International Purple-White Plate


Those evil slaves came after hearing the news and panicked when they saw Liu Chao rolling on the ground with his face covered in blood. Someone helped Liu Cai up and dressed him; someone even asked, "Young Master, how did you do it? "She doesn't like it?"

Liu Cai covered his face with his hands and said with hatred, "Kill this bitch alive!" The evil slave had nothing to fear, he grabbed the hibiscus from the embroidered tent and began to whip it with his belt. It caused her entire body to be covered with injuries as she screamed miserably.

Liu Gao also came when he heard the news, and when he saw his son's miserable state, he immediately became angry, and started cursing at the servants: "You servants! What was going on!? "Why don't you come forward and help?"

A servant said, "We said we would hold him down, but the young master said there's no need." Under Liu Gao's rage, he could not differentiate what was right from wrong, and pointed at the servant, scolding: "You mischievous servant! You still dare to talk back! "Why would I want you to come here?"

All the servants stopped talking. Liu Gao ordered again, "Keep quiet, go get Wu Ergui for me." The two evil slaves left in a hurry and quickly found Wu Ergui. Liu Gao was out of breath and said to Wu Ergui, "You sell her far away to the brothel to make her lose face to meet people again. I won't ask for more money. You give me one hundred and twenty dollars. She came to my house under a contract to pay her debts. "

Wu Ergui was a cunning guy. He had a lot of experience in abducting women and his hands were very bad. He had been doing this for more than ten years. He had acquaintances in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and many other places. And in Guangzhou, there is a special service for him to kidnap women, the place is called the "Fragrance Pavilion." As long as Wu Ergui sent the girl he got to the "Fragrance Court", he would be able to get the money soon.

When Wu Ergui saw that Liu Gao wanted to sell the village girl, Furong, he thought to himself, "This girl is very handsome, she will definitely sell for a good price." He leaned forward to look, and saw that Hibiscus was covered with wounds, had fainted, and had no injury on her face.

He had an idea, so he tried to scare Liu Gao by saying, "This girl is so injured, she's not worth much now." Besides, Mi Shengan is not someone to be trifled with. If he knew that I was the one who took away Furong, he would definitely kill me. Sell it to someone else. Even though you, Master Liu, are rich and powerful, your family must be careful when they leave the house from now on. "

After Wu Ergui finished, he pretended to leave. Liu Gao became anxious and stopped him, "Second ghost brother, I don't need money. "You can sell her far enough so that Mishan won't know." Wu Ergui then pretended to decline a few words, appearing to be in a difficult position as his heart was filled with joy.

Liu Gao added: "There are no outsiders here. No one will tell you. When Mizone came back, he naturally asked me for someone. What are you afraid of? " Only then did Wu Ergui agree. He was afraid that Hibiscus would wake up soon, so he put the "Homesickness Powder" into Hibiscus's mouth once again. Wu Ergui brought the hibiscus to Guangzhou's "Fragrance Recruitment Hall" and sold it to Gu Xiantong, the owner of the "Yichun Garden" in Tianjin, who was buying girls there. When Kudo saw how beautiful Hibiscus was, he was so happy that he hurriedly transported her back to Tianjin.

Hibiscus suffered the humiliation and torment of Wu Ergui and Gu Youcai, crying her heart out. To Tianjin "Yi Chun Garden", there are ferocious brothel bodyguards watching, she can not escape. If he didn't sell himself, he would be beaten up every day. The madam and the whores advised her day and night. Fleur reluctantly admitted that she had suffered miserably and had become a prostitute. The boss named her "Sick Xi Shi". Since then, hibiscus incognito, living the life of a drunken prostitute.

As for Mizun'an, he borrowed money from his fellow workers on the dock and returned home with a cheerful heart. When he saw the door was locked, he hurried to Auntie Li and asked, "Aunt, is Fleur in your house?" Auntie Li saw the happiness on Mishan's face and knew that he had borrowed money. Auntie Li also happily said, "Furong is a good child. In order to repay her debt to the Liu family, she had also made up her mind and wholeheartedly shared her worries with you. Not long after you left, Liu Cai and Song Yu came to ask her to serve Chen Jing's Yuanzi. Say that your accounts will be cleared after the first month. Seeing that the opportunity was good, I agreed to let her go. It's me who is watching over your house. " When Mi Shengan heard this, he scolded Fleur, "What kind of work are you going to do for him? He really shouldn't have gone! I'll pay him back and bring him back. " Mi Shengan bid farewell to Auntie Li and hurried over to Liu's house, still angry.

Liu Qi heard that Mi Sheng An had come. He thought Mi Sheng was aware of the news and came to visit. It scared Liu Cai so much that he ordered his servants to protect him and sent Song Yu to meet Mizun'an at the door. The Liu residence was in a state of panic and chaos. Song Yu brought a few servants outside to meet Mi Shengan. He first observed the situation and asked, "Brother Mi, when did you return?" What's the matter? "

Mi Shengan didn't want to talk to him, so he only said, "I'm looking for Furong. Let her go home."

Song Yuzhen didn't know that something had happened to Hibiscus, so he lied, "Ah, looking for Hibiscus. A few days ago, she came here to wait on her wife for a day and said that there was no one at home to look after her at night and that she had not been there since she came home. The First Lady is waiting to use her. "

Mi Sheng An believed Song Yu's words lightly. Without saying anything further, he turned around to look for his friends and relatives. Mi Shengan searched for a few relatives and friends, but couldn't find anyone. He was feeling anxious. He was passing by Wu Ergui's house when he was spotted by his neighbor, Liu Qi.

Liu Qi called for Mi Shengan to stop and pulled him to the side. "Eldest nephew, are you looking for Furong?" "Seventh Uncle, I'm looking for her," Mi Shengan said hurriedly. You saw her? "

Liu Qi said, "Silly boy, Fleeting Time is in trouble! You don't know yet. "

Mi Sheng was startled. "Seventh Uncle, quickly tell me, what happened to her?"

Liu Qi said: "That day, Hibiscus was deceived by Liu Qi Song Yu into the house to serve his wife, Yuezi, Hibiscus washed many dirty clothes for his wife by the river. During the night, Liu Qi took advantage of the fact that Hibiscus was asleep to ruin her. Hibiscus woke up and refused to obey. In a fit of anger, she blinded Liu Qi. The father and son, Liu Qi, had his servant beat Hibiscus to death. With wounds all over his body, he colluded with Wu Ergui and took Hibiscus away. He came back to tell me that I was a thug under Liu Qi. The villagers don't know yet. "Quickly go and find Wu Ergui, there's hope for Hibiscus. If you're too late, Hibiscus will be sold to the white house."

When Mi Shengan heard this, he was so angry that his lungs were about to burst. He hatefully said, "I'll go and kill Liu Qi and Song Yu first!" Liu Qi stopped him. "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. They won't be able to escape. Quickly go and find Wu Ergui to save Hibiscus. It won't be too late for you to save Hibiscus and then go get their dog heads. " Mi Shengan thanked Liu Qi and ran over to Wu Ergui's house.

Upon entering the house, Mi Sheng saw that Wu Er Gui was not around, so he asked his wife: "Where is Wu Er Gui? Where did he get Hibiscus to go? " Wu Ergui's wife had a green face and black hair. She was very unsightly and unruly. She scolded, "My house is not the East China Sea. What's your wife got to do with us? I don't know! Get out! "

When Mi Shengan heard her curse, he felt as if he was adding fuel to the fire. He grabbed her and pressed her, "Tell me the truth! "If you don't say it, I'll kill you first."

Seeing Mi Shengan's eyes turn red, the evil woman said hurriedly, as if she was going to kill someone, "Two ghosts took Fleur to the 'Fragrance Pavilion' in Guangzhou and have been gone for four days. I'm not lying, it's true. Hibiscus was brought to the mansion by Liu Cai, and once it was ruined, his father sold Hibiscus for two ghosts. You can't blame us for this. If you have the ability, go and take revenge on Liu Gao and his son. "

Misheng installed Wu Ergui's wife, and then rushed to Guangzhou's "Fragrance Pavilion." She lied on behalf of Wu Ergui and said to Mishan, "Wu Ergui brought a girl here. If she doesn't pay well, he won't sell. He took her to the Yu Garden in Shanghai to sell." Mi Shengan then rushed to Shanghai to catch up with Wu Ergui.

At this time, Wu Ergui got another woman and really went to Shanghai. Mi Sheng An went to Shanghai and searched the Yu Garden, but couldn't find Wu Ergui. He was anxiously searching the street when he saw that the alley was surrounded by people. When he got closer, he saw that the patrolman was examining the corpse. It was Wu Ergui who had died. It turned out that Wu Ergui was chased by the woman's husband and his wife was killed.

From then on, Mixian did his work while searching for Furong, and then he found a few cities and came to Tianjin. Misheng went to Tianjin, working in the Haihe Pier during the day, in the evening free to go to the brothel to find hibiscus. As he often went to brothels, he was mocked by his fellow workers.

The mischievous young man liked to say, and said to Mi Shengan: "I can't tell, Brother Mi didn't make much money, but he has a lot of good interests. I see you go to brothels a lot. You're almost done visiting the brothels in Tianjin City, right? What was the smell of those ruined flowers? "If you go around again, it's worth it to go around with her." In the big brothel of Yichun Garden, there was a courtesan named 'Sick Xi Shi'. She was as beautiful as a fairy and was the number one courtesan outside the city. It would be worth it for you to go to her and spend more money. "

Mizun An was usually introverted and rarely spoke his mind to others. After listening to his words of ridicule for a long time, he did not get angry and came to terms with anyone. He paid attention to her naughty words and thought to himself, "My Hibiscus looks just like a celestial being." 'Could she have become the first courtesan in Tianjin? ' Cisch, that's not his name. "No matter how much money we spend, I still want to see her."

After work in the evening, Misheng really came to the "Spring Garden" brothel. As soon as he entered the door, he was surrounded by a few prostitutes. All three of them charmingly asked Mian which one they were looking for. Mi Shengan saw that they were not Hibiscus, so he asked, "Do you have a hibiscus here?"

The three of them shook their heads and said, "My name is Gui."

"My name is Xiang Fei." "My name is Fang Fei."

"I didn't hear who's called Jiong Furong here."

Mizone asked again, "Where is Miss Sisch?" I'm looking for her. "

Xiang Fei said, "That's a pretty name. She's upstairs." "Go get a red invitation."