International Purple-White Plate


Farmer had never been in such a situation before, so he said urgently and angrily, "What the hell do you want? Don't bother people! " The woman said, "You turned around and went to bed with me because it was your advantage. Or you can put it on me. " "Avoiding sex is like avoiding hatred," he said. It would not be appropriate for her to arouse the attention of the other customers in the shop if she were to make a big show of herself. "

Not daring to act rashly, Fa Ming scolded, "You are a rare woman."

The woman said, "What kind of woman is this, trying to get you to take advantage of her? You don't know what's good for you. Hurry up and change your mind, and kiss me on the mouth, right? "

Feeling helpless, he took out a few silver coins and threw them behind him. "Please put on your clothes and leave." The woman picked up the silver and hastily put on her clothes. "Master is so nice."

At this time, he heard someone ask from outside the door, "The silver coin has rang, is it done? Master, do you feel comfortable? Is the cushion thick enough? " Hearing that it was a shop assistant, Farmer scolded, "You dog of a head! Damn it. I have played with the poor monk time and time again. " The servant pushed the door open and entered the room, "Master, why are you cursing at me? Didn't you tell me during the day that it was better to be thicker? Is this cushion not thick enough for me to find for you? "

Fa Ming was so angry that he wanted to beat him up, but then he scolded, "You dog of a head, I didn't know you were so vulgar! I have played tricks on the poor monk time and time again. "

The woman hastily pulled him in between her legs and said to the waiter, "Jin Gouzi, enough. This master is so good, it's doable! " Just grab the guy and go.

Just as he was about to leave, the worker turned around and said, "Pui! "It's already really good, why are you pretending to be serious."

As he sat down, he suddenly thought of the young man who had been captured and said to himself, "Could it be that this woman is a Bodhisattva? It was all thanks to her that she woke me up. Otherwise, I would sleep until dawn and everything would be too late. I was planning to go and save them. "

He quickly locked the door behind him, opened the corridor window, jumped into the street and hurried to the Church of England.

Fa Ming was very familiar with the roads. He performed a light movement technique and walked as if he was flying. After walking a few blocks, they passed by the patrol house and soon arrived at the outside of the church wall. He stopped and looked around: there was no one around him. There was silence, and he could hear the sound of a motor coming from the Japanese factory. Farmer jumped up on top of the wall and looked into the courtyard. He saw corridors, curving railings, and a few cypress trees swaying; in front and back, there were houses, with pavilions on the left and right, and lights in the back. Farmer threw himself down the wall until he reached the light and looked in through the window: four English missionaries were gathered around a table, playing cards. Three of the four wore red and green cigarette boxes on their faces. The person who did not have a note on his face was playing cards proudly. The four of them were having fun. Suddenly seeing that there was no note on his face, the man threw out a few more cards, placed the cards down and pointed them at the three of them. Laughing loudly, he picked up a broken cigarette box, tore off a few pieces of paper, and stuck them onto their faces. Following which, the four people started talking in English, and they were all laughing from head to toe.

Farmer turned and looked into the next room. He saw two Tianjin people chatting inside. He heard someone say, "Shang Yang is not tired of playing cards, we are not working here, so we are a little tired." Another said, "You can't sleep even if you're tired. If we lose them, we won't be able to bear the consequences. " That person continued, "That person is a Chinese national, I don't want to be that serious. The Englishman sleeps, and I sleep. " The man said, "The four of us are here to keep watch. If we have enough fun, they will go to sleep."

When Farmer heard this, he went to the front of the unlit house and listened carefully. He had just heard two rooms when he heard a loud bang coming from the third room.

Farmer lightly tapped on the window twice. Someone inside immediately asked softly, "Are you here to save me? I'm too tied up here. " Seeing that the person inside was quick-witted, Fa Ming was overjoyed and softly said, "Don't make a sound. I'll go in and save you. " Farmer took out his dagger, opened the window and went in.

The young man had been tied to a large iron bed. "Come with me," he whispered. When Farmer came out, he led the young man down the same road and was quickly discharged onto the street. When they were far away, Farmer asked, "How did you get caught?"

The young man looked at Farmer's face and said, "Shifu, so you are the Shifu of the Temple of National Protection!" I am too nice a shop assistant! Are you following them to save me? " When Farmer heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "I didn't follow them to save you, it was just a coincidence. I ate in the shop, listened to gossip, and said that the priests had caught a man from Beijing. That's why I'm here to save you. I have come to Tianjin to find Monk Yuan Ming. "

The two of them were very happy as they said, "Thank you, Master, for saving me. Otherwise, the foreign devil would have tortured me to death. I will not die, let it be reported. On the way here, the foreign devils tortured me. I do not understand what they say, nor do they understand when I scold them. If you don't save me, I'm probably dead. " He was a man with a resolute character, so he didn't feel sorry when he spoke.

"When I came from Beijing, I heard that you had been captured by the monks," he said. Said you were taken to the police station. Why are you here again? Father Mary of the mosque, did you really kill him with your men? "

Chi Wu said, "Master, speaking of this matter, I have been wrongly accused. Our boss's third concubine is a member of the mosque. She used to pester me into accompanying her to church. He had accompanied her that day. She wouldn't leave after the service, and she pestered me to go with her. I was strolling around the courtyard with her when a few monks grabbed me and insisted that I had killed Father Mary and taken the jewels and gold. They beat me so hard they took me into the house and made me kneel beside Mary's body. Third concubine left and right to argue with the Buddhist monk, on my behalf, the Buddhist monk ignored. Third Aunt rushed off to find someone. Those foreign monks were heartless and unreasonable. Seeing that I was unwilling to kneel or admit it, they forced me to the ground. They asked me again and again how I killed those people, some of my comrades. Then, when Yang Shang came back, he beat me up to force me to confess. I didn't kill anybody, I wouldn't admit it. It was a good thing that Sheriff Zheng of the police department had arrived in time to take me from the church to the police station. I got a lot less of a beating. The Archbishop of England went to Beijing, where he personally questioned people about the murders and said they were the ones who caught them. Chief Ma Shaofen did not dare to argue with him. Only Sheriff Zheng insisted on arguing with Litimo. It was only after she had found the British minister that she forced me out of the police station and brought me to Tianjin. "

When Fa Ming heard his words, he didn't show any signs of cowardice. He praised him, "You are such a good person. It's good that you didn't lower your head to them. "In the future, you will definitely have great prospects." Just as the two of them were celebrating, a group of patrolmen came to meet them. The two of them disappeared into the alley.

Farmer said, "Are you familiar with the roads here? "No, I'll walk you out." "I got out of prison," said Guo, "like a fish in water. Master, don't worry, they won't be able to catch me. Not only am I familiar with the streets of Tianjin, but I also have relatives in the city. I'm going to marry her. " Farmer said, "If they leave, the British will chase them. Be careful."

"Master, you can rest assured that the foreign devil will be helpless against me from now on. As the saying goes: Great kindness does not need to be thanked. We will meet again in Beijing another day! " I'll be leaving first.

Farmer walked out of the alley again. Seeing that the patrolmen had disappeared, he turned back. As per plan, he saved Chi Wu. Fa Ming's heart was exceptionally carefree and he walked quickly. Unconsciously, he was about to arrive at ZTE Inn. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. As he looked back, he saw the patrolmen walking towards him with guns on their backs. Fa Ming dodged to the side. The five patrolmen left. Farmer was about to move forward when he saw two figures flash out of the darkness on either side, heading straight for the patrolman. When he looked forward, he saw six men in green, catching up with the patrolmen. Each of them grabbed one of them and pressed it to the ground, shooting at the men one by one. "All the patrolmen were screaming and struggling in panic." We are the patrolling officers! What are you all doing? "

The six men didn't make a sound either. They grabbed their guns, searched for bullets, and scattered in all directions. "All the patrolmen shouted in panic and chased after him." Someone! Someone come quickly! The criminal took the gun! " "These six people are even braver than I am," he thought to himself with a smile. Very quickly, everyone ran away. Farmer walked quickly toward the shop.

Returning to the shop, Fa Ming said in his heart, "We can't stay here for long. "I'll just go to Gui Yuan Temple." Taking his things, he took advantage of the chaos to leave the shop. Not far from him, he heard the sound of people behind him. The sound of sirens blaring could be heard, and someone from the police station had arrived.

"Thanks to my timely departure, otherwise, I would have been affected and would have had to look for someone," Fa Ming said in his heart. After walking for another two miles, he suddenly heard someone chasing after him. Farmer hastily went into stealth to avoid it. Seeing one of them running so fast, the other two followed closely behind. The two of them shouted angrily as they chased, "Mi, stop right there! Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will catch you! Who do you think you are! Come and go, nothing at all. The garden was opened for you for nothing! "

Farmer heard it was the brothel's bodyguard, the one who had chased him into the garden and refused to pay. He thought to himself, "This still won't affect my journey." He didn't walk too far before he heard someone say, "Why are you chasing me like this? Are we going to fight? " Fa Li listened carefully. The two people who were running ahead had caught up to them.

The bodyguard said, "You little rascal, you still dare to be stubborn! So what if I beat you up! "

The man held on to the arm and begged, "Please calm your anger, please do me a favor. I'm not lying. She really is my wife. She was sold in the garden. I had a hard time finding her. I came here a few times to bargain with your boss for her redemption. There was no final price. If your boss won't let me see her today, I won't go to her room. "

The bodyguard said, "We don't know what you said. We only know to collect money when we enter the garden. If you don't take the money, we'll send you to the patrol house! I understand, there's no need to waste words. I should know what to do. " The man took out some copper coins and handed it over, "You two don't need it, just treat it as buying a pack of cigarettes to smoke."

The bodyguard took the money and held it in his hands as he said, "Are you trying to make us sound like children?!" How can you redeem someone from a brothel without money? "These few coins are for our sake."

That person said, "You two, I have just arrived at your place and was working on the pier. How much money is it? Forget it. "

The bodyguard was still unwilling to obey. That person continued, "Today, I only have so much money. If you don't believe me, you can touch me yourselves. You won't spend money even if you beat me to death. Forget it. "