International Purple-White Plate


She had already made up her mind. She took out her handkerchief and covered her face, pretending to cry, and whispered to her husband, "Earlier tomorrow, you were waiting for me at the 'thirst tea garden'. We tried to escape. If we can't escape, I will prepare some poison. We will take the poison and commit suicide together. "

Her husband said, "Are you sure you can escape? If you don't have any confidence, I'll bring a few of my brothers to pick you up. " "These four bodyguards hate me so much," she said. I went back and tried to catch them. I don't need you to pick me up, I can escape. "

After the plan was completed, he got back into the car and said to the bodyguard, "The four Masters were right just now. We thought it through. All things are destined and cannot be resisted. From now on, our marriage is over. Let's go back! "

The four of them said, "That's right. You have to be open-minded about everything. Life is hard to achieve. Your husband is young, and with the money you gave him, he could have married another. "You don't owe him, and he doesn't owe you either. It would be fair and reasonable to break up like this." The four of them followed behind the car. The young man with the surname Mi also returned to the dock to prepare.

When the girl returned to the brothel, she immediately arranged a scheme. She said to the four bodyguards, "I am deeply moved by the four of you for taking care of me over and over again. I'm leaving now, and I can't leave you. I've decided to set up a table, and you can drink with me for a while, so that I'll be happy to leave. to express our gratitude to the four of you. "

The four of them did not know that there was a trick, so they all agreed. The bodyguard, Ah Niu, said, "Alright, we also wish Miss would have a good time. We will definitely accompany you. " The bodyguard, Ah Gou said, "If Miss has any orders, I'll do it." The bodyguards, Ah Hu and Ah Lang also said, "Miss, you don't have to work. If you have something to do, we can do it for you."

"This is a little bit of my savings," he said to Ah Gou. "Take it and order a good banquet for them to deliver tomorrow morning. We drank upstairs without disturbing anyone. In retrospect, only the five of us are close friends. As for the others, I intend to not invite any of them. " Ah Gou takes the money, nods in response, and goes out to the street to order a banquet.

"Tomorrow I intend to go out on the street," he said. "You come here early in the morning and pick me up. "Don't let things slip and don't tell anyone else." "Don't worry, miss, I'll come early," said Ah Cheng. "I'd rather not do any other business, than to miss your time." He knew all the whores here, and he was the best to Miss Xi Shi.

Miss Xi Shi arranged for the carriage, then went back upstairs to pack up her things, preparing for the rest. Soon, everything was ready.

The young man with the surname Mi also rushed back to the pier and quickly made his escape. He calculated the salary, paid the bill, and told the secret to his good friend, Shi Zhenzhi. "I've been working in Tianjin for a few years, and I know a lot of people on the streets," Shi said. Tomorrow, I will arrange for three brothers to meet you at the teahouse. They'll arrange for a boat to take you out of Tianjin. "

The young man surnamed Mi was very happy when he heard that. He stayed with Shi Zhenzhi all night. At dawn, he hurried to the tea garden. Shi Zhenhe hastily arranged for the carriage to go. The youth surnamed Mi came to the tea garden, but it was still open. He paced back and forth in the alleyway, looking anxiously, waiting for his wife to arrive. Famin had come to tea at the tea garden and was passing by him. Farmer only looked at the tea cup and ignored him. When he arrived at the tea garden, the tea garden had only been opened for a short while. They all came early enough.

As for the Sissi girl, she spent the night in a state of uneasiness. At dawn, she cleaned herself and went downstairs to talk to her bodyguard, Ah Gou. Doggie hurried out into the street to rush the mat. Soon, he brought back a box of dishes and went upstairs. He happily opened the box and said to Xi Shi, "Look, Miss, it's hot right now. I heard that you wanted to have a feast, and their chef even added craftsmanship. " When she saw the layers of food, she nodded in satisfaction and said, "Go downstairs and quietly call them up. We'll begin the banquet immediately. " The dog turned and went downstairs.

Sissi immediately took out the hypnotic "Homesickness Powder" and threw it into the wine. He then spread the medicine on the chopsticks and spread the medicine on the vegetables. Then she arranged the mat. In the end, she took out her regular wine and sat down to wait for the four of them.

Not long after, the four of them were dressed neatly and happily went upstairs. The four of them first politely thanked Xi Shi and then sat down. "I don't know when Mr. Pinggang will come to fetch me, but I'm afraid I won't be able to give you my thanks in time," he said, pouring wine for the four of them. This cup, let me thank you. Cheers! "

Hearing this, the four of them were overjoyed, and all raised their cups, saying, "Thank you for your good intentions, Miss! We wish our young miss the greatest success! " Sissi stood up, beaming, and clinked glasses with the four of them. Without any doubt, the four drained their goblets in one gulp.

He drank only a little. She then poured more wine for the four of them and said, "The five of us are in love with each other. To our friendship, cheers!" The four of them took the initiative to raise their glasses and clink with Xi Shi before drinking it all in one gulp. All of a sudden, everyone was in high spirits.

When he saw that the four of them had fallen into his trap, he was relieved and happy. He said to himself, "I never thought it would go so smoothly. I will definitely be able to escape today. " She then poured some food for the four of them and said, "Four of you, eat a few dishes first before we drink again."

The four of them were very obedient, picking up chopsticks and stuffing the tasty food into their mouths. Wolf said as he ate, "This' Four Seasons Spring 'is really a unique meal." The four of them talked about the culinary skills of the chefs while eating at the same time.

Soon, Ah Lang became drowsy and said, "What, am I not in spirit?" "You did not get a good night's sleep," he said. Have a few drinks, and you'll be refreshed in a moment. " With that, he raised his cup again. The four of them immediately responded. Ah Hu also said, "Today's drinking was so enjoyable!" Then they all drank it all in one gulp.

After a long while, Xi Shi peeked at the four of them and saw that they were all sleepy. She smiled and said, "What happened to you all? Why aren't they spirited? This is a banquet for me! " A'Niu said, "Miss, I'm sorry. This wine is too strong, we are in a hurry to drink it. I'm afraid we can't drink anymore. "

"All of you," he said, "hold on. We'll have our last toast." The four of them lifted their cups with difficulty, then closed their eyes and drank.

Ah Gou said, "Miss, you're leaving. My heart is in pain, so I can't drink anymore." Wolf said, "From the bottom of my heart, we can't let you go. Since I'm not in a good mood, I won't be carrying alcohol. " Ah Hu said, "Right now, I just want to sleep. I don't want to think about anything else. I'll send Miss off after I wake up." They did not listen to what Cisch had to say. They all fell asleep at the table.

He stood up and looked down the street. He saw the car he had booked yesterday and was waiting outside with the cart. Cisch first threw his bundle from the window to Ah Cheng. Then she went outside and got into the car. She said to Ah Cheng, "Take me to the 'Yearning Tea Garden'. The sooner the better."

At this time, a few prostitutes followed him out. "Sisters," she said, "I'm leaving soon. Go out and buy some things for your memento. I'll be back in a minute. All of you, hold your mouths shut for the time being. " He didn't know what was going on, so he picked up the stable road and took a detour. Sissi did not walk on the street often, and was not familiar with the roads. Originally, there was a shortcut to the "Sober Tea Garden". The path was rather bumpy.

Ah Cheng took the main road because of his love for Xi Shi. Unexpectedly, it ruined Xi Shi's plans. Not long after he came out, three chartered cars appeared in front of him. On the carriage sat two thin servants, one fat and the other three thin, all looking like ghosts. The three of them were all smart. They had been sent by Taro Pinghan to pick up the Sissi girl. The three of them saw Miss Xi Shi sitting in the car from a distance. When they were close enough, they stopped and asked, "Miss, where do you want to go?"

"Make way, I want to go buy something," she said casually, not knowing the three were there to pick her up. The fat slave walked up to her and said, "Congratulations, young lady! The three of us are here to pick you up on Mr. Pinggang's orders. The boss is waiting for you. Miss had followed the Japanese, so it would be much better than staying in the garden in the future. That was kind of him. You're going to be even more popular. Don't forget then, I came to pick you up myself. " Then he narrowed his small eyes and smiled.

He was trying to curry favor with them. When she heard this, she was very nervous. Helpless, he said to the three people: "My apologies. I'll go and buy some presents for the sisters as a souvenir, and I'll be back soon. You can go and wait first. " The three of them made way, and the coachman, Ah Cheng, got on the car and left. The fat guy even said, "Miss, you have to come back quickly. We've already brought all our money. We'll leave once the transaction is over!" When he heard this, Xi Shi became even more flustered. He urged Ah Cheng, "Run!" With a stomp of his feet, Ah Cheng turned around and ran in the direction of the tea garden.

The three Yang slaves watched Xi Shi leave and did not leave. The short, thin servant looked at the back of Xi Shi's body and said: "This girl is really smiling with spring in her heart. It was too beautiful! "How come I didn't get her with that luck?" Fatty said, "Just looking at her beauty makes me drool! Such a good girl has been bought by the Japanese. " The three of them kept shaking their heads and sighing, saying that the words were written in a way that was hard to describe and so filthy that they were like maggots.

The short one suddenly came to his senses, "Oh! Not good, I saw something wrong with her expression just now. She didn't go to the store, but instead ran to the pier. Don't try to run away? I heard that she had a husband who worked on the quay and came to see her in the garden. Boss Gu was worried that they might run away and end up with nothing in return, so he was willing to sell her to Mr. Pinggang. "

The tall one reminded him, "She must have come out in secret. There was no bodyguard behind her. I just saw a bundle in her car. It looked like she was on a long journey. "You saw how quickly she left?"

Fatty thought for a while and said, "She won't be able to escape. It's too early to start. British passenger ships are only arriving at this time of year. " The short and thin Servant Yang immediately made a decision and said, "Chase!" The three of them immediately got into the car separately, cursing the person pulling the carriage: "Quick! Let go of that donkey's leg and catch up to her! " The three people who were pulling the carriage didn't dare to hesitate. They pulled the carriage over, wiped their heads, and ran towards the direction of Miss Xi Shi in hot pursuit.

As he sat in the car, he was afraid that they would catch up with him, so he urged him to hurry up. Just as Ah Cheng slowed down to catch his breath, Xi Shi turned around and saw three cars catching up to them. Xi Shi quickly urged: "Ah Cheng, run! Don't let them catch up. "