Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 165

Then came the seven core Begonia, Zhang Fan's are even slightly trembling. This is a gift that he has never accepted, even though it is a prize. Liu Pinggang's words of defending him also moved him.

Unfortunately, Tianling college has too much to consider, so it can't protect Zhang Fan.

Looking back at old Yin, old Yin also nodded to him, indicating that he would put away the seven core Begonia.

Zhang Fan understood and put the seven core Begonia into the barren ring. Then he bowed slightly to express his thanks. Looking around, all the disciples in the field are staring at themselves.

Zhang Fan knows what they are thinking, but they can't do it now. As long as there is a chance, these people will definitely attack themselves. With the reward, Zhang Fan stepped down from the challenge arena. Looking back, he took another look at the crowd. He didn't show any threat. Instead, he had a shallow smile, as if to say, come and kill me, I'm good to bully.

What they don't know is that Zhang Fan is waiting for them to send out his collection. Even if a person only has 100 pieces of crystal, then ten people will have 1000 pieces of crystal. This business is a safe one.

"Van Gogh, our young lady is looking for you." Suddenly, a pretty figure came and grabbed Zhang Fan's hand. Zhang Fan was stunned. He looked up and found that the person holding him in one hand was Xiao die. Her eyebrows were slightly frowning. She seemed nervous and panicked. It was more like she was deliberately avoiding something. She pulled Zhang Fan out of Tianling college.

See finally nobody, Zhang Fan this just pulled small butterfly, "small butterfly, you are anxious hair flustered, after all what matter?"

Xiaodie see still around the college, or not at ease, while pulling Zhang Fan, said, "go to the city master's house, Miss trapped in it."

Zhang Fan a Leng, immediately ask a way, "how to return a responsibility, say clearly."

Xiao die swallowed her saliva and said, "it's too late to talk about it in detail. Now the city master and Taoist cloud are not in the mansion. Miss is surrounded by Chen Dong. Chen Dong doesn't know if he has taken any forbidden drugs, and he has become extremely fierce. Even a Biao is not his opponent! "

On hearing this, Zhang Fan did not dare to neglect. Although I know this moment will come sooner or later, I didn't expect it to come so soon. If this afternoon's competition is still as usual, it's estimated that even if butterfly comes, he can't leave.

Soon, they took the path to the Lord's mansion.

At the moment, the outside of the city Lord's mansion is deserted, and there is no pedestrian. Maybe it's something we're aware of, and we're all hiding away. As the rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building, the tranquility before the crisis is the most suffocating.

Zhang Fan didn't even see a guard, which was different from the old city Lord's mansion. I've passed once, but there are the busiest streets around the city Lord's mansion. Now, the flowers are withered and the body is thin.

"From here!" Xiaodie pulls Zhang Fan around the main gate, over the wall and comes to a small gate.

Looking at Xiao die's familiar appearance, I think she has sneaked out like this before.

"Don't worry, Caiyun! As I said, your father will be fine. One day, I will stand on the position of the Lord of the city with my head high. At that time, you will be the wife of the Lord of the city and let you live a better life than you do now! " A voice of evil smile, as if in a soft voice comfort.

"You promised me that you would never hurt my father, otherwise, even if I died, I would not let you succeed!" Caiyun's voice seems to be crying. You don't have to think about it. You know what's going on. And this man's voice is Chen Dong!

Beside Zhang Fan, Xiao die is stunned.

She didn't dare to think about that. Suddenly, she stood in the same place and didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Caiyun! As I said, as long as you are willing to be nice to me and have sex with me, I will never hurt your father. " Dirty words, appeared in Chen Dong's mouth again, "Hey, I didn't expect that your appearance recovered so well, it really made me excited. I also like to play with women who are older than myself. They are more sexy and tasteful. "

The more Chen Dong said, the dirtier he was!

And at this time, the door was kicked open!

Inside, four people in all!

Chen Dong is pulling Caiyun, and although Caiyun refuses, her eyes seem to have been willing to accept this despair. But when she saw the comer, the despair in her eyes trembled slightly, but it did not disappear. And behind Chen Dong, two people are standing there, staring at the comer.

It was Zhang Fan, who followed Xiao die behind him.

"I didn't expect that salted fish would turn over! Chen Dong, you rubbish, can suddenly become a black horse of Chen family! However, waste is waste after all, I will let you this salted fish, completely become a dead fish! Black horses become lame horses Zhang Fan said that he was already furious, and the flame pointed at Chen Dong.

Seeing Zhang Fan, Chen Dong was also slightly surprised.

He did not expect that Zhang Fan had already started to meet, faster than himself!

And he is also in a hurry to dodge, a hand pulling clouds, do not want to let go! "Boy, today I will let you know what my means are! I'm going to find you, but I didn't expect you to deliver it yourself... ""Poof, poof!" Two sounds came, Chen Dong's cruel words have not finished, at the moment, his back has been pointed to the two flames!

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth instantly shed a touch of black blood, and his eyes suddenly became as black as ink. It doesn't look like a normal person at all.

"Young master!" At Chen Dong's side, the two attendants were shocked!

Chen Dong stares at Zhang Fan coldly. It seems that he never thinks that he has evaded the attack. However, why does the flame still hurt himself.

At the moment, Caiyun quickly dodges and hides behind Zhang Fan. At the moment, the grievances that are repressed in his heart can no longer be tolerated and burst out, "Zhang Fan, help me kill him, they catch my father! You must help me

Zhang Fan nodded slightly, he looked at Chen Dong, heart wipe honey please have an ominous feeling.

Did Chen Dong die like this? Although his flame finger can change its position and make a U-turn attack under the control of the spirit power, he doesn't think that two flame fingers can kill Chen Dong. Moreover, when he was on the field before, he could also feel that Chen Dong's fire attribute was very strange, even his own flame finger could swallow it. Now, he is not sure whether the aftereffect of the flame finger just now was swallowed by him, because up to now, the flame finger has not produced a second explosion!

If there is something strange about Chen Dong, then his fire attribute may not have any effect on him! Moreover, Zhang Fan doesn't know whether the mysterious master is near here. If he is staring at himself, I'm afraid that he really can't escape today.

"Hum Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha... " Strange, and evil laughter came, Chen Dong's body trembled slightly.

Sure enough, this guy will never die so easily!

"Ha ha ha, Zhang Fan, you say I'm salted fish. What are you?! Well, even if I am a salted fish, but now the salted fish has turned over, salted fish over the dragon's gate, has become Jackie Chan! I don't know if you, a fishing falcon, can still stop my dragon? " Chen Dong said with a smile, looking at Zhang Fan strangely, and in his body, the majestic fire property spirit power is wildly twisted.