Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 362: I drank quiet wine (one more)

Mrs. Shen waited in the ward from early in the morning until near dusk, and the closed door was hurriedly pushed open from the outside.

As soon as Xiao Jing entered the room, he pulled in the man behind him. In the next instant, he closed the backhand, blocked the man on the wall, propped up on the wall with one hand, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Shen Shengfeng slid her hands around herself.

Xiao Jing finally lifted his chin down, and said with an aggressive tone, "Captain, before you spend the month, you and me are left in the room. Do you think we should also do something to promote life? Harmonious things? "

Shen Shengfeng grabbed her head, and forcibly turned her head in one direction, so that she could clearly see who was sitting behind her.

Xiao Jing originally glanced at her indifferently, but only glanced at her, hurriedly standing upright.

Shen Shengfeng stretched her neck and leaned deliberately against her ear. "Do you still want to do something with me that is beneficial to the development of a harmonious society?"

Xiao Jing bit her red lips lightly, "Captain, why didn\'t you tell me earlier?"

"Have you given me a chance? When you enter the house, you plan to fight against me."

Xiao Jing carefully looked at the elderly, "Grandma seems to have a lot to say to us."

Shen Shengfeng moved to the other side. Obviously, he was pulling away. "I think grandma should have a lot to say to you."

"Captain, let\'s say that we are a loving and loving family. Let\'s say that we have a strong friendship between our rude hands and the old brother-in-law. Let me say that I will carry a gun and you will fight together to kill the enemy Tongji, why are you fleeing? "

"Grandma will never bully you physically, but she will definitely torture you mentally. Your wife and children have worked hard for you. You are still an injured person. It is very beneficial for you to listen to the kind advice of the elderly. what."

"You stop me, too." Mrs. Shen put down the glass that had been so cold that she did not know when, and her eyes swam back and forth on the two of them.

Xiao Jing couldn\'t help sighing, "They all said that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the calamity is about to fly. We never thought that before our calamity was about to end, the captain planned to fly first."

Shen Shengfeng took her hand. "Sister-in-law, don\'t say anything, wait for grandma to say something, I\'ll carry it."

"Do you want me to carry it?" Xiao Jing asked back.

"Did you two finish talking?" Mrs. Shen stood up, walked to the two of them, looked at the shabby clothes, or even the two of them, and raised her hand and pointed them back and forth.

Shen Sheng said, "Grandma, you don\'t have to say anything. I took her out to play."

Mrs. Shen sighed, "Xiao Jing was injured, she was playful, don\'t you know that the overall situation is the most important, in case the injury worsens, it\'s not you who is distressed in the end?"

"I know I\'m wrong." Shen Shengfeng lowered his head.

"Three thousand words review." Mrs. Shen issued an order.

"Yes, grandma."

Mrs. Shen set her eyes on Xiao Jing again. "As for you, how do you punish yourself?"

Xiao Jing stretched out her finger, "A thousand words review?"

"You\'re thinking about the beauty." Mrs. Shen took out a clean handkerchief and wiped her face. "Go wash your face and lie back on the bed. After resting for a week, let me lie down."

Xiao Jing ran into the bathroom bleakly.

Mrs. Shen stood in front of Shen Shengfeng, her eyes were like a torch, "Have fun?"

"Grandma, you have something to say."

"Ancheng\'s blind date has been destroyed, and Qi Lao can\'t help but want to enter our Shen family." Mrs. Shen looked at the direction of the bathroom and lowered her voice deliberately, "Now I give you a task. "

"I understand what Grandma meant."

"You know before I say that?" Mrs. Shen wiped his face with a handkerchief. "This task may be difficult, but it\'s you."

"Entering Qi\'s house is not a simple thing in itself. I know how to do it."

"Since they are going to tear their faces, we do n’t need to show them any affection. When the country h and the flower country were divided, the Xue family was obliged to rescue overseas Chinese. The press release given at the time was that the country ’s enemy forces were too strong, which led to our country. The masses outside the country suffered a massacre. "Mrs. Shen sat back in her chair and raised her leg." The old man also went to country h with him. "

"Grandma never mentioned it."

"After all, it is related to the reputation of my Shen family. It is not a last resort. I do not want to let this old past be mentioned again."

"Isn\'t that the case in the news?"

Mrs. Shen sneered with ridicule, "I don\'t know what happened then, but the old man said that Qi Lao might have a document in his hand, which is the most authentic picture recorded by the record officer at that time."

Shen Shengfeng frowned slightly. He felt that once this incident was exposed, it might involve a series of turbulence.

"At the time, there were nearly 20,000 diasporas in Country H, but only 2,000 returned. You count how many people died."

"I know the news that the Holocaust is the critical moment of the final retreat. No one expected that it would be invaded by the enemy, and no one expected that the rescued ship would suddenly explode."

"What the truth is, we do n’t know. The old man was afraid that I would get angry, so he did n’t mention anything before he died. I only said one thing. If Qi Lao and Xue Lao are going to break with us, you can go and see this history. What is recorded. "

"How can grandma be sure Qi Lao didn\'t burn these things?"

"He doesn\'t dare," Mrs. Shen affirmed.

Shen Shengfeng was a little puzzled. How could such a terrible thing stay for so many years?

"At that time, the record officer wrote down a total of three copies and put them in the hands of the three leaders. Do you say who dared to burn them? Each of them had their own misfortunes. How could it be possible to burn this life-saving thing?"

"So you mean they all have a copy in their hands?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I don\'t dare to be too sure. I need you to investigate." Mrs. Shen patted his shoulder with a serious look. "It is said that the history of our country is too thick, not because of ours. How long and glorious history is, but the countless secrets buried in history, we need to read page by page to understand the truth of those facts that have been covered up by years. "

"I understand what Grandma said, I will get these things as soon as possible."

"This is a gambling, maybe our Shen family and Xiao family will be involved, but there is no other way. The trend of three-legged standing is becoming more and more obvious. Looking for the old one this time, I dare not fight back at them. There are huge benefits. "

Xiao Jing pushed open the door of the bathroom, noticed the different atmosphere outside, and left to see, did she bother them to talk about business?

"Xiao Jing is washed? Come and lie down." Mrs. Shen opened the quilt with a smile.

"Grandma, I\'m almost okay. You can see me jumping for you." Said Xiao Jing, she was going to jump.

Shen Shengfeng hugged her, "Okay, don\'t make trouble, in case the wound broke open and lay a few more days."

Xiao Jing lay back on the bed in a regular manner. "You seem to be talking about something serious. Did I disturb you?"

"It\'s okay, but it\'s just a few common words." Mrs. Shen pours a cup of warm water again. "I said that your young couple are not newlyweds anyway, anyway, pay attention to some sense."

"Grandma learned that I will pay attention to the future." Shen Shengfeng changed into a clean coat.

"Well, Xiao Jing is tired all day out. You can take me out." Mrs. Shen stood up and left.

Shen Shengfeng opened the door of the ward.

Mrs. Shen stood beside him and continued, "If something is urgent, things change, and if things slow down, it is round."

"I will make a detailed plan before setting off, so you don\'t have to worry."

"It is not advisable to make a fool of this, otherwise they will destroy this important evidence immediately."


"Go back and accompany her." Mrs. Shen entered the elevator.

Shen Shengfeng was standing alone in the empty corridor, and the red glow of the evening fell on the white wall, dyed with fiery red, and magnificent.

Xiao Jing was sitting by the bed, watching the figures returning, and quickly got up, "I just heard some."

"Do you have any ideas?" Shen Shengfeng didn\'t intend to hide anything. She entered the bathroom for ten minutes and washed one face for at most one or two minutes. She deliberately delayed so long to give them more time to talk. this matter.

Xiao Jing stood up, "Of course I have an idea."

"Speak to hear." Shen Shengfeng sat in a chair.

Xiao Jing stood upright. "I am willing to work with you on this task."

"Just because you have a hole in the body?" Shen Shengfeng pointed to the gauze on her waist.

"Captain, this is just a minor injury, it will not affect my strength at all."


"You should know where I am performing the task, and no deviation is allowed there." Shen Shengfeng held her hand. "Wait here and wait for me to come back."

"Grandma said things would be slow but they would be done in a hurry." Xiao Jing gently rubbed his bald head with both hands. "Can you leave in two days, okay?"

Shen Shengfeng shook her hand.

"This kind of thing may be impossible for you to be alone. If it is discovered, someone needs to lead you away from the extra guards. This thing can\'t be known to a third person other than you and me. the best choice."

"Okay, two days later." Shen Shengfeng patted his thigh.

Xiao Jing sat on his lap, "I haven\'t fought alongside the captain for a long time."

"I want my daughter-in-law to hide behind me forever and let me protect her from the wind and rain, instead of walking side-by-side with the shuttle gun forest and the rain. I miss her as innocent as I was when I was young. "

"I want her to be your shield, not your burden." Xiao Jing\'s forehead rested on his forehead, his voice was very low, very low, unseen.

Shen Shengfeng closed her eyes and kissed her lips gently.

The sorrowful direction lingered in the room, the sunset came to an end, and the sky gradually became dark.

At the beginning of the new year, the Xu family\'s mansion was brightly lit.

Xu Jingjing stepped out of the car and looked up at the Xu family in a happy state. She stepped onto the second floor by herself and ignored the guests present.

Xu Mao also had nothing to say about his second daughter. This Nizi was a little talker since she was a kid. Today this banquet was also a way to get her back from the Red Eagles.

As Xu happened to be on the second floor, she watched the figure going upstairs in silence all the way up the front road, "Why not sit down?"

"Noisy." Xu Jingjing pushed open the door of her room.

"You\'re not too young, you know exactly what your father asked you to come back, so give him some face and sit down."

"Noisy." Xu Jingjing shook her head and refused.

"Just sit for a while." Xu Zheng forcibly grasped his second sister\'s hand.

Xu Jingjing was ready to push her away.

Xu Xu said, "It seems that after training for a period of time in the special team, the results have made rapid progress."

"Many people." Xu Jingjing stubbornly reluctant to go downstairs.

"Yes, you don\'t have to go." Xu Yan spread his hands, turned around and walked downstairs.

Xu Jingjing glanced at the hall where people were coming and going. She was going to push the door to enter the house, but stopped abruptly. She subconsciously looked at the position of the hall again.

The man stood in front of the window, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and looked out of the window coldly, and did not seem to want to participate in the staggered hypocritical atmosphere in the hall.


Yan Mo was almost frightened by a sudden chief and threw the cup in his hand. He would not admit that he was just pretending to scare away the surrounding Yingying Yanyan with a melancholic temperament. After all, he was so good and handsome. In this case, it is more or less attractive.

Sure enough, some people couldn\'t help it.

Yan Mo turned around, with a look of rejection thousands of miles away, "What\'s the matter?"

Xu Jingjing was silent. What did she run down to do? No, what did she run over for?

Yan Mo took a closer look and found out who was behind him. He hurriedly put down his glass and took two steps back.

Xu Jingjing blinked, glanced at the still drinking glass on the table, and frowned, "Don\'t drink?"

The indifference to speech ceased, why are these two goods here? By the way, this is the Xu family\'s banquet. She should be here as the Xu family\'s two thousand gold.

Xu Jingjing pointed to the glass in front of her, "Don\'t finish it?"

Yan Mo\'s head twisted stiffly, "The greedy cup is not good, so stop drinking."

Xu Jingjing organized a language, and wanted to tell him that it was a shame to waste, but after all, he was a visitor, and he was still a sergeant, so he should have a little affection, so she said, "Drink."

Yan Mo listened to her magnificent words, grabbed the glass again, and drank cleanly, "I\'m done."

Xu Jingjing frowned even more. She forgot to say the first two words. In fact, she meant to say: Don\'t finish drinking. But did not expect that the mouth automatically ignored the first two words.

Yan Mo\'s eyes were raised slightly, he said, "I still have something, let\'s go first."

Xu Jingjing followed him out of the house.

Yan Mo didn\'t know why she followed herself and turned around, "You still have something to say to me?"

Xu Jingjing nodded.

Yan Mo stopped, the wind around was a bit chilly, and he remained calm, waiting for her to speak.

Xu Jingjing brewed a bit. She originally wanted to say: After drinking, you can\'t drive, but it turned out, "No driving."

Yan Mo\'s mouth twitched sharply, "Why?"

Xu Jingjing said solemnly, "No opening."

"I don\'t drive and you want me to go back?"

"No," Xu Jingjing repeated again.

Yan Mo stroked his forehead, "Can we be reasonable?"

Xu Jingjing was anxious, staring at each other with sharp eyes, and sometimes the more anxious the words in his mouth, the more unspoken.

Yan Mo saw the intention of killing in her eyes. You don\'t need to be so hard. If you don\'t open it, you won\'t open it. Why do you want to end up with me?

Xu Jingjing said, "Don\'t drive."

Yan Mo nodded, "If you don\'t open, you won\'t open, I\'ll go back."

Xu Jingjing took three steps and made two steps to catch up, "No one is allowed to go."

Yan Mo straightened her eyes. The woman was unreasonable. The car was not allowed to drive, the road was not allowed to go. Should she let herself crawl back?

Climb back!

Yan Mo gritted her teeth and stared at the woman who was blocking her way, and clenched her fists. "I don\'t hit women, don\'t force me."

Xu Jingjing shook her head, "Not allowed to leave."

Yan Mo clenched his hands into fists and yelled, "Ah."

Xu Jingjing stepped back with a sudden roar.

Yan Mo sat on the ground with his buttocks, "I won\'t go, I can just sit like this, don\'t stay near me and let me sit alone."

Xu Jingjing stood awkwardly in front of him and tried to take a step forward.

Yan Mo looked up at her.

Two or four eyes met, without speaking.

Xu Jingjing squatted down, intending to speak more plainly, she said, "You drank."

Yan Mo was surprised, "Is it because I drank a glass of wine from your Xu family, can you still rely on me?"

Xu Jingjing organized another language, and she couldn\'t figure out what she said so clearly. Why couldn\'t the chief understand? Must he be brain cells, not tofu residue?

Yan Mo took a deep breath, "I will buy another ten bottles and eight bottles tomorrow to return to you."

"No," Xu Jingjing said.

"No, I pay back, I must pay back."

"No need to."

"I said I will pay back."

"No." Xu Jingjing stood up and stared down at him conscientiously, and spit out a word very hard and vigorously: "Alright."