International Purple-White Plate


The little monk quickly brought over the abbot's beautiful artifact, the White Crane Jade Urn, and the exquisite Lotus Jade Cup. As soon as it was placed on the table, the aroma of tea wafted out from the pot. The young monk then poured some water for the two of them, instantly filling the room with a rich fragrance. "Where did you get this fragrant tea?" Farmer asked in surprise.

The young monk was attentive, "Master, please have some tea. If the tea is cold, you won't be able to enjoy it." Farmer thanked the young monk, picked up the cup and scrutinized it: "It is touching that the teacher treats the poor monk with such precious tea. Is this tea for personal use? "

When the abbot heard Fa Ming call out the name of the tea, he was deeply impressed. He said, "The High Monk is indeed very knowledgeable. This tea was sent by President Yuan Shikai. I entertain my guests with it whenever they come. There are very few people who can immediately call out the name of the tea. "

A single sip from Farmer's mouth was extremely fragrant. After two sips, he felt refreshed and refreshed. "This tea has a miraculous effect of strengthening the body and eliminating fatigue," Fa Ming said in his heart. What is Yuan Shikai's intention in sending tea to the abbot? " He had only drunk half a cup when he felt comfortable and his limbs were strong.

The abbot said, "I see that the High Monk is worn out from the journey, so I use it to help you get over your tiredness. but it's also disrespectful. " Fa Ming said, "Teacher is being too courteous." To be honest, this tea is not often found in our National Protecting Temple. The emperors of the Great Qing Dynasty gave it to us before and after the festival every year. That's why I recognize it. This tea was brewed with special spices. It could be said to be a treasure that strengthened the body and strengthened the body. It can be seen that the abbot has a lot of face in front of Yuan Shikai. "

Hearing that, the abbot laughed, "Yuan Shikai brought me tea, he has his reasons. In the hundreds of temples that the old monk was in charge of, there had always been people who had joined the Boxers before. He was worried that I would support Bai Lang again and turn him against me. He used tea to appease me. " "Yuan Shikai owes the most to the Shandong people," he said. One bloody scene after another was an appalling sight that was deeply engraved in one's heart. "How can a packet of tea pacify you?"

The abbot sighed, "The present Shandong is no longer the Shandong of the past. Once upon a time, I Shandong Wulin talents, martial arts masters stand in a line. "Through the two failures of the Boxer Regiment and the Bailang Intifada, Shandong Wulin became empty."

Before the two of them could finish their words, the monk, Su Li, passionately brought the food over for Farmer. The abbot dined with Farmer. The abbot said, "The abbot of the Temple of National Protection has heard of it for a long time. In my lifetime, I will definitely pay a visit. This is also my long-cherished wish for many years. " "Our abbot has always made friends with all the people in the world, and he is kind and hospitable," he said. He was old now and would not visit for a long time. We welcome you to the Temple of State Protector when you have the time to go. "

The abbot coughed again, "Every day when Grandmaster Dai opens the mountain gates, people come and go, causing a ruckus for the whole day. I received a lot of people, as well as a lot of unexpected things, a lot of entanglement. It was truly a rare moment of leisure. Compared to that, you city people are still enjoying yourselves. If you feel bored, go out for a sightseeing trip to build up your emotions. But it's hard for me to go out once. "

When Fa Ming heard this, he thought to himself, "Indeed, mountain people don't know city people." Do we even have time for sightseeing? " Farmer laughed, "Actually, we are the same. We were also too busy to enjoy the sightseeing. I didn't come here to roam around. " The abbot was surprised. "This senior monk must have something to talk to me about?" "Then go ahead."

Fa Ming nodded and said, "I am here on the orders of Reverend Fang Ming to look for Monk Yuan Ming. I tracked him down here from Tzu En Temple. " The abbot said, "This matter is easy. I'll ask him to come and see you."

The young monk was about to ask, "Which Yuanming do you want, Master?" When Fa Ming heard this, he was alarmed. "How many of them are there?" The young monk said, "Grandmaster Dai has three Yuan Ming. The eldest was seventy-four years old, in the temple of the Western Mountains; the middle was fifty-eight years old, in the temple of the Eastern Mountains; the youngest was twenty years old, in the temple of the Prairie. I don't know which one Master is looking for, please advise me. "

"The Yuan Ming I am looking for is not from Dai Zongfang," he said. He was from Chengdu, Sichuan. and speaking with a Sichuan accent. " The young monk laughed and said, "I'm afraid that Master has made a mistake in his pursuit. The three Yuan Ming I mentioned were all monks from Dai Zongfang. I heard you said that you were chasing Yuan Ming from Tzu En Temple. He just came back today. I've been working in Tianjin for some time. I just heard a joke from him at the Prairie. He said that the Tzu En Temple had three senior brothers and that they were in their thirties. They were incompetent and had no eyes. The three of them wanted to force him to become their Elder. He stayed up all night, and the young monks there all disagreed. Yuan Ming returned. I think Master must have caught up with him and was lured here by him. "

Farmer said, "That would be bad." I heard about him when I was staying in Tianjin, and I found out where he was when I went to Tzu En Temple. " The young monk laughed and said, "This is called 'thousands of miles, the truth is revealed'." The abbot also laughed. Fa Ming said, "However, the Yuan Ming I am looking for might really come to Shandong. "He is determined to live in seclusion in Shandong and cultivate in seclusion."

The abbot said, "High Monk, do not worry. I will help you with this matter. The temples in Shandong are under my rule. Tomorrow, I will pass down the decree to each temple to look for him. "We'll know whether he's in Shandong or not in a few days." Farmer said happily, "Thank you for your help, Teacher! "If I can't find this person, I really won't be able to return the order." The abbot said, "Let me pass down the decree that once he enters Shandong, it will be hard to get out. Fellow Daoist, please wait patiently. Tomorrow, this old monk will personally accompany you. Farmer said, "Very good! I have to look for people, and I can see the mountains. Thank you for teacher's warm care! I'm really here! " The three of them were overjoyed.

The abbot immediately ordered the young monk, "Pass my decree to all the temples in Shandong. Where has Monk Yuan Ming come to? The young monk said yes and happily passed down the decree. The abbot said, "I hope the skies will clear tomorrow. Let's take a leisurely stroll for the day." Farmer also said happily, "I hope the weather will be beautiful tomorrow. I was also thinking of climbing the mountain with my teacher to observe the day. I have long heard that the sunrise on Mount Tai is a spectacle, full of poetry. "

The abbot said, "I have long heard that high monks of the State Protector Temple are extremely knowledgeable and talented. This old monk will be receiving his advice tomorrow. "

Fa Ming laughed. "Teacher, you've gone too far." In terms of knowledge, we are the most proficient. He was good at poetry, too. Compared to it, the poor monk was shallow and far from it. I am only mediocre when it comes to poetry, so how could I dare to show off in front of teacher? "

The abbot said, "Ai — this old monk has long heard of the great monk's outstanding talents. People say that poetry is more sacred than poetry, and words are more sacred than words. You don't have to be so polite, I've been thinking about this for too long. " Farmer laughed and said, "Teacher, I've misheard your words. I really don't dare to praise you too highly. Tomorrow, I will not avoid singing with my teacher in such a vulgar manner. " The more they chatted, the more interested they became in each other. They only rested when it was late at night.

As for the Four Seasons, when Fa Ming woke up, he began to meditate and recite the scriptures in accordance with the usual practice. As soon as he sat down, the abbot came looking for him, fully dressed. Farmer hastily got up to greet him. He saw the abbot wielding a Cloud Dragon Staff and wearing a casual pair of shoes. She was wearing a Pilu crown on her head and a large rhubarb cassock draped over her shoulders. The abbot said happily, "Good morning, High Monk!"

Farmer said, "Good morning, Teacher!" After greeting, the abbot said, "This old monk looks at the stars: the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the silver men are neat. Today was a sunny day. My journey was slow and I could not afford to delay. Please leave now. We'll enjoy the night scenery under the moon first. "

The two of them happily left the temple, treading on the moonlight as they walked along the mountain road, enjoying the scenery. It was true: he did not see the beautiful scenery, nor did he smell the fragrance of birds and flowers. Only the sound of a stream could be heard, but he didn't know where it was heading or where it was flowing. The mountains were as far away as they were now. The road was beneath his feet, but it was faint. There was a sense of haziness.

The two of them walked on the eighteen plates, and the sky was already bright. Looking at the scenery again, it was truly a joyous scene. But see: the green mountains, the river as deep as silver. The dangerous part of the cliff looked like it was about to fall, and the people would be cut off from the rest of the cliff. The strong pine melody was beautiful, and the doctor seemed to be in love with it. Looking back, there was a poetic feeling to it, and it seemed to be endlessly interesting. There were mountains to the left and mountains to the right. The eighteen plates had passed through the mountains. As long as he followed the path, he would advance step by step.

Farmin saw that the abbot was old, but his steps were light; his silver beard fluttered in the wind, making him look like an old immortal. Farmer asked, "How long has Teacher been walking this path for? Your body is actually so healthy. " The abbot said, "This old monk has been doing well on this road and has already been around sixty years. Now I walk: twilight, white frost, old, the candle is not the wind. However, Teng Qingshan was still there, and the green water was flowing as usual. It was truly difficult to be old! Thinking back to that year, really Shaoguang went, Yao disappeared without a trace. It's really sad! "

He then casually said, "Qingshan is still the same. How many heroes have disappeared? Only the doctor testified. And how many generations had it been? Whose pity? The pain penetrated the warrior's chest. I hope that the future will be victorious against the present, and that I will not let down my heart. " Listening to the abbot's downcast mood, Fa Ming also chanted, "Looking at the sorrowful state of my feet, I have to look at the bright future." The Immortal Mountain had always won, there was no lack of heroes. Look east to Xin Xin one day, look west to see clearly the scenery. What was there to be afraid of? "The sun will rise and we will succeed!" The two finished their conversation and quickly set out on their journey. Everywhere they passed, but there were also monuments. The abbot introduced them one by one. Unknowingly, the two of them had passed through the South Heaven Gate and arrived at the Jade Emperor Peak.

At this time, the mountain road was bustling with noise, tourists were busy climbing. The two of them sat down on a rock and said, "Today is indeed a beautiful day with clear skies. The high monk looked carefully and could see the bright red sunrise. At that time, there would be a whole new scene here. That's what makes people sad, that's what makes people sentimental. "

When Farmer heard this, he was very happy. As he looked around, he saw the peaks were rising and falling in waves. It was a dark green color. Mountain birds chirped, and wild beasts strung around the pine Yin. The pines and cypresses compete with each other in beauty, and the grass offers tenderness. There was also a scene that was vastly different than when he was at the foot of the mountain. When he finished, he was truly full of joy. "Mt. Tai's scenery is bright, and its center is the Jade Peak Residence. "As for the three worships of the peak, the difference in status is clear." The abbot applauded, "Amazing! His drawing of the body and spirit surpassed those of the ancients. The style of this fine line is new and appropriate. "It can be seen that you are a talented man."

As the two of them chatted and joked about, in the distant east, a hazy mist emanated out, revealing tens of thousands of rays of multicolored lights. In an instant, rays of light shot out in all directions as the sun slowly rose. The wandering cultivator was immediately excited and excited. When he looked at the scenery of the mountain again, he could see shadows and light, with distinct levels. Her vigorous and light posture made her appear even more graceful. That maple powder contains spring, even more so.

Once again, the Fa Ming touched the scenery and said, "When you emerge from the East Sea, you will enter the West Mountain. "Looking at the scenery of the world, I am the most radiant." The abbot clapped his hands and shouted, "This chant of 'The Sun' is very clear! Brilliant! The High Monk truly lives up to his reputation. " Farmer started the fight, "This poor monk is showing his disgrace, showing his disgrace." The abbot said with a beard, "How much do you know about the day of the ancient chant? It was not worth it for the monk to say those few words. I heard that the high monk said two or four sentences, which is enough to impress the old monk. "