International Purple-White Plate


He took the packet and fainted. Seeing the scene, the three of them felt heartbroken and couldn't persuade him. They also sighed and left. Fleur and Han Shuren were crying and shouting that they had heard wrong. After coming to their senses, the three of them cried until their tears dried up, their eyes became swollen, and their throats turned hoarse. Only then did they stop crying. He fell on the kang in a fit of rage and passed out.

When Hibiscus saw that her mother had died, she cried herself to death. Han Shuren retracted her tears and said, "Don't cry, child. This funeral cannot be made public. Liu Chao is after us right now. If Liu Cai heard that your mother was dead, he would immediately bring people to snatch the bride away. He has a lot of slaves, so we can't beat him. "Let's keep the secret for now. I'll find someone to discuss what should be done." Han Shuren left in a hurry. Fleur did not dare to cry. Together with Mi Shengan, they stood guard beside the corpse of Zeng Ying.

Han Shuren went to Master De, Mr. Chen, and Mr. Li, and said," He has been suffering from a severe illness and has been in a coma ever since. I had no effect on her, and she hated me to death. Liu Qi had committed evil deeds and was wicked. He was after Fleur, my daughter-in-law, whom I had never met. He bullied my widowed and orphaned mother over and over again. The next day, Liu Qi brazenly sent several people to propose marriage to Ji Yu, but my family drove them back.

If he knew that Zeng Ming had died, he would immediately bring people to grab the bride. All three of Liu Gao's son-in-law were police officers. The Liu family has power and influence, but I can't defeat them. I want to make the first move, marry Hibiscus to someone else. Let my son and Fleur be married in grief. You are all famous people in the village. Once Liu Caifeng brings someone to make trouble, the three of them are welcome to seek justice. After the joyous event, I will have the funeral to send out the message. What do the three of you think of what I have said? "

The three immediately expressed their sympathy and support. Mr. Chen said, "You did the right thing. With the raw rice cooked, Liu Qi couldn't do anything about it. Since he has come to cause trouble, it will be easier for us to obtain justice from him. "

Mr. Li said, "Find a few more people and we will settle the matter as we wish. We don't want too much trouble." Han Shuren found a dozen more men, women, relatives, and neighbors. Master De said to the crowd, "Let's help the Mi family. It is not easy for them to be orphans and widows. Liu Cai was heartless, bullying them time and time again, wanting to get her fiancée, Fleur Rong. While the Liu family has no idea of Zeng's death, we will help the Mi family with the wedding, settle the marriage between the two families, and then help them in their mourning. What do you think? "

Everyone said. "Master De is a kind man, we will listen to you if you are willing to help us. You can manage it from there! "

At this time, dozens of men and women arrived, all of them scolding Liu Qi for being heartless and unjust. Master De ordered the older women to dress up as hibiscus, and the younger men and women to set up their new rooms. The arrangements were quickly completed. Mr. Chen presides over the wedding, Mr. Li and Master De act as witnesses. Mi Shengan and Furong, supported by dozens of their fellow villagers, married to Heaven and Earth amidst laughter, suona and firecrackers. Han Shuren had taken the initiative to marry Hibiscus back to her family and had won the approval of the villagers. On the third day, Han Shuren once again gathered friends and relatives and buried Zeng. In front of the grave, the crying hibiscus came to life, all the villagers were extremely indignant, all of them scolding Liu for being wicked.

Liu Cai heard the news that Mi Shengan and Furong had already been married for four days. Liu Cai was so angry that he scolded Song Yu for not doing good. He then forced Song Yu to say: "You servant, you messed things up. Hurry up and force me to accept the debt! Do you want them to have children before you go? "

Song Yu then shamelessly and maliciously said, "Young master, although I have done things poorly, I can only blame you for not having the good fortune to hide in a good house. If he did not die, both of us would be happy. I was afraid you might have a hibiscus. I'm really looking forward to getting married to you and becoming your son-in-law. "Speaking of which, I don't have that sort of luck. I still have to be your slave."

Hearing that, Liu Qi was happy and angry, and scolded: "You fool, you are delusional, your mouth is full of bullsh * t! If you don't try to get me the hibiscus and get Hai Yang back, I'll skin you alive! "

Song Yu then thought of an idea and said: "Calm down young master, listen to me. As soon as Zeng Ying died, Hibiscus was married to the Mi family. We are in a hurry to collect the debt. The villagers say you are unjust. It would be better to settle the score and collect debts in a few days' time. With so much interest, even the Remy family could not afford to pay. When the time comes, we will capture Hibiscus to pay the debt, and the Mi family will report it to the village. Young master, don't worry. As the saying goes, if you can't bind a husband and wife, you can get your hibiscus. Now we need to think things over. In any case, Furong isn't Miss Huang Hua anymore, so no matter how anxious you are, there's still a month left. "

When Liu Cai heard this, he calmed his anger down and calmed down. He said, "What you said makes a lot of sense. I will do as you say. For the time being, let's not press the debt. " After thinking about it, he said, "To show the village that I am righteous. "Go and mourn for me. Say hello to Mi family." Song Yu brought a few people over to congratulate the Mi family.

As soon as Han Shuren saw Song Yu, she wished that she could cut him into pieces and eat his flesh to vent her anger. Hearing that he came to congratulate her, she could only force a smile and feign ignorance. After sending Song Yu off, it wasn't long before Han Shuren thought of repaying the debts of the Liu family on behalf of Zeng Yin. Mizone and his wife gathered together, taking out all their savings to make a thousand silver taels. It turned out that he spent a lot of money on Zeng Ying's medical treatment, mourning, and coffin purchases.

Han Shuren Mi gave birth to a mother and son, bringing money to the Liu family. Song Yu took out the bill and the deed and said: "You guys are really loyal, and still think about repaying the dead. If you guys don't return, who is old boss Liu going with? "

Han Shuren said, "Mr. Song, you flatter me." The matter of the Jiong family was the matter of the Mi family. Don't look at how poor we are, we shouldn't belong to anyone. "

Han Shuren's words came from her heart, "You have no good idea, but you're bent on me. If I don't return the money, you won't be finished with Fleur. How can I let my daughter-in-law suffer your wrath! "

Song Yu opened his account book and said: "Old lady, your kindness may not be well-deserved. This debt is not small. There is a total of one thousand dollars and ninety-seven dollars. " After which, he sneered coldly, thinking that he couldn't afford to pay it back. Han Shuren heard that the days were short and the interest rate was not low. She couldn't afford to pay the sum right now, so she grew even more anxious. Mishan was suspicious of the account and wanted to see the contract first. See it wrote: "Because of the fear that to save my husband Jianyu in prison, go to Guangzhou to work as an official. Can you lend me the Liu Residence's silver taels? Nine cents of interest. "When the time is up, he will not take Ben Li's place. He is willing to replace his daughter, Fleur Rong, with Liu Qi as his wife." Before he could finish reading it, Mi Shengan was angered to the point that he tore the contract.

Mizone took out the money and said, "Return it to you!"

When Song Yu saw the silver coin, he thought to himself, "This brat is not easy to mess with." Where did he get so much money? It seems like it will not be easy to obtain the Hibiscus. "

After Song Yu finished counting the money, he became anxious and said: "This is a thousand gold, there is still interest remaining. You shouldn't have destroyed the evidence. "

"I will renew the contract with you," Mishan said, "and pay back the interest on another day." Song Yu could only accept the money and re-establish the contract with Mi Shengan.

Just as Mi Shengan and his son left the Liu residence and reached home, Song Yu chased after them and said, "Master Liu is disobedient and wants you to repay him immediately. "Otherwise, the interest will be increased and the interest will be increased."

Han Shuren was immediately roused into a rage. She felt dizzy and fell down. Mishan hurried his mother to the bed. Fleur was so scared that she cried out for her mother-in-law. Mi Sheng An begged Song Yu helplessly: "Mr. Song, please go back first and help me speak a few words to Master Liu." Let my mother get better, and I'll go out and borrow money to pay him back. "

Song Yu saw that he could not push any further, so he flicked his sleeves and left. Just as he was about to go out, he turned around and said, "There are so many days. Master Liu will definitely not listen. Within a month, you will not be able to pay the money. First, it will be done as per the original agreement; secondly, the interest will be doubled and interest will be earned. Tomorrow would be no more than ninety-seven dollars. It would cost more than two hundred dollars. The debt belonged to Furong's family, so she should be allowed to replace it. We won't look for you next time. " Fleur was once again frightened to the point of crying.

Mizone comforted his wife and took care of his mother. Han Shuren had finally woken up and asked Song Yu what he had said before he left. The young couple did not dare to hide the truth and truthfully told their mother what Song Yu had said before he left. When Han Shuren heard this, the fire in her heart grew even more intense. She knew that Liu Qi could do it. From then on, Han Shuren was unable to recover from her illness. In just a few days, she had died from anger. The couple was grief-stricken and buried Mishan's mother.

Seeing that it was almost time to return the money, Mi Shengan helplessly told his wife, "Our filial life has not ended yet, and the moon is not yet full. I really can't bear to part with you." I'm sorry. Seeing that the date of repayment was approaching, the Liu Clan came to force the repayment. If I don't return the money, he's always at a loss. Wait for me at home, I'll go to the dock and find a friend. "

Furong had no choice but to nod in agreement as she sent her husband to the village entrance with tears in her eyes. Mi Shengan felt sad in his heart. He turned to his wife and said firmly, "If I don't come back soon, don't be anxious." No matter what, I cannot let you suffer. " Hibiscus looked at her husband with tears in her eyes and hugged him. Misheng, tears in his eyes, bid farewell to his wife, and went to borrow money from friends on the pier. Not to mention.

As for Liu Cai, even though he didn't seem like much, the manor was still overjoyed. The eldest wife of Liu Cai, Chen Jing, who was in her thirties this year, gave birth to a cute little gongzi. Seven days passed in a flash, and the little gongzi became even more cute and peaceful. He thanked heaven and earth for worshiping his ancestors, and he even went to the temple to burn incense in front of the Bodhisattva.

Unexpectedly, Song Yu, this brat, had a bad luck and thought of an idea to get the hibiscus. He immediately made a secret offer to Liu Cai. Liu Cai was overjoyed when he heard this. Praise again and again: "Good plan! Good plan! This time, Furong will definitely be in my arms, "Song Yu was also laughing happily, letting out an air of joy.

It turned out that Liu's first wife gave birth to a child, was obsessed with grass, and then showed no mercy, and spent the rest of the day. The tormented eldest wife was weak all day, feeding, wrapping, and barely taking care of herself. The dirt was accumulating, and she couldn't wash it herself. The second wife, Brambles, and the third wife, Bai Wei, were extremely jealous of the eldest wife's child. Not only did the two of them not help to clean up the mess, they even came together to find the first wife's bad luck. The two of them also hated the eldest wife so much that she would immediately burn incense and pray, causing the eldest wife to quickly die. Don't mention it.