Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 155

I don't know if Mr. Yin has been here. There is a plate of food beside Zhang Fan's door.

Two steamed buns and a half hot chicken leg.

In fact, Zhang Fan hasn't eaten anything since he came back last night, and now his stomach is growling.

Looking at the steamed bread and drumsticks in the bowl, I was worried that it would be someone else's trap. But still can not endure greedy and hungry, just simply after the silver needle tried directly swallow into the stomach.

After simply cleaning up the room, Zhang Fan walked towards the challenge arena of the college.


Inside the Tianling college, on the challenge arena, there are a row of tables and chairs with fruits and tea cups on them. I don't know who they are for. Yesterday's competition was only for people in the college, but today, it seems to be different.

At the third moment of Chenshi, in the sound of students' comments, a group of people came slowly from the backstage. It seemed that they sat down in a certain order.

However, apart from the dean and the director of education, Zhang Fanke did not know the other four people. Moreover, they don't look like the elders in the college or the teachers they haven't met. On the contrary, like the elders of other big families.

An old man with gray hair and a tuft of goatee bowed his head beside the dean and said something. He couldn't see through the cultivation of the old man. However, when they looked at each other and laughed, they seemed to have a very good relationship. Next to the old man, there was a middle-aged man in his forties, with sword eyebrows and stars, who was somewhat similar to Zhao Litian. Cultivation seems to be stuck in the bottleneck of the shackles, and did not reach the Mahayana realm.

Next to the instructor on the other side were two middle-aged people, a man and a woman.

But that woman's maintenance seems to be very good, the skin is as tender as a little girl.

The middle-aged man is bald, but their clothes are very luxurious. Although they can't see their accomplishments clearly, they can see at a glance that they have a lot of money at home, and even the man is inlaid with a gold tooth.

In fact, Zhang Fan had some accidents. On such an occasion, why didn't Cai Tianxiang appear? He was the Lord of Wangcheng.

What is the origin of these four people?

Isn't today the last day of the elite trial? Why are so many people here.

At this time, Mr. Yin also slowly came up from the backstage.

At the bottom, the disciples who had been talking all over the place immediately closed their mouths and quietly waited for Mr. Yin to speak.

"Today is the last day for the academy to enter the elite trial after entering the ivory tower trial. I would like to announce that there are 12 colleges that stand out from the ivory tower, but only 11 colleges have entered the elite test. Next, I will introduce to you the students in today's competition. They are shackles, eight heavenly fire attributes and Zhao Litian

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of noise broke out.

"Six Tianshui attributes of shackle realm, Wang Xueli."

As soon as the words came out, the crowd burst out with a sigh.

Yesterday, Wang Xueli was still in the fifth heaven of the shackle realm. How could she have reached the sixth heaven of the shackle realm after one night? The speed of cultivation is a little too fast.

Coupled with her powerful water attribute and water attribute skills, I'm afraid that today's battle with Zhao Litian may really be a bit of a showdown. There seems to be some suspense about the ownership of the first place.

Then, Yin reported Caiyun's accomplishments one after another. When reporting for Zhang Fan's accomplishments, there seemed to be a burst of laughter. They dare not laugh at Caiyun, but their disdain for Zhang Fan is obvious.

Zhang Fan is also secretly working hard at the bottom. It seems that the opponent to be dealt with today is definitely not so simple. It's very possible that I'm afraid I'll really play all the cards today. Wang Xueli, in particular, even promoted her cultivation to a higher level in one night.

Originally let Zhang Fan feel great pressure, now, the pressure is even greater.

"Hum, this boy's strength is not good."

"Yes, yesterday it was only with that strange wild animal that we managed to win."

"I'm not afraid to beat that boy to death yesterday."


Underground, the sound of discussion came.

There are more and more criticisms against Zhang Fan. First, he has no backstage, no one to support him. Second, he is the least powerful and the least favored. Third, few people have seen him, and they think that he is just an unknown one among all the students in the college. It was only this time that I got to the final.

However, in this final, we are all the elites among the elites.

The weapons and skills in hand will not be merciful. Without strength, they will be eliminated eventually.

"Next, the first group is Caiyun, against Wang Xueli!"

I don't know when, Mr. Yin has announced the list of the competition.

And Zhang Fan's thoughts have been immersed in the public discussion, also don't know, Yin old is how to arrange the competition list. If you let Caiyun against Wang Xueli, it's only a failure.In other words, the strength of Caiyun is hard to please anyone.

Caiyun's heart also knows that his strength is the lowest one here.

Because of her original arrogance and self-confidence as the daughter of the Lord of the city, she didn't pay much attention to cultivation. Therefore, the brothers of the same generation have already been the upward cultivation of the fifth heaven in the shackle realm, while they only stay in the third heaven in the shackle realm. Although the gap between the triple heaven and the quintuple heaven is not very big, the gap between the spiritual power of the triple heaven can always overwhelm a group of people. In the face of Wang Xueli, who is now the sixth heaven of shackles, Caiyun's pressure is doubled. In the past, the strength of Wang Xueli was not as good as her own. Now, she has left her own street. She is twenty-two years old, but this Wang Xueli is not even twenty years old. To be honest, her face can't hang on.

"Sister Caiyun, I don't have eyes on my hands and feet later. If I hurt your daughter, don't blame me." Wang Xueli said in a strange way. Although it seems to be concerned, the irony in the words is beyond doubt.

Caiyun just nodded and didn't respond to her. Instead, her eyes are all fixed on Wang Xueli's hands to see how she will attack first.

Although she had been so cautious, Zhang Fan could not help shaking her head.

Caiyun's strength is obviously weaker than that of Wang Xueli. If you want to defeat Wang Xueli, you have to start first and beat her unprepared. If Wang Xueli is allowed to fight first, Caiyun may have no room to fight back.

"Waterspout!" Sure enough, with Wang Xueli's loud drink, her clothes are calm and automatic, and the corners of her clothes are being hunted by drums. The majestic water elements all over the body swept wildly, converging rapidly towards her. This kind of speed of condensing spiritual power makes the people around us feel amazing.

It seems that the strength of Wang Xueli is above everyone's estimate.

And she is estimated to have already reached the shackles of six days, why before hidden and now suddenly burst out of this news, it is estimated that it really has the meaning for Caiyun. If Zhang Fan is right, she wants Caiyun to defeat herself and defeat her psychologically.

But Caiyun is much stronger than she imagined, not only she didn't give up.

On the contrary, in the face of Wang Xueli's offensive, he became more and more brave.

"Wanteng bound!" In an instant, from behind the colorful clouds, the thick vines stretched out in strange posture and rolled directly towards Wang Xueli's waterspout. Extreme speed, and strange angle, let Zhang fan can't help but also a Leng. I didn't expect that the wood property of Caiyun was a bit dangerous.