Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 361: I'm hungry, my daughter-in-law is hungry (two more)

Morrow sat up from the ground, pouting, "You really worry that I hurt Xiao Jing without paying attention?"

"I\'m afraid she\'ll kill you first."


"So when necessary, you can choose to commit suicide." Shen Shengfeng stood up, facing the towering mountains in front of him. "After all, it is better to live than to die."

Moruo stood up in despair, "Shen Shengfeng, don\'t bully people too much."

Shen Shengfeng squinted his eyes, "I said, I am the one who protects you, if anyone bullies my daughter-in-law--"

"Let\'s say something, hahaha, all comrades in arms, all comrades in arms."

Shen Shengfeng buttoned up his military coat. "Everyone is a smart man."

Jiang Feng rushed back all the way, only to see Shen Shengfeng\'s bright head disappear from his eyes and pupils. He rushed forward, worried and asked, "Captain, are you okay?"

Moro picked up Jiang Feng ’s coat and was shocked by the cold wind. He even sneezed a few times. "Shen Shengfeng and I have reached the point of endless death. From now on, the special team has me without him, and he does not have me, you all Listen to me. The next time I see the Iron Eagles, they will beat me up without asking.

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly, "Captain, are you sure you want to do this?"

Morrow glanced at him, did I look like a kid?

Jiang Feng asked again, "Do you really plan that?"

"Just let me fart, hahaha, we and the Iron Eagles are a family that loves each other. What do we fight and kill all day? We must unify the outside world and let all the criminals who are dying know that our special team is united. atmosphere of."

Jiang Feng snatched the coat of a player behind him and folded his hands. "Are we going to continue training today?"

Morrow looked up at the majestic sun in the sky. "If we just leave like this, will it look like we are in a panic?"

"Captain, why don\'t I send someone to investigate and investigate, and we will continue after the two have gone?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Will it seem more wacky? We have a dozen people anyway." Morrow kicked the stone beside the kick. "But as the saying goes, the current affairs man is Junjie. We are heroes and we can flex and stretch."

After that, Morrow squatted on the ground.

A group of special team elites behind him squatted quietly one by one.

Zhao Hong asked, "I suddenly felt that the captain was still very poor."

"You have to know a word, the poor must have hate. The captain puts the camp in the back of the mountain and does not train. He came here thousands of miles to be captivated by Captain Shen. It is also a kind of ability." Qi Sheng shook his head. .

"I think the captain and Captain Shen are in true love. Colonel Xiao Jing is a third party who has just stepped in, and see if our captain\'s secret training can be destroyed by Captain Shen every time, they are in love with each other. Killing each other, too cruel, too bloody, too sad. "Chen Yi held a gun in his hand and stared at the lonely Captain Moro.

"I feel quite alike when you say that. The captain came a long distance and was captivated by Captain Shen, probably a way to attract him." Zhao Hong coughed, "Would we like to comfort the captain, Telling him that the vice team is actually very good, at least following him without complaint and regret, not even asking for a gentle look. This friendship is even more saddening. "

Morrow threw a stone on the ground, listening to the intermittent discussion behind him, and sighed, "Baby fuck, our cubs seem to have itchy skin recently."

Jiang Feng squatted beside him, also throwing stones, echoing, "Baby his father, I think we should strengthen the training program, otherwise this group of cubs will feel under-trained."

"It\'s up to the child\'s mother to make it, and I\'m very relieved to give you these tigers."

"Baby his father, don\'t worry, I know how loving mothers are, and this time I will try my best to practise them a bit."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The boat continued to sway in the center of the lake, the breeze slowly, and the lake rippled.

Xiao Jing looked at the drone from time to time who suddenly popped up and hurriedly retracted, frowning, "Captain, Captain Morrow, they don\'t seem to have left."

"They chose here for secret training, and they certainly won\'t leave so soon." Shen Shengfeng took out a box of chess and placed it beside him, "don\'t worry about them."

"I always feel watched by people subconsciously, so I will not be able to implement my purpose of wanting to be frivolous." Xiao Jing put her hands on her chin, and looked at the person in front of her.

Shen Shengfeng grinned, and took the initiative to stretch his head, "Give you this opportunity."

Xiao Jing held his head and kissed his lips without hesitation. "What if I want to do some mosaic things with you?"

"If you come to Japan, why not be in a hurry?" Shen Shengfeng said, rubbing her red lips lightly between her abdomen, "how about a match?"

"It seems that the captain is very satisfied with his chess skills recently? Have you dared to challenge me as a master?"

"I\'m asking for advice with an open mind and seeking my own shortcomings in the game." Shen Shengfeng put the chessboard on.

Xiao Jing supported her cheeks with one hand, and made Bai Zi in the chess box with the other hand. She said, "The loser must agree to the winner. What does the captain think?"

"Did you know that I would lose?" Shen Shengfeng settled down first.

"There is a small bet that will allow us to go all out to each other." Xiao Jing also put down a son.

"Okay, I promise you."

The breeze swayed by, and the sound of the surrounding wind could be heard clearly.

"A sneeze." Morrow could not help but sneeze. "How long will the two men stay?"

Jiang Feng twitched slightly, "Captain, shall we retreat first and come back in two days?"

Morrow got up from the ground, leaned secretly against the grass, and seriously studied the two figures in the center of the lake, as if to himself, "Aren\'t they cold?"

Jiang Feng lay beside him, answering, "Captain, have you not seen the heater that Captain Xiao Jing has in his hand?"

Morrow pulled off a piece of grass with one hand. "I suddenly couldn\'t figure it out. We trained us, they dated them, and each other\'s wells did not violate the river. Why should I hide here?"

"Captain, I respect your decision. If you say rush out, we will rush out immediately."

Morrow glanced at him. "How can you not make any claims at all? In case I make a wrong decision, you won\'t object to me?"

"You are the captain, and I am your life."

Morrow sat back on the ground. "Forget it, it\'s even more embarrassing to go out and be beaten. I\'m consuming here today, and I don\'t believe the two of them will leave."

The noon sun is more intense and the game will be lonely.

Xiao Jing was a little bit distressed. She used to rely on chess skills to kill the Quartet, but now she is helpless to be led by her nose. When did this guy learn to dress up as a pig and eat tigers? Then step by step to barge her food road, a game, the expedition is most taboo for food and grass, losing one of her ambitions, but she failed to learn.

Shen Shengfeng swallowed half of Xiao Jing\'s rivers and mountains. He gave a grin and said, "It seems that he is powerless."

Xiao Jing bit her red lips lightly. "You always do it on purpose."

"The daughter-in-law needs to know that she is willing to gamble to lose."

Xiao Jing supported her knees with one hand. "Say, what do you want me to promise?"

"I have to think about it." Shen Shengfeng closed the chessboard.

Xiao Jing looked at him a few times, "Captain, or should we have another round. If I lose again this time, I promise you two things. If I win, we have nothing to do."

Shen Shengfeng set up a new game in silence.

Xiao Jing attacked cautiously this time. She had to pay more attention this time.

It\'s a pity that this time Shen Shengfeng is more ruthless than the last attack, leaving no room for it.

Xiao Jing looked at the game of crushing victory and couldn\'t help sighing. "I have a sense of sight that was bitten by a cub raised by myself."

Shen Shengfeng gently rubbed her little head.

Xiao Jing stared at him resentfully. "The captain is going to give me a slap and give me another date?"

"You are great, just a little weaker than me." Shen Shengfeng comforted.

"When did you learn this trick, Captain?" Xiao Jing lay on the chessboard, trying to shift the topic just now.

Shen Shengfeng looked at her awkward movements with all his heart and lifted her from the small stool.

auzw.com Because the two of them stood suddenly, the boat swayed slightly. "What are you doing, Captain?"

"But that\'s right, promise me two requests."

Xiao Jing looked at her nose and nose, and her heart was an expression that she didn\'t want to recognize her account.

Shen Shengfeng held her head, her mouth teasingly raised, "Don\'t think of changing the subject, your captain is a smart person."

"Captain, just tell me, what do you want me to promise you." Xiao Jing froze on him, trying to cover up with beauty.

Shen Shengfeng kissed her lips gently, occupying her territory with an aggressive attack.

Xiao Jing reluctantly fought back, and used her own mouth to anger the other side\'s lips more and more, anxious to take away all the cities of this guy.

Shen Shengfeng supported her waist, feeling the ship was shaking, and hurriedly stopped her barbaric movements, "Xiao Jing, overturning the ship."

Xiao Jing looked closely and realized that the whole hull was shaking violently in the center of the lake. Sure enough, this limited area was not suitable for his own purpose.

Shen Shengfeng could not help but said, "Okay, let\'s go back to the hospital."

"Captain, does this count as your first request to me?" Xiao Jing proudly tiptoes, trying to use her flexible head to cancel the bet.

Shen Shengfeng propped up the oars. "You can be more rogue."

Xiao Jing blinked, "I\'m called Bing Fuzhe."

"Then I have to think about it. I can\'t waste this last requirement in vain." Shen Shengfeng pulled the boat to shore.

Morrow, hiding in the grass, frowned, and muttered quietly, "They are finally leaving."

"Captain, we finally managed to see the moon and the moon." Jiang Feng shouted excitedly.

Morrow also had a hard time concealing Jiang Feng\'s arm, "Yeah, we finally have a dark village and another village, and I will never die."

"Captain, let\'s think about what to do next? Finally, let\'s do our best, we can\'t afford to waste this opportunity for nothing." Jiang Feng was so moved.

"Okay, you\'re the one to say that, we must greet Kangzhuang Avenue with determination and prosperity."

Aside, the Wings team kept silent looking at the captain and the vice team who were hugging together, and everyone looked at each other: the two were afraid of being a fool.

Shen Shengfeng got out of the boat first, gently holding her hand, and took her off the boat.

Xiao Jing stood on the shore, and felt his stomach. "Captain, it seems a bit hungry."

Shen Shengfeng set his eyes on the grass not far away.

Morrow couldn\'t help but beat a shudder. He felt that the guy\'s eyes fell on them.

Sure enough, the next moment, Shen Shengfeng walked all the way without squinting, and stretched out his right hand more brazenly.

Morrow didn\'t know what he meant, he stretched out his hand dubiously, and shrank back nervously. How could he hurt himself like this, knowing that his hand was corrosive, he even wanted to shake hands with me to make peace. There is absolutely no easy compromise.

Shen Shengfeng saw that he had no movement, and continued to extend his hand.

Morrow gritted his teeth and frowned. "If you have something to talk about, don\'t get me these imaginary things."

"Is there food?" Shen Shengfeng opened the door and saw the mountain road.

Morrow almost broke his teeth with an excitement. "Can you still have a shameless face? You grabbed my place and plan to grab my forage."

"My wife and children are hungry." Shen Shengfeng said again.

"What does your wife-hungry have to do with me? No, nothing."

Shen Shengfeng stood still in front of Moro, the air suddenly quieted.

Morrow glanced uneasily at the large pillar in front of him. This pressure, if he was alone on the battlefield, faced the other army, he was about to die, and felt that he would be forced to die by the pressure.

Jiang Feng leaned on his captain\'s shoulder, and murmured, "Captain, the man is not a loss, let us give it to him."

Moro shook his head proudly. "But there are more than a dozen pairs of eyes behind me. I can\'t let our team members know that their captain was robbed of food."

"If we save one by one, food is enough." Jiang Feng said again.

Xiao Jing also poked gently at the waist position of his captain. "Captain, can we not be robbed of good people like this?"

"We are fighting violence with violence, plundering the rich and helping the poor."

"Captain, do you consider me a poor household?"

"Aren\'t you hungry?" Shen Shengfeng asked back.

Xiao Jing nodded. "But I see Captain Mo is crying. We bully him like this. I can\'t bear it."

"Aren\'t you hungry?" Shen Shengfeng repeated the topic again.

Xiao Jing nodded again. "Very hungry."

Shen Shengfeng retracted his gaze and threw it back at Moro who did not respond.

With this look, Morrow almost kneeled softly.

Shen Sheng said, "We are comrades-in-arms."

"" Your old man said the word comrade-in-arms, wouldn\'t your conscience hurt?

"Family and love are good comrades."

"" Does your old man have a conscience?

"Blessed are those who can enjoy the same difficulties and coexist in order to create a harmonious society."

"" Do you **** share it with me? Your conscience is eaten by dogs.

"Eating sole food not only destroys our harmonious life, but also exacerbates the harmonious development between our two teams."

Morrow couldn\'t bear it, grabbed Jiang Feng\'s arm, "Give him, give them all our food, let them go, and let them go."

Jiang Feng took out two bags of compressed bread from his backpack.

"I smelled the meat." Xiao Jing shrugged her nose. "But let\'s just forget that you can have bread to eat. We can\'t ask too much, which is not good for our friendly and harmonious relationship."

Jiang Feng couldn\'t help laughing and took out two bags of dried meat together.

Xiao Jing declined, "Everyone said don\'t be so polite. This is how Jiang\'s vice team goes outside. We are all comrades in hand."

When Jiang Feng saw her, he said that he stuffed all the meat into his pocket, and quietly swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Xiao Jing saluted with a smile, "Today we go through the storm, and we will create a glorious future together, ha ha ha."

Shen Shengfeng carried the clothes of his little soldier to the other side.

Moro squatted on the ground, looking at the two men who were eating bread and holding the flesh, and pumped their mouths. "How much meat do we have left?"

"Give it all," Jiang Feng said.

"Is your child indifferent? How can I give it all?" Morrow questioned.

"Captain, you must not have seen the situation just now. At the moment when Captain Xiao Jing finished speaking, I felt an eye-knife slamming my spine, just as I was planning to give a bag of meat, The knife with only one eye suddenly turned into two, and then my spine became painful inch by inch. As long as I had the slightest hesitation at that time, I must now become a rub.

Moruo hugged Jiang Feng\'s shoulder. "It\'s a hard-working child."

"Captain, we have to be convinced that we will stay in the mountains without worry."

"Good job, we have to maintain such determination and hard work, we will train well, and we must be ashamed of the future."

"Cough." Not far away, Shen Shengfeng covered his mouth and coughed.

Moro\'s legs were soft, turning his head back, grinning, showing a perfect eight teeth smile, "Okay, we are good comrades-in-arms who love each other. Let\'s go hand in hand, go with the storm, create a harmonious society, and strive for everyone Love me, I love everyone. "