Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 164

Wang Xueli gave a cold hum and glared at Zhang Fan with a kind of extremely dissatisfied eyes. She immediately stopped and ignored these people.

Zhang Fan frowned. He didn't like this kind of despised look. Staring at Wang Xueli's back, she said in a deep voice, "I don't accept your acceptance of losing. I don't agree with you. One on one!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Xueli, who was about to leave, also stood still. Slightly a Zheng, seems to want to look back. However, he didn't look back and said coldly, "hum, there will always be a chance. I'll prove to them who is the best. Whether it's Zhao or you, I won't pay attention to it. " With that, she glanced at the crowd. "I don't compete. That's my business. With the deterrence of my family in Wangcheng, no matter who you are, dare to offend me, I will never let you have a good time! " Immediately, cast aside those who stop her, turn around and go.

In the field, only Zhang Fan was left.

Although he also wants to get the first place, and this is what uncle Yu strongly demands. No matter what the first prize is, it's all for uncle Yu. However, now he won the first place in this way, which made Zhang Fan hard to accept for a while.

Seeing Wang Xueli's departure, the strong smell of gunpowder in the field just dissipated. No one, including Zhang Fan, knows exactly what happened. But Zhang Fan knew that someone must be controlling all this behind his back. However, he didn't know who had such great ability to make Tianling college turn a blind eye.

At this time, Yin also came up, took Zhang Fan by the hand, and directly announced that Zhang Fan was the winner of this ivory tower trial, including the elite trial.

Originally, this was an extremely important competition, and it was also a test that Zhang Fan was very interested in. But now, although he won the first place in name, Zhang Fan is not happy at all. This kind of leak picking behavior made him feel a little shameful, but also a little guilty, even though he didn't know what was going on behind these people. But for the first prize that uncle Yu asked for, Zhang Fan, I had to admit that it was embarrassing.

"Next, let's announce the top three in this elite trial." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassed, Yin said, "they are the first, Li Chun! Second, Zhao RI Tian and third, Caiyun

The first two were acceptable, but the third became Caiyun. Let everyone how can't accept, no matter how say, Caiyun is defeated by Wang Xueli's people, now this third even if not Wang Xueli, also shouldn't be Caiyun.

It seems that seeing these people have objections, Yin also cleared his throat, and then said, "I know you have a lot of controversy about the third place, but according to the competition system and the previous rules, if you abstain in the competition, you will give up the competition reward. Therefore, the third prize naturally falls on Caiyun, the fourth. In this way, you should have no doubt. "

The following people still want to talk, but Yin doesn't give them any chance to speak any more. He quickly says, "because Zhao RI Tian and Caiyun are not present for the time being, their rewards will be sent to their home. Now, let's invite our president to present the first prize to our first runner, Li Chun. Let's give it a round of applause Mr. Yin is really a senior teacher in the college. He quickly enlivens the atmosphere in the field to resolve the embarrassment just now.

These people are really so. When they hear the word reward, they are all interested in it. For the first prize, it seems to be a mysterious treasure, which is of great help to any person of cultivation, and can even improve his cultivation. The improvement of cultivation is the most attractive for every practitioner.

Liu Ping also slowly got up at the moment, as if he had known the result for a long time. And now in his hand, he felt out a gilded box. On top of the box, the dense fragrance was slowly distributed, and everyone in the field was wide eyed, as if this treasure was about to fall into their hands.

"I didn't say that before, but I overestimated your perseverance. If I had said that the first prize would be awarded, I think Wang Xueli would not have given up Liu Ping said, fingers micro motion, hand box slowly open.

Zhang Fan's eyes were also attracted in the past. In fact, he also wanted to know what kind of treasure it was. He could make uncle Yu covet it, and he urged him to bring it back. And he is also holding the intention of releasing all cultivation, to fight for the first place.

However, due to Wang Xueli's surrender, Zhang Fan's strength can still be preserved. It is a good thing to avoid the first World War, although the first place is not worthy of the name.

With the opening of the box, the strong aroma overflowed. A seven color strange flower blooms slowly, this is still a living flower! They couldn't help looking at each other. This was the first time they saw the living, still twisting flowers. Seven color flowers have seven petals, each petal has a different color, when the palm is one inch long. Green branches with a few barbs, highlighting a bit of danger in the enchantment.

"This is seven core Begonia! It's what I met when I traveled from the outside world in my early years. But my attributes don't match and I can't use them, so I've kept them. According to the records of the class baicaogang, each petal of the seven core Begonia has its own unique effect: life and death, flesh and bones, growth and cultivation, Tu Shengling This plant is a treasure in the world, or a kind of immortal herb. Its rank is estimated to have reached six! It's also natural for people with wood attributes to practice. Of course, it has a certain effect on other people, but it's not so obvious. " Liu Ping said, eyes have been on Zhang Fan's body, seems to say, the seven core Begonia is your.Zhang Fan also understood why Caiyun had worked so hard to participate in the ivory tower trial. It seems that she should know what the first prize was. However, the seven core Begonia is really good, and the fireman ginseng that I caught by mistake is not as good as this one.

Compared with the second place and the third place, this seven core Begonia is also worthy of the name.

Zhang Fan at the moment is not ambiguous, see immediately forward, hand to pick up the seven core Begonia. Although I don't know what use it is to Uncle Yu, it has its value only by the rank of the immortal.

Although Liu Ping was a little reluctant to give up, looking at Zhang Fan, he still put the seven core Begonia into the box and handed it over. "Li Chun, it's easy to keep. It's very useful for you." Immediately, he looked up again, looking at the field, eyes extremely fierce, "if you dare to have his heart, I don't mind to wipe you out. This is a reward for those who have the ability and an honor for our college

Although Liu Ping has warned, but from the eyes of these people, Zhang Fan still saw the naked desire! Humanity is released without reservation. Just waiting for the dark to come, so that the ugliness of human nature sneaks out.