International Purple-White Plate


At this moment, Taro Pingaoka had finished setting up the room. Seeing that Lin Fengjiao had arrived, he stood up with a smile and said, "Please take a seat Miss Lin. You are the most intelligent woman here, I want to look at you in a different light. I invited you here today because I want to promote you to a more important position. " Hearing this, Lin Fengjiao was very happy, so she sat down to listen.

Someone brought Lin Fengjiao another cup of fragrant tea, letting her have it, "Miss Lin, please have it!" Lin Feng said, "Thank you!" He continued, "If you have anything to tell me, Boss, please feel free to tell me. "Lin Fengjiao truly values her ability." Taro Pingang smiled and continued: "Miss Lin is really intelligent, with unique leadership skills. I've decided to send you to study. You learn to come back, I let you become a great general matter. Not only do you have to pay high wages, but you also have to make a name for yourself. "

Although Lin Fengjiao was happy in her heart, she thought to herself, "Where do you want me to study?" If we go far, I won't do it. " So he asked, "Mr. Boss, where do you want me to study? Is it far? " Taro Pingang smiled. "Please don't worry, miss. Let me have a cup of tea first. I'll tell you later. You must be very pleased to hear that too. " He smoked his cigarette. That really was puffing out clouds and puffing out mist, leisurely and naturally. His words were calm and without any flaws.

Lin Fengjiao thought to herself, "According to what he said, we definitely won't go too far." If I can improve, it would be great to earn more! " She picked up the cup of tea and drank it all while she was still feeling happy. "Miss Lin, this time you should know everything." Lin Fengjiu was puzzled. Her heart was anxious and her vision was hazy. She could not sit still. Soon, she fell asleep in her chair. It turns out that in the tea first put the Ecstasy "homesickness Powder".

Several Japanese warriors were already waiting outside the door. Noticing that Lin had fallen into a deep slumber, Pinggang ordered, "Someone, come!" All the Japanese warriors immediately entered the room and took off Lin Fengjiao's clothes and changed into the uniform of the Japanese Army. However, his back was to the car, which was then transported to the dock and boarded a steamer. After a few more twists and turns, they transported Lin Fengjiao to Mai Shun.

Lin Fengjiao was sent to the Japanese military barracks in the small town of Liaodong for persecution after she had gone through a strict examination by the Japanese military secret service. They would first have to make it difficult for her, make her tame and obedient, and then ship her back to Japan for formal training. Unexpectedly, the small city's devil nest was destroyed by Farmer Ma, saving Lin Fengjiao and the other nine girls.

As for Lin Mu and Lin Tianxiao, they were looking for Lin Fengjiao. That day, at sunset and dusk, Lin Mu saw that her daughter had not come home from work. She felt anxious and hurried to the neighborhood to ask the girl who worked with Lin Fengjiao. Mother Lin saw that her daughter had finished eating at work and asked anxiously, "Why is my daughter not back yet? Aren't you all together? "

The girl said, "We used to be together, but today is different. This morning, Lin Fengjiao and I went to work together. As soon as we walked through the door of the overseas bank, a manservant called out to Feng Jiao and said, "Miss Lin, the boss invites you in." She went with the man. I didn't see Lin Fengjiao for a whole day. She might have been transferred to another workshop. You can go ask someone else. "

When Mother Lin heard this, she became anxious and hurriedly went to ask the other girls. She then found a few other girls and told Mother Lin that she did not see Lin Fengjiao. Mother Lin panicked, thinking: "At this time, my daughter might have gone home?" Mother Lin anxiously walked home to take a look. Seeing that her daughter had not returned, she became even more anxious and urged Lin Tian to be filial: "I heard that those foreign servants were after your sister. Did something happen to her? Go to the bank and ask their boss. This morning, her boss sent someone to look for her. " Lin Tian Xiao complained: "You shouldn't have let her go from the beginning. Oceania is a place full of filth. Who doesn't know it? Which one didn't know? "It was really a moment of confusion." When Mother Lin heard this, she regretted it over and over again, and urged Lin Tianjiao to look for her.

Lin Tianxiao hurriedly went out to find a few of his brothers to travel with him. By this time the bank had closed its doors. Lin Tian filial brought the group to the entrance of the Yang Bank. After knocking on the door and shouting for a while, a servant came in and asked: "What? "Knocking about what?" He opened the door and stuck his head out. Lin Tian Xiao handed over a cigarette and said: "My name is Lin Tian Xiao, I'm here to find my sister Lin Feng Jiao." Only then did Servant Yang hear it, "I know Lin Fengjiao. She left early. There are no more workers here. "

Hearing this, Lin Tianjiao secretly became anxious in his heart. He said: "Sir, please pass on the message. I have something to ask your boss, Mr. Pinggang."

Servant Yang lit up his cigarette and smoked a few mouthfuls, "I really don't know who Lin Fengjiao left with after work today." Wait a moment, I'll inform the boss. " Then he turned to see Taro Ogata. At this time, Taro Pinggang was having his meal by himself. Only then did Servant Yang enter the house and bow: "Mr. Pinggang, there is a person called Lin Tianxiao outside. He has come to look for his sister, Lin Fengjiao." He put down his chopsticks and asked, "How many people did he bring?"

Only then did Servant Yang say, "All four of them are from the Essence Martial Arts School." Taro Pingaoka, who had heard a lot of people coming, frowned and said, "Lure them away. He said that he had already come home from work. "I don't know." Then he raised his glass. He took a swig of wine. Servant Yang did not leave, and said: "Since I said that, he is unwilling to leave, and wants to see you." Pingangang Tai Lang said angrily: "Go to hell!" I won't see you! "

Only then did Servant Yang turn around and walk out of the door. His tone became stiff and he spoke as if he was parrot: "Go away!" My boss doesn't want to see you! " Lin Tian Xiao endured and asked: "What did your boss say?" Servant Yang said: "The boss is eating and does not want to see you. He said your sister had already left work, I don't know. "

Lin Tian's filial nature was fierce. He immediately became angry and was about to charge in and angrily said: "You get out of the way! I'll go in and ask him. " The servant then said, "Please understand the rules. Is this a place where you can casually enter?" Just as they were arguing, two more Japanese soldiers arrived.

He does not know," added Servant Yang. "You guys should hurry up and go look for it somewhere else." "" Lin Tian Xiao's brother also pulled Lin Tian Xiao and said: "Don't blow the matter too much for now, just in case little sister goes to your house. If we can't find it, we can ask him again. The Japanese soldier interrupted, "What kind of work?" Only then did Servant Yang hastily say: "Nothing, nothing to say.

Lin Tian Xiao was anxious and angry at the same time. He could only leave with his brothers and split up to search. The few of them ran all night long, asking about the girls who were working at the overseas walk. No one saw Lin Fengjiu get off work. At this time, Lin Tian Xiao and his brothers knew that the situation wasn't good. The few of them grouped together again.

Lin Tian Xiao said: "Something must have happened to my little sister. I knew things were not going well when Tarang Pingang refused to see me. This is bad, if something happens to my little sister, even my mother will want to die. " When the brothers heard this, they were all very anxious. Someone said, "Since someone has seen my sister being called into his office, we should ask him for her. The disappearance of his younger sister must have been caused by Tai Lang from Pinggang. He used to cheat girls who worked in the foreign trade. "

Someone said, "Might as well. I'll fight it out with him!" Others said, "Why don't we go back to the dojo first and tell Master about this and have Master take us to Pinggang? His master was a famous person in Tianjin, so at least he could give her some face in Pinggang. They only needed to ask and answer questions to know how lucky she was. Then, we can decide how to argue with Pinggang. "

The few of them agreed and went back to the Essence Martial Arts School to explain the situation to Master Chen. When Master Chen heard this, he also felt that this matter was urgent and immediately agreed to step forward. Master Chen was dressed neatly as he led more than thirty disciples and Lin Tianxiao to the foreign trade. At this time, Tallan Pingang was replaced by Japanese soldiers guarding the gate. Japanese soldiers blocked the entrance to the hospital with their weapons.

Master Chen came forward to speak to them, and the Japanese soldiers glared at him and said in Japanese, "Don't talk so much! Whatever your reasons, no one is allowed to enter without Mr. Pinggang's permission. We're just guards. We don't have time to reason with anyone. If you dare to cause trouble, we will shoot you and kill you without question. "

Master Chen didn't understand Japanese and could only listen to her for a while. She didn't know what to say. Seeing that Master Chen didn't understand his words, the Japanese soldier turned around and called out to a manservant who understood Japanese.

Master Chen then said to Servant Yang: "Sir, please deliver the report. Essence Martial Arts School Chen Kai Xuan wishes to meet Mr. Pinggang and Tai Lang. " Those ocean slaves all knew Master Chen. Seeing him bring these disciples, he knew that the situation was not easy to stop. That Servant Yang politely replied, "Master Chen, please wait. I will go report to the boss." He turned around and walked away. After a while, he came back and said, "Boss Pinggang said that he was busy. I won't see anyone! "

When Master Chen heard this, he immediately said: "If I don't show you the Pinggang Tai Lang, I must be feeling guilty." Miss Lin was most likely taken away by him. If we don't get to the bottom of this matter today, we will definitely not agree to it! " In his anger, he wanted to put pressure on Taillon Pinggang.

Master Chen turned around and ordered his disciples, "If Pinggang won't let us meet up, we'll rush in and ask him!" All the disciples rushed forward enthusiastically as they clamoured for a while. The Japanese soldiers could not stop him. Master Chen led his people and forced his way inside.

"All the servants inside shouted for them to stop him." What are you doing? Get the hell out of here! " The disciples said, "Why didn't you meet us in Pinggang? Let him out! We have to get the person from him! " When all the ocean slaves heard this, they stopped in front of him.

One of them said, "Wait!" He ran in a hurry to find Tai Lang Pinggang. Not long after that, Tarang Oregon came back with a few samurai warriors, followed by a few Japanese soldiers with guns. They were all in a fierce mood. "Chen Kai Xuan, what are you looking for me for?

Master Chen said, "We're here to ask for people! Bring out Miss Lin! " "What credentials do you have to ask me for them?" Is Lin Fengjiao your daughter? What do you care! She had come home from work a long time ago. The workers went out of the factory gate, but we never cared. I advise you to know a little about ups and downs, go back! "

Master Chen said, "Miss Lin is one of our compatriots. I can't ignore this. I also advise you to hand over the men as soon as possible. Your deceptive tricks, coaxing the child is not bad, how can you deceive the public! You are faltering and full of loopholes and nonsense. And I'll tell you the truth: we've asked everyone who works here. Yesterday morning, you sent someone to call Miss Lin over to the office, but she still hasn't come out. We have enough evidence to ask of you. Where did you get them? Quickly hand it over! "

"Master Chen, don't you dare overhear such rumors." "Take a look." He took out the record book and said, "This contains the record of Lin Fengjiao's previous day's work. How would I know what she's going to do after work? " Master Chen did not even look at his book and said: "Mr. Pinggang, stop with your little tricks and tricks! It's not that easy for you to deceive me. I just want to ask you: will you hand him over? "

Pingangang Tai Lang angrily said, "I won't hand him over, what can you do about it?" Master Chen went forward to grab him, and Tae-lang, who was standing at the side, took a few steps back in panic. A Japanese warrior stopped Master Chen and threw a punch at her. Master Chen blocked his fist with one hand and struck out with the other. The warrior was struck in the chest before he could dodge and was forced back in pain. Two more Japanese warriors stormed forward and attacked Master Chen from the left and right.

Master Chen said, "What are you doing? Are they going to use force!? " As he said that, he swept his foot across the ground. In the blink of an eye, the two Japanese warriors were knocked to the ground. The two jumped up in panic and attacked at the same time. Master Chen waited, then suddenly made a move and hit the one on the left with his fist. He changed his move and kicked the one on the right again. The two warriors then fell down one by one, while the other staggered backwards. The other warriors knew that Master Chen was a master of martial arts, so they were too scared to approach him. Master Chen then asked: "Pinggang Tai Lang, are you handing him over?" Zhang Xuan stepped forward. The warriors and slaves were forced to retreat.