Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 352: A moment with the captain's Spring Festival (one more)

The two nodded to each other unconsciously.

Xiao Yan faced the window, and snowflakes piled up on the window sill, but for a short time, only a vast frost was left.

Shen Shengfeng said, "I don\'t know what father-in-law\'s plan is, but I think our plan definitely has the same taste."

"Xiao Yu told me that our Xiao family had been doing their part for so many years, and created a misunderstanding for everyone above and below, ignorantly thinking that we are the pawns who are receptive." Xiao Yan drew a finger on the window, Under the pressure of the cold and hot air, a layer of water mist condensed on the window. As soon as his finger slipped, the water droplets rolled down, leaving a deep gully.

Shen Shengfeng commented, "Maybe we should create a good atmosphere for the next generation, rather than let them face the situation that they can be abandoned at any time as soon as they are born."

"I used to think that we were soldiers. In my subconscious, there was only the option of obeying military orders. However, I have now discovered that the military department that I am dedicated to guarding. They are using my family." Xiao Yan turned around, two or two Looking at each other, "My father and I have also discussed it, and it is time to shoot."

"Did you know that?"

"If people do n’t know how to do it, why can\'t I guess it?" Xiao Yan tapped the table with his fingertips. "A wonderful show."

"My plan is to knock on the mountain and start with the first one," Shen Shengfeng said without thinking.

"I happen to think so too. Qi Lao and Xue Lao are not so easy to each other. The two are a smiling tiger and a sly fox. Both are thoughtful characters. If we choose one pair, the other person will definitely Every effort was made to win over the old, and when they crossed the river and dismantled the bridge, they were swallowed up by the military, and it was not easy for us to deal with it. "

"So choose the weakest one to discard first. Both of them will have their own ills and will certainly not help each other sincerely, breaking this balance and watching them fight."

"It\'s just that we can think of them, they can certainly think of them, so they will rush in front of us to look for the old, who is straightforward and easy to be tempted to be used." Xiao Yan opened the military newspaper, "He yesterday Has been discharged. "

"It looks like there shouldn\'t be any further delay."

Xiao Zheng didn\'t say anything, but when he set his eyes on Shen Shengfeng, he couldn\'t help crying and laughing with his bright head, reminding him, "Let\'s get wigs?"

Shen Shengfeng touched his head. "I think it\'s good."

Xiao Yan also said nothing more, "You like it."

"Well." Qin Yue knocked on the door. "Is the master over? It\'s time for dinner."

"It\'s almost there, let\'s talk after dinner." Xiao Yan walked out of the study.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is always filled with laughter.

Xiao Yan is a rough man. When he saw Shen Shengfeng\'s head, the suppressed resentment in these years seemed to be released instantly. He opened his throat and laughed, "Good reincarnation in heaven, who has spared and who has spared in heaven."

"Boss, you can\'t talk when you\'re eating, you have nothing to say after dinner." Xiao Yan said quietly, sandwiching vegetables.

Xiao Min swallowed up the extra words, and had to look at the bright round head secretly.

"Well," bursts of rapid footsteps came from the yard.

"Mrs. Marshal does not see guests today." The steward tried to prevent Xiao Chen from entering, but was forced to fall to the ground by a group of people she brought.

Xiao Chen entered the house without squinting all the way, watching a group of people who were enjoying their meals, sneering, "It seems that I\'m not here at the right time, disturbing you to enjoy Yaxing."

"Slap." Xiao Yan irritably lowered his chopsticks and yelled, "Guard."

The steward led the guards in a hurry.

Xiao Yong pointed expressionlessly at the elegant and luxurious woman who wore it, "Send this lady out, but I don\'t see foreigners today."

Xiao Chen took off his coat and snorted, "I am still a surname Xiao anyway. Even if you don\'t recognize my sister, I have to recognize my ancestors as the descendants of the Xiao family."

Xiao Xuan was angry, "Xiao Chen, what do you think you look like to talk to me about the words of the descendants of the Xiao family?"

"Okay, we don\'t talk about this. You are the first filial son in the flower country. Who knows that the Emperor Xiaohuang of the Empire respected his teachers and honored his parents, but today I saw that it was a misunderstanding of the world. "

"Xiao Chen, I said finally to invite you out." Xiao Yan stood up, supported the table with both hands, and used all his strength to resist his anger.

Xiao Chen sarcastically sarcastically said, "Why, I\'m right, and now I\'m ashamed? Xiao You, you say that I have no conscience to kill my father, and you have a conscience, and the family and eating together in harmony, But leave your mother with a stroke and hemiplegia alone in Jiangcheng regardless of it. This is what you call a conscience. "

"How I treat my mother ca n’t accuse you of being an outsider. You are no longer a child of the Xiao family. I respect you for being the first husband and a kind person. Please go out. If you have to go further, I think I will Throw you out and leave. "Xiao Yan growled.

Xiao Chen was standing still in the center of the house, surrounded by guards ready to go. She said coldly, "I will go, I just want to see how her mother\'s most proud son abandoned her. of."

"Continue to eat." Xiao Yan sat back in his chair, holding the rice bowl, completely ignored the intruder.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, "I was told to poke my heart out? Xiao You said in a mouthful that I was ashamed of the Xiao family. You are so ashamed of your parents, why are you not like me?"

"Yes, so we didn\'t deserve to enter Xiao\'s heroes\' graveyard after death." Xiao Yan looked up at each other.

"The big Xiao family has a lot of scenery in the eyes of outsiders, and the flowers are like flowers. In fact, it\'s just that the outer reality is hollow, flashy, and the sadness of people walking away.

"Did you finish it?" Xiao Yan clenched his chopsticks tightly with fingers, and cracks had appeared on the surface of the chopsticks, as if he tried harder, it would break into two pieces.

Xiao Chen shook his head, "You really want me to say, I mean, I wo n’t finish the day. You and I are the same selfish people. You say that it is a sinful felony to give up my father for a man, and you give up your mother for a woman Isn\'t it also a sinner? Why can\'t I be forgiven, but you can sit here with peace of mind? "

"Xiao Chen, you\'re right, we are all selfish people, so after we die, we will facelessly see our father and the ancestors of the Xiao family."

"What I said is quite fair. I am quite yours. You are obviously the same kind of person, but you see yourself as noble and derogatory to me."

"I just want to make this home harmonious, warm, laughter, and happy. Even if I do something treasonable, I am willing to go to eighteen floors of **** after death and be willing to be punished." Xiao Yan shook up the rice bowl and ate a grain of rice.

Xiao Chen looked at the man who was suddenly old in the head position, and then looked at the sons and daughters who were sitting together. She silently had a sense of weakness. Maybe she was jealous. Jealousy is also the brother of sinners. But there is such a harmonious home.

A harmonious home.

"When you are finished, please come back. We need to eat." Xiao Yan continued to refuse customers.

Xiao Chen was sitting at the table with his buttocks facing the housekeeper on the side, "I\'m a visitor. I didn\'t eat, so add a pair of tableware."

The housekeeper looked at Xiao Kun in distress.

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Chen\'s eyes intently, and also knew the sister\'s temperament, and nodded, "Let\'s eat."

There was a weird atmosphere at the dining table.

Xiao Chen took a sip of soup and looked at the brightest head in it. "General Shen Shengfeng\'s hairstyle is very beautiful. He is indeed an imperial general and has courage."

Shen Shengfeng replied, "I also think this hairstyle is pretty good."

"Although it\'s a bit late, but I still want to say something, congratulations." Xiao Chen clipped a green vegetable. "I haven\'t prepared anything for the children in a hurry. I will bring them some baby needs when I come back tomorrow. s things."

"No, you won\'t be here in the future." Xiao Yan refused. "You don\'t need to say at home for business affairs. If it\'s a private business, I don\'t think there\'s any private affairs between us."

"You have nothing to tell me, but I have something to tell you." Xiao Chen leaned back on the back of the chair, smiling, "I think there may be many topics between us, after all, I haven\'t talked well for so many years. Now. "

"Do you have to keep making trouble for me?" Xiao Yan no longer gave a good expression.

Xiao Chen shook his head. "I don\'t have so much time to trouble you. I just wanted to tell you that your mother may not be able to survive this winter."


"Snap" Xiao Ming slaps at the table and "goes out."

"Don\'t say anything nasty to me about the New Year. The old lady suffered a second stroke today. It may have been me. If you go to see her another day, it will probably be the last one." Xiao Chen stood up and looked at the children of the Xiao family in a room of silence, pouting, "Sadness is nothing but heart, no matter what she did before, now she is just a helpless and lonely old man."

The entire Xiao family was silent.

Qin Hui and his servants cleaned up the food on the table.

Xiao Yan held her hand in one hand, "No need to do these things."

"Master, after all, she is your mother. Although she was a bit harsh on our mother and daughter in those years, she is also your biological mother and Xiao Yu\'s grandma. In any case, she should get one for free." He shook his hand. "I know your concerns. Don\'t worry about me. If I don\'t have this tolerance, how can I be your wife of the Marshal of the Empire?"

"Let\'s go together?"

"Master, old lady won\'t want to see me."

"You are my wife and her daughter-in-law. It is true whether she wants it or not." Xiao Yan stood up. "I said, I want to respect you."

Qin Yan lips smiled, "I have enough of this sentence, while it\'s not too late, you go, I stay at home to help Xiao Jing take care of the children."

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and nodded, "I will be back tomorrow morning."

"Don\'t be so anxious, I haven\'t seen each other in such a long time, and I will accompany her well. I want to raise and keep my love. I don\'t want you to regret it later.

Xiao Yan hugged her thin body and "rested early."

The Xiao family was completely quiet.

Xiao Jing leaned in front of the window, staring at the several figures leaving the yard, and squinted at the captain next to him.

Shen Shengfeng put one hand on her shoulder, and she was gentle and right, "Will you feel uncomfortable?"

"Captain, do you think of me as a kind of cautious woman with a small belly?"

"I just thought she used to be so mean to my daughter-in-law. No matter what she turned out to be in her old age, I thought it was retribution and it was heavenly."

"team leader--"

"So there is no need to force ourselves, we are all adults, we hate when we are, and love when we have love."

Xiao Jing nestled in his arms, "There is nothing uncomfortable, my wish is world peace."

Shen Shengfeng poked her head. "Nonsense."

Xiao Jing stomped on his face with his toes, leaning closer and tighter, she said, "Captain, I found that you have the same qualitative changes today and yesterday."

Shen Shengfeng didn\'t understand her implication, "What\'s wrong with me?"

Xiao Jing\'s cheeks were slightly red, "What do you think?"

Shen Shengfeng knew her intentions, put her hands on her waist, and hugged her against the wall. "Although the second brother speaks like a joke, it is quite right to think about it carefully. Unspeakable ease. "

Xiao Jing put his hands on his shoulders, with a smile on his face, "It seems that the treatment process can not be interrupted, we must continue to work harder, maybe in two more courses, the captain will be so cured."

"This plan is good, and it can be implemented according to this plan."

"Then the captain thinks the timing is right tonight?" Xiao Jing embraced his neck more boldly and began to try to loosen his collar.

Shen Shengfeng put her hands on her waist, pressed her fingers slightly, and a ray of white smoke began to corrode from her clothes.

Xiao Jing was startled and clasped his hand, "Captain, can\'t burn clothes."

Shen Shengfeng didn\'t like the cunning martial arts of undressing. He tried to loosen her collar gently, but twisted it twice. The button seemed to be tightened tighter. He pulled it and couldn\'t open it.

Xiao Jing frowned. "Forget it, just burn it."

Shen Shengfeng also felt that he didn\'t need to take off his clothes so much, and he put his hands on her clothes again, smoking, and began to show her skin.

"Well." The knock on the door suddenly sounded. The next moment, Qin Yue pushed the door directly. "Xiao Jing, how much milk do babies need to eat?"

Xiao Jing pushed Shen Shengfeng away in a reflective way, and then shouted, "Captain, say you have to control your ability, and see that you have exercised so many times, or burned my clothes."

Qin Yue stood awkwardly at the door of the room. Did she bother?

As Xiao Jing walked in guilty conscience, she said, "When you want to practice with me, the captain, you have to control your size. I have such a dress."

Qin Yue understood that, and nodded, "You guys really do. Do n’t burn clothes if you want to train. This winter, it is easy to catch cold."

Xiao Jing nodded solemnly, "You can rest assured that we will use other things for training in the future. Isn\'t my mother asking me how much milk powder to eat? Grandma said, about 120 to 150."

"Okay, I\'ll feed the babies, and you should rest early." Qin Yan closed the door.

Xiao Jing had a lesson learned this time, and hurriedly locked the door to ensure foolproofness, and rushed over with enthusiasm.

Shen Shengfeng hugged her waist, pressed her directly to the bed, and raised the corner of her mouth in a joke, "You don\'t worry about the mother suddenly turning back?"

Xiao Jing kissed his lips. "Not afraid, we have evidence."

Shen Shengfeng lowered his head and deepened the kiss, and hesitated to occupy all of her without hesitation. "Yeah, we have evidence."

The moonlight outside the window was like a mirror, and the dark clouds quietly covered the silent blushing moon.

There is a cricket in the house

The two cars drove off the highway on a moonlit night.

Inside the Jiangcheng Villa, the lights were on all night.

All medical staff exited the room quietly.

Xiao Yuan stayed in the house for a short while, and everyone stood side by side without talking.

"What\'s wrong with the old lady." He looked at the belated doctors.

A man headed by them said, "The situation is not very good. This time the old lady has fallen down the intracranial hypertension. The blood vessels may burst at any time. Although this situation is a radical operation, this is the second stroke of the old lady. She is so old that she has less than a 10% chance of success in the operating room. "

Xiao Yue entered the room. There was only a dim light in the room. He looked at the old man with weak breathing on the bed, closed his eyes and couldn\'t bear to see it.

"So I recommend conservative treatment first, but the chance of success is also very low. At this time, I need the marshal\'s consent, whether it is surgical treatment or conservative treatment."

"The old lady is proud all her life, she doesn\'t want to die on that cold operating table by herself." Xiao Yan waved his hand and motioned everyone to quit.

When Mrs. Xiao heard the voice, her eyes opened weakly, her eyes were blurry and overlapping, and she seemed to see a figure coming towards her from the mist.

Old man, are you finally willing to pick me up?