International Purple-White Plate


The two of them watched the tourists again, and looked around at the joyful scene. Seeing the man's happiness, the woman was happy. The old man was deep and the youth was elated. The song resounded through the valley, the laughter echoed in the valley. The bird left the branch, and the beast fled in panic. The two of them enjoyed each other's attention. The abbot pointed at the crowd and said, "With those red makeup elements as the topic, I would like to request dao friend to compose another poem." He looked over and saw a few women with red makeup and a few women in plain clothes playing around.

Farmer said, "It's hard. Scenes, easygoing and natural, the heart of the poor monk has a poem. Flowers, grass, and paupers have their own poems. I just do not care about the beauty of red makeup, do not describe the jade fragrant muscle. Meng Lang was even less pleased. Only the weak Confucian scholar good red makeup, the intention of the delicate face, praise rich. Teacher is clearly finding it difficult for me to answer this question. "

The abbot laughed, "There's no such thing. There's no such thing." Jade fragrant muscle, beautiful face, is my Buddhist color ring. She was a being of the boundless universe, it was fine if she didn't want to avoid it. Shi Yan was extremely grateful. He didn't say anything, but he was clear. It's about poetry. " As expected, he began to compose the verse when he activated the Mantra of the Bright Magic Scripture.

The abbot's young monk suddenly ran over and said, "Elder, Monk Zhenhai brought an old Taoist and has come to seek your revenge. Let me tell you to go back. Zhenhai said he would definitely beat you today. You have to be careful. " The abbot laughed and said, "He wants to take revenge for that day? "Forget it, I was just thinking of winning another round, making up three rounds." The abbot's poetry interest was first accepted.

So the abbot was a famous chess saint in Shandong. He played chess with people and won nine out of ten. There was a Monk Zhenhai at the Guanyin Courtyard on Penglai Island, who was also the chess saint of that side. The two of them would often meet for a thousand miles to compete with each other. Every time the game ended, it was always a 1: 1 draw.

On that day, Zhenhai lost the game and lost two games in a row. After struggling for three days, he actually was not able to get it back. Today, he was invited here again. This time, it was the old Daoist Feng Liuzi of the Three Immortal Monastery of Penglai Island. He was going to play chess with him. This old Daoist was also extremely skilled in chess. In order to play chess, he often went to the Glazed Ball. When the two competed, they wanted revenge to vent their anger and salvage the humiliation. From this, it could be seen that this monk had come a thousand miles to play chess, paying particular attention to elegance and joy.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked. The abbot said, "A few days ago, Monk Zhenhai of Penglai Island played chess with the old monk. He lost two rounds. Today, he brought another chess player with him, who wants to win it back. " "This monk has come a thousand miles to play chess," he said. I know some chess skills too, so let's go back and enjoy the battle. " Farmer's poetry had also immediately stopped.

The abbot said happily, "This high monk is also proficient in chess skills. That is truly a sincere exchange of pointers. The way of game was to temper one's emotions, hone one's will, and have fun. You can help me with chess. The two of us can compete with the two of them. Monk Zhenhai will lose again. "

Farmer got up and said, "The interest in watching the sun has died down. Let's go back to the temple and play chess." "Don't make that monk wait too long." Actually, he was already feeling anxious in his heart. The abbot saw through his thoughts and laughed. He pointed at him and said, "You, too, are definitely a game fanatic!" The two of them laughed and went down the mountain.

Just because the weather was good today, wherever the abbot passed, visitors swarmed the streets. Joyous laughter, singing, hawking, clamoring. The red-clothed girl, the plain-clothed girl, the pink-clothed girl, and the green-clothed girl were all bewitching. He also saw that the man was carrying a heavy burden and was walking slowly. The little child's body was light as he walked happily. Hua Yong held the green jade staff in his hand and the wind umbrella over his wife's shoulder. A group of teachers and students came up to him, laughing and making couplets.

With a smile on his face, Mister Tao Li was enjoying himself. Pointing to the top of the mountain, he said, "Student's eyes are fixed on the deep pool in the second half of the couplet." Her voice was refined, and her sweet words were continuous. There was a slim girl, Yang Liuyi, and a graceful young man. Talent was indeed not related to one's yin and yang attribute. All the good words were definitely not ordinary. The boy said, "Mountain high above the clouds." The girl said, "The water is deep enough to store the moon and hide the sky."

The boy said, "There are mountains on the mountain, there are rocks on the mountain, there are trees on the rocks, the strong pine is not old." The girl said, "The sky is hidden in the water, and there is a sun in the sky. The sun is shining, but it's always bright." The girl looked at him and smiled, then said: "Scene in the water, object in the scenery, Phantom Image." The boy's name was Xing Ying. After a moment of thought, he said, "Illusions and illusions?" This is clearly calling me a fake. " Thus, with a frown, he schemed against her and replied, "There are flowers in the mountains, and hidden insects among the flowers. They can fly and dance well." The girl's name was Wu Fei. When she heard this, her face turned red and she scolded, "You're so bad!" The two ran over in pursuit of each other.

Farmer and abbot again through the flow of people, I do not remember a few shoulder to shoulder with the number of people. It was true: if you looked at the crowd on the mountain, who would return the favor if you didn't see them coming down the mountain.

Farmer and the abbot went down the mountain. The two of them passed the eighteen plates without anyone noticing. They walked until their legs were weak and their intestines felt sore. The abbot said, "We went down the mountain in a fit of anger, so we did not walk slowly. The old monk felt his legs go soft, and soon, he got some rest on the rocks in front of us. " The young monk also wanted to rest and walked in front.

After walking a short distance to a stone table, the three of them sat down. Farmin rubbed his gastrocnemius and said, "I feel sore here too. Not strange said, 'It's easy to go up the mountain, but hard to go down.' There is a profound truth to this. It originally meant: My physical strength has been used up on the mountain, and I have lost all my strength when I went down the mountain. " The abbot said, "It's all our fault for going down the mountain in such a hurry to play chess. If we leave quickly like this, even if we are young and have physical strength, our muscles and muscles will still feel sore. "

As the abbot was speaking, he suddenly saw three youths walk past him. The three of them were in a hurry. Their clothes were clean and they wore their hats at the side. The young monk said in a low voice, "This kind of person is not good stuff, is not the evil slave of one's family, or is a hoodlum scoundrel. Seeing who was unsatisfied, they immediately opened their mouths to curse and raised their hands to hit. The matter of going into the temple to look for the monk's bad luck happened frequently. The small temple in the mountain ring is often harassed by them. "

The abbot said, "There are no tigers in the mountains. The monkey is called the King. This is bullying the lack of people in our temple. Now, you little ones are nothing compared to a few punches and kicks; we old ones are weak; and middle-aged martial artists are empty. How could he not be bullied! "Since we are inviting a senior monk, let's not talk about Grandmaster Dai, even the martial artists of Shandong province are bullied."

As the abbot finished speaking, he frowned and frowned. He resolutely said to Fa Ming, "Fellow Taoist, there must be a monk with good martial arts skills in your city. Sooner or later, you can recommend a few for me. I want to revitalize Shandong Wu Lin. "

"I will do my best," he said. I'll go back and find some for you. " "Actually, there are a lot of high monks with good martial arts skills who could run into one by accident," he said. Yesterday, I also met the Wutai Mountain Wenjinshi smart monk. "He is poor and has no one to rely on. He was recommended by me to the Tzu En Temple in Yucheng County to be an elder."

Upon hearing that, the abbot was pleasantly surprised, "So this person is in Shandong! Then he wouldn't have to worry about Shandong Martial Forest reviving. The wise monk is the first high monk in Shanxi province. He had excellent martial arts. Regardless of whether it was long fists or short swords, swords, or techniques, he was adept at all kinds of martial arts. He still had his unique skill 'Pressure Point Technique'. He practiced this technique to the peak of perfection. His superior Qing Gong was also different from the others. It truly was like flying over a roof, falling onto the ground without making a sound. He had a draw with the men of the Shaolin Temple. This person was easy to invite. The next day, I will pass down the decree of the Temple of Benefactor and seal him with heavy seals. Let him start on the revival of Shandong Martial Forest. " The abbot was brimming with energy, and Farmer was also happy for the little Shamei of the Tzu En Temple.

After resting for a while, the abbot stood up and said, "That Monk Zhenhai should be waiting anxiously for this moment." The young monk was still sitting there, unwilling to leave. He complained, "There's nothing serious about Zhenhai. Besides playing, there's only chess. He lost two games of chess, as if he lost the temple, the envy. I think the abbot should let him play two rounds. Otherwise, he won't give up. " The abbot laughed. "He is a chess player on the side and has been insulted. How can he take it lying down? This is not a reason to refuse. " The three of them walked towards Grandmaster Dai, talking and laughing.

When the three of them arrived at the temple, they saw a sea of people gathered there. A few young monks panicked and ran around in all directions. The abbot was stunned as he said, "Not good! Something must have happened here again. "Quick, take a look." The three of them quickened their pace. Seeing the smoke rising in the yard, Fa Ming was also surprised. "There's someone fighting inside. It's a gang fight." Seeing the abbot, the young monk ran over and shouted, "Elder! Not good! Come here. The four of them are falsely accused of beating someone up inside. "

As he approached, the abbot asked, "Don't panic. What kind of slander is this? "

The young monk was anxious: "Elder go and take a look." A group of false and unreasonable, they do not climb the mountain to see the sun, into the temple to find the bad luck of the monks. A fat guy with a fierce appearance, just entered the courtyard, saw us all cleaning up the courtyard, he grabbed a senior brother and threw him to the ground. Senior brother lost his broom and went to fight with him. Unexpectedly, that person was extremely powerful. His Senior Brother could not get close to him. He threw his senior brother a few more times. He also angered his two senior brothers, and they all went up to fight with him. That person effortlessly knocked down his two senior brothers. All of his senior brothers were angered, and over ten people started fighting with him. The other four people all laughed and began to fight as well. After using their techniques for a while, they had beaten the heads of their senior brothers until they were bleeding from head to toe. Most of them had died. They flaunted themselves and their senior brothers fought with them, but none of them were able to do it. Those four didn't spare him and said that they would fight until he submitted. A few of his senior brothers saw that they couldn't win and didn't want to fight anymore. They forced him to fight again. Those four people were showing off their strength. If he said he wouldn't fight, then he would be defeated. From now on, the temple would be under their charge, and they would have to pay them daily; useful monks would stay behind, and useless monks would rush down the mountain. There was also a woman, who was also very unreasonable. She drew her sword and wielded it with a cold gleam. Her eyes glared as if she wanted to kill someone. Yuan Ming and his two senior brothers are still fighting against them. "

When the abbot heard this, he became furious. "Who are they?" he asked. "This is unreasonable!" The monk shook his head and said, "I wonder who they are. "I reckon they are either savages or madmen."

Farmer hurried forward and entered the gate, looking in through the crowd. He saw that the monks in the field were all young, covered in dust, some were beaten black and blue, some were bleeding from their noses, and some were clutching their foreheads in pain. The tools for cleaning were scattered all over the place. That Monk Yuan Ming, whose clothes had been ripped to the point where he couldn't even hold back, was still arguing with the other four people.

Yuan Ming angrily said, "Are you barbarians or lunatics? Why did you beat him up the moment you entered the door!? Even if it was a martial arts match, he should first say it out loud. If we are willing to compete, we will compete. If we are unwilling to compete, we will not compete; if we are willing to compete, what does it have to do with the wealth of our temple? How can it be yours? I will tell you the truth: even with your four false accusations and your ability to reach the heavens, you will not be able to take away our temple. This was Grandmaster Dai, the holy land of the Buddhist Sangha! This is not a place for you to behave atrociously! We have the chief elder, and he will not spare you when he comes! " The more Yuan Ming spoke, the more arrogant he became.

The four men were tall and thin, with different shapes. The woman's hair was tied up, and she was dressed elegantly. Her unruly appearance gave off a menacing air. The jewels on her head sparkled with a golden light while the Dragon Spring Sword in her hand glinted with a cold light. She was still pointing her sword at the monks, asking for a fight.

She said in a triumphant tone, "In Japan, we have heard that Mount Tai is a great place. Who would have thought that the earth spirit would be weak? You are so incompetent, so vulnerable. No one dared to compete? "If you don't want to compete, then just say it's a loss. The temple will be managed by us."

"This is a group of Japanese," he said to himself. They relied on the Japanese occupation of Qingdao, but also had garrisons in Jiaodong, come to occupy temples, plunder money, bully people. Four of the men, including a woman, had killed Fa Hui in the robbery of the Tzu En Temple. It could have been these four. This is really a narrow path for enemies. I was just having a hard time meeting you all! " Farmer split up the crowd and walked into the ring.