Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 156

If Wang Xueli is a native, it is estimated that Caiyun is really likely to win.

However, in the face of the manic waterspout, after struggling for a long time, the vine gradually decayed and lost its original danger.

And in front of Wang Xueli is also not to give any chance, cold hum a, toward Caiyun's face a punch directly hit over.

"Water dragon boxing!" Wang Xueli yelled, and her muscles and bones crackled. The spirit power in Dantian quickly converged to her right fist along the meridians. Wang Xueli's fist swelled more than twice, like a wine jar. It seemed that she was going to kill Caiyun.

this water dragon boxing should also be Wang Xueli's skill of water attribute, although it seemed that she was going to kill Caiyun The grade is not high. However, Wang Xueli's six heaven realm of shackles at this time is also very powerful! This punch has the strength of nearly one million Jun! It's more than enough to deal with the ordinary shackles, the powerful man of six heaven!

"Mu Teng Yin!" Although Caiyun was in the downwind, he did not show any weakness. His whole body also made a sound of bone and muscle. The right fist across his waist rushed out, and the fist wrapped in a dazzling green light met Wang Xueli's fist.

Hard to hard, direct impact on the spirit and body.

Although the strength is far below Wang Xueli, Caiyun has no fear. Wang Xueli's purpose is also very clear, she just wants to beat Caiyun all of a sudden, so as to show her strength and humiliate Caiyun.

In the eyes of Wang Xueli and everyone else, how can the triple heaven be Wang Xueli's opponent? There is no doubt that Caiyun will lose this time!

"Boom!" Wang Xueli's fist and Caiyun's fist collide together without any fancy!

The wood and water properties of the whole body explode at the same time!

"Well! That's all! How dare you compete with me on this strength? " Wang Xueli feels the strength of Caiyun's fist, and immediately snorts with disdain.

"Do you think it's over? The gilding formula of wood light The fist that Wang Xueli and Caiyun collide with suddenly shakes, and another powerful force suddenly rushes from Caiyun's fist to Wang Xueli's body, just like the huge waves by the sea, wave after wave, constantly pounding the meridians in Wang Long's body. The unique willfulness of wood property makes Caiyun firmly catch Wang Xueli's fist. Although there is a big gap in spiritual power, Caiyun skillfully uses the strength of wood property to dredge Wang Xueli's strength, so as to fight against the army!

"Poof!" As soon as Wang Xueli's face turned white, her body suddenly flew back like a kite with broken line and fell on the marble ground!


At this moment, almost everyone stopped breathing. No one thought that Caiyun could defeat the enemy in one move and hurt Wang Xueli who was much stronger than her!

Including Zhang Fan, she is also extremely unexpected.

The original no suspense game, at the moment, also a little more meaning.

One move! Just a move, the color cloud of the triple sky in the shackle world, beat Wang Xueli, who is more powerful than her, to the ground with vomiting blood! If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

Still intact, the colorful cloud standing on the ground is in sharp contrast to Wang Xueli who spits blood and lies on the ground.

You know, Caiyun is only the strength of the triple heaven in the shackles, while Wang Xueli has the triple heaven in the shackles, and there must be something hidden in her strength. In contrast, under the normal logic of searching someone, it should be doomed that Caiyun is defeated by a move. However, what people didn't expect is just the opposite. Now it's Wang Xueli instead of Caiyun who falls to the ground.

"This How is that possible? "

"Am I right?"

"What's the matter?!..."


In an instant, all kinds of comments came to the scene.

The middle-aged couple frowned. Obviously, seeing Wang Xueli's fall, they didn't seem to expect this. And see Wang Xueli injured, their faces are covered with worry.

The middle-aged man even waved his hand, motioned to let the little guy around him come forward, and whispered what he didn't know to say.

The boy nodded and went down.

Although Caiyun made a move to defeat the enemy, Wang Xueli did not make a move to defeat.

She slowly got up from the ground, some unwilling to look at the clouds. With a sudden smile, a little ferocious look appeared on his face. "I didn't expect that you were hiding such a strange trick. It seems that the city Lord's mansion really has some cards. And I, too, look down on you. "

Although Caiyun won a move, he was not proud. More carefully looking at Wang Xueli, her heart than everyone knows, this Wang Xueli is very cautious, now is in his own hands to eat the loss. And the next battle, it is estimated that it is very difficult to hurt Wang Xueli.

As a practitioner of the sixth heaven in the shackle world, Wang Xueli will never lose to a colorful cloud in the third heaven."In that case, I will deal with you seriously."

With that, Wang Xueli eyebrows lock, her eyes with fierce light condense a fierce look, now she is not like a woman, more like a fierce butcher. It is estimated that children will be scared to cry when they see her.

Wang Xueli is not as good-looking as Caiyun, although Caiyun is still wearing a veil.

In addition to Wang Xueli's dress and personality, most people regard her as a boy.

Now, with this fierce look, it is estimated that some men may not be as fierce as her.

A word falls, and the air is full of water.

In the air, the mist transpiration, gradually like a fairyland in the world in general, illusory.

Close to the challenge arena, I have already felt the light water vapor.

Zhang Fan's heart was shocked. The strength of Wang Xueli's water attribute in his heart was no less than that of himself.

But with the help of the spirit of heaven and earth and the blessing of the heart of the sea, this woman is only alone. But she already has this kind of spiritual power and steam. If her cultivation is even higher, Zhao Nitian may not be her opponent.

Watching Wang Xueli's momentum rise, everyone was shocked.

Look at the clouds, sad face, under the veil, must also be extremely panic.

I don't know how to deal with Caiyun next.

"Wang Xueli is worthy of being a natural water practitioner. It is estimated that only those who have reached the Mahayana realm can exert the power of water elements. Now she's just six days in shackles, but in the future, her accomplishments will be immeasurable. " In my heart, Shi Xian sighed to himself.

Zhang Fan was also surprised to make Shixian all marvel.

See this situation, Caiyun no longer wait.

With a slight twist of both hands, the skirt under your feet is windless. Graceful body slightly askew, right leg immediately up a kick. Skirt also followed up, and with her right leg up, three vines from the bottom of her group also seemed to jump out, like three meteors, straight at Wang Xueli.

But Wang Xueli in this disperses in the water element, is also rapidly recovering own injury.

This recovery speed is a little faster than Zhang Fan.