International Purple-White Plate


Ah Cheng also looked back and saw the car chasing after them. He pulled the car over and started running again. When they were almost to the tea garden alley, Ah Cheng stopped and said, "There is the tea garden alley right in front of us. Please take care, Miss. If they catch me, they'll beat me half to death. " He got out of the car. A-Cheng didn't even care about the money as he turned around and got on the car. He then headed to the west alley.

She ran into the teahouse alley with her bag and found her husband looking at her.

"Come on, I'm coming." Her husband came forward to take the bundle. When he saw his wife running away, he asked while gasping for breath, "Is someone chasing after you?" Xi Shi nodded and said, "Three Yang slaves are chasing me. "Let's quickly hide."

The two of them turned around and ran towards the tea garden, hoping to hide within it. Unexpectedly, the three Yang slaves caught up from the other alley. Fatty Yang was panting heavily as he said, "Stop! You won't be able to escape! " The three of them surrounded the two of them.

The three Yang slaves gasped for breath, and the short one said: "Miss, you're really good! I was almost fooled by you. So you guys had a date and wanted to run away together. "It's a good thing I noticed it." The fat guy grinned and said, "Miss, please come back with us."

She and her husband were both nervous when they saw that the authorities had been exposed. The young man with the family name Mi protected his wife and said to the three of them, "You guys are not from the garden. "All of you, get out of the way." The fat guy stuck out his chest and said, "You must be her husband, right? Look at his dark behavior. "You are not worthy of Miss Xi Shi!" The young man with the surname Mi said in anger: "I'm her husband. It's none of your business whether it's good or not. Get out of the way! "

When Fatty heard this, he deliberately nodded and said, "Good, good, good. You have guts!" He immediately said, "If you dare to kidnap someone, I'll beat you half to death before sending you to the patrol room." As he spoke, he sent a palm strike towards the youth surnamed Mi. The youth surnamed Mi flew into a rage and used his arm to block his palm.

Unexpectedly, the two Yang slaves also suddenly took action, waving their fists towards the young man with the surname Mi. The youth with the surname Mi was caught off guard and was hit in the vitals. Before he could make a few moves, he was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

The three Yang slaves knew martial arts, and were good at beating people. They were unwilling to let the young man surnamed Mi get caught in the middle of them and were kicking him back and forth. When the girl saw her husband had been knocked down, she cried out for help in panic. In the end, he called for Farmer.

However, it was clear from the words that they already pitied this husband and wife who were in dire straits. He stopped Servant Yang from hitting people, and asked again, "Why are you three beating people in broad daylight like this? Do you want to bully people with numbers? " The three Yang slaves had good eyesight, seeing that Fa Ming was a well-dressed monk, they glared at him. The three of them did not dare to lose their temper immediately. The three of them knew exactly how powerful that monk was.

The fat servant was tired from hitting others, he panted and said, "Master, you don't have to worry about this matter. This brat was truly hateful. He's going to kidnap the girl our boss bought. "

He was afraid that Fa Ming would not believe him, so he took out his money bag and said, "Master, look, we have brought the money with us. We are just short on money to lead the way. Which way is he going to kidnap people? "

The tall, thin servant still wanted to use the Japanese to threaten Farmer. He said: "We are here on the orders of Mr. Taro Hirai, the owner of the Japanese bank Daiwa. Coincidentally, we were halfway there. How can they escape? "

When Farmer heard this, he felt even more sympathy for the couple. His words were in his heart, "If you want to escape, then go ahead." How can you afford to spend money to redeem someone? " With a dark face, Farmer asked Servant Yang, "You haven't paid up yet, why are you beating people up like this?" This girl doesn't belong to your boss yet. Where they go, do you care? I think you are used to relying on foreign devils to bully people. Out of the way! "Let them go."

When the three Yang slaves heard this, they did not answer at all. Only then did the fat servant get angry, and said: "Monk, you can't be too hard if I don't want to be with you! What do we do to him? What's wrong with stopping her? Can you control it!? You train in the mountains and rarely see the world. "

Farmer said to him, "The people of the world are in charge of the affairs of the world. Try to tell me, what do I have to do with it? "How come I'm not knowledgeable enough about the world?" Farmer was looking for trouble with him.

The fat man said bravely, "This is a place to rent. It's a place for foreigners. You don't care! If you don't dodge it now, I'll beat you up too! "

When Fa Ming heard him say 'hit', he was overjoyed. He thought to himself, "You're being too tactful. I'm going to lead you to fight." Farmer ignored him and went to help the young man up. He purposely stirred Servant Yang up and said, "Benefactor, why aren't you running away? With me here, no one would dare to move! "

When the three of them heard this, they were both angry and anxious. The fat man went to catch her and said, "Come with us. You have your own benefits. Don't go with that poor boy. You won't be able to run out either. "

Farmer turned around and snatched Miss Xi Shi away, then said to the three, "She's not one of you. Why should I go with you?"

Seeing that the girl was about to be let off, the three of them were anxious and revealed vicious expressions. They shouted together in fright, "Attack!" Unexpectedly, Fa Ming made the first move. He grabbed the fatty's arm, twisted it, and used his knee to drop him onto the ground. The two scrawny students performed their martial arts and came together to fight.

Farmer grabbed the taller one again, dodging the shorter one, and kicked the thinner one to the ground. Seeing that he couldn't beat Farmer, the short one hurriedly took out his gun. Farmer flew forward and grabbed him, knocking him to the ground with one palm. His gun went flying and fell to the ground. The three people on the ground held their hands to their hips, in unbearable pain. They didn't know if they hated him or if they were in pain. They gritted their teeth and made a sound.

Fa Ming turned back and walked up to Fatty. He was so scared that he begged Fatty to spare his life, thinking that Fatty would beat him to death. "Since you're using money to buy a girl, you should pay now!" And then we'll have to spare our lives. " Fatty was scared silly, he actually gave the money to Farmer and said, "If you give us the money, the girl will be ours. It's time for you to give up your position, right? " "You dog of a slave, you dare to think too much!" The fatty was kicked until his bones broke and tendons broke. At that moment, he fainted.

Farmer turned around and said to the couple, "You two take the money and run!" The two hurriedly knelt down and cried out in gratitude. Fa Ming anxiously said, "Don't cry, don't thank me. Let's go!"

Miss Xi Shi cried out, "Master, we will never be able to repay you for your great kindness in this life. We will return it in the next life. There's a big river blocking our way, and there's someone chasing us from behind. We can't escape. It's not easy for us to die together. "Money is useless." She took out the poison and was about to take it. In a fit of anger, Farmer scolded the two of them. He snatched the poison away and threw it to the side, saying, "All of you, get up and come with me!"

At this moment, the three young men who were pulling the carriage waved to Farmer, and they pulled the carriage to the carriage to wipe themselves. Farmer understood their intentions, so he took the two of them with him and followed them. Not far away, the three of them stopped at the same time, allowing Farmer and the couple to get on the car.

The three of them told Farmer Farmer, "Don't worry, Master. We will help you escape Tianjin." The three of them pulled the carriage toward the river. It turned out that Shi Zhen had arranged for these three people to come and pick them up. They arrived a little too late. They were all Lin Tian Xiao's brothers and disciples of the Essence Martial School.

The three youths knew how to take shortcuts, so they soon arrived at the riverside. The three of them put the car down, and one of them ran onto a wooden boat parked on the shore. They bent over to look inside the tent, and then they set up a gangplank and waved to Farmer, saying, "Master, come here! Let them send you out. " Farmer thanked the three of them and quickly led them onto the boat. Farmer also bent over to look inside the cabin. He saw the six people sitting around, playing cards inside. It was Lin Tian Xiao and his six brothers.

Farmer Lin said happily, "Sir Lin, please send us out." When the six of them looked up and saw Farmer, they were so happy that they threw their cards away and yelled, "Master, it's you! We are destined to be together! We've met again. " Suddenly, he saw Fa Ming bringing Miss Xi Shi behind him. Lin Tian Xiao was stunned as he asked: "Master, why did you bring Miss Xi Shi from 'Spring Garden'? "What's going on?"

Farmer said, "It's hard to explain in detail, so don't ask. Hurry up and send us out of Tianjin."

Lin Tian Xiao saw that Miss Xi Shi's face was covered in tears, he knew that there was a big secret behind it, so he immediately ordered: "Remove the gangplank, untie the cables and move the boat." All of the youths were busy. Lin Tian Xiao instructed his four brothers to row the boat. Like an arrow being drawn, the boat shot out of the water and headed downstream.

It turned out that ever since the robbery that night, the six Lin Tian Xiao brothers had angered the English. The six of them had no choice but to hide on the boat during the day, pretending to ferry. When a man hired a boat, he earned a few dollars; when no one hired a boat, the six of them played cards to amuse themselves. The officials were helpless against them.

Soon, they arrived at the small pier. She had been uneasy. She saw that there were more and more ships in front of her, and panicked, "Brother Lin, there are so many ships here, would anyone be able to intercept them?" Go around! "There are people chasing me from behind."

When Lin Tian Xiao heard Tai Lang Pinggang, he immediately became angry and angrily said: "If you mention anyone else, I might be afraid. What the hell is he? Miss need not be afraid of him. I was against him alone. Don't worry, if he dares to chase after me, I'll beat them to death and feed them to the fishes! "

When she heard this, Miss Xi Shi revealed a smile. Lin Tian Xiao looked at the boats and said: The boats ahead are mostly merchant ships, they came from afar! They did not care about Tianjin. Miss, hide in the cabin and don't let anyone see you. Even if they block your way, they wouldn't dare to intercept my boat. "

There were dozens of boats in front of her and in front of her. She was the fastest one of them, and one after the other, they were passing by the boat and going forward. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Unknowingly, the number of boats on the surface of the water had decreased. They had already left Tianjin City. Farmer also let out a sigh of relief. Lin Tian filial said to Farmer, "Master, we've left Tianjin City now and are safe and sound. Ahead is the countryside. Where do you want to go? "

"I wanted to go to Shandong by boat," he said. Unexpectedly, this couple died in an accident. I decided on the spur of the moment to see them off. I am always easy to talk to alone. I wonder if they have anywhere to go. "

"Now, the two of you have safely left Tianjin City. There is no need to panic. The sky was high and the birds were flying. The seas were wide and the fishes were leaping about. Ahead was the vast countryside, one after another. "If you have a relationship anywhere, you can find a way to marry her."