Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 353: Mrs. Xiao passed away (secondary)

Xiao Yan noticed that the old lady\'s eyes were not right, and hurried forward to hold her hand, her voice was a little dumb, as if with a lot of strength, "Mother."

An old mother awakened Mrs. Xiao. She turned her head, and the mist of water gradually dissipated, and she finally saw the person clearly.

Xiao Yiru slumped in his throat, just half kneeled beside the bed, "Are you okay?"

Mrs. Xiao shook her head tiredly and did not speak.

Xiao Min bowed his head, "Mother, I know you must hate me in your heart, and I know I have committed the heinous sin of unforgiveness."

Mrs. Xiao clenched her fingers tightly. She wanted to speak, but she couldn\'t say a word, and her mouth trembled violently. The feeling of powerlessness made her despair.

Xiao Yan clenched her hand, "Don\'t be too excited, please tell me something slowly."

Mrs. Xiao closed her eyes, the corners of her eyes were wet and moist.

Xiao Zheng wiped her face. "Mother, you must have anger in your heart, and you blame me and blame me, but I have treated them badly for more than 20 years. I don\'t want to be an irresponsible man."

Mrs. Xiao wanted to retract her hand. Yes, she wanted to retract her hand with some anger.

But Xiao Yan clenched her hand firmly, word by word, clear words, "Whether you are angry or blame, these are my responsibilities. I want a complete home. There are laughter and Happiness and family reunion. "

"No, don\'t, don\'t say it again." Mrs. Xiao uttered a word as hard as possible, her body trembling violently, she felt her head hurt, as if something had broken open.

"Beep beep." Xiao Yan heard the harsh alarm and stood up anxiously. "What\'s going on?"

Paramedics rushed in through the door.

Xiao Yan was pushed out of the room, and the door was closed tightly. In the last gap, he saw the helpless and hopeless look of the old man, with tears in his eyes.

Xiao Yu stood aside, watching the crowds rushing in, frowning, "Father, what\'s wrong?"

Xiao Xuan stood on the wall with one hand and shook his head. "After all, I have either failed their mother or daughter or I have failed my mother."

"If grandma really wants a home, it won\'t make you so embarrassed. As long as she relaxes, our Xiao family will not be so cold and cold in the past 20 years." Xiao Yudao said.

"You\'re right, it\'s all because of me."

About half an hour, the doctors walked out of the suite tiredly.

Xiao Yan chased nervously, and saw from their eyes that the situation was bad.

The doctor explained, "Maybe I can\'t make it tonight."

"How could this be?"

"Please stay with her again."

Xiao Yan shivered into the room again.

The dim light makes it difficult to see who is sleeping in the bed.

Mrs. Xiao opened her eyes again, and her eyes were blank and vague. She said, "Here."

"Mother." Xiao Yan kneeled beside the bed.

"Actually, you\'re right." The old man said very laboriously.

"Mother, stop talking, it\'s your son\'s fault."

"No, it\'s her mother\'s fault." Madam Xiao turned her head and looked at him, her eyes flushed. "I am too selfish and too proud."


"You, listen to me, in fact, actually think about it, Qin Yun and Xiao Jing, there is nothing wrong."

Mrs. Xiao closed her eyes and trembled violently.

"Okay, boy, remember to be good."

"Mother, let\'s stick to it. I\'ll pick you up and I\'ll pick you up." Xiao Yan thought about holding the old man up.

Mrs. Xiao grabbed his hand, "No need, here, it\'s fine. I feel good during my days. You are not wrong, Qin Yue is not wrong, Xiao Jing is not wrong, neither of you is wrong."

"Mother, son knows that you hate me and blame me, because I didn\'t take good care of this family, and it was my shame to my father."

"No, just the old man, he, he came to see me, he said me, why, why should I be so persistent, the child, the child is obviously so happy, why, why my mother, but want to stop them, the old man said, said I was too It\'s broken, how and how can I hurt my child like this? "

"Mother is not you, not you—"

"You, you must remember, live well, take good care of, take care of the Xiao family, mother does not blame you, hate you, take good care of this and this family.

Xiao Yan looked at the old man\'s eyes, and hugged her hand in a panic. "Mother, listen to me, listen to me."

"Tell and tell Qin Hui, I, I recognize her, her daughter-in-law, and her mother and daughter."

Mrs. Xiao struggled violently twice, and her eyes turned black and white. She seemed to see a figure in the dark environment.

Yes, the old man will finally come to pick her up.

She reached out her hand high, trying to touch the approaching figure.

The old man\'s hand clasped her hand, and finally held her in his arms. "I\'m here."

"You\'re finally here to see me."

Mrs. Xiao slowly closed her eyes, and her eyes were wet. She still remembered the red robe of that year, the empty alley of that year, the gongs and drums of that year, and the couple worshipped that year The promised year

Late at night, a sound of firecrackers was amplified in the night.

Qin Hui heard her voice subconsciously sit up from the bed, because it was normal for everyone to set off firecrackers because of the year off, but why did she listen to this voice as if Xiao ’s family was playing it?

Only the Xiao family can set off firecrackers. This is a villa far from the city. How could there be someone else.

Qin Zheng anxiously got up from the bed, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Xiao Yan rushing up.

Xiao Yan looked dignified, and only said one sentence, "Grandma is gone."

Qin Yun was a little stunned, and did not worry about whether he did not wear a coat, so he ran downstairs.

The entire Xiao family hall was messy, as if everyone was running, everyone was busy at a loss.

Qin Yue stood in the middle of the living room, and the lights fell on her body dimly. On the 28th day of the lunar month, the cold heart couldn\'t stop the cold.

Xiao Jing heard the voice and ran down from the second floor. She was wrapped in a military coat and said, "Mom, what\'s wrong?"

"The old lady has died." Qin Yun\'s voice was a bit lonely, and he looked at the children behind him. "You go back to the room to clean up, and wait for us to go to Jiangcheng together."

"I know."

Xiao Jing walked back to the room.

Shen Shengfeng was already neatly dressed and wearing a military cap. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll go with you."

Xiao Jing changed into a dark suit and walked out of the bedroom.

The old Mrs. Xiao family was a heroine when she was young. Although she retreated, she is still a high-profile figure in Beijing.

As soon as the news of her sudden death spread, the whole capital was uproar.

Suddenly, the capital was in a state of aggression from top to bottom. Is this true or false?

Early the next morning, Xiao Min announced the news personally, and the old Mrs. Xiao family died at about 2 am this morning.

Qin Yue stood beside Xiao Yue, looking at his uncomfortable face, knowing that it must have been sleepless all night.

Xiao Yan stood by the coffin, looking at the quiet sleeping mother inside, with a sore nose and red eyes, and finally kneeled weakly, sighing, "Mother!"

Qin Yue knelt down with him, "Master."

"It\'s my fault, it\'s my fault, no matter what I say, it\'s my fault, Qin Yun, my mother was mad at me, I was mad at you." Xiao Xun patted the coffin, fingers, helplessly His head rubbed against the edge of the coffin, and his nails burst apart as if blood was pouring out.

Qin Yue shook his hand and appeased, "There is nothing right or wrong with this master. The old lady may have gone with regret, but she will not blame you."

"I saw her desperate look, and she used to question me."


"Ugh." The closed door was pushed openly from outside.

Xiao Chen was full of rain. She gasped and looked at her mother who would no longer wake up in the coffin. She ran forward with a stun, she thought she should cry, but somehow she wanted to laugh at this time. , Laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

"Xiao Chen." Xiao Yan stood up irritably from the ground.

"Marshal Xiao Yan, are you scolding me?" Xiao Chen smiled with tears all over her eyes. She pointed at this man who has always held his head up, mockingly, "I think Mrs. Xiao is really a legendary woman, she is not filial , Women are not filial, and finally they were annoyed by their own pair of children, hahaha, irony, irony. "

"Xiao Chen, if you still have a little conscience, you shouldn\'t bother your mother\'s undead at this time." Xiao Yan pointed the direction of the door, "Go out."

"I\'m disturbing the undead mother? What are you and this woman doing here? You know that your mother hated their mother and daughter most during her lifetime, but why do you want to be with me here at this time? Do you think your mother was furious? Not enough punishment? "Xiao Chen smashed the glass in front of her, and the shards of glass cut through her flesh, and the blood fell on the floor drop by drop, bright and bright.

auzw.com "She is my wife, and it is natural for me to guard the spirit of my mother." Xiao Yan thought without thinking.

"Then I\'m my mother\'s daughter. Why can\'t I stay here?"

"The most ineligible person here is our brother and sister." Xiao Yan raised his head. "We don\'t need to make a noise here, you go out, go out immediately."

Qin Hui pulled La Xiaoyu\'s dress corner and shook his head. "You talk to her and I\'ll go out."

"You don\'t have to go." Xiao Yan took her hand.

Qin Min shook his head. "Master, Madam Xiao Chen is right. The last thing the old lady wanted to see was me. She has died now, and the dead is big. We respect her."

"She said before the end that she accepted you."

"I know she doesn\'t want to see you guilty for her, and of course I don\'t want to see you embarrassed for me."

Xiao Yan didn\'t speak, and had to watch her turn and leave.

Xiao Chen sneered, squatting down and lighting a joss stick, "Do you know what my mother said to me before she was unconscious? She doesn\'t hate it, she only complains that her father didn\'t take her away, but forced such a Xiao family Gave it to her, it was sad. "

"We are all sinners."

"Yeah, I can\'t go to heaven after death, so I don\'t plan to say anything kind to you. You are like me in my heart, and it\'s not worth being forgiven." Xiao Chen stood up, eyes burning.

Xiao Yan bowed his head and said nothing, his fists clenched gradually.

Xiao Chen closed her eyes, and hot things rushed out in her eyes, she said desperately, "I want to ask her for forgiveness, just forgiveness. She is not willing to tell me when I die, I am her biological Daughter, she would not forgive me until she died. "

"Go back." Xiao Yan turned his back.

"Yes, I\'ll go back. I\'ll come and look at her for the last time, just for the last time."

The cold wind blew on his face, and drops of rain fell from the eaves.

Qin Yue stood in the empty corridor and remained silent for a long time.

"Those words you just said at Lingtang, don\'t take them to heart, I said wrong." Xiao Chen stood behind Qin Yue, looking at the string of raindrops as well.

"I know you\'re just out of breath, you\'re not bad."

"I don\'t understand. Why is my mother so disliked by a reasonable woman like you?"

"Maybe she doesn\'t know me."

"No, she wants to know that someone doesn\'t need to get along, she\'s just jealous."

Qin Yansheng, his brow wrinkled uncontrollably.

Xiao Chen laughed bitterly at herself, "I can\'t think of any other reason. Is a family intact and complete? Why would she want to be dismantled to be satisfied? Does she feel lonely after doing so many years in an arbitrary way? How could it be warm? "

"Anyway, the dead is big." Qin Yue looked at the rain falling like a string of beads, and didn\'t speak again.

Xiao Jing came across the corridor in a black suit, and Shen Shengfeng followed her.

"Is everything ready?" Qin Yue counted the items that Xiao Jing was carrying, which were considered complete.

Xiao Jing looked at Xiao Chen, stood upright, saluting, "Madam."

"If someone treats me like that for more than 20 years, after she dies, I will definitely raise my head and laugh a few times. I am very narrow and can\'t do the things you say, and I will complain." Xiao Chen opened his umbrella, Walking across the stone road, "I also hope that you can always maintain this original intention, but in fact, it is not a bad thing to live innocent."

Xiao Jing looked at the back, and frowned, "Mom, did she tell you?"

"It\'s nothing, let\'s go and send the old lady the last way, and then you can return to the barracks." Qin Yue walked in the empty corridor.

Xiao Jing nodded. "If you have any questions, call me directly."

"What can I do." Qin Yue walked up the steps, "It\'s you two, pay attention to a bit when training, don\'t hurt yourself."

"Mom, do you think of me as a small soldier? I\'m the leader of a team. I\'m a leader-level figure." Xiao Jing patted her heart with confidence.

Qin Yue pointed at her head, "Do n’t you show off these military merits in front of me, my mother just thinks you are upright and conscientious enough, those military merits, those glories, I do n’t understand, I As long as my child is healthy and healthy. "

The hall of worship also ended in a sigh.

The car was driving on a highway.

The rain outside the window was gradually intensifying, the heating wind hit the face, Xiao Jing closed her jacket.

"Are you sleepy? Sleep for a while, and soon arrive in the camp." Shen Shengfeng opened the music, and the classical piano music echoed up and down in the car.

Xiao Jing looked out the window, "Captain, do you really say that there is reincarnation after death?"

"Do you believe it?"

"I did n’t quite believe it before. After all, people died, their eyes were closed, and I did n’t know whether they were asleep or lost their souls. Now I really want to have reincarnation, so in the next life, I may meet the captain "Xiao Jing turned to her side and stared at the man in front of her.

Shen Shengfeng gently stroked her little head. "What are you thinking about? You still have so long in this life, and you are looking forward to your next life?"

Xiao Jing hugged his hand, "Isn\'t it? I\'m afraid that God is not sincere enough to miss me, so I will have a fragrance every day to let God see my red heart."

"You are a soldier, do you believe this kind of wrong superstition?" Shen Shengfeng froze her face. "Sleep, I\'ll call you when I am."

"It will take four or five hours to return to Iron Eagle from here. If I don\'t talk to you, what if you\'re open and asleep?"

"Here is my whole world. How dare I go to sleep lazily?" Shen Shengfeng covered her eyes with her hands. "Well, go to sleep."

Xiao Jing gently opened a corner of his hand and smiled, "I just want to watch the captain go to sleep, immersed in your flourishing beauty and be fainted."

Shen Shengfeng glanced at her, "I grant you this."

"Captain, why do you look so good?"

"Born by nature." Shen Shengfeng proudly touched his bald head. He recently felt that the hairstyle was still quite handy.

Xiao Jing noticed his head, which looked particularly bright on rainy nights, and Ren Jun couldn\'t help but said, "Probably the natural beauty."

The car drove across a puddle of water, splashing a splash of water.

"Well." A strange noise sounded from the bottom of the car.

Shen Shengfeng stepped on the brakes subconsciously. The car suddenly lost its balance due to the sudden stop. It slipped for a few meters and stopped suddenly.

Xiao Jing\'s body flung forward violently due to inertia, and she was pulled back by the seat belt. She looked at the car in amazement, and the windshield wiped the glass.

Shen Shengfeng unfastened his seat belt and looked at the heavy rain outside the window. "I\'ll go and see if it\'s a flat tire, and you\'ll stay in the car."

Xiao Jing turned around and instinctively looked at the squatting behind the car to check the figure of the car. The rainy night was particularly quiet. The whole ground level seemed to have only endless rain.

Shen Shengfeng stood up and just opened the trunk. His eyes sank, a clear bullet mark entered his eyes, and his hand passed without any trace.

The body suddenly swayed, Xiao Jing looked up, and saw that his captain had jumped onto the roof, and the next time he slipped off the roof and hid in front of the car.

"Bang, bang." Bullets struck overwhelmingly, shattering the windshield, and the whole body was crisscrossed with bullet marks in an instant.

Xiao Jing got down and took out the sniper rifle from under the seat.

Shen Shengfeng noticed the car that was covered with bruises and ran out without hesitation. The bullet attacked the body more and more fiercely.

Xiao Jingyi opened the door and shouted, "Captain."

Shen Shengfeng jumped and hid behind the pier.

Xiao Jing slid the ak in his hand from the ground.

The gunfire stopped abruptly.

The rain fell coldly on Xiao Jing\'s face. She held the gun in her hands and carefully watched the movement around her.

The wind was cold, and it seemed as if the original quietness had been restored all night without any accidents.

Shen Shengfeng listened sideways, and the sound of rain obscured most of the sound, but he still clearly heard the intermittent sound of walking. According to the argument, at least ten people on the other side could take offense in such a short period of time, and even have such a powerful weapon He seemed to have guessed who was shooting them in an ambush.

Xiao Jing looked at the probe, her eyes looked around, and she took the small stone in her hand and threw it out so high.

"Oh." The bullet penetrated through the center of the stone, and the whole stone seemed to explode in the air, and the dust was all over the sky.

Xiao Jing narrowed his eyes, just before preparing to fire, and a gunshot sounded again.

Shen Shengfeng\'s eyes quickly caught the sniper hiding in the dark under the rainy night. The bullet was like a flying dragon, opened his sharp fangs and completely devoured the prey in the dark.

Xiao Jing slowly moved her steps, silently over the other guardrail, she lay down and lowered her body, and walked cautiously step by step.

Passeca felt the crisis. He managed to sneak into Huaguo and carefully planned the sneak attack, but he seemed to ignore something. Would the army that could easily kill his own brother is an ordinary army? Can the guy who can wipe out both the viper and the scorpion in one fell swoop?

He was sweating in his dense forehead, he gritted his teeth, and raised his hand high, and then waved heavily. At this point, he had nothing but a desperate fight.

Xiao Jing heard the obvious footsteps. Yes, the other party had already attacked again. She hadn\'t responded yet. The sound of gunfire broke the midnight tranquility.

"Bang, bang." The bullet hit the ground, splashing wet mud.

Xiao Jing flew forward, avoiding the siege bullets, and the sound of the guns was amplified in the night. She leaned against the stone with a pant of breath, spreading her palms, a touch of bright red.

Go to your uncle, the game can\'t be played, anyway, respect her king.