Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 154

Zhang Fan naturally refused, but for this kind of secret script, he really didn't know how to cultivate it?

In the heart ponders repeatedly, already some are at a loss.

At this moment, Shi Xian's voice suddenly came over, and he said to Zhang Fan, "give him something. This old man probably knows about the cultivation method of autumn water palm, and he's not a water practitioner. It's useless for him to want this thing."

Hear here, Zhang Fan also had to nod.

Some unwilling from the arms of the autumn water palm slowly to touch out, and put in the hands of Taoist cloud.

Taoist Yun nodded, looked at Zhang Fan with a kind of gratifying eyes, and said to him, "this is good."

Autumn water palm in his hands, even began to automatically read.

Soon, the whole palm technique had been turned over in his hands.

And after he saw it, he frowned tightly.

"Cai Tianxiang always doesn't want to let me see the second half. He still doesn't trust me as much as you."

After thinking about it, he said to himself, "but this autumn water palm technique, I can really see some tricks. But I'm afraid it's up to you to understand what's behind it. "

Zhang Fan is a little unconvinced, "it's just a palm technique. It's as difficult as you say?"

Taoist Yun laughed and said, "if you don't believe it, you can try it. If you learn the palm technique in three years, I will abandon my cultivation and expose my inner alchemy. There is no complaint."

Taoist cloud said so firmly, Zhang fan can not help but also began to feel uneasy, this palm is really so difficult to practice? Moreover, Shi Xian also said that this is not the martial art possessed by the mortals.

Taoist Yun also slowly closed his eyes and gave the secret book back to Zhang Fan, "I don't know if it's difficult. I only know one thing. If you want to successfully practice this autumn water palm technique, there are at least two factors. The first is that you have a very strong cultivation, that is to say, at least you have to have the cultivation of Mahayana, which is enough to mobilize the power between heaven and earth and the water element of the body to maintain the drive, in order to succeed. The other is that you are born with a very strong element of water, otherwise you will never think about autumn water palm in your life. Of course, the first three palms of autumn water palm technique are very simple. As long as you are a practitioner of water element, even a practitioner of guiding spirit can learn it. It's just that the real autumn water palm technique starts from the fourth palm, and the front is the foundation and bedding. Only from the fourth palm can the dish show its strong side. Qiushui palm is divided into nine palms. The damage and power of each palm will be multiplied. If you reach the ninth palm, even the practitioners of Dacheng realm can compete with your current cultivation of double heaven in shackle realm. "

Hearing this, Zhang Fan was already surprised.

Can't help but also a little shocked, open mouth.

However, Taoist Yun turned to Zhang Fan and said, "with your aptitude or your accomplishments, I guess it's impossible to practice to the fourth palm at most. You should not have too high expectations. Although Caiyun knows the value of this palm technique, it is neither suitable nor useful. I think, even if you have that kind of water element, then your water element will not be too strong, otherwise, your body. It can't bear the impact of fire and water. For people like you, having two elements means that you always have to adjust the elements of your body, so your practice is also quite difficult. At your present age, it's a miracle that you can practice to the present level. However, if no one can guide you correctly, then your cultivation will stop here, and you won't be promoted too much in your life. Even if it's Mahayana, you can't reach it. "

Although the words are a little ugly, Zhang Fan has no doubt.

Immediately, with a tone of inquiry, he said to Taoist Yun, "it seems that you have been a teacher, too. Your theoretical knowledge is quite strong."

Taoist Yun laughed, "the teacher is not really, but I have some proud disciples. The worst of them is Caiyun. You are also familiar with her. The wood attribute is different from my wind attribute. But even so, now she has reached the triple heaven cultivation of the shackle realm. Even if she looks at the whole Wangcheng, she can still be independent. "

Zhang Fan didn't continue to listen to his boasting. As soon as the topic changed, he asked, "if you can, you can teach me the autumn water palm technique now."

Taoist Yun suddenly shook his head. He stared at Zhang Fan and said with some regret, "now you can't practice the autumn water palm technique, although I know how to practice it. However, for your own safety, I suggest that you wait until your cultivation is further consolidated. Otherwise, when your two attributes collide, you will still hurt yourself. "

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Fan some can't wait to say.

Taoist Yun shook his head. "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Remember what I said. I've talked so much with you today. I also hope you can understand that our city Lord's house has no malice to you, otherwise, I will be able to wipe you out now. And you are not as good as Caiyun saidWith that, Taoist Yun laughed and went to the door.

Zhang Fan was biting his teeth. Although he was not happy in his heart, he held back the unhappiness.

He said to Taoist cloud, "I promised Caiyun that I would help you. Chen Feng is also my nemesis, so you don't have to motivate me."

Taoist Yun laughs, looks at Zhang Fan and shakes his head.

"The boy's figure is really good. No wonder Caiyun is willing to give himself to you."

This last sentence, Zhang Fan has also heard the meaning of Taoist Yun's words.

Immediately want to refute the things between himself and Caiyun, but at this time the cloud Taoist has already disappeared, into a wisp of smoke disappeared in the room.

Zhang Cheng was stunned. How did he get out? How did it disappear?

Are all the practitioners in dachengjing so unpredictable?

Several people have come to Zhang Fan's room in succession in one night. At the moment, they just feel big. Facing the coming competition tomorrow, they seem to be at a loss for a moment.

Now the body has recovered to 7788, originally wanted to sleep first.

However, the body is inexplicably sent out that kind of disgusting smell, let him some difficult to accept.

After thinking about it, I took two pieces of clothes and went to the hillside of the back mountain to find the stone spring that had run too early there before.

Seeing that there were still some residual medicine on the ground, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Now Qin Yiyi is gone, seeing the traces she left before.

Zhang Fan felt extremely difficult to give up.

I want to hate Mr. Yin, but I don't have that determination.

And his top priority is to improve his strength.

Only after their own strength is strong, can Qin Yiyi be rescued from the talons, and can they have the qualification to fall in love with her.

Time flies, a night has slipped by unconsciously.

When Zhang Fan opened his eyes, he was already in the sun.

However, in the cave, he did not feel anything, just the sound of gurgling water, from the heart across.

The tranquility of the whole night made his mood precipitate a lot, no longer as impatient as last night.

If Zhang Fan is still impatient last night, then he has reason to believe that it is absolutely difficult for him to achieve good results in this competition.

After adjusting the state, Zhang Fan went back to where he lived.