Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 351: My baby grandchildren

Shen Shengfeng walked down the stairs. He didn\'t feel any strange behavior in his behavior. He said, "Baby are sleeping?"

Mrs. Shen walked forward timidly, carefully studying the people in front of her.

It was him, the unfortunate living Lord of the Three Kings Shen Shen.

It was him, the great general Shen Shengfeng, who was invincible and attacked at will.

Why is he looking so funny now?

That head is still shining, right, why is it so bright?

Shen Shengfeng noticed the tearful expression in the eyes of the old man, covered his mouth and coughed, "Grandma, you have something to say."

Mrs. Shen held her heart in one hand and took a breath. "Sun, what about your hair?"

"I didn\'t control it for a while, and the corrosion was clean." Shen Shengfeng touched his head again, as if it was smooth.

Mrs. Shen slaps and slaps, "What have you done? How can a black hair turn into scum?"

"Grandma, I will control myself in the future."

Mrs. Shen sighed sadly, "Can it still grow?"

"Why doesn\'t it grow?"

Mrs. Shen breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately fortunately, I can still grow out."

"You don\'t have to worry, I will know the size in the future."

Mrs. Shen glanced at him, "You talk about you. You have made yourself so funny and so ridiculous. Why don\'t you know to wear a wig?"

"Grandma, do you think the captain can wear a wig?" Xiao Jing stepped forward and said.

Mrs. Shen carefully looked at him again, "Don\'t you say that you can recover to a semi-normal state? You don\'t need to wear gloves, why can\'t you wear a wig?"

"Grandma, do you think it\'s ugly for me?" Shen Shengfeng asked without asking.

Mrs. Shen shook her head. "It\'s not ugly, but it feels a bit dazzling." Mrs. Shen sat back on the sofa. "If you don\'t want to wear it, don\'t wear it."

Shen Shengfeng nodded without a trace, "Baby are sleeping?"

"Just fell asleep."

"Father and mother, are they going to Captain Liu\'s?"

"It\'s almost Chinese New Year. I should sit down and set the wedding date by the way, and then visit the Xiao family in two days." Mrs. Shen\'s face was embarrassed. It is also a bit of conscience, knowing that Fuze is our Shen family. "

"It looks like they won\'t be back tonight. Why don\'t we go back to Xiao\'s house tonight?" Shen Shengfeng asked.

"What the captain says is what." Xiao Jing followed behind him.

The sun was shining brightly on the grass at noon, the breeze was lightly blowing on the grass, and water droplets slid over the branches and leaves, dripping water.

Mrs. Xiao faced the mountain in front of her, closing her eyes and keeping her eyes closed.

Suddenly the wheelchair shook slightly, and she was awakened and opened her eyes narrowly.

Even if she didn\'t see who was behind, but the smell of the familiar perfume struck, she knew who it was.

Xiao Chen walked to the wheelchair with a bunch of lilies and said with a smile, "Mother heard that you have seen improvement recently. I will come to see you as soon as I return from country M."

Mrs. Xiao continued to close her eyes and ignored the woman standing in front of her.

Xiao Chen said by himself, "I heard that people who are sick will feel good when they look at the flowers. I know you like lilies, and I will send them to you every day."

Mrs. Xiao stretched out her left hand and left the bunch of lilies on the ground without mercy.

Xiao Chen was not upset, and continued, "It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t like it. I\'ll bring it back for you tomorrow."

"Go." Madam Xiao growled.

"Mother, you have been here for so long. Except I came to see you, did your proud son think of you?"

Mrs. Xiao wanted to stand up emotionally, but fell down again and again.

Xiao Chen sneered with ridicule, "He is now on the line with the lady at home, not to mention how happy he is."

"Go, go, you go, you go." Mrs. Xiao kept calm as much as possible.

Xiao Chen stood upright, walked to the old lady deliberately, with delicate makeup on her face, but gradually twisted in her bitter smile, she said, "You let me go, I can go, But mother, do you regret it? Your hard-working son doesn\'t even need your mother now. "


"And your grandchildren who have always been proud. Have they ever thought of your grandma? The same is never even seen, mother, don\'t hate me, at least you hate your disgusted daughter when you are most helpless I still remember you. "

"Let\'s go." Madam Xiao wanted to stand up with a wheelchair in her left hand. She just moved a little bit and fell back again.

Xiao Chen squatted down and looked at her, "It\'s so cold here as to live for the dead, but their Xiao family is harmonious, but they leave you as a 70-year-old old man in this deep mountain old forest. What do you hate me about? ? Without me, would you have a second person here? "

"Let\'s go, I beg you, go." Mrs. Xiao closed her eyes and didn\'t want to listen to one more sentence.

Xiao Chen shook his head. "It doesn\'t matter if you hate me and hate me. I am also your daughter. They don\'t want you, I want."

"Let\'s go." Mrs. Xiao struck Xiao Chen\'s face with one hand, exhausting her strength.

With a slap, Xiao Chen was snoring, not even expecting a person who was completely paralyzed on the right side of his body after a stroke, and still had such strength. She fell to the ground, the grass wet her clothes, and her eyes Red looked at the angry old man.

Mrs. Xiao was stunned, "Go."

Xiao Chen stood up, raised his head proudly, "I said, even if you do n’t like me anymore, I am your daughter. When you are sick and helpless, I will take care of you. The weather is cold, we return room."

Mrs. Xiao wanted to struggle from the wheelchair.

Xiao Chen insisted on pushing the wheelchair and wanted to walk back to the house. "It will be another two days to celebrate the New Year. I will stay here with you. By the way, please call your son-in-law, and we will have a happy year this year."

Mrs. Xiao didn\'t want to be touched by her body, she kept on supporting her body, and finally fell out of balance and fell to the ground. The dirt on her forehead was dirty, and she used her intact left hand to keep mopping. On the ground and want to leave here.

Xiao Chen\'s body trembled violently, because she was unwilling, she gritted her teeth to prevent all of her negative emotions from erupting.

The medical staff not far away saw the old lady crawling on the ground and ran over one by one.

"No one is allowed to help her up." Xiao Chen growled.

The medical staff around them stared in disbelief.

Xiao Chen clenched his hands into fists, "How could my mother so proud to accept the help offered? No, that was a blasphemy against her."

Mrs. Xiao exhausted her strength and couldn\'t support her body. She gave up and lay on the cold ground like this.

Everyone dared not step forward or back, the whole picture seemed to be still.

auzw.com The sunset turned red, and a car parked in front of Xiao\'s house.

The heavy iron gate slowly opened, Qin Yue saw the people coming down from the car, and he walked hurriedly, but he only walked two steps. She looked stunned and looked at a loss. Something wrong.

My baby daughter is holding her own baby grandson, and then, is the man with that glimmering light is his grandpa and grandson Shen?

The picture seems something wrong? Why is his head so bright?

Xiao Ying originally intended to wait in the living room steadily, but couldn\'t help but wanted to look towards the door. Didn\'t the housekeeper just report that he had arrived? Why hasn\'t there been any movement for so long?

He couldn\'t wait any longer, hurriedly got up from the sofa, and strode toward the yard like a meteor.

There are few breeze, and a faint scent of earth lingers in the air.

Qin Yue organized this language, but felt that her sentence was pale and weak. She was silent for a moment, and then silent for a while. What should I say?

"Mom, do you think it\'s funny, right?" Xiao Jing said for her.

Qin Yan glanced at her, "He is your husband."

Xiao Jing covered her mouth and smiled, and put her sister in the arms of her mother, and said, "When I first met the captain, it was such an expression of eating shit. The guy who is a prisoner in labor camp is really the captain of my family who is too forgiving? Sure enough, who has Cangtian forgiving. "

Qin Yue slapped the back of Xiao Jing with a slap, "He is your husband."

Xiao Jing tugged the corner of Shen Shengfeng behind him gently. "Of course I know he is my husband."

"But why is it so good? Why is this hair gone?" Qin Yan said as gently as possible.

"There was something wrong with the task," Shen Shengfeng explained.

"Did you get hurt?"

"No, it\'s just that the hair is gone, but you can rest assured that it will soon grow out."

"Yeah, mom, you have already begun to look up, and have a little bit of hands. Yesterday, this head was still bright and bright. Today, I have seen a lot of denseness, hahaha." Xiao Jing laughed whimpering with a voice. lung.

As soon as Xiao Yue entered the yard, he heard the laughter, the pace of his feet moving faster. The first thing he saw was the little girl in Qin Yuan\'s arms. The little girl was squinting at two eyes. It seemed that I heard the mother\'s laughter and stared at her without blinking.

Xiao Jing saw his father\'s figure, the laughter came to an abrupt end, and he stood steadily.

Xiao Chen said, "Is this a big happy event? How did you laugh?" As he got closer, he gradually saw Shen Shengfeng who happened to be blocked by Xiao Jing.

The head was bright, he was almost doubting whether he had cataract, some presbyopia.

Xiao Jing noticed that her father\'s expression was also unbelievable, and the laughter just stopped showing signs of recovery again.

Shen Shengfeng rubbed her little head. "After a while, my father will say that I am your husband."

Xiao Su suddenly felt that his pace was a bit heavy. He tried to take two steps. In the end, he couldn\'t ignore the shiny head and frowned, "Are you planning to become a monk?"

"Master, Shengfeng had a little accident when performing the task. It\'s no problem. Hair will grow out in two days." Qin Yuan round the road.

Xiao Yan frowned even more. "Are there accidents in the execution of the task? Does anyone other than us know this?"

"My father is worried about the military\'s use of questions?" Shen Shengfeng asked.

"Because of safety, I\'ll say that you want to change a hairstyle later." Xiao Yan covered his mouth and coughed slightly. "Although it\'s dazzling, but the face is here, it\'s still handsome." Xiao Yan said.

"Of course, our son-in-law is also a figure of dragons and phoenixes, but it is just a hairless general and is still a great general in the empire." Qin Min teased Xiao Nizi, the flamboyant little face blushing Yes, it seems that there is a little force, and a shallow trace will be left on the face.

"Come, let grandpa hug." Xiao Yan carefully hugged his sister in his arms. "To be honest, I really hate your uncultured dad. Shen Yifen Shenbifen. My good-looking granddaughter is called Difenyi. See you? "

Shen Shengfeng nodded. "We are still discussing the name. We can change it to something nice."

"Well, it\'s better to change it. In the future, your son\'s son will be called Shen Yi second? Do you think the name Shen Yi second will not be misunderstood? Girls even if the boy called one second, he grew up He will be laughed at later. "Xiao Xiaozui said," Without culture is not the same. Every day, every minute, every second, it is passed out to say hello. "

"Well, the wind is also strong in the yard, and the babies are going to be frozen, so go in and talk about it." Qin Hui embraced his brother and wrapped the child in his coat.

Tea in the hall.

Outside the hall, heavy snow fell.

Xiao Yu was wearing a military uniform, and these Xu Xuehua were still on his shoulders. When he heard that his relatives and nephew came back, he almost went through three red lights to fight back in the shortest time.

As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Yu saw at first sight two little guys with two big eyes looking at unfamiliar surroundings, a pink face, a small and exquisite little mouth, and he was exactly the same as his fourth child.

"Brother is back." Xiao Jing stood up, seeing the man who was putting on his coat at the door.

Xiao Yu stepped forward, his eyes were completely on his brother and sister, because there was still coldness in his body, he did not hug the child for the first time, but he felt inexplicably that there was something particularly bright on the right rear.

Shen Shengfeng noticed someone looking at the red fruit, raised his eyes, and met his eyes.

Xiao Yu ’s dark eyes were lighted up as he narrowed his eyes. He squinted, “Your hair—”

Shen Shengfeng automatically ignored his eyes and continued drinking tea.

Xiao Yu also stopped questioning, after all, he was not the kind of gossip.

They just ignored the other person.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha." As soon as Xiao Qiao entered the house, the voice did not stop, the laughter was about to pass away.

A pair of eyes knives, two eyes knives, and finally the eyes of the whole family fell on his thin body together.

Xiao Yan pumped sharply at the corner of his mouth. He was thinking about whether he wanted to steal music, so it seems a bit stupid to open the taunt function. Not to mention Shen Shengfeng\'s combat effectiveness alone, if coupled with Xiao Jing, the second sister, I\'m afraid we don\'t have to eat this meal today.

Xiao Jing patted the table, staring blankly at the man who was still smirking, and said, "He is your brother-in-law."

"Ahem." Xiao Yan controlled his facial expression and nodded. "Yes, brother-in-law."

"No matter what he looks like, he is your brother-in-law." Xiao Jing said intently.

Xiao Zheng nodded cautiously again, "Yes, he is my brother-in-law."

Xiao Jing stepped forward solemnly and patted Xiao Yan\'s back, "Although he looks funny, but he is your brother-in-law anyway, you have to give your brother-in-law a face, after all, he is holding up He will not show mercy. "

Xiao Yan hurriedly hid his gloat and promised, "Four sisters, rest assured, no matter how my brother-in-law becomes, even if he looks disfigured, even if he is bald, even if his limbs are not diligent and the grain is not separated, In my eyes, there were men who were as majestic as Takayama, and I will always remember his achievements and remember them. "

"I am satisfied with this realization, and you are not allowed to ridicule your brother-in-law in the future. If he does not control himself, he will not erode you. You can see that he is ruthless and even pits himself, not to mention you are a little bit like this. My brother, who has no roots, is also the only child of my uncle\'s family. "

"I know, sister, thanks to your reminding me, I will be secretly happy later."

Xiao Jing nodded comfortably with a teachable expression, "Sister is also secretly happy."

Shen Shengfeng turned a deaf ear to the conversation between the two second-hand goods behind him, put down the tea cup, looked at Xiao Yan, and said, "Father, I want to talk to you alone."

"Let\'s go to the study." Xiao Yan put down the baby.

In the quiet study, the clock pendulum was shaking in an orderly manner.

"I have a plan, a plan that could cause a major earthquake in the military, but I don\'t think this plan should be delayed for a long time."

"I also have a plan, a plan that may scare the older generation of the military, and I also think that this plan cannot be dragged on."