International Purple-White Plate


All of the little Shame surrounded Farmer Ming and said with tears flowing, "The elder broke his promise and sat on our throne. He agreed to become abbot and changed his mind overnight. You're obviously trying to trick us into leaving us behind. Once you're gone, we have no hope. "In a few days, the Japanese raiders will come back and ask for money. Since we don't have any money to give them, they will definitely beat us up." Some of them tightly held onto Farmer, while others tightly surrounded him, shouting out, "Don't let Elder leave!" Elder, don't go! " Farmer turned around, unable to do anything.

Farmer coaxed them, "Children, it is not that the elders are dishonest, and it is not that they are leaving you behind. I will chase after Yuan Ming who left here the day before yesterday. Catch up to him, then I'll come back. " Hearing that, Xiao Sha Mi said, "Elder, please don't chase after him. We don't want him to be our elder even if we have to chase after him." He's really too small. "

Farmer said, "You misunderstand. I had something else to do with him. Monk Yuan Ming is from our temple, I want to find him and bring him back to the temple. I am not asking him to be your Elder. "

"We don't believe what you say," he said. I won't let you go! " Farmer said helplessly, "There will be an Elder coming from the east." Little Shamei shouted, "We don't want more, that's all. This elder is the best."

Seeing that he had not left yet, he put down his things and said, "You also didn't ask where I came from, so you decided to acknowledge me as your Elder. There are still elders controlling me. "I was ordered by the elders of our temple to come out and look for someone. What if I make a mistake?"

Little Shamei said, "We can't let her go, we can't let her go! As soon as you leave, we lose hope. Before he died, Elder Fa Hui told us: if there are any elders from the east, we must stall them. We were expecting you to avenge him. "

They all knelt down and said, "We are all counting on you! Please be merciful, and don't think about leaving! You're leading us here! There are many temples here, and we work hard to honor the elders. Let the elders eat fat, beautiful, and rich blood. "How good would that be!"

When Farmer heard this, he grumbled inwardly, "This is bad! This is bad! How could he chase after Yuan Ming? "Oh my god, how can you let me catch up to something like this!"

They were all staring at him with innocent and adorable expressions. Impatient, Farmer said, "All of you, get up! His Master stopped chasing after Yuan Ming. After eating, I will train your martial arts. " All of them surrounded Fa Ming happily while cheering excitedly. Elder is so good! It's great, elder! " The three big ones should immediately start a fire to cook. Du was happy to go back and forth in a hurry.

After the meal, Farmer had organized them together and paid tribute to his memorial tablet. He then brought them to the training field and said, "Master will now check what skills you all know. I'm here. You will do what you have learned all your life, one by one. And then I'll teach you how to defeat those four prodigals. "

All of the young Shamei's were overjoyed as they rushed to say, "Master, please let me practice first."

"Let me train first!" They fought endlessly. Seeing that this would not do, Farmer stopped arguing and said, "All of you, stand in line first. No one wants to fight. Everyone has a chance. "

Then, Farmer divided the small Shamei into three teams, each team had six people and each team had a big senior brother standing in front of them, forming three sides. Farmer started calling out names from the south, "You have to train widely first." Seeing Zhang Guang enter the arena, he pulled back his kickboxing style and punched all the way. Farmer shook his head, "Too bad, too bad. "His moves are not fast, and he lacks a masculine aura." It also caused Zhao to end up like this. The elephant that he had seen was like a drunken fist, his body weak and powerless; it was like a monkey fist that did not roll on the ground. Occasionally, it would sway, then it would move quickly.

Farmer shook his head again, "What kind of martial arts are you talking about? Clearly, he had mixed the movements of the Drinking Fist and Monkey Fist together. "It can be seen that you don't usually practice." And let them know the outcome. What he saw was the true form of the Drinking Fist. His foundation wasn't too solid, and he was average.

Farmer said, "This punch of yours is seriously lacking in power. It doesn't hurt to hit. You can't kill the enemy when you fight it." He began to let Little Shamei practice again. He saw how lively and vigorous Little Shamei was. Just as he was about to get on stage and shout out, he flipped over and entered the field to practice. Some practiced their fists, some practiced their palms, and there were even some who joined hands. Having practiced them one by one, Fa Ming said, "The juniors are well-versed in the ways of jumping and jumping, but they are lacking in impact force. This is related to age and low weight. If you continue to train like this, you will all have good martial arts skills after a year. "

The training equipment was missing from the field. Then, he led his three senior brothers to arrange sandbags, dig sandpits, bury wooden stakes, install hoops, and set up quincuncial piles and other training equipment. Farmer taught them a lesson, letting them have a good time, getting better and better, and then taking a team to practice alternately. For the next few days, Little Shamei practiced more and more diligently, and also listened to the words of its three senior brothers.

As soon as the practice began, Farmer said, "Among the weapons, the rod type is the fiercest. With a well-trained pole, even a small number of people would be able to defeat a strong soldier. Once the staff was mastered, the weapon, halberd, and the like would be automatically mastered as well. I want you to use this to defeat the four Rangers. In a little while, I will pass on to you all my skill in training the State Protecting Staff. "

Hearing this, the little Shame was overjoyed and began to fight for the stick. Some were playing around with sticks, while others were performing with sticks. Seeing that they had some foundation, Farmer was also very happy. Farmer focused everyone's energy and gave them a performance of the national temple stick. Little Shamei was so happy that she cheered loudly. As he explained, he taught them the ways of the State Protector's Staff. Then, Farmer separated them and let them practice.

In just a few days, little Shamei's martial arts skills had improved greatly. They were taught by Farmer to be well-behaved, and the temple was managed in an orderly manner. Fa Ming urged his three senior brothers, "You three must be diligent in your own ways and avoid any shortcomings from the past. You must first practice your martial arts well and set an example before you can lead your junior brother."

The three of them obeyed Farmer's orders and repeatedly said yes. In addition, Farmer led them to arrange the Eighteen Arhat Formation, specifically designed to deal with the four Japanese Rangers. Within a few days, the Arhat Formation was practiced to perfection. Since he was worried, Farmer checked them all one by one to see if they were still practicing their staff. All the little Shamei dancers had a strong impact on their opponent, giving off a strong wind. Familiar with the routine, practiced with vigor. Each of them picked up their sticks, their spirits raised. When he saw this, he was very happy and asked, "Are you guys still afraid of the four scum coming?"

Everyone said in unison, "No! We'll beat him with our sticks! " Farmer said, "Well said! If the raiders come to bully you again, you will use the 18 Arhat Formation to deal with him and beat him with a stick! "Continue the drills!" The younger Shamei immediately became as lively as a dragon and a tiger.

Fa Ming anxiously went after Yuan Ming. He secretly called out to him, "I will go after Yuan Ming today and get as far away from Dai Zong Fang as possible. The three of you will lead them to practice martial arts seriously. I will definitely punish you severely when I come back to see you guys in the abandoned dojo. "

"All of you, train seriously with the three Senior Brothers. Whoever dares disobey, I will hit eighty boards and face the wall for three days. Do you understand? " All the little Shame said in unison, "I got it! We all obey the orders of the elders! Work hard in martial arts, grow up to kill enemies! " After he finished speaking, he continued with his practice.

Farmer called over the deacon monk and asked, "How come your plaque broke as well?" The deacon said, "That day, the raiders took it off and smashed it. They said the temple had been converted into a Japanese monastery. " "What the hell is a monastery?!" "Embroidery another signboard as per usual and hang it on the signboard." Then, he returned to his room with his bag and quietly left.

It was noon when Farmer left Tzu En Temple. He said from the heart of the road: "From that Yen Ming from the Temple of Tzu En. Some days. If he was just touring the mountains and the water, I could still catch up with him. I also have to look for him in any temple I can get through. " With that thought in mind, Farmer's confidence rose again, and he quickened his pace. After walking for another thirty miles, he suddenly saw a temple in front of him.

"Fellow abbot, has there ever been a young monk named Yuan Ming who came here before?"

The abbot said, "Yes, yes. He's been gone a long time. " And the abbot sent Farmin out of the gate, and pointed to the way. Farmer was in a hurry again, and everywhere he passed there were clues.

Within a few days, Farmer had chased them across the Yellow River to Jinan. See Jinan everywhere willow green, point clear spring flow. The scenery was clear and serene as Qing He walked around the city. It was a treasure trove of flowers. Fa Ming was not in the mood to admire the scenery. He hurriedly went to the temple to ask Yuan Ming. He entered the Great Buddha Temple and asked about it.

The monks in the temple told him, "It has not been three days since Monk Yuan Ming left." Farmer asked him where he was going, thanked the crowd, and continued his pursuit. As he walked along the road, he said to himself, "Yuan Ming must be enjoying the scenery in Quancheng. Indeed, he moved and stopped. I'll be able to catch up to him in a few days. " The more he walked, the happier he became.

That night, Farmer Lin arrived at the Spirit Rock Temple. Entering the temple to stay the night, ask the abbot. The abbot told him, "Yuan Ming came here the day before yesterday. This morning, he left with a fat middle-aged monk. He came here to tell me all about the great monasteries and the city and how he had been traveling for some time. " "That's good then. At most, I can catch up to him tomorrow." Farmer ate and stayed all night. Daylight pursued him again.

When he left the Spirit Rock Temple, it was noon and he arrived at a village. Walking into the village, Farmer entered a hotel that faced the street. Farmer wanted to eat something before he left. The assistant saw that he was a monk and was afraid of begging for alms, so he pretended not to notice. Fa'a knew what he was thinking. He sat down and took out the money, saying, "Buddy, I want some steamed buns and a bowl of plain soup."

The shop assistant was still waiting for an answer before ignoring it. Fa Ming held the money in his hand and the waiter heard the sound of money falling. Seeing that Fa Ming was holding the money in his hand, he quickly came over and smiled, "Ah, Master, do you want to eat? Please wait. " He reached out his hand to take the money.

Fa Ma looked at him and said, "My monk will pay first after he eats. What is the rule?" The assistant said, "Master, please forgive me. The boss took care of you. "We ate too much for nothing, we can't afford to give it away." Farmer gave him the money.

Not long after the waiter left, he brought over a plate of sweet potato flour buns and a bowl of spinach soup. He put them down and said, "This food is usually in a bad mood, but nowadays, most people can't afford it. Master, please enjoy. " As he ate, he asked, "How many miles is it from here to Grandmaster Dai?" The assistant extended three fingers and said, "Let's do these. About fifteen kilometers. "

As soon as he finished his meal, he brought another cup of tea and said to him, "Master, treat this as looking for money." "Why is your tea so expensive?" I have a lot of money. How much is this tea? "

The assistant smiled and said, "Master, don't misunderstand. A cup of tea was not much. But you've had enough. " "That's true," he said. Thus, he raised the teacup, blew away the soup, and slowly began to drink. The worker then said, "Master, if there is anything you need, please feel free to tell me. I'm waiting for you. " Fa was aware that he was after his spare money, but when he heard, he ignored him.

At this time, a fat middle-aged monk came in from outside the door. He was dressed in rags, with a string of beads hanging from his chest and a Zen in his hand. He looked like he was going to say something. The assistant hastily said to Fa Ming, "Master, I'm leaving." He turned and dodged. Fa Ming understood and thought, "This monk wants to eat but has no money. Seeing that I'm here, he can't ask for alms." Farmer said to the monk, "Fellow Daoist, please sit over here."

When the monk saw that Fa Ming was dressed extravagantly and was calmly sipping his tea, he felt ashamed of his inferior appearance and replied, "Thank you for your invitation!" He turned around and walked out.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to eat?" Fa Ming called out to him again. The monk said, "So what if he wants to? This fella isn't willing to be a monk at all." Farmer said, "Please take a seat. I'll call him over." Chong Li shouted, "Waiter, have some more food!"

The monk took a few steps back and sat opposite Fa Ming. He said, "Fellow Taoist, you have spent all that money!" Farmer said, "Which immortal mountain did this senior monk come from?" The monk said, "I am a monk from Wutai Mountain's Wenjing Temple. Dharma IQ. "The Xiangyang people of Hubei."