International Purple-White Plate


Farmer continued, "You guys don't know enough about Yuan Ming. He won't hide from me. You all stay nearby and look for him. I alone will be enough to chase him down. "

Fa Tong added, "According to the words written on the invitation, Yuan Ming will not take the treasure for himself. He had only left to avoid his master. No one should suspect him. "

Rupiah said, "It's not the fault of Push-Puji. This disappointing thing. He was a cunning man, and he was a man of his word. With such a vast sea of people, going out to find someone was easier said than done! How could I accept such an unfilial person! "

"Yuan Ming is a monk. He has some differences from the common people," Fang said. Other than living in the monastery, he would not live anywhere else. In the end, it was still easy to find. Judging from his decision to live in seclusion in Shandong Province, he was very scheming. Shandong has many mountains, many temples, many secluded places, very suitable for cultivation. Although Yuan Ming had stolen the sect's secret decree and done the wrong thing, this might be a good thing. "In a few years, if he really were to master the martial arts on the decree, then I will save the trouble of teaching him."

Ru Feng smiled wryly as he listened. "Master Fang really knows how to judge." It really made people feel happy and angry at the same time. Yuan Ming is your disciple. Let's see what else you can say. " "He's not my disciple, that's why he said that." With that, he walked into the courtyard, chatting and laughing with the others.

Returning to the Zen temple, Pushin said, "We also heard from the monks in the monastery where they were staying that it was the shop assistant of Taihe who killed Mary in the mosque and took the gold, silver, and jewelry from her. Chi Wu was caught and tortured by the monks there, but Chi Wu refused to admit it. Officer Zheng was worried that he would be killed, so she took him to the police station. This matter was once again strange. Logically speaking, Yuan Ming should have killed Mike Li on the street, but after obtaining the treasure, it would be impossible for him to go to the mosque again to commit the crime. " Everyone was filled with suspicion, but no one could figure it out.

"We also heard from the IQ of Biyun Temple that he was watching when the incident occurred in the city. That the little midget had quarreled with Sheriff Zheng at the scene of the autopsy. At the police station they quarreled again. Sheriff Zheng asked what Macley wanted to do when he went out at night. The little man replied, Go out for a walk. He said only Father Marley knew. He refused to answer any more questions. so that the police were never able to work on the case. "

"We have heard about this already," the abbot said, nodding his head. It was the little Taoist who found out. " He asked again: "Have you heard about the news about Commander Guo being imprisoned by Yuan Shikai outside?" The four young Adepts all shook their heads in shock.

Pu Xian asked: "Why is Battalion Commander Guo imprisoned?" "I have no way of knowing," Fang Dang said. Yuan Shikai is sealing up the news. " "His imprisonment must have had something to do with the mosque case," he said. Battalion Commander Guo will definitely be wrongly accused. "

"Guo Chengliang was imprisoned," he said. "I think it was the result of the civil strife, and it had little to do with the mosque case. "Because the British can't take down a guard battalion commander that fast." "As far as I know, the one who is most at odds with Commander Guo is Chief of Police Ma Shaofen," said Fa'afei bluntly. It was Ma Shaofen who had framed Battalion Commander Guo. Someone had told me that the guards had discovered the scene on Mackry's Blast Street. The guard battalion pushed the case to Ma Shaofen. " Puxian said anxiously, "If that's the case, Ma Shaofen will be completely damaged. Battalion Commander Guo was a good man, loyal to his duty and conscientious to his work. We should think of a way to save him. "

Hearing that, Fang Shen agreed: "Commander Guo is an upright and honest man, we should save him. Today, his master, the Buddha of Longevity, had come, and when he heard about it, he went back to ask for someone else. Let's hear about him. " When Pushin heard about the Buddha of Longevity, he was so happy that he asked, "When did he arrive? And when did you leave? "

"At noon," Fang said. He was just gone when you came back. " The four young Adepts all felt a sense of regret. Pushin said, "Alas! I've heard that with the unparalleled Buddhist skill of longevity, the Wind and Thunder Palm is unrivaled. We had planned for him to come and entangle him so that he could be taught. Why don't you let us see him! It was all the fault of this cunning monk, Yuan Ming. "We're just going to look for him."

Seeing that the four little Daoist people were becoming more and more presumptuous, he stopped them and said, "You all don't have to feel sorry for this opportunity. The Buddha of Longevity will be back soon. With little Taoist here, he will definitely be here as well. " The four young Adepts were once again overjoyed.

"Next time he comes, let us meet," said Pookie. We have to learn those powerful martial arts from him. " The four of them were jumping about as happily as children.

Pu Xian then sat down and asked the abbot, "Who did the Buddha of Longevity go to? "Can it be reliable?"

"He went to Feng Tian Tuo to ask Marshal Zhang Zuolin for help," said Fang Chang. This person had a close relationship with Yuan Shikai. "Guo Chengliang came to Beijing because of Zhang Zuolin."

Pu Xian nodded his head, "Yuan Shikai is indeed a martial artist. He actually went to the northeast to look for the Guard Captain." Guo Chengliang hadn't even used his martial arts yet. He definitely knew those powerful martial arts from his master. Otherwise, Yuan Shikai would not go that far to get him. "

"After Yuan Shikai became President, he was extremely happy," he said. He was worried that there would be too many enemies, and that one day they would kill him. Yuan Shikai was very troubled about the servants. He had listened to the words of the warlock. After a sorcerer had calculated it for him, he told him, "The pot is round. A man surnamed Guo is the safest to guard you." Yuan Shikai believed it, so he secretly made people go around looking for people with good martial arts surname Guo. That was why he chose Guo Chengliang and appointed the guard battalion commander. The warlock also told Yuan Shikai, "It is most advantageous for the general director of the army to use Huang Xing." He can make the country flourish. The sorcerer said that Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang were both unfavorable to Yuan Shikai. Duan Qi Rui can cut off Yuan Shikai's spirit, make Yuan Shikai not long; Feng Guozhang can sew Yuan Shikai's magnificent display. If these two people were by Yuan Shikai's side, he would not last long. The sorcerer asked Yuan Shikai to remove Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui from their posts. Yuan Shikai calmly thought about it and decided that the Warlock was a spy from the Southern Revolutionary Party and had killed the Warlock. He listened to half of what the sorcerer said. "

When everyone heard the story, they all laughed at how ridiculous Yuan Shikai's actions were. Pu Xian said: "No wonder Yuan Shikai is claiming the throne, strangling the democratic republics and being ignorant of the current situation. He is a ridiculous and foolish man. " "Xiang Cheng believes in the will of the heavens. He dares to take on the world's greatest enemy," Fang Dang said with a laugh.

Everyone was once again discussing the matter, but they didn't realize that it was already late at night. The drum for the meal rang, and the abbot and everyone else went to eat merrily.

After many inquiries from the monks of the Temple, they were all relieved to learn that the Temple had not been implicated in any cases in the city. They must have been scared for the whole night. Daylight then hurriedly discussed with each other about tracking down the treasures and finding Yuan Ming.

After breakfast, Reverend Fang gathered the crowd and said, "The international purple and white plate is our national treasure. It has been lost from our hands, and we must get it back at all costs. It must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the foreigners, and it must not be allowed to leave Beijing for long. It symbolizes the strength and stability of our country. If we can't get it back, we will never be able to let down our ancestors! "

When everyone heard this, they were all elated as they shouted, "We will listen to Reverend, and we will resolutely search for the treasure!" Seeing that the crowd was in high spirits, the abbot was also very happy.

"From the analysis of the cases that have taken place in the city, the problems here are complex," he said. We need to find Yuan Ming first and find out whether he obtained the treasure or not. "Now, I order: Fa Tong will travel with the fourth young Daoist. You will find Yuan Ming at various inns and temples outside the city."

Fa Tong and the four little Spiritual Masters simultaneously said, "Yes! "Honorable Order!" "I order Farmer to go alone to Tianjin and Shandong to search for Yuanming." Farmer also cupped his hands and said, "Yes! Buddha's Medallion! " "The two of you, move out at the same time. You must find Yuan Ming and bring him back to the National Guardian Temple."

Fa Tong then walked forward and said, "Yes!" Everyone accepted the order. Fa Tong and the four little Daoist Masters immediately led the monks to set off. They split up into two groups, one led to the city, the other to the city. They were all excited and serious. Farmer also hurried back to his room, packed his belongings, and left for Tianjin.

Even though he didn't know the way of the four little Spiritual Masters, his words were clear. He walked out of the temple and thought to himself: "If I were to take the train to Tianjin, I would leave very quickly, but I absolutely cannot. All the family members loved to go sightseeing, stopping and walking. He asked for alms wherever he ate and stayed in the temple. Xing Lai street loitering, meditating only to recite. Washing heart often has, clear light ancient Buddhist bitter cultivation. Three vegetarian meals were convenient for eating. There was not the slightest bit of food in the restaurant all year round. Thinking about it, Yuan Ming was no exception. If I wanted to find him, I would have to look for him in the temples along the way. As the saying goes, people leave their names and geese leave their voices. If I look through the temples one by one, I'll soon find out where he is. In a few days, I will catch up to him and bring him back to the National Guardian Temple to hand over my order. "

Farmer made up his mind not to take the train and set off on the road to Tianjin.

About thirty to twenty miles away, Farmer started to carefully enter the temples and ask Yuan Ming about what was happening inside. In the blink of an eye, four days had passed. Even when they arrived at Tianjin City, they were still unable to find any trace of Yuan Ming's whereabouts. Fa Ming was getting a little anxious and said to himself, "No, alright!?" "No, no..." I miscalculated. Yuan Ming must have come to Tianjin by train. He arrived on the same day. He had been in Tianjin for several days. Can he leave Tianjin and go again?

Fa Ming's heart was burning with anxiety. As he walked and thought, he unknowingly arrived at Tianjin City. Farmer stopped to look at the road outside the city gate, seeing people coming and going in a steady stream. The two city gates were tall and wide, and for some reason, there was only one left. Farmer hurried into the city. The city of Tianjin was similar to the city of Beijing: luxurious and varied buildings, busy streets. Trades were everywhere, and the beds were spread out along the street. The sound of the peddlers was deafening. The restaurant was steaming and the brothel was faintly fragrant. The fat man took his time in the car, and the thin man and his wife took their time. The foreign devils saw the people rampaging around, so they started to act arrogantly. Raggedy beggars begged along the streets, well-dressed rich men with big bellies. There were many shops along the streets, and there were many merchant ships on the docks.

As he walked, he observed the crowd, hoping to see Yuan Ming's figure. He walked all the way until sunset. After turning a few streets, he still did not see Yuan Ming. He was hungry and his legs were sore.

In front of him was the "Zhongxing Inn". Seeing the signboard, Farmer looked at the shop: three sides facing the street, front and back signboard, turning west not far away, is "ZTE Hotel." "I'll go to the hotel first, book a bed and get ready for lodging, then go to the restaurant and have a good meal," he said. I'll stay here tonight. "Tomorrow morning, I will go to the temples to look for it."