International Purple-White Plate


We have been looking forward for so many days and nights, but we have yet to see you here. Today, we were looking forward to the dark, so we had no hope. They thought that the elder was trying to coax us before his death, and was spouting nonsense. Neither of us wanted to take offense from the Japanese, so we decided to throw things away, break the mountain gates, destroy the walls, and break up the temple. We were all tired out, and had just entered the house to rest for a while, when we heard you, Elder, calling us from the courtyard. We all ran out to see you, Elder. "He really came just in time …"

Hearing this, Fa Ming was angry, sympathized, and embarrassed. He asked, "You guys are such a big temple, there must be a lot of people here. "Where are the other Martial Masters?"

Little Shami added, "It's all because of the foreign devils that are bullying our China. All our fathers were killed by the Boxers in the Boxers' Boxers. Elder Fa Hui took us in and made us monks. For some reason, the foreign devils started to fight more and more, and now, there were Japanese devils. The teachers said that our fathers were killed by Yuan Shikai and the foreign devils. The Martial Masters followed Bai Lang to beat Yuan Shikai and avenge our parents. Unexpectedly, Bai Lang was a demoness who poked at people's misfortune. He was too powerless. He could raise an army of a hundred thousand and be beaten to a pulp by others. He was also beaten to death in the Wolf Ridge. But it's hard on us, no one to teach martial arts, no one to hurt. Right now, there was still a lot of Bai Lang's remnants, and they were all occupying the mountain. Yuan Shikai was still sending troops to exterminate him. The Martial Masters would not dare to return to the temple even if they were alive. "

When Farmer heard this, he said, "You can't destroy the temple. They also could not split up. They had to diligently practice martial arts and support their clan in order to survive. In a few years, all of you will be famous Martial Masters. And don't be afraid of a few Japanese prodigals. "

"When you didn't come," he said, "we didn't have the courage and we couldn't beat the Japanese, so we decided to break up the temple. "Actually, we are all ambitious as well. It's just that we are too young."

Another one said, "It's good that you are here now, we are not afraid of anything. He wasn't going to destroy the temple, nor was he going to disperse. We will learn martial arts from you every day, and we must defeat those Japanese rascals and avenge our Elder Fa Hui! " After saying this, Dullahan came to surround Farmer.

"There is an urgent need for someone to manage this place," he said. "I still have matters to attend to, so I cannot stay here. If they hardened their hearts and left, they would leave these naive children behind. What should I do? " He was so anxious that his face turned hot and his mind wandered.

These children are all famous people," he thought suddenly. "As the saying goes, a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix. It is very easy to train martial arts. They must all have some basic martial arts skills. I'll find three of the bigger ones and teach them for a few days. Let them lead the charge to support the temple.

He made up his mind and asked, "Children, don't you have any eldest senior brothers?" A little Shamei said, "Yes, there are three of them. They were all scarecrows and were extremely weak. We don't submit to their leadership and don't listen to their commands. " Another little Shami said, "Our three senior brothers are really good. One was gluttonous, one was lazy, and one only knew how to sleep. They never practice kung fu, they do not meditate and meditate. If they fight, our elders will not be beaten to death. We all hate the three of them! "

As he heard this, he thought to himself, "The three of them must have left with great ability. The remaining scum must have been cowardly to a certain extent. They must be cowardly and afraid of death. With the three of them, things will be much easier. "

"Where are the three of them?" Let them all come and see me. "

Little Shame stopped him and said, "Elder, don't see them. What's the use of meeting that idiot? They had already gone to bed. If you see them, you'll be furious. " "Don't say too much!" Farmer scolded. Tell them to come and see me! " A little Shami pouted and ran off.

Soon, little Shamei came back. Three monks followed behind them. They all had disheveled hair and unkempt faces. Their clothes were disheveled, and they seemed to have lost all of their vitality. As expected, when Farmer saw this, he was angry.

The three of them said to Fu Ming, "Greetings, Elder!" Farmer said, "All of you, register yourselves." The drowsy man replied, "My name is Wang Lu." "My name is Zhao." He said lazily, "I got my nickname." After saying that, all of them lowered their heads in silence.

Farmer said to the three, "If you don't go with your long hair and you don't wash your face, how is it proper? Do you still look like a monk!? " The three of them were shocked, as if they had just woken up. Farmer continued, "You guys have just become young, yet you already have an old spirit. You don't have any spirit, and you are dispirited and listless. What's the logic in that?" The three of them did not speak.

"Look at this," he said to himself, "there's no need to bleed."

"Why didn't the three of you stick out your heads and lead your junior brothers? The elders are gone and the monastery is in a mess. Don't you want the monastery anymore? "

The three of them could only helplessly say, "My martial arts are not good enough, I can't defeat the prodigal, and I can't lead junior brother."

"No one listens to my words. What can I do?"

"Since it's like this, let's disperse."

Hearing this, Fa Ming was enraged. "You guys are so gluttonous, lazy, and sleepy. If you don't want to improve, how can you lead your junior?"

The three of them looked at each other, then kneeled down and said, "Please master, please be our elder! We are grateful, but our temple is extremely fortunate! " Farmer said, "I will be your Elder. The three of you will listen to me from now on. "Learn how to run a temple and build a door with me."

The three of them turned to last week and said, "Thank you, Master! Thank you, master! We are all willing to listen to Master's orders! "

Little Shamei said happily, "That's great! Great! He finally agreed! We have an elder! There's an elder! "

One of the people who hated the three Senior Brothers the most shouted, "Elder, stop lecturing them! It didn't matter if he didn't have three. He pretended to be dead. It would save a lot of food. " The three of them turned around and glared at him.

Farmer said, "Don't shout! Now listen to me. I was promoted to become a monk, to manage the behavior of monks, to protect the temple from damage; to be promoted to be a deacon, to be in charge of incense and entry and exit accounts; to be promoted to be a master monk, to be in charge of coaching monks and martial arts, and to protect the property of the temple from being infringed. Are you all willing? " All the little Shame looked at each other in dismay. The three of them said to Fa Ming separately, "No, no, Elder. Let's decide on someone else. "My intellect is too weak to take on such a heavy responsibility." I'm not good enough to be a coach. "The prodigal invaders cannot resist the enemy." I was born stupid, I can't settle accounts, and I can't manage legal affairs. " "He won't learn it on hand!" If you don't understand, just ask! Who dared to disobey the order? Who dares not to listen? " The three of them stopped talking. Little Shamei pursed her lips.

Farmer scanned them one by one, thinking, "It's hard." He then tried asking, "Are all of you willing to listen to the commands of your three senior brothers?" Little Shame immediately said, "If the elders are willing, we are willing." "Actually, I don't want to." Farmer almost laughed when he heard this. All of the little Shame kneeled down and said, "The three of them are useless. We will not listen to them, we will only listen to the orders of the elders. Either that or I have to raise my rank! "

Farmer's face sank, "Don't lie and frame me. How could they be useless? Try talking about it! "

The quick-witted little Shamei stood out and said, "The three of them acted in an absurd and foolish manner, making people laugh to death in a ridiculous manner. The day before yesterday, we all looked to the elders from the east and did not see them for a long time. The three of them went out to pick up a young monk called Yuan Ming, who was not much older than us. The three of them were at church and called each other Elders. When the monk saw that he wasn't as old as his disciple, he became an Elder overnight and left the next day. The three of them are still pestering us to kneel down and not let go. We do not worship him, nor do we acknowledge him as an elder. The three of them are angry at us. " Another little Shamei said, "The three of them have no eyes, so they won't pick up the elders." See how good it is for us to bring this elder over! "

Hearing that Yuan Ming had come, he was overjoyed and asked, "How old is Yuan Ming? What did it look like? "What accent?"

The quick-witted little Shami said, "Don't ask, Elder. That Yuan Ming was indeed young. He could not become an elder. He said twenty years more. "They are of medium height, with potato eyes and a round, fat face. They talk and laugh, and their martial arts are not bad. They speak with an accent similar to ours."

"This is the Yuan Ming I am looking for," said Fa Ming. He really did come to Shandong. " He then asked, "What did you guys bring with you when you saw Yuan Ming?" Little Shamei said, "He doesn't have anything. He came carrying only a small bundle. "I left yesterday morning." "Where did he go?" Little Shamei said, "I saw him heading west."

"Yuan Ming must be trying to hide his Shandong accent," said Fa Ming. Is he the same person I asked in Tianjin? "According to the date, it's not that one."

Fa Ming became somewhat anxious and hastily dealt with the matter at hand. He said to everyone, "The matter in the temple is decided." Let's see who's not up to the job. No one could be careless with their objections. I am your abbot elder. "

All the young Shamei were full of joy, surrounded by Farmer.

"From now on, the morning bells in the temple will ring and the evening drums. We must work on time and attend meditation on time. "All of you should go rest now. Just listen to my orders in the morning." Some people made up a meditation bed for Farmer, and then all of them went to rest.

Fa Ming was so focused on chasing Yuan Ming that he managed to stay the night. At dawn, Farmer gathered his men and said, "All of you have to listen to your three senior brothers. Carefully manage the monastery. No one is allowed to talk about splitting up. I have urgent matters to attend to and will be back in a few days. I'll come back, and we'll go straight to the point. I'll teach you guys martial arts. " With that, Farmer took the bag and prepared to leave.