International Purple-White Plate


Misheng entered the account room, paid for the red invitation, and brought it up to see Xi Shi. He went upstairs, entered the house, and saw that Sissi's house was different from the others. It was spacious, well-furnished, and looked luxurious. Sissi was sick. She was sleeping alone in the silk embroidery tent, and her figure could be vaguely seen inside. Mi Shengan looked at the huge photo of Hibiscus hanging on the wall and couldn't help crying out in delight, "Hibiscus! I've finally found you! "

As soon as he heard his name being called, he stood up and lifted the curtain to see it was his husband, Mizung-an. He was both happy and sad. He shouted, "Good day!" He hurriedly came out of the embroidered tent and hugged his husband. The two of them looked at each other. There were no cheers, only tears.

They sat down, and Fleur cried out to her husband about all her troubles. He hated Mi Sheng and swore to kill Liu Qi and Song Yu for revenge. Mishan also tearfully told his wife what had happened since they broke up. The two of them cried and talked, and cried. There were no more words of love between them. Their hearts were filled with hatred, grief, and pain.

I'm going to find Gu Xianfeng. My wife is a good girl," Mi Shengan said. "Why did she drag him into the brothel to be a prostitute?" With that, he rushed downstairs to find the brothel owner Gu Wei to denounce him. By now, both of them were in a state of disarray, and Hibiscus didn't stop her husband. This action was extremely disadvantageous to the two of them when they were trying to escape in collusion with one another.

Mi Sheng'an went downstairs to see Gu Liancong. His face was full of anger as he asked, "Gu!" My wife, Fleur, is a good girl. What right do you have to be a prostitute in a brothel? I won't forgive you! "

Gu Youcai was also shocked. He stood up and said, "Brother, don't be in such a hurry to talk. Grievances have a cause, debts have a master, do not find the wrong person. I bought it from Wu Ergui in Guangzhou with the ocean. Who do you blame for this? If you don't believe me, you can ask Furong and you can also look at my documents. "

Gu Youquan took out the written agreement that Wu Ergui had made when he bought it. Mi Sheng'an looked at the papers and realized his mistake in blaming Gu Liancong. As a result, he fell silent.

Gu Xianfeng was cunning and experienced. He wanted to stabilize Mizone and find out what was going on with him. Seeing that Mi Sheng'an had stopped talking, Gu Liancong continued, "Brother, if Miss Xi Shi really is your wife, I will help you. You can pay for a ransom. If you don't want to buy it back, then go to the prosecutor. "You can choose either of these two paths."

Mishan's plan was, "We have to go through the foreigners, as a prosecutor here. I have no money, no connections, no way to win a case. If you buy people for fifty silver dollars, I can afford it too. "

Mishan thought for a moment and said, "I've decided to pay for the ransom."

Gu Youcong nodded, "Alright, I'll definitely help you. "Now let's settle the bill and set a price." Gu Xianfeng lit a cigarette, frowned and said, "He hasn't made any money in almost three years since he arrived here. She eats, dresses, uses. I spent a lot of money. Your ransom will cost you at least two thousand five hundred silver dollars. "

Misheng was surprised to hear the amount. "This money is not good enough," he said. Too many! My people are whores for you, I don't know how much money they made for you! You say that she doesn't earn any money, what an ungrateful person! "

"If you don't have enough money, I'll let you have a few more steps. You gave two thousand silver dollars to redeem the man, so it's settled. " After Gu Youzi finished speaking, he took the chance to leave.

Mishan turned around and went back upstairs, telling Fleur what had happened. The two were very disappointed. They hugged each other and cried together. Mi Sheng An said indignantly: "How is Kou Wei trying to help us?!" He was really a black-hearted person. I still want to argue with him! If it's really not possible, then I will fight it out with him! " At this moment, Gu Youcai had already ordered two bodyguards to stand guard outside the door, watching over the two.

Mi Shengan and Hibiscus were sad and joyless. They had been together for an entire night, yet they had not finished narrating the song to each other. Mi Shengan went to find Gu Xianfeng again, but was stopped by two bodyguards and said, "Boss Gu, there's something you need to do." If you want to stay here any longer, hand over the money now! If you don't want to pay, then scram! " Misheng shouted for a meeting with Boss Gu and was pushed out of the brothel by two bodyguards.

Mishan went back to the wharf, anxious, angry, and resentful. During his spare time in the evening, he went to Gu Xianfeng many times, but Gu Xianfeng never gave him a chance to meet again. At this time, Ku Kai-tung also sold the girl Xi Shi to the Japanese bank in Tianjin for three hundred silver taels. This led to the couple to shed tears by the river, stop the car and plan the encounter. "It is true that a tragic story is only once, but it has already been told.

After Lin Tian Xiao heard Mi Sheng An's explanation, he immediately teared up. He said something that surprised Farmer.

Listening to Mi Shengan recount the unfortunate events that had befallen his wife, Lin Tianxiao became especially sorrowful. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he took Mizun's hand. "Brother, I congratulate you and your wife on your reunion!" May your relationship last forever. " Mi Sheng An added, "I thank you again for your help." Without the help of you kind-hearted people, it would have been difficult for us to reunite as husband and wife. "Thank you everyone!"

As he spoke, he saw Lin Tian Xiao's tears once again blurring his eyes. Lin Tian Xiao wiped away his tears and said: "Just now, listening to your miserable experiences made me think of my little sister. Now it's as hard as a knife to my heart. " He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Taro Pingang, I swear I will not be a human until I kill you! He cheated my sister and sold her away. We still don't know where she is, and whether she is dead or alive is unknown. " And then the tears came again.

Hearing Lin Tian Xiao's words, Fa Ming was shocked, and immediately looked at Lin Tian Xiao. He thought of Lin Fengjiao, whom he had saved in Liaodong.

"I remember that Miss Lin Fengjiao said she was from Tianjin and that she was cheated out of her job at a Japanese foreign bank," Fa Ming recalled. Could this girl be his sister? The two of them have many similarities. " Fa Ming had always been cautious when doing things, and after looking at Lin TianAo again and again, he confirmed that they were brother and sister. He then asked: "Benefactor Lin, is your sister called Lin Fengjiao?"

Lin Tian was shocked: "That's right. Master, how did you know? I don't remember telling you. "

Farmer said, "You never told me. Not long ago, your sister was rescued by me from the Japanese military camp. She and two other girls went to Jinzhou. I think your little sister will be home in a few days. "

When Lin Tian Xiao heard this, he was overjoyed. He happily grabbed onto Fa Ming and said: "Master, you really are a living Buddha! You not only saved my sister, but also my mother. My mother is going to miss my sister so much. " "You don't have to worry about your little sister now. She should be on her way home by now."

Lin Tian Xiao was relieved and happy as he asked: "Master, where did you meet my sister?"

"That day, I had to go to the northeast because I had something to do," he said. The liaodong car boat convenient, I walked liaodong. Your sister was taken by the Japanese to the army barracks in eastern Liaoning. I went by there on foot because I couldn't find a car, and there was a little Taoist who told me the truth. I killed two of the guards at night and saved nine of the injured girls. The little Taoist and I escorted them to the Ditch again. We ate in the ditch and split up. I went to the elm with six girls. The little Taoist escorted your sister and two other girls to Jinzhou. There was a young lady who had a marriage engagement in Jinzhou City. Thus, she brought your sister and another person with her to propose. "

When Lin Tian Xiao heard this, he became even happier, and happily said: "The common saying goes, great kindness cannot be thanked. Master, let me kowtow to you! " Just as he was about to kneel down, he realized that the space in front of him was too small.

Farmer laughed, "Benefactor, there is no need to thank me. Think about the fate of the two of us. Since I came to Tianjin, I've met you four times in a row. It is also the right time for you to get news of your sister today. Today, they were chasing coincidences again. It would be hard for me to tell you about it if I didn't meet the couple.

The four looked at each other in delight. "What kind of man is Taro Pinghan?" he asked. How did he cheat your sister? Tell us about it. " Lin Tian Xiao gave a long sigh and began to explain in detail.

It turned out that Lin Tian Xiao's family had a mother and three siblings. His father, Lin Sheng, was a Boxer of the Boxer Regiment and had been sacrificed long ago when the Boxers attacked the world of the Violet Bamboo Forest. When his father died, Lin Mu wasn't even thirty years old, and she lived with Lin Tian Xiao, who was ten, and Lin Feng Jiao, who was four.

Mother Lin's name was Zhu Li, and she was skilled in tailoring, earning money from selling clothes to support her two children. The three of them relied on each other to live their lives, and they weren't living a comfortable life. Lin Tian Xiao had grown up with his father's personality and his love of martial arts. He entered Chen Kai's Martial Arts School. This dojo was flourishing in Tianjin. Every day, Lin Tian Xiao would earn a salary in the dojo. It was only then that the Lin mother and her family were able to save money.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fengjiao had grown up and was in pursuit of dressing up. Lin Tian Xiao and his mother had always been obedient to her. Her family's surplus was gradually running out. Last year's prices soared, and the people's lives were abnormally miserable. Mother Lin's clothing shop did not have enough income, and Lin TianAo was no longer able to earn money in the dojo. It became harder for the three of them to live and eat.

Mother Lin heard that the Japanese Daiwa foreign banks to recruit female workers, stitching the hemp bag, according to a piece of money, the job is not tiring. Mother Lin then let her jewel Lin Fengjiao, the first public appearance, to work in the foreign bank. Lin Fengjiao was a slim, handsome, and well-dressed woman who was known as the most beautiful woman in the factory. However, she was the last to stitch up the hemp. The young servants of the factory, upon seeing Lin Fengjiao's beauty, were all moved and began to pursue her.

Lin Fengjiao simply looked down on them and refused to say anything. Those ocean servants were often treated coldly by her, each one of them being embarrassed and didn't dare to be angry. Those few overseers were all fawning on Lin Fengjiao. It was a common thing for her to report the number of items and collect higher wages. Lin Fengjiao sewed the least, but made a lot of money. She worked very smoothly in a foreign bank.

Taro Ogata is a leader of the Black Dragon Society of Japan. His activities abroad are also a special agent of the Black Dragon Society. The bank operates many projects and has all kinds of facilities. In addition to running a foreign bank and using various means to take over other foreign banks, he is also a member of the Japanese network of the Kwantung military secret service. He had several samurai warriors as his bodyguards, more than twenty armed slaves at his command, and if necessary he could bring a team of Japanese soldiers to guard the city. In Tianjin, Tiro Pingangang flaunts his power and rages the world, but this is not mentioned.

On the other hand, Tiro Pinggong had taken a fancy to Lin, based on her age, looks, intelligence and evaluation of all aspects. He wanted to train Lin Fengjiao as a political prostitute used by Japan to invade other countries.

That day, he had already made up his mind and ordered his men to prepare a boat. He had a Ocean Servant to guard the door and wait for Lin Fengjiao's arrival. Lin Fengjiao went to work in the morning. As soon as she stepped through the door of the overseas bank, she was summoned to his office.