixuan\'s eyes widened a bit when she heard this, and she became more and more unbelievable, and even felt a little absurd!

Yiyi\'s cousin actually said that he wanted Cai Zihao to come over, this tone... is too big!

This is so fake!

is just bragging when you hear it, who would believe it!

Cai Zihao, an idol with a big name! I don\'t know how busy it is. Even if you know each other and meet each other, you can\'t come! No wonder people will take care of you!

Huang Yiyi opened her mouth and was stunned again, and she didn\'t believe it in her heart.

Cousin may know some celebrities because of the relationship with Tianhou\'s sister-in-law, but she would not believe that she could be invited here.

The other girls also had the same thoughts, and felt that Yiyi, the cousin, was bragging.

Maybe he really knew him. He felt that he had a good relationship with the other party, so he boasted like this to show that he was powerful, but they were not easy to point out. After all, they were here as guests, and they received them politely.

They looked at each other, all a little embarrassed.

Then, he looked at Huang Yiyi.

She is a cousin, so she can talk a little bit and won\'t offend this one.

"Wait a minute! Half an hour!"

Huang Yiyi hesitated for a while, and was about to speak when he saw Ye Mo holding his mobile phone as if he had sent a few messages, then raised his head and smiled.

She was stunned for a moment, and when she got to her mouth, she swallowed it again.

"Then... sit down for a while!"

She hesitated, then sat back again.