International Purple-White Plate


Hearing this, Fa Ming was overjoyed. He immediately thought of that old Daoist nun he had killed in the Liaodong Devil Nest. "Fellow Taoist must be in trouble," said Farmer Farmer casually. "Now that the temple has been taken by the soldiers, the temple can no longer belong to them, can it?" The monk asked in surprise, "Which one is Fellow Taoist cultivating on? Why do you know so much about my Wutai Mountains? Please elaborate. " "This poor monk is a monk from the Temple of National Protection in Beijing," he said. Straight river people, the common name Kong, the famous show, the Dharma name. Last month in Liaodong, I met the Taoist-Minister of the temple, Enshen. I heard about the situation of the temple from him. " When the monk heard that, his face lit up. He then asked, "I asked you to tell me, what else did he say?" "He said that he was an honest man, and that he was the head of the Arts Academy. He was chased down the mountain." When the monk heard this, he laughed and put on a stern face.

Fa Li clearly knew the reason behind his laughter. He asked, "Fellow Daoist, what are you laughing about?" The monk said, "I laugh at the fact that there are people in this world who do not know shame. "Then where is Enshen now?"

"He's in the Japanese military barracks in the small town of Liaodong. He's mixed up with the Japanese," Farmer said. When the monk heard this, he said, "I won't hide it from fellow Taoist, but what Grace said about the misfortune of our temple is true. In the last year, the troops of the Bai Lang had taken over the mountain and formed a revolt against them, and the officers and soldiers had exterminated them everywhere. A troop of Baerang soldiers entered the Wutai Mountains, and the soldiers followed them down the mountain. Both sides fought each other victoriously and destroyed many temples. Just like that, our temple was taken over by the soldiers. This was a lie when Nan Shen said that he was the Sect Leader. I was looking for him. "I didn't think that he would hide in the Northeast to cause trouble again."

Then he asked, "Why are you looking for favors? "What kind of person is he?"

The monk said, "Yen Sen was originally a bandit, so he left home halfway through his career. Because he had done too much evil, private officials would not allow him to do so. He paid money to buy the abbot of Wen Tong Temple, only then allowed him to enter Wen Jing Temple as a Taoist. He had the habit of stealing flowers and willow trees. He relied on his martial arts skills, never changing his bad habits. He committed crimes everywhere. Last year, the young lady of a county magistrate had been ruined by him entering the orchid room at night, incurring the wrath of the county magistrate. The sheriff himself led the way up the hill. Take him by name. En Sen was so scared that he wanted to escape. The abbot did not dare to let him go because the prefect himself led the troops. He ordered his men to capture him and hand him over to the soldiers. Min Sen jumped over the wall, killed the abbot, injured a dozen monks and ran down the mountain. I am the head of Wutai Mountain Wenjinshi Temple. I was not in the temple when it happened. So I started to catch him, ready to use his head to pay tribute to the abbot. "Now that I know where he's hiding, it'll be good. It won't be long before I capture him and bring him back to the temple."

Farmer smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, there's no need to look for him. Enshin will never do evil again. "

The monk said, "Fellow Daoist, you don't know. Not only was that elder good at robbing and robbing families, he also knew how to speak the language of the martial arts world. He saw people talking, and everyone he interacted with was deceived by him. He was a complete scum of the martial arts world. It will never change. Even if he was dead, he'd make people nauseous. Don't be fooled by him, don't speak up for him. I must kill him! "

Farmer said, "To tell you the truth, when I saw Enshen in Liaodong that day, he was guarding the barracks for the Japanese and watching the nine girls that the Japanese had brought from all over the place. Those girls are Chinese and Korean. Enshin and a Japanese, they were abused at will. "He was hated by the people in the martial arts world, he killed both Enshen and the Japanese and saved those girls."

When the monk heard this, he said, "This is truly a good deed. Evil will always be rewarded. It is not yet time to report this. "This hero of the martial arts world has been killed well. I will have to save myself the trouble of killing him."

But Farmer didn't say he had killed him. Afraid that what Fa Li said was not true, the monk continued to ask about the details. Fa Ming recounted the news and then said, "Fellow Daoist, please be at ease. This information is absolutely reliable. I saw the body. " The monk was convinced and said, "Since our benefactor has been executed for his sins, it is time for our abbot to rest in peace."

"Fellow Taoist has no temple to return to now, so how about becoming an elder?" The monk laughed bitterly and said, "My friend, I don't have a temple and I don't have a disciple." And now he was looking for Enshin to walk in rags, with no money in his possession, and to beg for his life. Who am I supposed to be an elder for? It would be good if he wouldn't die from hunger. "

"Fellow Daoist, why did you confiscate your disciple?" The monk said, "It turns out that I have a lot of disciples who have gone to join the rebellion. They ran for their lives, but they didn't know the news. In these days, good people do not go abroad, but do not go abroad. It will not be easy to take in a few good disciples. "

"If this man were to go to Tzu En Temple to teach the young monks, there would be no need to fear the eight vagabond people," he said. If he were to become an elder there, it would also be for the best of both worlds. "

Thus, he said, "Yu Cheng County, Tzu En Temple, where the elders recently died. All that was left behind were the little Shame, all of them miserable, and the Rangers bullying them. They were going to break up the temple that day, and I happened to be there to stop them. I became their Elder and taught them for a few days. Those little Shamei were all famous people in the Boxer League. They had good character and were naive and cute. It's most appropriate for you to become their Elder. "

The monk said, "I have been to the Tzu En Temple, which is Teacher Fa Hui's temple. "Teacher Fa Hui died?"

"He was killed by four Japanese wave men."

The monk asked angrily, "Why are the raiders fighting with Fa Hui?"

"The Japanese went there to provoke them," he said. "They asked him to honor them with two hundred silver dollars a month. He even said something so unreasonable that only the strong were respected. Fa Hui could not bear it any longer. He ignored his old age and fought against the four of them. In the end, he lost all his strength and was injured by four people. He lived for one night and died. "

The monk was enraged and asked, "Why is fellow Taoist not being an elder there?"

Farmer said, "I was sent out by Reverend to look for Monk Yuan Ming. How would I have the time to stay and be an Elder? I've been out for almost a month and have just chased Yuan Ming here. At the Spirit Rock Temple, I heard he left with a big monk. Drinking water, I was about to go after him. If it were not for those little Shamei of the Ci En Temple pestering me, I would have caught up with Yuan Ming long ago. "

The monk was pleasantly surprised, "I have been with Yuan Ming for the past few days. The big monk that the Spirit Rock Temple people were talking about was me. As Yuan Ming and I were about to part, he told me to go back to Dai Zong Fang. You don't have to worry. You can find him once you get there. " When Fa Ming heard this, he was happy. "That's good then. I can find him before the sky turns dark."

The monk was determined to become an elder and asked, "Fellow Taoist, regarding the matter of becoming an elder, do you think I can go without any proof? You are their new Elder, if I were to go, they would definitely not recognize me. You'd better let me bring the note. " When Fa Ming heard this, he borrowed a pen and paper from the shop assistant and wrote a letter. He handed the letter to the shop assistant and said, "Go there and hand the letter to monk De Guang. Naturally, he will support you." The monk was overjoyed as he received the letter. The waiter brought a serving of food for the monk to eat. Farmer paid for him.

The two of them drank tea as they chatted. The monk said, "I was hungry and came here to eat. That's why I separated with Yuan Ming. He's run out of money, or else he's here too. " Farmer laughed, "Now that I know where he is, I'm not in a hurry anymore. The fact that we were unable to meet here is also fate, which is why we didn't meet on the road. "

The monk continued, "How can Japanese people bully others? You want to extort money out of nothing? " "Now the Japanese have taken over Jiaodong, bringing with them some of the most vicious and cruel of wave people," he said. They rob around. When they saw the old and the little, they went to bully them. If you go there, they might not dare to bully you anymore. "

The monk said, "Fellow Taoist, don't look at me as poor as a pauper. You can rest assured. I went there. There was nothing to fear from eight of them coming back. He had words to say, and I had words to say. What right did he have to pay him silver coins every month!? He said that in the martial competition, I will not let my disciples suffer any grievances when we compete against each other. What's so special about a few prodigal people? Defeating them won't take too much effort for me. " When Fa Ming heard this, he became even happier and said, "That's good!" With you there, Fellow Daoist, I can be at ease. "

The monk continued, "After I got there, I taught all of my martial arts to my disciples. In a few years, whether it was a short fight or a short fight, they would all be able to master the art of martial arts and produce a head. Let the Tzu En Temple prosper, and no one dares to bully it. "

After the two of them finished their tea, the monk pointed to the path and said, "Go chase after Yuan Ming. You can go from here. "If you can't use Dusk, you'll be there." Farmer said, "Along the way, I figured out Yuan Ming's temperament. He loves sightseeing. Mt. Tai is clear and beautiful, and has always been a tourist attraction. He won't be able to walk if he doesn't swim enough. " The two of them clasped their hands and said their goodbyes. The monk was not mentioned when he went to be the abbot of the Tzu En Temple.

However, his words revealed the village and he rushed to Grandmaster Dai. He was in a good mood as he walked along the road, enjoying the scenery. They traversed the mountains until it was dusk and arrived at Grandmaster Dai.

Grandmaster Dai was a luxurious building with a wide area, as if it was a small city. The left and right pool and the right stream supported it, while the back had the mountains to rely on. Dazang Ridge, Pangang Ridge, Phoenix Ridge, Back to Ma Ling, Ling Ling Embroidery; Lotus Peak, Sun Viewing Peak, Moon Viewing Peak, Jade Emperor Peak, the peak is immeasurably high and steep. Listening to the gurgling of the stream, the forest was filled with incessant chattering. Endless scenery, endless fun.

Farmer walked into the mountain gate and looked up. A young monk had just come in from outside the door and was examining the building behind him. He saw that Fa Ming was dressed neatly and had an unusual appearance. He walked with steady steps and was looking at the building before him. The young monk thought that the noble guest had arrived.

Master: "Are you here to visit the temple? "Please take a seat inside." "I am on my way to the temple," said Farmer. Please inform the abbot elder. " The little monk said, "Master, you don't have to be so polite. I serve the abbot. Please come with me. " Farmin followed him into the abbot's Zen hall, where he saw the abbot sitting on a prayer mat with his eyes closed, meditating without a word. His silver beard hung down to his chest, and his appearance was dignified. He looked to be around eighty to ninety years old.

Farmer was impressed. The young monk approached him and whispered, "Abbot, an esteemed monk has come to visit." The abbot opened his eyes, saw Farmer, and immediately stood up. Fa Ming bowed and said, "Teacher, I'll be troubling you!"

The abbot returned the greeting, "Where does this High Monk come from? "What's your name?" "The poor monk is the guardian of the temple in Beijing," he said. I'm here to pay a visit to teacher. "

When the abbot heard Fa Ming, he exclaimed in joy, "Oh, I've long heard of this old monk. I'm very sorry to have to welcome you!" He hurriedly sat down and ordered people to bring him some good tea.

The two of them sat down, and the abbot said, "Every day when the mountain gates open, there will always be famous people, distinguished officials, high officials, high monks, and High Priests who come in succession. The old monk was overwhelmed. Therefore, when the High Monk came, my little Monk did not report first. "You're really slow." Fa Ming said, "Teacher, there's no need to be so polite." As a monk, I don't care about the outside world. Teacher has already treated me very warmly. "