International Purple-White Plate


Upon seeing the old Daoist still trampling on the fatty, the three islands were filled with grief and anger. They drew their treasured swords and roared, "Look at the sword!" Jumping into the field, he brandished his sword and chopped at the old Daoist. The old Daoist dodged the sword and was about to fight the Three Islands Righteous Bestowal. Zhenhai stood up and shouted, "Three islands! Watch me hit you! " With that, he jumped into the ring.

The old Daoist withdrew his attack and said to Zhenhai, "Be careful!" Finished speaking, he retreated back to his seat.

The laws of the three islands did not allow Zhenhai to stand firm. They continuously swept at him with their swords. Zhenhai had no choice but to dodge in quick succession. The three islands fiercely attacked with their great swords. Zhenhai was forced into a corner by him. He had just turned over on his feet when he hurriedly moved to the west. Seeing how tightly Three Islands were pressing down on him, Zhenhai was enraged. He suddenly shouted, "Yahei!" The sound was so loud that it scared the three islands, making them think that he had a hidden weapon. Zhenhai took the opportunity to drop down beside the female wave. He reached out to grab her, then tucked her under his armpit, as if he was going to snatch her away.

Caught off guard, the wave woman scratched her hands and feet in fright. Her expression changed as she struggled and shouted under the sea, "Ah!? You bald monk, what are you doing! Let go of your aunt! "

At this moment, the Dragon Spring Sword in her hand had been seized by Zhenhai. The action of snatching the sword was also extremely fast. He was right next to him, unable to pull out his sword in time to save her. The Righteous Turtle was enraged and pulled out his sword. Zhenhai threw the wave woman back at him. He was so scared that he hurriedly pulled back his sword and caught the female wave in the air, nearly injuring her.

Zhenhai took the opportunity to shake his sword with a flick. Suddenly, like thousands of treasured swords, they took over his sea of consciousness. Everyone was dazzled by what they saw, and they could not help but praise, "What a good sword technique!"

He and Gui Ben could only hear the sound of the wind coming from the sword as he hid the female Magus behind him, not daring to get any closer. Zhenhai leaped into the air and dashed towards the three islands to kill them. The three islands were connected by a few moves, which showed how strong Zhenhai was and how powerful his treasured sword was. He was already scared. He turned around and tried to retreat. Zhenhai's sword had cut off his right arm. The hand that was still holding the sword fell to the ground. Just as Gui Ben was startled, he suddenly rushed forward and stabbed the sea with his sword. He had saved the way to the three islands with the severed arm.

Zhenhai held his sword up against Ripple Turtle Ben and said, "There isn't a lot of them, but there are two of them. I'll kill one more! "

Just as Zhenhai was about to wave his sword and move, Fa Ming stood up and said, "Keep your sword! This is exactly the same as Tao Ben, I have to beat him up! " Farmer leaped up and landed in the middle of the field. Right now, he was quite good at fighting his opponent, so he decided to take a step back and say, "I'll fight you after I send him away." After saying that, he swung his sword to seal the door, afraid that Zhenhai would attack him. Zhenhai sheathed his sword and said to Fa Ming, "Fellow Daoist, I'll leave it to you." Fa Ming said, "Acceptance! Please take a seat, fellow daoist. " Zhenhai calmly sat back down.

Seeing Fa Ming coming over with his bare hands, Tortoise also returned his sword to its sheath and threw it to the woman. Farmer said, "You are a real man."

Righteous Turtle Ben said, "What we talked about was that we should compare martial arts to empty-handed martial arts. Of course I don't use my sword. " "Please!" He waved both of his arms and executed a few moves, standing firmly on the spot. Then, with his eyes half closed, he executed the move 'Defending the Yang and Defending the Yin'.

Seeing that he did not move, Fa Ming secretly thought about it and said, "If I were to beat him with the Breaking Qi Technique again, I would need to talk back and forth to make some of my fellow daoists laugh. I might as well use the Five Elements true skill to beat him up. Today, I shall personally avenge Elder Fa Hui. "

As he thought about it, he decided not to rush forward and instead secretly got lucky. After that, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and consecutively revealed a few moves, which were intended to dazzle and dazzle the Righteous Bodhi. Just as he was about to launch an attack on Farmer's Lifeline, he was about to use a move to kill him. Farmer suddenly stepped forward, not hitting him on the palm, but on the arm. He and Gui Ben had never expected that they would suffer such a loss. Hurriedly, they dodged the pain and sent out a kick to kick Fa Ming's perineum. With that, Farmer Ming leaped into the air and used Immortal Shows the Way to fight the Cleric. Right at this moment, he and Turtle dodged and hurriedly took out their hidden weapons. He had thought that Fa Ming would land on the ground and make a move.

Unexpectedly, Fa Ming tapped his foot on the ground and leapt into the air, using the Yaksha Exploring the Sea technique to grab him. He and Gui Ben, who had just taken out their "bewitching" leather pouches, hastily dodged without a care for their performance. In the air, Farmer changed his move to "Immortal Pickling", launching a barrage of attacks at Tou Ben and Zheng Zheng. This move was extremely powerful, capable of hitting someone in the air in an instant. He and Gui Ben never expected that. He saw Farmer somersault into a head-down position in the air, his fists pincers striking directly at Shou Ben's head. Both his left and right temples had been struck. He threw away the 'ecstatic' one in his hands and fell to the ground dead. With that, Farmer flipped over and stood on the ground.

The audience cheered, "Good fight! "Well played." Someone saw the leather bag that Gui Ben and the others had left behind, and shouted, "High Monk, what treasure did you have with the pervert? He's on the ground!"

Farmer looked down to see if it was a concealed weapon and was about to pick it up. The female Ronin flew forward and took it in her hand. "High Monk, have mercy! High Monk, have mercy! "

That woman was really despicable, she wasn't afraid. Walking up to take a look, she saw that both he and Gui Ben were dead. As if she had gone mad, she drew out her treasured sword and chopped at Dharma Ming. Fa Ming retreated and was about to kill her. He stopped her in a hurry, "Miss, we are no match for you. Quickly admit defeat!" The woman kept her sword with a "*" sound.

The abbot was worried that in his rage, the two would end up dying. He slapped the table and shouted, "The two of you, do not ever do evil on my land again! He had to change his mind and change his past! This will be forgiven. "

He then kowtowed to the abbot and said, "I dare not do anything wrong now! He didn't dare to do anything evil! If the elders are willing to spare our lives, we will not return to Taiwan. and go back to the mainland through the ball and never come back. "

The woman did not kneel, nor did she beg for mercy.

When the abbot saw that the three islands were covered in blood and gore, he softened his heart and said, "I don't know how many Chinese have been harmed, how many temples have been destroyed, and how many possessions have been looted. My Buddhist Sect is based on benevolence, based on good will. You two, run for your lives! "

The Elder's compassion for him had left behind trouble for himself, as well as disaster essence for Shandong Province. When this woman returned, she brought back a large number of berserk people to take revenge on her. This was something that would not be mentioned in the future.

The spectators from Shandong, upon hearing that the abbot would forgive the two of them, did not agree and shouted enthusiastically: "Elder! He couldn't let them go. That female demon was even more ruthless! Kill them all! Kill them all! "

The moment he heard, he was scared out of his wits. He was hurt so badly that he didn't even know he was in pain. He grabbed the wave woman and ran through the crowd towards the mountain gate. The audience loathed him for his filth and avoided him. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult for the two of them to leave. Some of the spectators were furious and chased after the two of them, shouting, "Do you still dare to act so atrociously? If you have the ability, don't run, keep fighting! " The two of them didn't turn their heads and only ran. Some of the audience members said something even more unpleasant.

The two ran away in panic. The woman turned around, gnashed her teeth, and cursed: "Baldy Monk! Smelly Daoist! You just wait and see how I will kill you in the future! "

As the two of them were walking, they bumped into a few well-dressed young men who were wearing crooked hats. It turned out that these three people were Japanese ronin as well. They were in the same group. They dressed up as Chinese and looked everywhere for information. When they got closer, the woman told them what had happened.

When the three of them heard that Gui Chen and Wu Zi had died, they immediately revealed vicious expressions. The three of them saw the injuries on the three islands, so they told the two to wait and ran into the yard.

When the three of them arrived at the courtyard and saw the sea of people, they didn't dare to show their prowess. Someone looked at the corpse and hatefully said, "The three of us have gone to watch the scenery. It's all thanks to you!" The corpses carried on the backs of the two people could not help but shout out in anger. The three of them took a few more steps forward and cursed.

When the abbot saw the three of them, he said in surprise, "We ran into these three before we came down the mountain. They don't dress like Japanese rowers either. "Are they a team?" When Monk Zhenhai heard the curses, he took out his sword and said: "Abbot, it doesn't matter whether or not they're in cahoots. If he dares to curse again, my Dragon Spring Sword will not agree." Then, he raised his sword and gave chase.

The three men looked back and saw that someone was chasing after them with a sword in his hand. They didn't dare to scold anyone anymore as they all hurried out of the mountain gate. Zhenhai chased them out of the mountain gate, then stopped and looked at them for a while. Seeing that he had achieved a complete victory, the abbot said happily, "Today, it was all thanks to the three friends that Dai Zongfang was able to save himself from this calamity. I sincerely thank you, fellow Daoists. This old monk will immediately hold a feast to celebrate his victory! " Everyone in Grandmaster Dai was happy.

Zhenhai returned to his treasured sword. He was full of joy, and his face was full of spring. He was especially happy. He held onto the treasured sword, and said angrily. He shouted, "Look at this, old Taoist. You can't compare? Now, my son has been killed by the fall and my vengeance has been avenged. You had a bad time. He lost three treasures and three hundred silver coins. There's nowhere to buy your silver. " The old Daoist said, "If there's no place, then there's no place to buy it. It's infuriating. He would slowly earn more money. "There's no need to be so fussy."

Zhenhai laughed, "You're so arrogant, yet you don't know what's good for you. I offered my good intentions to your girl, but you didn't want them and blamed me. Yet now, you have lost both money and money. "

The old Daoist shook his head and laughed, "Two empty air is two empty air. Don't make fun of me, don't make fun of me."

Zhenhai added, "I think you're a bolder than the others. If you want that girl, I can give birth to a bunch of young elders for you. " The old Taoist was very civilized and said, "You, you dare to talk about it wherever you go. Don't forget, we're here as guests. This is not Penglai Island. "

Seeing the two of them joking around, Fa Ming also approached and said, "You two, so cool!" Zhenhai said, "I'm ashamed. Fellow Daoists, please excuse me. " Farmer said, "These four hooligans are truly hateful. It's not that we beat them up too viciously, it's just that we're too light on them. Elder Fa Hui, the abbot of the Tzu En Temple, was an extremely respected and aged over 90 years old. He had died tragically at their hands. I witnessed the tragedy of Tzu En Temple. Once Fa Hui died, the temple lost its backbone. The little Shame was afraid of the four vagabonds, and they all wanted to tear down the temple and break up the gang. The four of them robbed the Temple of Beneath and smashed a signboard, making it so that two hundred silver coins are paid to them every month. This is truly too much of a bullying and it is extremely hateful. "

The old Daoist and Zhenhai didn't know each other yet. Zhenhai asked, "Fellow Daoist, are you from Grandmaster Dai? Why haven't I seen it before? " "At the top of the mountain, I've heard of you two. Both of you are chess saints of the Pang Lai Immortal Realm." The two laughed. "I dare not be a saint, I dare not be a saint. A chess fan is fine. "

"I am the deacon of the Temple of National Protection in Beijing, Fa Ming," said Fa Ming. Zhenhai recognized Fa Tong and asked in surprise, "You're Fa Tong's junior brother?" Fa Ming nodded and said, "Yes, I am." "Fellow cultivator knows my senior apprentice brother?"

Zhenhai said, "Not only do we know each other, we're also old friends. He went to Penglai and told me about you. No wonder I saw you play with the turtle. I don't think you can beat four of them with your martial arts. "

Farmer laughed, "No, no." I was really going to beat up four of them at the Prairie. It was the abbot, the Elder, who treated the two of you kindly, and insisted on splitting two of them to fight against you. The Elders have coaxed them to come here. "