International Purple-White Plate


When the four men saw Farmer and the abbot arrive, they all showed respect. The fat pervert purposely put on a show and said to the two of them: "Elders, I'm sorry! We are tourists from Great Japan. I have long heard that China has many famous mountain sacred grounds, I want to visit them one by one, and also to compete in martial arts and spar at a high level. I didn't expect that we had been in China for a few months, where we were disappointed. The Chinese fear swords, so they can't withstand a single blow. Every once in a while, those who fought with us didn't have any martial arts skills worth mentioning. "It's not as high grade as we've heard.

He pointed at the monks and said, "Look, these monks are not young anymore. Before we could do anything, they were already on the ground. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, Elders. This was what a martial arts match was like: not giving in on the spot, not showing any mercy, not letting anyone off the hook. We were a bit heavy-handed, in fact, we hadn't expected to win so easily. "Great Grandmaster Dai, you are nothing more than this." The other three also nodded proudly towards Farmer and the abbot.

When Farmer heard the sarcasm in his words, he didn't dare to directly scold him with etiquette. "Amitabha — please forgive me, four of you," he said, holding back his anger. However, if you want to seriously compete in martial arts and spar in martial arts, you shouldn't compete with others just because you see them. I predict that the four of you must be the quintessence of the Japanese martial arts. Here, little Shamei was still practicing martial arts. They were all disciples that didn't know much about martial arts. How could they be compared with the four Martial Masters? If they were to fight, they would also lose the status of four of them. It's no wonder that this will spoil your fun. "

When the four of them heard this, all of them pursed their lips and looked at each other as they laughed heartily. The tall and thin youth snorted, "Elder, may I ask who do you think we should compete with?" Before Farmer could answer, he added, "I will tell you the truth: how many temples have we been to? Monk, Old Daoist, we will live a long life. The old, the young, the middle-aged, we all do. None of them could withstand a single blow. I think that's the way it is for all of you! It would not be excessive to say that you have no reputation. "

Farmer took a step forward and said, "You don't seem to be right. I don't need to brag to you about China's martial arts. If you want to compete in martial arts, I am willing to compete with you. What do the four of you think? " Unexpectedly, when the four heard this, they looked at each other and burst into laughter. The fat one said, "You monk, we don't want to win against you. Don't force yourself. As the saying goes, 'Not giving in on the spot, not holding your hand. This was the rule of martial arts competition. If you get beaten to death and you go to the West to sue us, we can't afford to fight this case. " The four people burst into laughter again.

No, no," he said. The four of them would laugh until there was nothing left. You don't have to be afraid of me. He hadn't even made a move yet, so how could he know who would win and who would lose? I was willing to follow my heart to participate in the martial arts competition, and I am confident in my own life and death, so I won't blame you in the least. I know that you all believe in the truths of the Heavenly Dao's Samsara. But I don't believe there really is a hell in the underworld. Don't just look at how young and strong you are, I will follow you to the end no matter how you want to compete. However, if any of you are lost, don't go there and sue me.

When the four heard this, they threw their heads back and laughed out loud. The fat guy said, "We can't trust you. I said it to remind you. Not long after that, there was Elder Fa Hui at the Tzu En Temple. We hurt him a bit, and he was able to compete with us. In the end, his physical strength was insufficient and he was not as skilled as others. He died from serious injuries. We have no intention of killing him, we're just a little too heavy. That's what you did. I advise you not to try to force the match and to obediently admit defeat. "

When Fa Ming heard this, he was both angry and anxious. He thought to himself, "This guy admitted defeat." It was indeed they who killed Fa Hui. Just admit it. How can I forgive you! " In fact, when the four saw that Farmer was so powerful, they all became timid and wanted to slip away. Seeing that they would not compare themselves to him, he urged them, "Do not look down on the poor monks. And don't think you're great. A baron who was born of my hands has never been. "

When the fatty heard this, he flew into a rage and said with his eyes wide open, "I am still quite happy here today. I met someone who took the initiative and wanted to die!" He took a few steps forward and was about to attack. The skinny one acknowledged and said, "This monk is pretty decent, but he didn't let us down. This time, it's not your turn. I'll send him to hell. " After he finished speaking, he half-closed his eyes and raised a hand towards Farmer Ming, not knowing what kind of luck he had. It looked like he was going to clap hands with Farmer. When the other three saw him use this move, they all became complacent and their expressions became arrogant.

I know this is a martial art, and I know it is very powerful." Once a person came forward to give him a slap, he would suddenly change his attack to hit the Death's End. He was caught off guard and could kill a person with a single move. He could go up to the sun, down to the sun, and sneak around in the middle. It was impossible to guard against. This was a Chinese martial arts technique brought to Japan by the Tang Dynasty's high monk, Appraisal.

"It's all the fault of this blind monk, Appraisal, for randomly teaching them Chinese martial arts. To break this technique, one had to first break his Qi before being able to attack. This move was called 'Obedient Yang', and was unbeatable. If he wanted to defeat this technique, he would have to do so with the Martial Arts of the Great Blessed Buddha. Although I've also learned the 'Wind and Thunder Palm', I'm afraid I don't have that much power. I'm going to beat these four today, so don't be careless. "Forget it, I still know my opponent. I will first break his anger, then attack him."

Thus, Fa Ming secretly circulated his power and activated his Dantian's Qi and said, "Good, good, good! This humble monk will compete with you first. " Farmin stood firm. First he raised a hand as if to strike. Seeing that Fa Ming had raised his hand, he was secretly happy in his heart. He increased his luck and did not move, saying in his heart: "I will suddenly hit your vital points and kill you with one move! When you got close to me, you couldn't even dodge in time. "

Farmin was also cunning, as if he had seen through his thoughts. He suddenly changed to a cupped fist and said, "Please state your name first, so that we can compete on the spot. If something goes wrong, you won't be a nameless ghost. " When the thin man heard this, he became angered. His eyes were like a full moon, and his gaze was as fierce as a Giant Spirit. His hands trembled, but he was unwilling to break the mood. However, he still remained silent. Farmer continued to mutter to himself, "It wasn't hard for me to win against you today. It was so unlucky to be killed without knowing my name. Not satisfied! Not satisfied! "

The man was so angry that he couldn't hold it in any longer. He gritted his teeth, opened his mouth, widened his eyes, retracted his hand and slapped his chest as he yelled, "Listen: I'll let you die knowing what you want! "I am called 'Zheng and Tao Ben'; the fat lord is called 'Wu Zi Xiong'; the king is called 'Three Islands Zheng Fu'." The woman did not need him to say so, instead she said to Farmer Lin, "My name is' Liu Zi Huixiang Man ', and I'm known as' Casanova '." After saying that, he became as fierce as a yaksha. When Fa Ming heard this, he said disapprovingly, "It's not easy to remember these names.

Just as he and Turtle Ben were gritting their teeth at Fa Ming again, they said, "Is it done now!? Since you already know about it, you should rest in peace! " Following that, he used that move and started to get lucky. Seeing that he had already lost his confidence and was going to disturb his mind, forcing him to attack first, Fa Ming purposely said to him, "Hearing your names, I know you guys are loafers. You can't be considered a true Japanese martial artist."

Righteous Turtle Ben was so angry that he scolded again, "You scoundrel who doesn't hide lice, how dare you be so blind! We are all the distinguished Japanese Shizhidao, we are fellow apprentices of the same teacher, and we have been together in Taiwan for eight years. What do you mean, we hang out together? I won't forgive you! " Seeing that he had also lost control of his mind, Fa Ming became agitated. Fa Ming was secretly delighted. He did not fight back and raised a hand to strike him.

Unexpectedly, that fatty, the fifth son, had seen through Fa Ming's scheme. He stepped forward to block Zheng and Gui Ben, saying, "This man is bald and cunning. Calm your heart, calm your anger. Let me compete with him first. " He then asked Farmer, "Are you willing to compete in karate or in sword arts?"

"His karate skills might be kung fu skills, while his sword skills might be equipment skills." For a moment Farmer did not understand, saying, "I am the Lord, and you are the guest. It's up to you. "

When the fifth son heard this, he didn't even bother to discuss it with the other three and immediately said, "Let's compete in karate martial arts first." After saying that, he took the stance of opening the door, seizing the upper hand and repeatedly using his moves. The move was so fast that it made people dizzy. Unlike him, Farmer did not move at all. In fact, Farmer was already on his guard. He was using a move that was waiting to be used. He wanted to use the fierce technique of 'flicking his fingers' to quickly send him off.

The fat fifth son, who had practiced many moves, suddenly became timid and thought to himself, "This monk must be powerful. He was waiting for something. Which way should I attack first? " He hesitated, but the abbot suddenly came to his senses and thought, "How could I have forgotten? Fellow Daoist Farmer had just descended the mountain, but his strength had already decreased. How could he let these four hooligans wait idly for him? I still have a monk in that temple of mine. "

The abbot hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Both of you, slow down! The old monk had a saying: This was originally a small temple with few weapons. It was not an ideal place to compete in martial arts. The great temple of Dai Zongfang is our temple. There were many kinds of weapons and it was very easy to choose which one to wield. Please, all four of you, don't worry. When I get there, I'll serve you tea first, as the landlord should. Then I set the table, with the chairman, the guests, and the audience. With this kind of competition, whoever lost could add more glory to the show. Please come to the great temple of Grandmaster Dai to have a competition. "

The fat fifth son did not know what was going on and laughed after hearing "You elder, are you still competing in any big or small temple? When you get there, you won't be able to avoid losing. I agreed to compete with Grandmaster Dai at the temple. I'll make you convinced of your defeat. " The abbot said, "You're right, you're right."

If you lose there, it will be different here. You have to give up your position as the chief elder. Can you promise? "

The abbot said, "Alright, alright, alright. It's a deal. If we lose, the position of Chief Elder will be given to you. But if you lose, what's the price? " The fat fifth son did not dare to make the decision as he glanced at his companions one by one.

Righteous Turtle Ben said, "If we lose, we'll let you do whatever you want with us." The abbot said, "Good, good, good! This bet of yours is not small either. " The four people were all happy. They walked out of the mountain gate and headed towards the temple of Grandmaster Dai first.

When Fa Ming saw the abbot's sudden action, he quickly pointed it out himself. He said to the abbot, "Just now, I had already thought of an idea to send the four of them away. We should have competed with him here. " The abbot said, "You alone against four people, what need is there for that? Don't forget, we still have two people waiting to play chess. This way, the four of us can beat four of him. Wouldn't it be better? Don't just look at how arrogant he is. The two of them laughed and followed.