International Purple-White Plate


The couple became anxious again when they heard that they were trying to get them off the boat. The man said, "We are unfamiliar with this generation. "Let's go and take a look."

The woman said, "Master, please send me further. This place is very far away from our hometown, and we have no relatives, so it's not convenient for cars and boats. " He then implored Lin Tian to be filial: "Brother Lin, please do not hesitate and send us on our way."

As Lin Tian saw her speak, he felt as if he were about to cry. His heart softened as he said: "From here onwards, we will reach Dagu at night. From there, they entered Bohai Bay. Two days west, they arrived at the boundary of Shandong Province. You have nowhere to go here. We save people to the end, send you and master Farmer to Shandong. "Anyway, we are also taking refuge right now, and it just so happens that it's hard for them to help us." When the couple heard this, they thanked Lin Tian Xiao and thanked Fa Ming.

Lin Tian Xiao comforted the two of them: "The two of you do not need to be afraid. Once you board our ship, not only will you be safe, you will also be safe. I would never let anyone get on the boat so easily. With us and Master Farmer, even if he comes thirty or twenty times, he can forget about capturing anyone. " The two were relieved and happy when they heard this.

Lin Tian Xiao looked behind again and said: "Right now we are not in pursuit of our boat. Taro Ping and Boss Gu realized that the person had left, so they had to busy themselves for a while. It would be too late when they gathered their men to follow. If we go any further we'll be in French territory and the Japanese won't be able to do anything. " When Fa Ming heard this, he felt relieved.

Lin Tian Xiao had the chance to ask: "Master, what exactly happened to you today?" Before Farmer could reply, Miss Xi Shi said with tears in her eyes, "Brother Lin, today it was all thanks to this master who saved us in the name of justice. Otherwise, we won't be able to escape. Three of his henchmen stopped us in the middle of the road. It's this master. He punished them in time and saved us. " As he finished speaking, his voice was choked with sobs as tears rolled down his cheeks.

The man said, "Brother Lin, Master: I'm not afraid of your jokes. You are all our great benefactors. Speaking of the matter between the two of us, it was hard to put an end to it. We were husband and wife. If the family fortune was not good enough, then the adulterer would break it up. I'll tell you all about it from the beginning. " Following which, he wiped away his tears as well. It was no wonder that both of them were sad when it came to their matters.

Lin Tian piped up his thoughts a few times and asked Fu Ming for the details. He had wanted to know the general gist of it, so he didn't need to go into details. The young man surnamed Mi was deeply affected by their loyalty, he wanted to explain in detail to Fa Ming and Lin Tian Xiao. Lin Tian Xiao and Fu Ming sat down and listened to his narration.

It turned out that the couple lived in Foshan, Guangdong Province. The man's surname was Mi, and he was named Sheng'an. His father was Mi Zixiu, and his mother was Han Shuren. The woman's surname was Qi, and her beautiful name was Hibiscus. Her father, Gongyu, her mother used to think. The two families were neighbors, and they were usually on friendly terms.

The two were of the same age and were engaged. Presently, the two were not even 21 years old. Hibiscus grew up handsome, famous in the countryside. She grew up in the Mi family half the time.

Misheng's father was a revolutionary party, and the Wuchang uprising was sacrificed. Mian was seventeen, and his mother was forty-one. Misheng went to work at the dock, earning money to support his mother. Mother and son were living on each other, so they were able to get by. Hibiscus's father was a martial arts man who often worked as a bodyguard. Although he didn't earn much money, his life was still passable. The two families didn't have to worry about food and clothing, but they had to be happy and worried about something.

In the autumn of the year of the founding of the Republic of China, a group of gentlemen and eunuchs from Beijing came to Foshan to set up the Lanjian Society in Foshan.

Organizer boasts: One year after joining the association, the member is given an extra piece of silver per month. The people of Foshan loved money, and there were many people who joined the guild. Within a few days, the guild members were busy, but they lacked a coach. When the organizer heard that Jiong Yu was a kung fu master, he asked for a gift to be given to be a member coach. Jianyu had been a coach for a few days, and found out that the organizers were doing things furtively, and that the eunuchs were bewitching people into revolting. Jianyu resigned. When he got home, he told his wife all about it.

After listening for a year and getting an extra piece of ocean a month, Zeng said to his husband, "You've only been a few days, and you've already given up? I wanted you to join. You make money as a coach, and a year from now you'll get more than a dozen dollars. That's a good job. If we have enough money, we can set up a few acres of land, and if we have land, we can have money. "When we get old, we won't have to worry about not being able to earn money and having a hard time eating.

Jianyu smoked a cigarette and said, "Those people came from Beijing and worked in the palace. I'm afraid they have a bad idea in their shrill voices. For fear of being implicated by them, I quit. " Zeng Xin said again: "How can you be cowardly? The people who joined the guild. When the sky collapses, everyone dies. "If you're timid, you won't be able to do anything." When Jiong Yu heard this, his heart was filled with joy, and he said: "I am a martial artist, if I join a guild, not only would I earn a lot of money, but I would also have to use a lot of resources. I'm afraid that they are carrying out activities against the new government, and I bear the burden of the crime. " Zeng Xin said: "Are all those who joined more stupid than you? [I am not afraid, but you are? What else could those princes and officials do when the whole thing was over? "How many people in the country are as capable as Sun Yat-sen?"

The next day, Jiong Yu signed up for the meeting and continued to be a member martial arts coach. It turned out that this "Lanjian" organization was an anti-government organization set up by the Manchu eunuchs, and was directly under the orders of the clan. They aspired to develop their forces, overthrow the revolutionary government in Guangdong, and in concert with Yuan Shikai in the north, restore feudal rule. Shortly after the establishment of the organization, the revolutionary government in Guangdong discovered their anti-government activities. The Guangdong government has charged the local government with repression and sent commissioners to supervise the inspections. The local government sent troops to capture the hidden eunuchs one by one, and to track down the leading members. He was a member coach and was arrested and sent to a prison in Guangzhou. At this time, the Jianyu family cried, only then did they know that the "Lanjian" is a reactionary organization. It was too late for regret. Zeng was aware that her husband had been captured, and knew that she could not survive. She had also been persuaded by Mi Shengan and his mother to give birth to her son several times. Don't mention it.

On the other hand, once the news of Jianyu's imprisonment spread, he was actually overjoyed to see a fellow villager surnamed Liu. This Liu family was extremely wealthy, and was well-versed in government affairs. They were famous for their high interest loans and had no humanity towards people who were harsh on them.

Most of the villagers held a grudge against the Liu family. Old boss Liu's reputation was high, and he had put away usury for a lifetime. He was already old and useless. He had a son under his knee who was named Liu Cai. This young master managed the loan with high interest, surpassing the old master. He had a lot of evil ideas and many tricks up his sleeve. He had more than ten evil slaves under him. There was also a strategist who had come up with an idea to help him with the accounts. This man was surnamed Song, and was exceptionally bad in places far and near.

Liu Cai had just stood up, and he had three beautiful, lovely wives by his side. Liu Qi was either happy driving a bird with a cage or playing with his beautiful wife every day. It was not enough for him to live such a life of luxury and debauchery. He saw that Hibiscus, the daughter of Gemini, was beautiful and intelligent, and he always wanted to get her to be his concubine. The covetous Liu Qi, despite the engagement between the two families of Qiong Mi, had several times asked to be married to Qiong Yu, but was firmly rejected by Qiong Yu.

Jiong Yu said from the start, "There is no need to talk about the Liu family's good or bad. His family is rich, I do not wish to regret it. My daughter already has the flowers. She betrothed herself to Mizone at the age of three. In our village, no one doesn't know about it. The marriage between me and the Mi family has been decided. It would be useless to mention who would propose marriage to Liu Cai. He warned Young Master Liu not to think too highly of himself. I, Zhu Yu, am not someone to be trifled with. " The person went back and told Liu Cai the truth. Liu was so angry that he cursed and did not know how to appreciate kindness.

Liu was afraid of Jianyu's kung fu skills, so he did not dare to think of anything. But his heart never dies when it comes to capturing Hibiscus. Liu Cai swore: "I am the richest man in the village, and can be said to be rich and powerful. I should have married the most beautiful girl in the village. I would never let her marry a poor boy named Mi. " With that, he activated his lust, and the following rotten words could no longer be said.

Liu Qi was very happy to hear that Jiong Yu was in prison. He immediately summoned his men and said: "Everyone, with Elder Gongyu in prison, I am going to have great luck. I want to seize this opportunity to capture Hibiscus. What ingenuity do you all have in serving me? "

Song Yu immediately gave him a plan and said: "As you wish, send someone to the prison first, don't let that old man Jianyu come out alive. I went to the house to seduce Zeng in order to ask her to borrow money from the young master. She would not be able to afford it in the long run. I wrote on the contract: "When the time is up, you don't know about Bentley, but Fleur will take his place. If I cannot read, I will make her draw pictures with my sweet words. In less than a few months, that beautiful phoenix hibiscus, will be in the arms of the young master. Ah? Are you still worried about not getting what you want? " After saying that, he laughed sinisterly. Everyone also laughed and said, "What a brilliant plan! Mr. Song sure was a bad idea. "

After everyone laughed, they began to lay out their plans in detail. Their plans had been finalized. Liu Qi said, "If you don't spend too much money, you can still get a beauty. Good! A brilliant plan. I will do as you say. "Hurry up and split up." A talkative slave took the money and went to the prison in Guangzhou, ready to falsely accuse Gongyu and bribe the officials. Song Yu pretended to express his condolences. In the evening, the people would come quietly to tempt him. Zeng was not yet thirty-six years old. Ever since his husband had been imprisoned, he had been crying and regretting his fate.

Song Yu came to visit and was moved by his words. He cried to Song Yu and said, "Brother Song, your brother is innocent. He has been deceived. We are a family, and we have no ill will against the government. It's all my fault for being greedy and trying to persuade him to join. If he were to be shot and leave us, how could he live? I regret it now.

For the past few days, the villagers have been angry at us, but no one came to think of how to help me. You know how to read and write, and you are shrewd enough to come up with an idea for your elder sister-in-law. How do I get your big brother out of jail? Sister-in-law is very grateful to you. "

Song Yu pretended to cough and sigh, "Eldest Sister-in-law, don't you cry until your body breaks down. My big brother hasn't been shot yet, there's still time to save him. He had to spend some money to get someone to do it. If my big brother can keep his life, then he can get out of jail. "

"He was guilty of a crime against the government," said Zeng. Can the government grant amnesty? "

Song Yu continued: "You woman, you don't know anything. The officials of the Government of the Republic now were most likely the servants of Manchu. These people do not recognize the law, but only the money. The Great Qing Dynasty allowed them to traverse in vain. They became officials of the Republic of China, or wore new shoes and used to walk the old road, seeing money is soft. Sister-in-law, you should quickly join our family and friends to gather money. The money is here, what laws are there, big brother Qianyu will be out of jail soon. "

Zeng Xuan became anxious: "Brother Song Yu, what you said is all true. But my family is poor, and I have no relatives. If he had too little money, he could not bribe the officials; if he had too much money, he would not be able to bribe all his relatives. So much money, where can I borrow it all of a sudden? "

Zeng Ying once again lowered his head and cried, "The debt needs someone to guarantee it. My family is insolvent, where can I find a guarantor? You've made such a good idea for me for nothing. "