International Purple-White Plate


As Fa Ming walked in, the waiter calmly approached him and said, "Monk, do you want to stay here too?" We never give a bed here. "If you have the money, you can live with it. If you don't have the money, then ask for it." Seeing that he was in his twenties and looking mischievous, he was not polite at all. He was angry in his heart. He thought to himself, "Don't provoke him. It's more important to ask him about Yuan Ming." "I don't ask for alms, as long as the house is clean."

The shop assistant changed his smiling face and said, "It's good that you have money. Master, please follow me. " He led Farmer into a well-decorated room and said, "Well? It was clean and bright, comfortable and smug. You think it's okay? "It's just that the price is a bit too high. As long as you can afford to live there, it's fine." He smiled, thinking that Farmer wouldn't be able to pay much.

Seeing the clean and bright room with the embroidered draperies and the delicate fragrance in the air, he was satisfied. He nodded and said, "It's not bad. Let's go and live." Farmer seemed to see through his thoughts and purposely said so. Hearing this, the worker knew that Fa Ming was rich and generous, so he winked and said, "Big Master, if you want to sleep more comfortably, we can help you with that anytime. It won't take more than a few dollars a night. Will you add this? "

Not understanding his jest, Farmer reached out to touch the bed and said, "This is a little thin, but adding a cushion is the best." The shop assistant saw that Fa Ming did not understand what he meant, and laughed, "I am not talking about the thickness of this, but the beauty of the woman. As long as you are willing to pay, I can find a beautiful lady to accompany you. Isn't that more comfortable? "

Fa Ming was angry in his heart, but he did not show it on his face. He said, "My exiled family rejects lust, and Yuanyang is firm. What is the use of having that young lady? Don't tease Monk. " The salesman laughed again and said nonchalantly, "I didn't know that you were a monk. Let me tell you, monks and Taoists often have someone to add to their numbers. It was even more comfortable than saving money in a brothel. Are you really just a fool who isn't interested in anything at all? "

Seeing that he was trying to tease him again, he said: "Little benefactor, please don't tease me again. I'm a proper monk. I have something to ask you. "

The fellow raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "I'll give you this. "If you have something to say, just say it. If you have anything to ask, just ask. If I answer, just say so. I promise I won't take any money."

Seeing that he was about to be naughty again, Farmer said, "Let's get serious. Have you lived in this shop recently with a round-faced, medium built young monk named Yuan Ming? "

The waiter immediately said, "You asked. He came by the day before yesterday and stayed the whole night, adding a cushion. I found that lady fat for him. "

Farmer was surprised. The assistant then asked, "Looking at his age, is he your disciple?" "How can this Yuan Ming be like this!" he thought to himself. He shook his head and said, "He's not my disciple. I have something to talk to him about. "

The assistant laughed, "I don't believe you. If he wasn't your disciple, why would he be startled? It must be because of your pride. " "I am from Beijing and he is from Chengdu, Sichuan," he said. He really isn't my disciple. "Please tell me, when did he leave?"

The assistant said, "He left yesterday." He opened the booklet again, showed it to Farmer, and said, "How about it? I'm not lying to you, am I? I'm serious about that. "

"Grandmaster Dai, Yuan Ming, Monk Yuan Ming, will be living in room number 6 with a simple bag on him," he wrote on the booklet.

"How could he be from Grandmaster Dai? He must have given us the address. " And then: "What is his accent? What age? "What do you think of their appearance and the things they carry?"

The assistant said, "He has a genuine Shandong accent, and is only in his early twenties. His appearance is exactly as you described, and he only carries such a big bag when he comes. I don't know what's inside." After which, he gestured with his hands.

Farmer said, "You're basically right, except for the accent. I'm looking for a monk with a Sichuan accent. " The assistant said, "I don't know about that. However, I'm not lying to you. What I said was true. He has a Shandong accent. "

As the two of them were speaking, a man's voice called out, "Buddy, I want to stay in the restaurant." Another woman was shouting outside. The assistant hurriedly said, "Master, I'm sorry. We always pay first when we stay here. How many days will you be staying? Someone's looking for me. " Seeing him so anxious, Farmer took out his money and handed it over to him, "Pay for one night's worth first." The shop assistant received the money and made an account. He said, "We'll settle the accounts later." He took the book and hurried out to receive the guests.

He put his things on the table, went out, locked the door, and stopped in the corridor to look out. "This house is too close to the street," he said. "It's so noisy that I can't rest well. I might as well find a shop in the alley." He walked out the door and came to the hotel again. Inside, it was cold and deserted. There were only two young people inside, eating and gossiping. Farmer sat by the window, his hand on the table, waiting for the clerk to arrive.

I heard the two young men say: "Just now I saw a few English missionaries bringing in a young man from Beijing. The young man, tied up in all sorts of things, was escorted to the Church of England on a cart. Unexpectedly, our national laws cannot restrain the foreigners, but the laws of the foreigners can restrain us. The foreign devils actually grabbed the Chinese. This was still the Republic of China! It's really f * cking unreasonable. "

Another said, "Leasing is where the foreign devils can do whatever they want. This is not surprising. " That person said anxiously, "Why don't you find it strange? Tianjing's leasehold is even in Beijing? "

The man fell silent, sighed, and said, "It's all our national government's fault for being incompetent! The officer condoned the foreigners. If I decide to take back the sovereignty of the nation, I will chase the foreign devils out. " That person laughed and said, "Just you wait, you might have that day."

Just as the two of them were chatting non-stop, four youths walked in. One of them said to the two, "You two, stop drinking too much. Let's go!" The six of them seemed to have something on their minds. The two of them immediately put down their chopsticks, drained their cups of wine, stood up and left with the other four.

There was only Farmin left in the room, and he was getting impatient. He slammed his hand on the table and shouted, "Buddy! Man! I'm waiting for dinner. " After a while, no one answered him. A fat woman came out of the back room and looked at Farmin and said, "Ah — a foreigner! "What are you so anxious for? I'm not busy right now." Suddenly, she saw that the table had leftovers and steamed buns. The fat woman then said, "Monk, if you're hungry, wouldn't there be leftovers? You can go and eat. "You still want to wait for me? You haven't!"

She looked to be in her forties, well-dressed, and haughty. Farmer was very angry and said, "I have money to eat, so I don't ask for alms. I only want fresh food. If it's not convenient here, I can change places. " The fat woman immediately said, "Master doesn't ask for charity. That's good. I'll get someone to get it. " She went up to the table, gathered up the rest of the food, and carried it into the kitchen.

After a long while, a little girl dressed as a student brought over four steamed buns and a bowl of soup. She placed them in front of Farmer and politely said, "Elder, I have made you wait for a long time. Do you want anything else? "

Seeing that the little girl was gentle and cute, he felt at ease and said, "This is enough to eat. I don't want anything else. "Sorry for the trouble." The little girl smiled and said, "It's no trouble at all. It was good as long as the Elder ate happily. Make tea and pour water, as you wish. "

No matter how Fa Ming looked at her, she didn't look like a waiter. As he ate, he asked, "Why aren't there any waiters here? "Could it be that you are?" The little girl said, "The shop belongs to us, you came at the right time. The man was sent out on business by my father. He just rode away. " The girl sat down.

Before long, he ate two steamed buns and felt full. He put down his chopsticks, took out his copper coin and put it on the table. "Is this enough?" he asked.

The little girl laughed and said, "I don't often think about things here. It's the first time today. I don't know how much I should charge you. Just randomly give them to me. If I don't ask you for more, I won't return. "

Farmer smiled and nodded, "Sure." The little girl came over to take the money and said: "Welcome back, elder." Farmer got up and said, "I'm staying in a nearby hotel. I might come back tomorrow." The little girl said, "That shop is also ours. Elder, see you tomorrow! "

When he saw the six young men coming out of the restaurant, he did not know where they had come from and walked deeper into the alley. Looking at their backs, Fa Ming said quietly, "From the looks of it, these six are all martial artists. What is it all about? " He was just guessing when he saw the six of them turn into a yard.

Farmer turned around and went back to his shop. He lay on his bed in his clothes and thought back to what the two young men had said when they ate. Could it be that the young man who was being escorted from Beijing was Yuan Ming? He was caught? That's unlikely. That young man might be a staff member of the Taihe store. No matter who it is, I'll go and rescue him at night. Don't watch the foreign devils torture the Chinese. " Having made up his mind, Farmer fell asleep without realizing it.

It was late at night and Farmer was fast asleep. He was awakened by a knock on the door. When he opened his eyes, the room was dark and there were still heavy knocks outside the door. Farmer got out of bed, lit the wax lamp, and opened the door. A woman flashed in and said, "Master, there's no need to light the lamp. Hurry up and blow it." After saying that, he took a few steps and sat on the edge of the bed. Knowing that it was not good intentions, Farmer turned to look at her. He was dressed in bright clothes and his eyebrows were plastered across his lips. His age didn't change and he looked like a spirit. "Are you a shop assistant?" Farmer asked.

The woman charmingly said, "Look at you asking, it seems like you don't understand anything. Do you think I'm an elephant? "Do you have a partner like me?" Hearing her voice, Fa Ming felt unwell and said, "Benefactor, since you are not a shop assistant, it might be inconvenient for you in the dark." Please go out. "

The woman was very good at pestering, and laughed, "Master, do you really not understand? It's not convenient to say. I came just to make things convenient for you. Monks were lecherous, who didn't know that. Stop pretending. Put down your feelings and go to bed with me. When it's fun, you'll know the benefits. "

Fa Ming's words were, "This woman is extremely loose." Thus, Fa Ming tried to question her with his heart. He then recited the Buddhist prayer and said, "Benefactor, I am a proper monk. Please do not act presumptuously. Please, quickly leave." The woman laughed a few times and said, "A proper monk, I've seen too many. How can there be someone who isn't tempted by sex?" Are you saying that I don't like it? "

After he finished speaking, he unbuttoned his shirt and was about to show off his skin. Farmer turned around and said, "Lady Benefactor, I'm sorry. I vow before Buddha that I will keep my feelings locked and refuse lust for the rest of my life. You should hurry up and leave. "

The woman laughed again, "Come over and touch my body. My skin is tender and tender, and my face is white and clean. How cute is that?" Seeing that Fa Ming ignored her, she continued, "I'll take off my pants and show you everything."

When Fa Ming heard this, he panicked. He wanted to say, "You better get out of here." "In a hurry, I said it was bad." You should take it off soon! "

When the woman heard that, she happily untied her belt and said, "That's right. If there was no wine, there would be no feast. There were few people in this world who were colorless. Swear or not. I'll let you have your fun tonight. " As he spoke, he had already taken off his pants.

When Fa Ming heard her words, he realized that he had said something wrong, so he changed his tone and said, "Benefactor, I told you to leave quickly." The woman said, "It wasn't those words just now. It was you who wanted me to quickly take them off. I'm done. "You can come up."

Fuming out of his wits, Farmer opened the door to leave. The naked woman jumped off the bed, grabbed Farmer and said, "Touch me and then I'll go."

"You are shameless! What kind of manners do you have!? " The woman firmly held onto Farmer's hand and said, "You are clearly bullying me. Let me off, and say it again. You won't be able to escape so easily! "