International Purple-White Plate


Farmer cleared his throat and was about to speak. Lin Tian Xiao then said: "Please tell me how to save my sister first, I especially want to listen to this part." Farmer was also excited for a moment and said, "Everyone, don't worry. I have something to tell you." Thus, Fa Ming began to tell stories from the moment Shaolin monk came to the capital. He told them one after the other until the next day, when the sea was covered with a myriad of rays of light. His mouth was dry from exhaustion, and the pronunciation was not loud anymore.

Farmer got up and said, "The sky is bright, I can't talk anymore. I'll tell you about it when I get the chance. "Now let's all go outside and enjoy the sea breeze!" The crowd went outside the cabin and saw the blue sea rippling. Looking at the smoke in the distance, the waves were as flat as a mirror. In front of him was Shandong.

Lin Tian Xiao pointed forward: "In front of us is Diao Kou Town. We'll have something to eat there, and then we'll move on. We will send you all the way to Penglai Wonderland. " Farmer waved his hand and laughed, "Forget it, don't send me off again. In front of them was Shandong. You have done well in the service of justice, and have been kind and helpful, and the poor monk is deeply moved. "It has been hard on you all for a day and a night. This voyage should come to an end."

Lin Tian said respectfully: "This is nothing compared to you. We should give it to you. We should give it to them as a form of chivalry. It was always right to help if there were difficulties. All my brothers have a chivalrous heart. "

You are all kind and fair, and we have all seen it," he said. However, I heard about a Yuan Ming in Tianjin. He was all right, but with a different accent. He said he was a monk from Grandmaster Dai. I want to go to Grandmaster Dai to see what is going on. If there really is a monk called Yuan Ming, then I'll leave empty-handed. If Yuan Ming uses his accent to hide his address, and the fake is a monk from Grandmaster Dai, then I'll find him. I can also arrange a home for this couple in distress.

Lin Tian piously said: "Since it's like this, I'll let master decide. However, from here to Taian, we have to cross the Yellow River, take Jinan, and go far up the mountain. I think it's better if I send Master across the Yellow River. "

Farmer shook his head, "There's no need. I plan to visit a friend in Pingyuan County before heading to Tai'an. Not to mention that your mother is alone at home, and she will have a hard time expecting her children to come home. If you go back early, your mother will be happier and less troubled. " Lin Tian Xiao was a filial son, after hearing this, he did not insist on sending him off.

When the boat reached the shore, Lin Tianjiao and the others pulled the boat closer to the shore as they entered Diao Kou Town. He entered a big restaurant in the town. That Shandong worker found it hard to understand what he was saying, so he politely made way for them: "Everyone, please take a seat inside. Here's some rice and steamed bun." Fish soup, onion soup, and fresh vegetables were all available. Eating dishes, seafood, please do not hesitate to order. Don't mind my poor table, you actually save money. All the restaurants in the town are the same, nine copper coins and a good meal for one person. "

The nine of them sat down at two tables. The waiter sings and sings, sets out fish soup, scallion soup, seaweed soup, lobster soup, a dozen different kinds. He poured more wine and brought the rice and steamed bun. Lin Tian looked at the rice and potato buns and asked the waiter: "Why not the big white rice buns?"

The clerk said, "That treasure has been lost for a year. To be able to eat such a delicious meal in Shandong, we have to be in this county. Elsewhere, he escaped into the wilderness. He starved to death, and his life was miserable. This place is also full of starving people, the suffering is indescribable! "

When Lin Tian Xiao heard this, he said to Fu Ming: "Master, this place is too shabby, let's have a meal together." Farmer laughed and said, "It's common practice to go to the country and follow the customs. I've long heard that the people of Shandong live in poverty and hardship. However, Shandong Province's soup is very famous, and today is the perfect time to taste it. " Farmer picked up the first grade of scallion soup. It was indeed well-cooked and delicious. It smacked his lips. It was fragrant.

Farmer praised him repeatedly, "Good, good, good. This soup is beautifully made! Maintaining one's looks and moistening one's lungs was as precious as a treasure. With the power of clearing the sun and replenishing the Qi in one's lungs, it would be easy to remove the cold from one's body. The cold in my lungs can't be recovered after a long time, so if I use it, I won't eat the elixir, and will get rid of the disease by myself. " Farmer continued, "All of you should eat more to nourish your lungs. You should have more energy when you go back to the boat." When the waiter heard that the soup had a miraculous effect, he was so happy that he ran off to fill the soup again. It wasn't long before everyone started to sweat profusely from eating the soup. Lin Tian Xiao and his six brothers hadn't even finished eating and already felt like they had the strength to row a boat.

After the meal, Farmer paid first. He then took out a bunch of silver and gave it to Lin Tianxiong: "If you don't have Xi Feng's help when you go back, your journey will be very arduous. For this little bit of money, buy some wine and drink along the way and treat it as a little gift from the poor monk. " Lin Tian Xiao quickly refused.

"If you do not accept it, it will be less; if you do not accept it, I will not accept it." Lin Tian Xiao helplessly accepted it. Fa Ming suddenly thought of something and said, "Benefactor Lin, I personally instructed your sister not to go home alone. Contact her family first and they will come to pick you up. It was impossible for your sister to still be in Jinzhou. You can first ask the relatives in the area. I wish your family an early reunion! This humble monk shall take my leave! "

Lin Tian Xiao was excited. He pulled over a stool and helped Fu Ming sit down as he said: "Master, Lu Yuanshan is so tall. I wonder when we'll meet again." Before leaving, please accept my, Lin Tian's, filial greetings. " Farmer stood up. Lin Tian Xiao once again said with tears in his eyes: "If Master is not willing to accept it, I definitely won't listen to you." Farmer said helplessly, "Good, good, good." This poor monk has never allowed himself to be thanked for what he has done. Today, I will accept your respect. "

Fa Ming sat still as Lin TianAo and the other eight people kowtowed. Before they left, Lin Tianxiao, Mi Shengan, and Furong all cried.

When Fa Ming saw the eight of them kowtowing three times, he still continued to kowtow. He got up and pulled everyone up, saying, "This is a good kowtow, but I accept it from all of you. I took advantage of it. And don't cry and be childish. It's easy for us to meet. If the mountains don't change, then how can we not see each other? In your free time, please meet us at the Temple of National Protection in Beijing. " The three of them stopped crying. Hibiscus Mishan said goodbye to Lin Tian Xiao and his six brothers, and finally broke up in tears. Not mentioning when Lin Tian Xiao had led the five brothers away.

However, it was said that Mizun An and his wife had left Diao Kou town. The three of them were hungry and thirsty. They would sleep at night and travel to Pingyuan County. On this day, the three of them arrived at the front of Zhang Jia Village.

"My good friend, Mr. Zhang, lives in the village up ahead. I have arranged for you and your husband to live a carefree life. Are you willing to listen to my arrangements? "

Mi Shengan hastened to say, "Master, you are our reincarnated parents." We'll do whatever you say, you're welcome. The two of us have no relatives in the north, so we have no place to stay. We are very grateful that you were able to arrange for us to follow you. "

As the three of them talked, they landed on a hill. The river was covered with trees, wild flowers, butterflies, and silver foxes; the magpies chirped, the migratory birds strung their branches, and the sparrows fell to the ground. The crowd was extremely happy.

"I want to entrust the two of you to Mr. Zhang. He has no children, he has fields in his house. He is a man of wealth and righteousness. He will definitely treat you and your wife well. "

Mi Shengan and Furong were very happy when they heard this. Delighted, Fleur's heart was filled with the desire for a better life. She began to reminisce about her love affair with Mishan. She forgot her worries and returned to her childish state. Happy colorful flowers, butterfly, and Misheng Yi play. Farmer was also very happy to see it.

The three of them walked down the hill into the village and looked ahead. Zhang Mansion was surrounded by streams of water, and it was filled with wind and gas. The left and right regions of the land were slow, with dragons and tigers occupying the front and back areas. Fa Ming understood the Cyan Bird Technique and praised, "What a great treasure land!" As he approached, he saw a group of children playing in front of the door. Mr. Zhang was dressed neatly and was looking at them.

Farmer exclaimed happily, "Brother, you're in a leisurely mood! Looking at me? "

When Mr. Zhang heard that it was Farmer, he was also overjoyed. He quickly stepped forward and said in surprise, "Aiya! The magpie chirps all day long, and I expect an honored guest to come. It turned out that the High Monk had arrived! Waiting for me to get anxious and I'm looking around. " Mr. Ledezhang and Farmer held hands and greeted each other warmly. Mr. Zhang looked at the two people behind him.

She was young and beautiful with a childish look on her face; Mixian was beautiful with a resolute expression on her face. He turned to ask. Fa Ming said, "This is not the place to speak. Allow me to enter the manor for a chat." Mr. Zhang repeatedly said, "Good, good, good! "As you wish."

The four of them cheered as they entered the house and entered the room. Mr. Zhang smiled and said, "High Monk, I won't treat you badly. You really have a good sign that you have come." If you don't believe me, look. I've already prepared the food for you. The three of you are travel worn, so we can talk while we eat. " Farmer laughed and said, "You know how to play such a ridiculous game. It makes me wonder about you several times. Are you a prophet? Or did you get the information first? " Mr. Zhang smiled but did not answer.

After the three of them had washed up, they came to the table and saw that the plates and bowls were overlapping each other. Farmer leaned over and sniffed. It was still warm. Mr. Zhang smiled and said, "The thin wine and vegetarian dishes I have here are not worthy of respect. Let's sit down and talk while we eat. " The four of them sat down, and Hibiscus obediently poured wine.

Mr. Zhang asked Fa Ming, "High Monk, should you go into the details now?" Fa Ming ate a mouthful of food and intentionally stayed calm. Mr. Zhang could not bear it any longer. He then guessed, "Could this pair of young people be the sons and daughters of your family? "Why don't you mention it?"

Farmer laughed, "Brother, you sure know how to joke around. I'm not out on the road, where did my children come from? This is a couple that I picked up for you on the way here. I specially delivered it over a thousand miles to serve you. Do you think you can thank me? "

When Mr. Zhang heard this, he was very happy and asked, "Is this for real? If this old man were to obtain these two women, I would be satisfied for the rest of my life. " Farmer said, "A gentleman does not lie. I will not lie to you. This is true. " Mr. Zhang laughed heartily, "This old man is overjoyed! Thank you, Brother High Monk! "

Mi Shengan and Furong were very happy to see this scene. They were very quick-witted and did not need any advice. They both knelt down and kowtowed to Mr. Zhang, saying, "Father, we are deeply grateful that you did not abandon us. "May I serve you for the rest of my life under your knee." Mr. Zhang was so happy that he stood up and shouted, "Children, stand up! There was nothing unusual about it. Sit down, all of you. From now on, you two will be my children. Tomorrow, I still need a big banquet, so all of my relatives and friends will come to congratulate me. "

The four sat back down. Farmer smiled and said, "Brother Ren, now that you have a pair of happy children, you don't need to think about being immortal anymore." Mr. Zhang said, "This is also heaven's will. It's only natural that I have a common destiny. He had no plans for the future. I want to wholeheartedly share my happiness with my children! "

Farmer continued, "This husband and wife pair have suffered great suffering and hatred. In the future, they will definitely show you respect and filial piety. If I help you, what are you going to thank me for? "

The Dharma book was a joke. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang became serious and said, "You did well! Good lift! I will definitely repay this favor. "

After thinking for a moment, he said, "I can't let you be in vain! Well, this boy is my son, and this girl is your daughter. Let's go our own way! "

Fleur quickly kowtowed to Farmer, calling him Daddy. Farmer was also happy to say to Mr. Zhang, "Good, good, good! "From now on, we're going to be at home." Mr. Zhang raised his cup and took advantage of the excitement of the wine as he shouted, "Come! Home, let's toast! " The two of them were so happy that they drank merrily until the sky turned dark.