International Purple-White Plate


When the Japanese soldiers saw this, they all became furious. They all raised their guns and fired bullets at the hall to stop Master Chen and the other disciples. They looked as if they were about to shoot. Without fear, Master Chen pointed at Tai Lang, saying, "Are you handing him over or not? If you don't hand him over, we'll fight you! "

All the ocean slaves were frightened and guarded by their men. "Chen Kai Xuan, what can you do to me if I don't hand over my men?" All the disciples of the Dojo of Limits shouted in unison, "Capture him! Force him to hand over the person! " They rushed forward again.

At this moment, the ferocious Japanese soldiers opened fire. Immediately, he knocked down the two elite disciples. All the disciples of the dojo were immediately enraged. Some of them were fighting with Japanese soldiers, while others went to seize Taiang, and the two sides engaged in a chaotic battle.

The Japanese soldiers were quickly seized by the guns and fell to the ground. All of them cried out in a strange manner, but they did not flinch. He was so scared that he backed off and shouted, "Chen Kai Xuan, I won't forgive you!"

More than thirty slaves, more than ten Japanese soldiers and eight Japanese warriors could not hold on any longer. Pinggang was so scared that he turned around and ran. At that moment, the siren sounded, and a large number of patrolmen came running from the street. The leader of the group shouted, "All of you, stop! "Arm fights are not allowed!" Only then did the crowd stop. As it turned out, he had called the constable before leaving the house.

All the patrolmen glared at him angrily. They approached and surrounded Master Chen and the other elite disciples. The chief inspector took a few steps forward and spoke harshly: "Chen Kai Xuan! You dare to gather people to fight and disrupt the law and order? You're under arrest! " He then ordered, "Tie him up for me!" All the patrolmen took out ropes and moved forward, tying up Master Chen and the other main disciples.

Lin Tian pitied and said: "Why do you not care about the people that are kidnapped by Tai Lang from Pinggang? He tricked my sister and sold her away. We came to get her from him, what right do you have to capture us? " As if he hadn't heard, the chief inspector twisted his face and said, "All of you, go to the patrol office to speak! "Take them away!"

The disciples of the dojo stood there motionlessly and shouted, "You guys are colluding with each other to harm us! We refuse to accept this! Let our master go! We want to sue you! " The patrolmen pushed and hugged, cursing and swearing as they escorted Master Chen and the other disciples away.

Before he could recover from his anger, Pinggong ordered Servant Yang, "All of you go and smash apart the Essence Martial Arts School! I want Tianjin to have no such martial arts school and Chen Kai Xuan! "

Those ocean slaves had nothing to fear, so they immediately set off to smash the elite dojo. They aggressively came to the dojo, took off their signboards and smashed them into pieces. He also pounded on doors and windows and all the equipment, tables and chairs. They didn't stop until the elite Martial Arts School was smashed to smithereens.

Unable to find Lin Fengjiao, yet another incident had occurred. Lin Mu was crying in regret. With a wave of fire, she fell ill. Lin Tian Xiao and the rest were imprisoned for three days before being released. Master Chen and a few other main disciples were still locked up. Lin Tian Xiao brought his men back to the dojo. Seeing that it was smashed into smithereens, it was simply a piece of ruin. He could not suppress the anger in his heart. They immediately swore: "We are irreconcilable with the Pingang Tai Lang! "If I don't kill Pinggang, I swear I won't be a good man!"

From then on, Lin Tianjiao searched everywhere for the whereabouts of his sister and healed his mother. On the other hand, he tried to rescue his master and fellow disciples from prison. Lin Tian Xiao and his brothers were walking around asking people, spending a lot of money, but couldn't save their master and seniors. Through their practice, they knew very well that without crossing Pinggang, their Master and juniors could not be released from prison, nor could they find Lin Fengjiao, nor could they avenge the destruction of their dojo.

Only then did Lin Tian Xiao and a few of his brothers decisively decide to arm themselves and fight against Tai Lang of the Pinggang. That day, after careful planning, they robbed a patrolman's gun near the ZTE Hotel that night. They were looking for an opportunity to fight their way into the foreign bank and kill the Pingang Tai Lang. Whether they would be able to kill Pinggang Tarang or not was something to be said later.

After Lin Tian Xiao finished telling these stories, he was furious and said: "Now that Tai Lang has cheated my sister, the evidence is conclusive. I will not be able to avoid him. I must have burned the Daiwa! "Kill Pingang Tai Lang!"

Just then, they arrived at Da Guo. Lin Tian Xiao looked at the water surface and said to his brothers: "Not far ahead is the checkpoint. There are foreign troops guarding the place, so we shouldn't rush through. It is important to prevent Pingang Tai Lang from having telephone communication with the foreign soldiers. We'll close up the boat and sneak through when it gets dark. We must send this couple, who have been in trouble, to Shandong safely. " The other brothers also agreed, "It's already been set for the night. We'll ride the soldiers and rush there unprepared." "Once we enter the Bohai Sea, we'll be absolutely safe." The six of them said as they pulled the boat closer to the shore. At this moment, two boats had already docked and were entering the town. Lin Tian Xiao pointed at them and said: "They must have just entered from Dagu. Let's follow them and get to know the situation of the foreign soldiers guarding in front of them." The six of them quickly chased after that group of people.

When they entered the town, they saw that the group had entered a restaurant. Lin Tian Xiao and the others also followed inside. When he got inside, he saw that the group of people had already set up the dishes and were sitting around to drink. Lin Tian Xiao said: "Fellow brothers, this little brother will be troubling you. I have a shipment I'd like to ship out. I wonder how about the foreman's handle? "Please advise me."

The man took a sip of wine and said, "Brother, your goods are private goods right? Are you from the city too? "How can you not know the rules of this place?" Lin Tian Xiao pretended to be honest and said: "Good brother is wise, you guessed correctly. The brothers have not left the city for a long time, so very few people know the situation of the foreign soldiers in front of us. "

That person said, "During the day, the soldiers will strictly inspect the passing ships, so it's not good for you to sneak in. It was dark, and the soldiers were playing cards or drinking or going out to look for women. At night they did not take the council seriously. When the sky is dark, you can go quietly. " Another said, "If you see a boat on patrol, you can claim that a fishing boat has entered the sea and hasn't gone back to pick it up. These kinds of things happen every day, and since the soldiers are used to it, they are afraid of trouble, so they won't ask about it. "

When Lin Tian Xiao heard this, he finally felt reassured. He thanked the crew, bought food, and returned to the boat. Lin Tian Xiaoxiao first distributed the food to Fa Ming, Mi Sheng An, and Furong. Afterwards, the six of them sat around the table and drank the wine. He was preparing to charge through the customs office and enter the Bohai Sea.

When they had finished their drinks and rested a little, it was dark. Suddenly the southeast wind blew strongly, Lin Tian Xiao stood up and said: "This wind is too good! It's very good for us. Temporarily lowering the sail into the Bohai Sea, you can sail with the wind. If the wind is not too strong, we can reach Shandong without the use of daylight. " The six of them were overjoyed and immediately set sail. Lin Tian Xiao adjusted the bow and headed straight for the checkpoint.

Fa Ming stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the wind. Lin TianAo said: "Master, you don't have to worry. We're all big people in the water, used to being in the wind and rain. It's cold outside, go sit in the cabin. I have understood the situation of the soldiers in front of us. We'll definitely pass without a hitch. " Farmer said, "That's good." "Don't let anything happen to this unfortunate couple." Lin Tian Xiao's brothers all said: "Master, don't worry. We have full confidence that we will be able to enter the Bohai Sea. "

Fa Ming looked at the six men rowing the boat with a calm look on his face. Seeing that the six people shared the same intention, they rowed the boat in an orderly manner. Although the wind was blowing against them, the boat was moving forward. Lin Tian Xiao continued: "If we enter the Bohai Sea, the wind will blow strongly and the water will surge. We'll stay at the safe haven for the night, and it'll be safe. "

As he spoke, the boat swept past the beacon and entered the inspection center. A soldier stuck his head out of the tower and shouted, "What are you doing? To be examined! " While Lin Tian Xiao told his brothers to speed up their rowing, he shouted to the soldiers: Go ahead and fetch the boat! When the soldiers heard this, they all fell silent. The ship soon left the mouth of the Great Gap, entered the Bohai Sea, turned west, and sailed into the Bohai Bay.

Lin Tian Xiao was relieved and happy as he observed the water surface. The sea was pitch black. In the distance, the waves were roaring, but in the bay, the wind was calm. Lin Tian couldn't help but praise: "Miraculous! Miraculous! What a place in the bay! " The six men pulled up the sail, and the boat moved as fast as an arrow. Lin Tian Xiao once again lit the fishing lamp, and the six of them split into three groups and took turns rowing the boat. With the help of the wind, the boat cut through the waves and hurried on its way.

When he returned to the cabin, he said to Mizone and Fleur, "These six are all good sailors, and their passage is safe and reliable. It is also your suffering that has moved the world. With the help of the wind, you can reach Shandong by daybreak. Now the two of you are like a bird out of a cage, at ease. " The two were inexhaustible joy, and they felt a wave of gratitude towards Farmer Ma.

Lin Tian Xiao led his three brothers and also entered the cabin to sit down before saying: "Master, ever since we met, we have always admired you. I always thought you had a heart full of justice. The valiant, the brave, the brilliant. You are a true hero of the martial arts world, a monk in need, a Bodhisattva in need. With you, build up our sentiments, refine our will, improve our character. All six of us have made progress. I'm not a very knowledgeable person and my martial arts skills are not high, but I love to dance and make ink. In order to repay your kindness, I want to make your chivalrous story into a book. Let your name live forever and your deeds spread widely among the people. In this way, I have also described the dark ways of the world in an exquisite manner. Let future generations know what honor is, what light is, and what happiness is. If I can't write well enough, I will ask a scholar to write well. It must be written as such. "

When Farmer heard this, he laughed and said, "With such ambitions in your mind, you will definitely be able to write them in the future. To be honest, I've also seen you as a man of exceptional generosity. From your words, it can be seen that you have noble talent. It was like a piece of jade shining in the dark. However, the story of the poor monk was not worthy of widespread praise. Save some pen and ink, and focus on writing out the shame of the Chinese, the dark injustice of the world, that's all. Descendants are smarter than us. They will definitely remember the national shame, grasp happiness, pursue the light, and build a prosperous country. "

A brother said, "Master, you don't know yet. This Brother Lin of mine is a top student in the Jin and Jin schools. If he were to focus on his book, he would definitely be able to write it. "

"I can see that."

Lin Tian Xiao spoke again: "It's hard to understand in the middle of the night, so I'm not interested. To pass this dark time as soon as possible, please tell the chivalrous story of your life. We'll listen to you. The boat is on the water. If you can get from here to Shandong, my book will be written. " Farmer smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I'll help you succeed."

When Lin Tian Xiao heard this, he was happy. He applauded with his three brothers and gave birth to An Rong.