International Purple-White Plate


When they arrived at Grandmaster Dai, the abbot's young monk ordered the monks to clean up the place, arrange the tables, and set up the competition. At this moment, more and more people began to gather in the crowd that had followed them from the Prairie. The men and women were all laughing and talking merrily. They wanted to see the commotion and to have a feast for the eyes.

The abbot ushered the four raiders into the house and ordered them to make tea for the guests. The abbot came to entertain the Monk Zhenhai only after he finished entertaining them. Zhenhai sat to one side, watching them silently. He was not at all pleased to see the abbot come back with a sullen face, nor was he in the least amused to see the four men enter and sit down arrogantly.

The abbot walked up to him and sat him down. Then, the abbot said to Zhenhai, "Fellow Taoist, I am truly sorry! I've kept you waiting. "I don't intend to slack off."

Zhenhai smiled, "You're welcome. You're welcome. I'm just here to play chess with you. "You have a lot of things to do, so you should always ask for help. I understand that very well."

The abbot also saw a middle-aged man sitting beside Zhenhai. The abbot thought that he was not an old Daoist, and said, "This old monk will wait for you since you have just arrived."

The man stood up and returned the greeting, "Infinite Blessing to the Sky Sovereign. I am Gongsun alone, known as Casanova, Master of the Three Immortals Monastery of Penglai Island. "Greetings, Elder."

Upon hearing that, the abbot hurriedly said, "My apologies! Just now, I saw that you dressed like a commoner and called you by the wrong name. Please forgive this old monk's light words! "

Zhenhai smiled and said, "Elder, you don't have to be courteous to him. A great deity like me, a practitioner, has had enough hardships. Now that he's stopped concocting pills and changed into a common attire, he's going to marry his wife. " When the old Daoist heard this, his face flushed red to the ears, and then berated Zhenhai, "You dumb gourd, you can pour out anything. Don't forget that you invited me here to help you with chess. If you dare to offend me again, I won't help you. "

Seeing the two of them teasing each other, the abbot also laughed, "Let's not talk about chess now, my mood is gone. It's like I've been swept clean by a broom. " Zhenhai said, "You must be afraid that I've invited a chess player. What disgrace! " The abbot shook his head. "But this is not this old monk's original intention. It was because the four guests were not very easy to deal with. They've come for me to be unlucky. "

Zhenhai was startled and stopped laughing. "As soon as I entered the door, I saw that they weren't kind people. What kind of people are they! What right do I have to be unlucky? "

Zhenhai glared at the four of them, sizing them up one by one. He didn't even wait for the abbot's reply. Zhenhai looked at the sword in the woman's hand and exclaimed, "Ah! They're a bunch of Japanese rowers. "

The old Daoist looked at the four of them and immediately made his decision, "That's right! It was the four of them. I was worried about finding them. " Zhenhai angrily said, "This is truly looking for a place with broken iron shoes. It won't take any effort to obtain it." Unexpectedly, they met here today. It's all thanks to me playing chess in the morning. "

Just as the abbot and Farmer were feeling bewildered and confused, the old Daoist said, "These four things are hateful to the extreme! Not long ago, I went to play chess at Glazed Ball Island. The four of them took advantage of my emptiness to suddenly enter the temple and search around. My disciples, phantoms and illusions, obstruct them and argue with them. They threw both my boys into the sea and almost drowned. They robbed me of a few treasures and three hundred dollars. I went back to the temple to hear the children cry and look around for them. I haven't said anything yet, and they're here to rob me again. How can I spare him! "

He then pointed to the fatty and said, "The one who threw my child into the sea was him. I won't forgive you today! "

When the fatty heard this, he was shocked and thought to himself, "Crap, we've been recognized." "What a coincidence today!" Thus, he braced himself and glared at the old Taoist, "Smelly Taoist!" You can't forgive me, what can you do to me? The treasure originally had an owner. If it is lost, it will not be yours. " He also denied it and said, "No, I haven't seen your Dao Child." The old man gnashed his teeth in anger and said, "Good! You still dare to deny it! " As he spoke, he took off his outer garment, revealing it to his face. He was about to go over and beat him up.

Zhenhai grabbed the old Taoist and said, "Wait, wait. Fellow Daoist, don't worry. They couldn't escape. There's still me in the show. I'll tell you the truth: that day, not only did they rob you of your Three Immortals Temple, they also plundered my Guanyin Institution. They threw my four boys, the north, south, east and west winds, three of them into the sea and killed them. My boys couldn't beat them, and they beat them. The one who died was also this fatty. They searched my temple thoroughly, and seeing that I had no treasures and no money, they took away my treasured sword, the Dragon Spring Sword. What was in the woman's hand. Now, at least, I've seen the loot. How can I give you such a deal? That fatty, I will personally send him to take revenge for my child! I will also let him have a taste of what it feels like to fall to his death! "

When the fatty heard this, he stood up in anger and shouted angrily at the two, "Pei! Aren't you afraid of the wind blowing your tongue? All these things, I did it! Let's see what you can do to me! I'm not afraid of you! " The fat guy turned out to be his wife. There was no end to the scolding and quarreling.

The old Daoist and Zhenhai were engaged in a battle of words because of him. The old Daoist said to Zhenhai, "You monk, you really don't know how to change! [How can I let you hit this fatty? "Don't fight, I'm going to beat him half to death with my own hands and ask him if he wants any silver coins."

Zhenhai said, "Old Taoist, what are you saying? His life was in danger. Is your silver more important, or is my life more important? Do you want to take revenge for my revenge? "

The old Daoist said, "If this side of yours is filled with lead, then isn't there more?"

An idea came to Zhenhai's mind. "Thanks for the reminder!" I'll change. How about this, with my sword in her hand, she must also be my enemy. I'll give her to you. You asked her to return my sword, and then you took her as your wife. You don't have to marry later. I hit the fat man and asked him for the silver back. This is called being compatible. " Fa Ming was laughing so hard that he fell to the side. The abbot tried to explain with a laugh, "Don't fight, don't fight. "We can talk it over slowly."

The old Daoist and Zhenhai were at a stalemate. Hearing that, the lady frowned, gritted her teeth, took out her sword, stood up, and scolded Zhenhai with a red face: "Bald ass! This treasured sword is yours. If you have the ability, come take it. How dare you insult your aunt? "Watch how I kill you!" The fat guy helped the woman, and the old Daoist helped Zhenhai.

When the old Daoist heard the woman's curses, he said to her, "You ugly woman, I still don't want you. You're getting impatient. If I marry, I'll go to Tokyo and marry a good one. " Just as the woman was about to explode in anger, Old Man Qu said: "Pui! Who's willing to marry you! I'm not ugly. " The old Daoist said, "Why are you so beautiful? I don't want you either. I'd rather have a bite of fresh peach than a pile of rotten apricots. "Who do you think you are? A woman and three men, you're the one with more than enough lust."

Zhenhai then said to the old Daoist, "Old Daoist, you're too weak. You're confused. What did you say about her three men? The account was bad, bad. "Even you four."

When the old Daoist heard this, he cast the woman aside and said to Zhenhai, "Monk, you're right. The woman looted everywhere, and her body smelled like a fox. She had beaten up a lot of people, so it was all yours. It's hard for you to protect her. "

Zhenhai laughed and said, "Monks don't take a wife and refuse lust. She's still yours. " The woman was so angry that her face turned red again. She was so angry that the old Daoist with the sword fingers was about to give it his all. She scolded, "Smelly Taoist! A bald monk! Mother will not fight with you. "If you have the ability, come fight with me outside!" After he finished speaking, he walked out aggressively.

Zhenhai saw her leave the room and smiled, "The old Taoist is worried and wants you to go. Some quiet words. " The old Daoist ignored the woman and said to Zhenhai, "Monk, quickly go. She's holding the betrothal gift you gave her. You gave her that sword in private. " Zhenhai blushed. "I'm calling you. I'm calling you." You gave her three hundred silver coins, so it's not a small amount. " When the old Daoist heard "Silver Yuan", he suddenly thought of Fatty and pointed at him angrily. "When you give it back to me, you can't even lose a single person!" Zhenhai also reprimanded Fatty, "What kind of robber are you? It's fine to rob people, but why did you throw my child to death? Today, I will definitely smash you to death! " Then he took off his coat and prepared to fight.

The tall and thin Zheng He and Gui Ben also stood up and said to Zhenhai and the old Daoist, "There's no need for the two of you to say anything. Let me send you two away!"

Fa Ming got up and said, "Zheng Zheng and Charm, don't do anything to others. You personally promised me to beat you up. We absolutely cannot change it. "

Just as he was saying to Gui Ben, "Alright, alright, let's not fight." I'll send you first, then the two of them. "

When the three islands saw that no one was paying attention to him, they said irritably, "Zhengjun! If you are going to kill someone, who am I going to kill?! "

Righteous Turtle Ben said, "Alright! Today, neither of us can spare the other. Then let's catch the pair and start fighting! " "Who dares to fight with me?" Shogun asked hastily. As soon as his words fell, Zhenhai said, "I'll kill you first!" The woman was waiting outside, but no one paid any attention to her.

The fat guy opened his eyes wide and walked out of the room aggressively. He was in the middle of dealing with Shou Ben and Three Islands, following closely behind. The old Daoist was the first to follow him out. The Fa Ming and Zhenhai went outside to protect the abbot. There was a sea of people outside, and the courtyard was packed. The young monk led the monks and finished arranging the tables and chairs. It was a huge scene. It was all swept clean. Directly to the north was a row of tables. It was the abbot's seat. A row of tables to the east was the host's seat. On the west side of the table was the guest area. The south row of tables was for the audience. The stewards of the temples in the mountain had already taken their seats.

The abbot came to the northern table. On his left was Farmer, and on his right was the Sea of Subjugation. The three of them sat down. The young monk pointed to a row of tables and chairs to the west and said to the coaches, "Please take a seat as well!" The woman was still angrily shouting a few curses as she brandished her treasured sword. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she sat down with Gui Ben and the other three islands. Her eyes were glowering at Zhenhai.

At this time, Fatty and Old Daoist had already fought for a few rounds. Seeing how strong the fat guy was, he also attacked ferociously. To the old Taoist, he was like a ferocious tiger pouncing on its prey. It was true: every move was filled with hatred, and the style was astonishing. He raised his feet and kicked the dust away. The wind blew from his dancing arms. He was trying to snatch the old Daoist. He wanted nothing more than to smash the old Daoist to death with a single move. The old Daoist moved as if he was a child's play. While taking his move, she asked, "Take advantage of the fact that you're not dead, hurry up and tell me about the silver? It'll be easier for me to fight back. " He was so angry that Fatty's attack failed him. Suddenly, he leaped forward and threw a kick at the old Daoist's chest. The old Daoist moved in a flash to grab at his feet. The fatty hurriedly retracted his foot, his movements suddenly changed, and another punch came.

The old Daoist held his fist and asked, "Where did you put the silver?" Speak! If you don't, you won't have a chance. I'm afraid you're too much of a pain in the ass. " Fatty angrily retorted, "Bullshit! "Let's watch the fight!" After which, he withdrew his fist with all his might, and just as he was about to strike again, he got even more ferocious. The old Daoist let go of his hand and took the opportunity to kick him in the waist. Without making a sound, Fatty fell to the ground.

The old Daoist stepped on the ground again and asked, "Don't fake your death! What about my three hundred silver? "Where is it?!" The fat guy didn't say anything. He just stood there for a while. "The old Daoist didn't know that he had died and is still asking." What about my silver? "

So the kick earlier by the old Daoist had some name. It was called "Kunlun Foot". Formidable and fierce, he had kicked the fatty's "Gate of Life" acupoint. The fatty's ribs were broken, his veins were broken, and his heart was filled with blood. He was dead.