Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 163

Zhang Fan wanted to say something, but she saw that Wang Xueli had gone out and closed the door.

What does this woman want? What's a good thing to write about and you won't compete?

Or did she deliberately put a false message to confuse herself?!

The more he thought, the more confused he was. Instead of thinking, Zhang Fan put his eyes in his body.

After the fierce battle in the morning, Zhang Fan only felt that his Wanyuan daojue had improved a little. Although he had reached the top of the three levels, he could not find the feeling of breakthrough.

Wanyuan daojue is the only skill that Zhang Fan practiced, and it is also an extremely powerful skill. If Zhang Fan's accomplishments still want to be improved, the easiest way is to improve Wanyuan daojue first. Because the promotion of Wanyuan daojue means that Zhang Fan's speed of absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth increases, and it also means that the time of big and small Zhou days decreases when he practices. In this way, the faster the self cultivation can be improved. In the face of Wanyuan daojue, who has not been greatly promoted, Zhang Fan is also anxious at the moment. However, compared with the slow promotion of Wanyuan daojue, Zhang Fandi's spiritual cultivation seems to have the appearance of promoting to the seventh heaven.

Before Zhang ginseng, he knew that it was because of the herbs he ate.

The medicinal effect of fire ginseng is extremely powerful. It not only makes Zhang Fan improve to the cultivation of liuchongtian, but also accumulates a lot of medicinal power in his body. As long as Zhang Fan carries out a lot of cultivation or fierce fighting, this stored local medicine power will be released. One part is used to recover Zhang Fan's body damage, one part is used to recover his lost spiritual power, and the other part is used to improve Zhang Fan's self cultivation.

In this dark, the fire ginseng is also slowly refining Zhang Fan's body, but also enhance Zhang Fan's physique.

I wanted to try to sprint to the seventh heaven of shackles with the help of noon, but I was afraid that the spiritual power released when I broke through could not be hidden and could be peeped by others. Think about it, or decided not to break through.

These time can be put on the practice of autumn water palm and the control of fire finger.

This morning, the tracking of the fire refers to, really let Zhao Dayi unexpected, but, at the last moment or by him with his spirit to shock scattered. If you can control more skillfully, maybe that flame finger can directly hurt him.

This Zhao RI Tian really has a strong strength, plus the magic weapon in his hand, if his means are a little less, it is really hard to deal with him. Today, if it wasn't for the flame cloud generated by the sparrow ROC technique that blocked everyone's vision and gave them the opportunity to release their spiritual power and cast their lightning technique, they would not be qualified to enter the next competition.

Everything, also has the existence of luck.

Although Zhao RI Tian's boxing method is single, his power is extremely powerful. If he puts the power of fire finger on his fist, will it have a miraculous effect?

Thinking, the flame suddenly appeared on the finger.

Zhang Fan tried his best to control it, but found that the impact of the flame finger couldn't be pulled. Under the pull, he burst directly under his hands.

"Boom!" The sudden power of the explosion made Zhang Fan's hand bloody. He couldn't bear the pain and didn't let himself cry out, but he couldn't help crying in his heart!

Facts have proved that some attempts can't be easily tried, and the flame finger can't keep on the fist like Zhao RI Tian's flame fist.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

Yin frowned, suddenly saw the injury on Zhang Fan's hand, and quickly asked, "I heard the voice of fighting, who just came."

Zhang Fan also wrapped his hand with gauze at this time, and quickly said, "it's OK, teacher, it's my own carelessness, no one has come."

"Ridiculous, do you think I'm a fool? I'll hurt my hand like this. " Mr. Yin looked at Zhang Fan, thought about it, and said, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk. Now your strength is far above me. I'm not qualified to influence your decision. One thing I want to tell you is that Wangcheng has mobilized a lot of troops today. It is estimated that the battle will start tonight. Go or stay, you have to decide this afternoon. I suggest that you give up Tianling college, and the college may not be able to protect you. "

"The college won't, but it's a big risk to protect me." Zhang Fan is very casual to mention a sentence.

Mr. Yin's face is not very good-looking. Maybe what Zhang Fan said is right.

"In any case, the college will give you corresponding rewards, and you will always be the pride of the college." With that, Yin went out.

Zhang Fan also sighed and shook his head. When he took down the gauze, the wound on his hand had healed. It is estimated that Zhang Fan is the only one in the world.

Noon passed and the sun was shining.

Today's sun seems to be particularly dazzling, according to some people can't open their eyes.

The fiery air seemed to be left by the morning fighting.

It seems that there are a lot less people on the field. Zhao RI Tian is defeated, and the students who support Zhao RI Tian are scattered.The old man and the middle-aged man also broke up, it seems that they don't care about the next competition, and this competition to reward. Perhaps, what they care more about is honor.

Zhang Fandi appears, let originally some dull atmosphere instantaneous restless rise.

These people stare at each other. Through Zhang Fan's bloodstained clothes, they clearly see that Zhang Fan's body can no longer see the wound. For a time, he even doubted whether he was wrong.

Is this still human? How can a normal person have such recovery ability.

One side shocked, on the other side, are crazy pressure Zhang Fan win.

Zhang Fan's competition in the morning was too shocking, which made him famous at one stroke. The name of Li Chun spread throughout the whole Tianling college. The poor thing is that Li Chun really doesn't know that he has become famous in the college.

"Li Chun, Li Chun!..."

I don't know who coaxed me. For a moment, both inside and outside the court began to shout Li Chun's name, which made Zhang Fan feel at a loss.

Originally looked down upon, now it has become the object of public admiration.

Maybe Zhang Fan doesn't know that he lost 28 at noon. Now, the odds between him and Wang Xueli are almost equal.

Even, Wang Xueli's odds are lower than him.

The lower the odds score, the lower his popularity.

And Zhang Fan's popularity at the moment, should have been above Wang Xueli.

"Now, I'd like to announce that the final of the afternoon match officially begins!"

Old Yin didn't know when he had already stepped into the challenge arena. With the sound of a drum, there was another burst of cheering and cheering.

Mr. Yin waved his hand and said with a happy smile, "next, let's invite our two contestants to the stage!" In a burst of fierce cheers, Zhang Fan led up first.

When Zhang Fan saw Wang Xueli, he couldn't help but smile. It seems that this woman really intends to cheat herself. However, I didn't take her words seriously at all.

Who is willing to give up the opportunity that took so many days to change when they are about to compete for the first place. Zhang Fan himself, he would not.

Wang Xueli also looks at Zhang Fan with a smile, and salutes Zhang Fan slightly.

Zhang Fan a Leng, this woman in the competition can be directly up to do, how this time so gentle, is it not hidden what greasy?

Zhang Fan also followed the salute, but in his hand, the flame finger was ready to go!

"In this competition, I abstain!"

Suddenly, seven simple words appeared in Wang Xueli's mouth.

Those seven words seem to have unspeakable magic power, which makes countless people marvel.

The scene was dumb and quiet. As if a needle had fallen, you could hear it.

Breathing sound gradually heavy, do not know who is the first to shout, "what! No more

Then came the curse.

Zhang Fan is also a burst of depression, originally thought that this woman wants to use what subtotal two, now a look, unexpectedly is really to abstain! Can't she beat me?

Or, there are other reasons.

Zhang Fan shook his head again. With Wang Xueli's character, it's impossible to abstain.

What's more, her words at noon were very clear. She was not afraid of herself.

It is estimated that someone is interfering with it.

"Fight or not, damn it!"

At this time, another student scolded.

Wang Xueli had been holding the fire and listening to the student's mindless scolding, she couldn't help it. It was a waterspout at him!

Fortunately, Dean Liu Ping's quick eyes and quick hands blocked Wang Xueli's attack.

At the moment, there is Wang Xueli's confidant will stop her, did not make things worse.

Zhang fan can't help shaking his head, not to mention the strength of students in Tianling college, but to say that the quality is really not generally low.