International Purple-White Plate


Song Yu heard that Mi Shengan had gone back to the pier, and that Furong was at home alone. He and Liu immediately came to the Mi family to cheat. On this day, Furong was doing needlework at home alone, Song Yu and Liu Cai did not have to let her in and went inside the house themselves. As soon as the two entered, Liu Cai said with a smile, "Miss Furong, are you alone at home? We're here to see you. No harm done. " Hibiscus hurriedly tidied up the bed. She was frightened and panicked.

Seeing that Furong was panicking, Liu Cai added, "Let's not mention about the money today. We are not here to collect debts." Hibiscus changed to a smiling face and got off the bed, "Please have a seat gentlemen. I'm too busy to do it. " He casually put aside his work. Liu Cai and Song Yu sat on bamboo chairs beside the Eight Immortals' table. Fleur hurriedly made tea for the two of them.

Seeing Hibiscus give him a smile, he was very happy and kept staring back and forth. He saw Hibiscus with a fresh and beautiful face, her figure was plump, neither thick nor thin; she was dressed in a new pink wedding dress, her hair was black as ink, and her jewelry was all silver. Liu Qi was enchanted by what he saw. Hibiscus was embarrassed after being stared at by him, she didn't even feel like sitting still as she thought with hatred in her heart, "These two wicked things!"

Song Yu drank his tea and then said: "Young master Liu is different from the old boss. The young master was kind and magnanimous. He knows the Mies aren't rich, and he can't bear to push you. It is truly the old boss that does not tolerate you owing money in arrears. Young Master is considerate of you, and he has thought of a good way to return the money. The young master's residence was overjoyed. Recently, the eldest wife had brought a fat young master and needed someone suitable to serve him. If she were to hire someone else, she would want it more than anything. But the First Lady said it would be most appropriate to ask Lady Furong. The young master is glad to have your son, so he decided to pay you more. If you come to the Liu residence to work for a month, that money will be repaid. How about this, isn't it good for your two families to start a relationship? "

After Hibiscus heard Song Yu's words, she changed her mind and thought to herself, "Serving Mrs. Liu is not bad. A month's time passed in the blink of an eye. If I can pay this debt myself, it will save me a lot of trouble. With this debt gone, my family will have plenty of money to live on from now on. There's no one at home, so it wouldn't be difficult to get someone to look after him for a few days. " Fleur thought for a moment and then said: "If it is only for my wife, I can go. We'll do it in a month, and then our accounts will be cleared. However, words have no basis, so we have to write a written statement. "

When Song Yu heard this, he felt joy in his heart and said: "Look, what the young lady said is true. However, it was not urgent. With the young master here, his words were as good as gold, and he had no intention of repenting. What I said were all Young Master's intentions. " Liu Cai hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Miss. I, Liu, said forget it. When he came to my house, he served my eldest wife alone and did nothing else. I'll definitely give you more money. If Miss does not believe, Mr. Song as evidence, we will establish evidence when we arrive at the mansion. "

Although Hibiscus agreed, she felt uneasy, afraid that these two had some evil plans. She lowered her head again, unsure of what to do. Song Yu was afraid that she would go back on her word, so he quickly said: "The wife is urgently waiting for a servant, please help the lady pack up and come with us. When you're done there, you can still go home and take care of it.

Fleeting Time could not make up her mind, and immediately went out. She called Auntie Li over from the wall and said, "Liu Cai and Housekeeper Song Yu have come to invite me to serve First Wife. Liu's eldest wife gave birth to a child. I heard this person is a good person, I want to give it a try. They had just said: I worked there for a month, and our two families have settled their debts. Auntie, what do you think? "Can we go?"

Auntie Li thought for a moment. "If that's the case, you can go." Serving women is the instinct of us women. You can do it. It was worth it to earn that money in a month. Chen Jing was a daughter of the Chen family, and there weren't many people in her family anymore. Ever since she married Liu Cai, the Liu Estate had always counted her as a good person. You must be able to make up with her. I'll take care of your house for you. When you get back, I'll explain it to him.

Only then did Hibiscus regain her confidence. Auntie Li whispered again, "Liu Cai is a famous playboy. When you get there, you have to be wary of him having any ideas for you. The best thing for you to do is not leave your wife alone. There's nothing else to worry about. " Hibiscus nodded and remembered, Auntie Li warned again and again.

Hibiscus said goodbye to Auntie Li and came to the Liu residence with Liu Qi and Song Yu. The first lady was glad to see that Fleur had come to serve her. He let Hibiscus see her child first, then told her what had happened to her in the past few days. Fleur felt that the first wife was a good person, but also very pitiful, so she served her wholeheartedly. There was a lot of dirt around the First Lady. Underwear, diapers, pants, everything. Fleur packed a pile, put it in a basket, and carried it to the river to wash. Elend's heart was as open as a window, and he felt much better and able to sit up.

Seeing that Hibiscus had finally been tricked, Liu was so happy that his eyes narrowed into slits. The two of them immediately set up a room, which was decorated to the point that it looked like it was a bridal chamber. I'm going to let Fleur stay for the night. After everything had been arranged, Liu Cai looked at the arrangements in the room and touched the bed. Immediately, his lustful heart rose again, and he happily said, "I'm going to have a wedding night here. It's not easy to have a dream of a peach blossom!" Then he laughed out loud, his ugly appearance making those evil slaves break out in a fit of tears.

Since the First Lady had a lot of dirt, Fleur had been bathing by the river until it was almost dark. When the first wife saw that Fleur hadn't returned yet, she hurriedly sent the maidservant beside her to fetch her. The maidservant ran to the river and saw that Fleur was still washing her head.

The maidservant cried out, "Sister Furong, the madam said that you are tired. She wants you to go back to your meal and wash up tomorrow." Fleur looked up and saw that the sky was getting dark. She then looked at the dirt and knew that she would not be able to wash it all. As she promised, she tidied up her things, put everything back into the basket, and walked back while talking with the maidservant.

After returning to the house, the first lady ordered the maidservants to prepare food for Fleur. As she ate, Fleur told the first lady what she had done and what she had not done. When the first wife heard this, she realized that the hibiscus was very efficient. Mrs Leder said: "Sister, I was confused for a moment and shouldn't have let you take it all at once. I can't finish washing it in the middle of the night. I'm sorry to have let you down the moment you arrived. "Actually, I still have a few items that I can replace."

After saying that, the first wife looked outside a few times and said, "These few days I have unwittingly saved these things. My maidservant is small and doesn't know how to wash. No one else was helping me. When the second and third wives saw that I was having a baby, they only hated me. These two have no good conscience. They're both cursing me for dying. This time, I'm in high spirits. In a few days, I'll be able to go down and wash. I don't work for you. I am glad to hear that you have come to serve me! I can't wait for you. "There's no one left in my family. From now on, we can get along as if you're my real sister." The first wife was happy and talked more and more.

When Hibiscus finished her meal, it was already dark. Fleur chatted with the first wife and watched the child under the light of the lamp. The first wife felt more and more for Fleur, and the words were endless. "This child," she said, pointing to the child, "is a handsome boy who belongs to my family; he does not belong to his father."

Liu Cai came in at this moment with a serious expression on his face. He even smiled when he heard Liu Qi talk about him. He also kissed the child. Then he said happily, "Thank you so much, Miss Furong! "As soon as you arrived, you didn't say anything. My wife was so happy to see you that she got up off the bed."

The first wife said, "That's true. When I see you, I'm in good spirits. The two of us are in love with each other. "

Hearing that, Liu Cai pretended to be happy: "That's good, that's good! From now on, let Miss Furong accompany you every day. I have already arranged a clean room for Furong, she will stay here to accompany you from now on. "

The wife thought her husband meant well, and said cheerfully: "Thank you for your consideration. I was just about to give the order. "The rooms and the bedding are all a bit cleaner."

Liu Cai said, "Madam has ordered me to go check it out. Miss Furong, please go and check it out! If there are any other things that are inappropriate, I can rearrange them. "

The first wife said: "Sister Furong, from now on you will live here, after the work is done you will rest. It's boring for you to be at home alone. You come back, you come home at night. "It's time to rest. Go take a look at the house first, if there's anything that's suitable for them to clean up."

Fleur was touched by the eldest wife's enthusiasm and said, "I'm not here to be a guest, so there's no need to be so particular. Take care of your wife at night. I was going to live here without taking any luggage when I came. "

Liu Cai immediately said, "Take your luggage, no need. My wife's quilts, satin quilts, brocade quilts, and a dozen more are idle. Not to mention the felt, the mattress, the bedding. I told them to prepare it for the young lady. " The first wife, relieved and satisfied, urged Fleur to see. The maidservant accompanied Furong to take a look at the house.

Liu Cai led the way, leading Hibiscus into the well-prepared room and said, "Miss, please take a look: this was arranged in a hurry, it is not ideal enough." Hibiscus looked: see inside powder wall like snow, bright lights. A mural on the wall, a chandelier on the shed. Vases, dusting bottles, dressing mirrors, seating chairs, rattan beds, everything. The dressing table wasn't big, so no matter how you looked at it, it was exquisite. Embroidered mandarin duck and water on the felt, embroidered magpie on the pillow. The quilt was neatly arranged, and the golden threads were flashing. The whole room was quiet and quiet. Liu Qi's bad intentions could be seen.

Furong looked at it and said, "Such a luxurious arrangement is not suitable for my workers to live in. Let me change to a simple and crude house. This house is too far away from my wife's, so it would be inconvenient for me to take care of her at night." Liu Cai could tell from the words that Furong was satisfied with the house. He smiled and said, "Miss, please do not be so reserved. Your family situation is ordinary, but your appearance is pretty and delicate. This is the perfect place for you to stay. When your wife has something to do at night, the maidservant will naturally come looking for you. Rest. "Good night!" Liu Cai pretended to be very polite, then left with the servant girl.

Furong felt tired, sitting on the bed heart said: "Liu Qi, this virtue, can live such a luxurious life. The heavens did not have eyes for him, causing him to lose his life. He fell into the pigsty like a pig. " She reached out and touched the top of the bed again, feeling soft and smooth, thinking, "I don't know how to sleep comfortably here." She got up and went to the door. There was no door. Closing and opening the door, he heard quite a loud noise.

"If someone opens the door, I can wake up," she thought. She closed the door again. Looking at the very high lamp, she thought to herself, "I can't reach this thing. It's good to light it. There's light in the room, which saves Liu Cai from having any ideas about me. " She pulled the curtains tightly, did not put down the bed curtains, spread out the bedclothes, took off her outer garments, and went to sleep. She felt quiet and comfortable. The image of her husband as he left appeared before his eyes. She thought: "He would be happy if he knew that the debt was due." She slowly fell asleep. She dreamt of her husband being elegant and dashing, returning to the village dressed in brocade clothes, bringing back more than a thousand yuan and putting a bunch of white flowers in front of her.

Her husband said to her: "I'm so sorry, Yan Er newlywed, soft love, I left you alone for so many days. I've let you down. "Now that we have the money, we won't have to worry about food or clothes. We'll have a good time in the future." She was so happy that she threw herself at her husband's chest. She felt incredibly happy and happy. The husband happily picked her up and kissed her gently. She also expressed her feelings to her husband to the fullest.

Suddenly, Hibiscus felt the stench in front of her, and her face was wet and cold. She woke up from her dream. He saw that Liu Chao was lying on top of her naked body, kissing her face. Hibiscus immediately changed her mind from her dream and cursed out loud, "You beast! "You're bullying me!" As she struggled, she grabbed at Liu Cai's face with both hands.

Liu Cai was still happily hugging her, unwilling to let her go. Hibiscus couldn't struggle, in her anger, she blinded Liu Cai's eyes. Liu Cai was bleeding profusely. He screamed in pain and rolled naked on the ground. He rolled over and shouted, "It hurts! Someone come quickly! " Hibiscus was scared out of her wits, pulled down the bed curtain, and hurriedly put on her clothes.