Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 363: The Invasion of the Qi Family: The Old Qi Old (Second)

Did she make herself pay back or not?

The long silence makes the whole space float awkwardly.

Xu Jingjing squatted beside Yan Mo, her eyes blinked, she looked sincere and well-behaved. She said, "No need to pay back."

Yan Mo swallowed up the extra words, and he was afraid that if he refuted anything, the woman would show no mercy if he would not worry about whether he was a sir or not.

Xu Jingjing glanced at the non-speaking chief and stood up again. "Drink, don\'t drive."

Yan Mo finally understood her implication, blocked her heart in one breath and couldn\'t stop, he stared at the person in front of her, and finally gave up explaining.

"I\'ll send you." Xu Jingjing stretched out his right hand towards him.

Yan Mo didn\'t know what she intended to do.

"Key." Xu Jing quietly broke.

Yan Mo drew a little from the corner of her mouth to weigh the woman\'s violent tendencies, and still put the car key in her palm.

On an off-road vehicle, the entire car was quiet enough to be empty.

Yan Mo turned on the music in the car, trying to ease the embarrassing atmosphere by soothing the sound of music.

"Sir." Xu Jingjing grasped the steering wheel with both hands and opened his mouth solemnly.

Yan Mo stood on the window with one hand and nodded casually, "What do you want to say?"

"Wipe." Xu Jingjing pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Yan Mo was a little puzzled. He turned on the lights in the car and looked into the mirror without knowing where the paint was on. He hurriedly took out a paper towel and wiped his face indiscriminately.

Xu Jingjing stepped on the brake and pulled over.

Yan Mo has not responded yet, and a hand has been stretched towards him.

Xu Jingjing took out a wet wipe from his pocket and wiped it directly on his face, eliminating the previous rudeness.

Yan Mo looked up in surprise, her unsmiling face was close at hand.

Xu Jingjing was concentrating on wiping the paint on his face, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "OK."

Yan Mo was stunned, her breath was warmly sprayed on her face, and some of it was moist, and the space inside the car was a little closed, as if the frequency of her heartbeat could be enlarged and relaxed every frame.

Xu Jingjing sat back in the driver\'s seat, turned off the roof lights, and resumed the road.

Yan Mo involuntarily looked at her in the direction she was in, and the roadside light fell on her left face, reflecting the face that seemed to be invisible and angry. Laughing, that smile like a dragonfly with no trace of water, and the fragrant revival of all things brought about by the spring breeze, all in all, is still very beautiful.

"Sir." Xu Jingjing called softly.

Yan Mo went back to God, and hurriedly said, "What\'s the matter?"

"Look at me?" Xu Jingjing asked.

Yan Mo guilty turned his eyes away, "I didn\'t look at you, just wondering why you suddenly treat me so well?"

"You are the sir."

"I\'m not your immediate supervisor, aren\'t you? You don\'t have to be so good to me." Yan Mo pretended to look out the car window deeply, and continued to appreciate the loneliness given by Yueye with a gloomy look.

Xu Jingjing stepped on the brake.

Because of inertia, Yan Mo fluttered out of balance. He didn\'t know, "What\'s wrong?"

"Get off." Xu Jingjing said bluntly.

Yan Mo stared, "What do you mean?"

"You\'re right, don\'t dedicate yourself to diligence or steal, you get out of the car and I go back." Xu Jingjing said again.

Yan Mo pumped violently, this seems to be my car.

Xu Jingjing fell sharply on him, "You get off."

"This is my car." Yan Mo reminded.

Xu Jingjing nodded. "Drink and don\'t drive."


"I\'ll drive back for you."

"what about me?"

"Go back." Xu Jingjing unlocked the door.

Yan Mo pretended to be lying flat on the seat, as if he had said nothing and heard nothing.

The atmosphere fell into a deadly awkward silence again.

Yan Mo felt that this woman was not just a barrier to language communication. She was simply having a problem in her mind. She was also a sergeant in her own words. Shouldn\'t she be in awe of the sir? How does it feel that in her eyes, her title of chief is a decoration?

Shame, shame of Chi Guoguo, absolute shame, shameless shame.

Xu Jingjing drove on the road and said, "Let\'s avoid it later."

"" What do I say is like dogskin plaster, am I sticking to you? Did I beg you? It was you who wanted to send me, and you took the initiative to send me. Yan Mo\'s grievances turned away, and surely only his own little Jingjing was the cutest.

Xu Jingjing saw that he did not reply, and continued, "We avoid suspicion."

"I know, I know, the next time I see you, I will take a detour, and I will not jump in front of you. Don\'t worry, I will never let people misunderstand what we have never seen before."

"No need to go around."

"Okay, okay, I don\'t have to go around. I will see you in the future as if I saw the air, pretending not to see it."

"That\'s fine."

Yan Mo could not help but sigh, why was he so tired?

The car drove quietly off the highway.

The night wind was blowing, and the snow that accumulated on the trees from time to time would be rolled up a little.

Day after day.

On the same quiet night, the guards walked orderly through the house.

After the night, Qi\'s house seemed to have entered a state of full curfew, and the entire house turned on the top-secret defense equipment.

Xiao Jing took the hat out of his pocket.

Shen Shengfeng stared at the things in her hand, her eyes were dull. "Although we are here to steal things, we are not thieves. We don\'t need to be so thorough and not to be masked."

"Captain, your head is so shiny that it looks like a light in the moonlight. Other people don\'t need to turn on the light if they want to aim at you. Just look at your head and you can calibrate all the infrared rays." Xiao Jing put a black hood on his head.

Shen Shengfeng cried with laughter.

Xiao Jing also put on a hat, convinced that she had prepared everything, and assembled her weapons.

Shen Shengfeng stood behind the wall and motioned her to step back.

Xiao Jing stepped back two or three steps. If it was a story on TV, the captain of the actor would definitely fly over this five-meter-high wall like a peerless master at this time, and then put down the rope to The actress pulled herself up, and then they started double kill, four kill, five kill, and destroy each other.

Hahaha, it\'s awesome.


However, the reality is the same. The captain of his own family eroded a brick, and then another brick. Although it is not the same as the plot of his association, it is also full of skills, which makes people worship the starry eyes, but the result seems a bit It\'s different.

What is this Dog hole?

The hero turned into a big mansion by drilling a dog hole.

Xiao Jing crouched into the dog hole carefully, and after looking around, he was sure that no one noticed them. A quick step flashed and successfully broke through Qi\'s first line of defense.

"You go up to the second floor, I\'ll go to the first floor." Shen Shengfeng raised her hat. "Be careful, if something goes wrong, retreat immediately."

"Yes, Captain." Xiao Jing stepped on the flower bed and climbed to the empty second-floor window with bare hands.

This should be a storage room. The interior is dark. She carefully rubbed it. According to the plot, such important confidential documents will definitely be placed in places such as safes, and there may be four or five office passwords. In short, it must be dangerous. Heavy.

Xiao Jing turned on the flashlight, looked around, and walked out of the room cautiously. She noticed a few cameras over her head and took out the jammer. The video may show a short period of stuttering. She took advantage of these short seconds Time, rushing from one end of the corridor to the other.

She tried pressing the door lock, and with a click, the door opened.

After entering a room in the last position, Xiao Jing turned on the flashlight and carefully observed the entire layout of the Qi family. There are two suites on the second floor, one is the old room of Qi, and the other is the room of Mrs. Qi. She has some I do n’t understand why the two husbands and wives have to sleep in separate rooms. It is very likely that there is a discord between them. There is no way to help her if they do n’t, because after all, things like marriage are cold and warm.

Xiao Jing turned off the flashlight and walked to the window. She pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window, stood on the balcony, and looked at the balcony next door. That location happened to be Mrs. Qi\'s room.

"Position a4 on the first floor." Shen Shengfeng\'s voice came from the headset.

Xiao Jing, who was about to jump out of the window, stopped suddenly. She leaned over and looked at her position below. A rollover jumped directly from the second-floor balcony to the first-floor balcony. She replied, "Immediately."

Shen Shengfeng stood in front of the one-person-high safe, hesitant to move.

Xiao Jing avoided the guards along the way, and panted into the room.

The light in the room was dim, and she approached him by the moonlight outside the window. "Captain, what\'s wrong?"

"This is a full-line induction safe. There are only three chances to enter the wrong password. Once you enter the wrong password three times, the safe will immediately trigger an alarm. At that time, the entire study will become a death cell without an exit." Holding this safe.

"So you must be inside?" Xiao Jing reached out and wanted to touch this cabinet, but worried that she might touch something and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

Shen Shengfeng is not very sure, "The things placed in it must be very valuable. Even if it is not the documents we need, it will also have a certain value for us. Open it and say."

"Then you know the password? This full-line safe is made of special materials and cannot be cut by even lasers. Even sulfuric acid can\'t corrode, let alone destroy any data in it, it will still trigger the alarm immediately."

"It seems you have learned a lot." Shen Shengfeng rubbed her head gently.

"What is the captain intending to do? If we break this thing forcibly, we might not be able to run out." Xiao Jing turned around the room twice, and the small holes on the wall were dense. It can be imagined that the alarm will be triggered once it is triggered. What are the consequences.

Shen Shengfeng raised his mouth slightly. "What do you think I should do?"

Xiao Jing frowned, seeing his movements, "The captain wants to corrode directly?"

"Yes," Shen Shengfeng said indiscriminately.

"But the many data lines crisscrossed on this panel cannot be destroyed."

"Did I say I made this board?" Shen Shengfeng took her hand to the balcony.

Xiao Jing frowned even tighter. "The captain intends to give up?"

"We came in from the next door." Shen Shengfeng flipped over the window and jumped into the next room, and then put his hands on the door lock. Water began to drip from the tentacles, but for a moment, the locked window popped open. eye.

Xiao Jing could not help but said, "Qi Lao will hate you. I guess he never dreamed that someone would make a hole next to him."

Shen Shengfeng calculated the location of the safe, his palms covered the wall, and the wall gray began to fall off.

Xiao Jing stood aside, covering his mouth and coughing, "Captain, wouldn\'t you be stabbed by the old man by Qi Lao?"

"It is estimated that many people will raise me in silence." Shen Shengfeng knocked on a steel plate under his palm.

Xiao Jing stepped forward, "This is it."

"Well, here it is."

About two or three minutes later, a small hole was exposed in front of the two.

Xiao Jing handed the flashlight, "Did you see it?"

Shen Shengfeng looked at the overlapping documents inside, and he was not sure which one they were looking for.

"The captain should still come to me. I\'m afraid you\'ll erode everything inside with excitement."

Shen Shengfeng moved away.

Xiao Jing stuck her head in, holding a flashlight in her mouth, rummaging page by page.

"Well." Outside the door, a sound of footsteps sounded methodically.

Shen Shengfeng raised his head, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, his brows tightened involuntarily.

Xiao Jing also heard someone\'s voice and hurriedly speeded up his movements.

"Qi Lao, you\'re right, the Shen family seems to have acted recently."

"I understand your concerns. For safety\'s sake, we burned things that shouldn\'t be exposed together." Qi Lao stood outside the study and looked at the two people who were behind him.

Xun Xun nodded, "It really should have been dealt with long ago, let\'s stop worrying about ourselves, and now we must be unanimous to be selected."

"Xun Lao is right, we opened the sunroof and made it clear. At this time, we deal with those restless guys first." Xue Lao said slightly, "Although those who know that thing are basically dead It\'s gone, but no one can guarantee whether they will tell others before they are dying. "

"All these years have been calm, and we haven\'t thought about dealing with these things. Now we have to face up to this matter, and we must deal with it, leaving it a scourge after all." Qi Lao opened the door to the study.

Xun Lao stood outside the door. "Qi Lao\'s suggestion is good. The three of us destroyed it at the same time. You don\'t have to worry about who will stump us behind. Open the skylight to speak brightly. We don\'t have to cover it up."

"These years can also be regarded as an open fight. In fact, we should have been fighting with the enemy for a long time, and then stabilize the military." Xue Lao went into the room, the lights in the room turned on, and he sat on the sofa with his legs raised.

"We are so many years old comrades-in-arms. We have been discussing the matter together for so many years in the military department. How many storms have experienced inside and out. We did not expect that when we were old, we were disturbed by one or two young people. . "Xun Lao directly put the document on the table.

Xue Lao also took it out, "Qi Lao, you can take it out too, and destroy it together early so that we can sleep well when we go back."

Qi Lao made two pots of tea, "OK."

"We are even jealous of ourselves, how can we deal with outsiders together?" Xun Lao took a sip of tea and sneered like a mockery, "Take it out."

Qi Lao went to the safe.

Xiao Jing listened to the conversation that stopped, and went through all the documents more and more nervously, one after another, overlapping.

Qi Lao\'s footsteps were getting closer and closer, and she could almost feel the cold sweat on her forehead.

Shen Shengfeng listened to the abrupt voice and grabbed Xiao Jing\'s hand. "Don\'t find it, hurry up."

Xiao Jing looked at the file persistently, and the number keys were pressed, and the sound was deliberately enlarged in the closed safe space.

Xue Lao put down the tea cup and said quietly, "But what is the Shen family plotting? There has been a lot of military relocation recently, and we haven\'t even notified our military department many times."

"In the near future, military exercises will be held, and military force transfer is also normal." Xun Lao disapproved. "Not to mention that Mrs. Xiao just passed away, and Xiao Ye had no time to plan with him."

"It\'s strange to say, why isn\'t this Mrs. Xiao good enough? Don\'t you think this is a trap?" Xue Lao asked.

"I don\'t think this is a trap. Instead, Xue Lao has been concerned about the Shen and Xiao families recently. She is so exhausted that she can still fall asleep tonight?" There was a smirk in the corner of Xun Lao\'s mouth, and his eyes were shaking. Fall on Xue Lao, the intention is obvious, that is, mocking his cautiousness.

Xue Lao said coldly, "As soon as we have finished talking, we have to quarrel with our enemies, have we started to quarrel with our elders?"

"I\'m just talking about it. Let\'s do business, Qi Lao, how long will you open this safe?"

After Qi Lao lost the password, **** were placed on the fingerprint lock at the same time, and then a panel reader was popped up. After the pupil scan was confirmed to be correct, the safe popped up.

Qi Lao opened the cabinet, but at the next moment, his eyes sank.