International Purple-White Plate


Song Yu secretly glanced at Zeng Ying and secretly made a plan. He thought to himself, "It's time to use your tricks." First he sneered and said, "Sister-in-law, if we were talking about the stars and the moon, we wouldn't be able to do it. If we were to talk about borrowing a thousand and eight hundred silver dollars, wouldn't it be easy? Since Old Master Liu is so rich, why don't you borrow it from him? Now that his life was in danger, saving his life was number one. You don't have to care about the interest. As long as he's willing to lend it to me. With my big brother alive, it'll be easy to return the money. "

Zeng Ying shook his head and said, "This is a bad idea. The Liu family is famous for their lack of morals, so how can I lend him money and interest? Once the time is up and not up, maybe Liu Chao will have some ideas about me and my daughter. "Not going! Not going!"

Song Yu then coincidentally used his spirit tongue and said: "Elder Sister-in-law ah! You're so smart, so stupid. What time is it? You even care about the Liu family's injustice. To be able to borrow money to save my big brother, I think we've achieved our goal. I can't help you if you borrow it elsewhere. If they borrowed too much, they wouldn't agree. You can borrow it from the Liu family. With my relationship with Liu Cai, I can speak a few words for you. Not only could he borrow money from him, but the interest rate was also low. Believe me when I say it, but hurry up and go tomorrow. "

Zeng Ying was extremely excited to hear that, and he brazenly said: "Brother, I am truly grateful for your kindness. If the interest is really low, I'll try it tomorrow. If the Liu family is willing to lend it to us, it would be considered a good fortune for our family. Bro, when the time comes, say a few nice words. I'm counting on you! "

When Song Yu saw that Zeng Ying had fallen into his trap, he was secretly happy in his heart. He repeatedly agreed and even said that there was no need to be polite. He added in his mind, "This woman is very bluff. She is also a water flower." I can't let her change her mind. I have to take advantage of her. " Song Yu's bad reputation had spread far and wide, he was still over 30 years old and had yet to marry his wife. When he saw the beauty of Zeng Ying's features, the youth, and the beauty of his appearance, he had a wicked heart. A flurry of glances attracted him to himself. Zeng was afraid to lower his head when he saw this. Song Yu thought that he had made up his mind and became even more presumptuous. His sweet words would occasionally leak out a few words of ridicule. Zeng Xin was dissatisfied with himself for using him tomorrow, so he pretended to be happy.

Because of the hibiscus, Song Yu was not in a good position to use it, and said solemnly: "Eldest Sister-in-law, don't make a mistake. No time to lose. You go early tomorrow. Borrowing money, I will help you to hire people to work as officials in Guangzhou. My big brother should go home and reunite with you as soon as possible. This little brother's thoughts are all for you! "

"I know what I'm doing," Zeng said. "I will never forget my brother." Song Yu said goodbye happily and left.

The next morning, both of them were miserable and did not eat. Han Shuren came over from home to eat and advised the two, "These few days, I've also been thinking about how to save my parents' family and run away. We're going to ask some of the village celebrities to bail out the government. I've already told Master De. Master De agreed. If he were to appear, he would definitely be able to save my family's lives. " Zeng Yin sighed and said, "Sister, our women have a hard time. Without money, what could someone else do? Wait till I borrow some money, then we can go. We can't let people go empty-handed. " "Who are you going to borrow money from?" Han Shuren asked.

Zeng Yin told Song Yu about the idea he came up with last night. When Han Shuren heard this, she was stunned and thought to herself, "Song Yu definitely has no good intentions. He must have colluded with Liu Qi to obtain the Hibiscus Mutabilis. "Taking advantage of the chaos, he really is not a good person!" Due to the importance of life, Han Shuren was not in a position to dissuade him. She only said, "Song Yu is not a righteous person, you should pay more attention to him."

Zeng Yin said: "To be the number one in this day and age, such a person is worth mentioning. Knowing that he was unkind, he had to force a smile and do it. Laughing in front of your face. " The two of them shed a few tears before Han Shuren left with tears in her eyes. Zeng Yin dressed up and came to the Liu family alone.

It was not more than three miles from the Gemens to the Liu family that Zeng Ying arrived. The old owner, Liu Gao, received Zeng Jin. Zeng Ying cried out to him, "My family has a lawsuit. Her father had been fooled into joining the reactionary group, and now his life was at stake. I'd like to borrow some money from you, sir, and send for some officials. If my husband can survive, I will thank you handsomely in the future. "

Liu Gao had long since colluded with his son, and when he heard his son's crying, he spoke with benevolence and righteousness. He said, "Don't cry, girl, I sympathize with you from the bottom of my heart. Jianyu was also a good person, once something happened, it would be a pity. If you borrow thousands of dollars, I don't have it; if you borrow a thousand or eight hundred, I can still afford it. I, Liu, have always been, poor to be able to afford, rich to be able to. Not to say wealth and righteousness, but also charity is well-known in the countryside. I'll lend you a thousand dollars, nine cents. This is my lowest interest rate. " After which, he asked Song Yu to bring him a thousand pieces of ocean.

He was so anxious to save his husband that when he saw the white ocean before him, he was so happy that he did not care about the interest. She said to Liu Gao: "I am grateful for Master's generous help. When my husband is released from prison, we will repay you with what we have done. " Liu Gao said, "We are from the same village, so you don't have to be so polite. "Who doesn't need who?"

Song Yu took out the loan deed he wrote yesterday night and said: "Eldest Sister-in-law, Old Master Liu is generous and loyal, you have done well. I congratulate you on your early reunion with my big brother! As the saying goes: the official's mark is left on the document. This is a loan. If you place a bet here, you can consider it as having established a bill. There will be no dispute about the next two events. "

Zeng was well aware of this rule, but she could not read. She looked up and did not recognize any of it. He raised his head and said to Song Yu: "Brother Song, sorry to trouble you. You wrote all of this yourself? "

Song Yu nodded his head: "Sister-in-law, how could I let you off? Who are you and me? Your affliction is my affliction. I didn't sleep last night because of you. My eyes are still red. " "I trust you, sister-in-law," Zeng said.

Song Yu opened the imprint and grabbed Zeng Ying's delicate hand. He smiled and said: "This little hand is as white as jade, a seventeen or eighteen year old girl cannot be compared with it." He touched it again before he buried it in the ink. Zeng Ying's face turned red and his ears turned red. He wanted to withdraw his hand, and there was such a rule. They could only accept that he had used his hand to press the seal on the contract.

Zeng Ying took the silver dollar, said goodbye to Liu Gao, and went home. Song Yu then chased him to where there was no one around and entangled him, saying, "Sister-in-law, I have put in a lot of effort to save brother this time. You have to give me a bit of a bargain. My bachelors need nothing else. When I touch your delicate hands, I feel comfortable all over, that place is itchy. I wanted to be with you. " He smiled mischievously and touched his fingers. He was careful to avoid the attack.

He was afraid that he would do something evil when he saw him teasing him, so he panicked and spoke sweetly. First, I put my imprinted finger on his forehead and said, "You are so useless! Was this a compliment to his elder sister-in-law? Or did he look down on his sister-in-law? What are you doing!? " Song Yu said: "I'm begging you, I am in my thirties and I do not know what it feels like to not have a wife. Just let me have it. "

It was inconvenient for Zeng to offend him, so he said gently: "My good brother, you have helped me and I will not forget you. You have to be a little promising, too. Eldest Sister-in-Law, I only have the heart to die, what other intentions do I have? You gave me a good idea. I didn't make you read it out loud today, so I believed you. Why aren't you being polite to your sister-in-law? Let's go, don't let anyone see us. " Zeng Ying pushed him and turned to leave. Song Yu got a little red, and looked forward to it for a while, then went back smiling.

When he returned home, he felt wronged and cried first. Furong went out to find Han Shuren, but she didn't know why her mother had come back to cry. Zeng Yin loved cleanliness, so he didn't say anything about the grievances in his heart. He said to Han Shuren, "It's really hard for us to be women when I cry." Han Shuren guessed that she had been wronged, but didn't ask any further questions. "Little sister, it's good that we're fine." Zeng Xin said, "Sister, at least I've borrowed the money. Go to Guangzhou. I haven't been able to think properly these few days, so I can't quite put my finger on it. "

Han Shuren hurried out into the street and called for Master De, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li. These three people were influential figures in both the village and the government. The three of them did not refuse, comforted Zeng Ying, took Hai Yang, and hurried to Guangzhou.

After the three of them left, Zeng Ying, Han Shuren, and Furong all had hopes of saving Jiuyu. "The eldest son of Master De is a general stationed in Nanjing and has contacts in the government," said Han. With Master De's appearance, even if my own family didn't immediately return, they would still be able to reduce their crimes and survive. Let's just sit back and wait for the good news. "

Zeng Ying and Furong were also happy. "This was brought back from the pier by Sheng'an for Fleur's birthday," Han said. I'll make some soup for you and your mother, strengthen your bodies, and refresh your spirits. Your two moms have been crying so much these past few days. " Zeng Ying also immediately went down to work together. There was no mention of how the two of them would cook the soup.

Master De and the other two arrived in Guangzhou. Master De said to Mr. Chen and Mr. Li: "It is not appropriate for us to ask for help first. We should first look at Jianyu and then ask for help. I'm going to take you two into the governor's mansion tomorrow to see the governor. I'll burn incense to burn thick, reverent Buddha. These officials were easy to see, but a little kid would not be able to stop them. Although we didn't bring much money with us, it was enough for the people who were willing to pay for the door to Hu Hanmin. If I can see Hu Hanmin, I can keep the jade. My son was a subordinate of Hu Hanmin, and they had a good relationship.

Hu Hanmin can't take bribes, so I don't dare to give it to him. If we go to the little officials. Not to mention a thousand silver coins, five thousand wouldn't even be enough. The remaining factions of the Manchu government were now rampant. Guangdong National Government attached great importance to the Rebellion and had already shot several times. I hope those who are shot have no jade. " It turned out that Master De was already worried about the existence of Kan Yu. When he arrived, he could not bear to stay for even a moment, so he left in a hurry.

They came to the prison. Mr. Chen and the warden. Mr. Lee and the warden's relatives. Seeing the three of them being so courteous, the Warden invited them into the office and served them tea and cigarettes. Mr. Chen said to the Warden, "Old classmate, it's only been a year since we last met. Brother, congratulations! We're here to give you trouble. We would like to meet the jadeite in custody. "

The warden was shocked. "Brother, your relatives?" Mr. Chen was afraid that he would speak the truth, so he did not do his best and said vaguely, "Yes, yes. He was unlucky to be tricked into a pirate ship. I'm worried. "

The warden shook his head. "You're late, man. At the orders of my superior, I have already shot him. He was accused of being the ringleader of an anti-government organization. They say that he is dressed in martial arts and has taught many of his disciples to be members of an anti-government organization. "

The three of them were shocked and disappointed. The warden took out the prisoner's file and said, "This man's evidence is in the book. "If there is such a thing as a piece of news, it's from your village." Mr. Chen picked it up and read it carefully. He saw that the identity of the whistleblower was Liu Qi. The three of them believed that it was true that Jianyu had been shot to death.

The three of them bade farewell to the warden and left Guangzhou dejectedly, returning to the village. After much deliberation, the three did not want to tell this unfortunate news to Zeng Ying, fearing that she would not be able to withstand such a blow. The three were also worried that Liu Qi had a bad idea about the Kuemi family. After much deliberation, the three of them came together to see Zeng Ying.

Master De first returned a thousand dollars, one and a half to Zeng Ying, and then said: "Lady, we can't bear to use this money. All of the money spent on the journey is our own. "

"Master De, Mr. Chen, Mr. Li, you didn't spend any money, so how could my husband be saved?" Master De sighed without a word. Han Shuren was astute and astounded as she asked, "Has anyone had any misfortune?" Mr. Chen then told him how Liu Cai had sent people to falsely accuse Gongyu.

Mr. Li said: "We are going to Guangzhou, Jianyu has only a few days left." Then, he took out a packet with a ring on it and handed it over to Zeng Yin, saying, "This is what the Warden gave me when we came out. This is the only relic of the Spirit Jade. "