International Purple-White Plate


At this time outside the rain stopped, Mr. Sun and Rufeng led the gardenia down the mountain, took a car to the town. When they stopped in front of a monastery, Gardenia said, "This is the Goddess Temple. There are people from the Gongshu Temple here, I'll go find them to stay with me." Gardenia alighted, thanked him repeatedly, and asked for his name. Mr. Sun told her the truth.

At this moment, the people in the courtyard saw that a car had arrived at the entrance and came out to take a look. Among them, there were some who recognized Gardeners and went straight over. Gardenia pointed to Mr. Sun and said, "They are all from Qingshu Temple." When the nuns saw Gardenia coming in the car, they thought she had made a comeback. He helped her with the gardenias. Only then did Mr. Sun and Rufeng get back into the car and galloped towards the house. This is exactly: Chinese gang members to the end, Japanese women comfortable.

Rufeng and Mr Sun returned safely to their lodgings that night, both of them happy. Since they had met the vicious pirates, the two of them were convinced of the landlord's words and no longer went out. The two chatted with each other at home every day to pass the time, waiting for the returning staff to gather. After waiting for a few more days, Song Chuanren returned first. Following that, the people who had accompanied him back to the country also began to gather.

On the morning before they left for home, they were in the house having a happy discussion with Mr. Sun. The landlady went in and said to Mr. Sun, "Sir, there is a young lady outside. She is Japanese and has found her way here. She said she was here to see you and Master Ruo Feng. " Mr. Sun was surprised and said, "I don't know any Japanese ladies here? The women in my entourage are all here. Had she found the wrong person? Ask her again. "

The landlady laughed and said, "How forgetful! When she asked me, she made it clear that she knew your name and address. There was no mistake. If it is convenient for you to see her, I will let her in; if it is not convenient for you to see her, I will refuse her. "

The landlord was a genuine Chinese. He is now a well-known wealthy businessman in Japan. Although he was far away from his homeland, he could not forget his homeland and the one he had ploughed away for generations. At all times I hope that the motherland will be prosperous and strong, and that the people of my hometown will be well-dressed. Many of Mr. Sun's expenses in Japan were funded by him. Mr. Sun goes out, he has his own car, very convenient. The people here all spoke Chinese. However, the male host, Mr. Wu Jintang, because of his work, rarely has the time to sit with Mr. Sun, everything is the hostess to Mr. Sun's warm and thoughtful. Not here.

On the other hand, Ru Feng saw Mr. Sun's refusal and said: "Mr. Sun, we are leaving. The young miss must have come to see you off. She must be an acquaintance. If he comes in good faith, he will not be polite. If it's inconvenient for her to come in, I can accompany you outside to meet her. If she was evil and had some tricks up her sleeve, it would definitely not be hidden from my eyes. "

Actually, Rufeng had already guessed that the Japanese lady outside was the gardener who had been saved that day. Mr. Sun heard the words from Rufeng and laughed, "You've become serious. The person who came was not malicious. Maybe I forgot about her. "

Mr. Sun excused himself from the crowd and walked out with Ruo Feng. When they saw who had arrived, they were both shocked. On the opposite side stood a young lady in a bright kimono with a fresh head, like a boudoir of a rich family. The two of them felt that they were familiar, but they did not dare to recognize each other.

Seeing the two of them in a daze, the young lady gave a gentle and quiet smile, saluted and said: "Good morning, gentlemen!" Mr. Sun returned the greeting. His voice sounded very familiar. The young lady then said, "My two benefactors, how did you forget? I am the Gardenia Gardenia that was saved by you all that day! "

Mr. Sun laughed. "Actually, I already felt that our relationship has turned for the better. It's only because your temperament and clothing were completely different from that day that I didn't dare to hastily recognize you. Congratulations to young miss on your new residence! " Gardenia smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I feel very good there."

When Mr. Sun saw that she had done well, he gave her a few words of praise before allowing her into the living room. That Miss Gardenia was really polite, going inside to thank her again for saving her life that day. Then he took out a pair of shoes and said, "I have brought them with me to bid farewell to my benefactors. These shoes are disrespectful. I made them myself. I want to give it to my benefactor to wear. Originally, I did this for my husband, Xiao Chuan, who was a soldier in Korea and had no news of me. It's no use for me to keep it. I also wanted to leave some precious objects as a souvenir for my two benefactors. I was so poor that I couldn't bring out anything. This is truly a shame! "

When Mr. Sun and Rufeng heard this, they looked at each other, wanting to give up.

Gardenia said again: "This is my fault again. This put the two benefactors in a difficult position. I should have made another pair, but my benefactor is coming home and can't wait for me. The only thing that can be done is this: As long as my two benefactors wear the shoes properly, I will give them to you as a souvenir. "

When the two heard this, they found it difficult to answer, and Mr Sun said, "Thank you, Miss, for the shoes. We all have shoes to wear, so please bring them back to Yukawa for him to wear. " Seeing that the two of them could not take it, Gardenia was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears. She knelt down and said: "We are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, it is hard to say whether we will have the chance to meet again. At this moment of parting, if I cannot repay my benefactor a little, I will die with regret. I also know that there is no shortage of shoes for my benefactors, but I want them as a souvenir for my benefactor. Please accept, my two benefactors. " With that, he picked up the shoes with both hands and raised them above his head as a show of respect.

Mr. Sun and Rufeng did not know what to do, so they had to give in to each other. Gardenia also said: "You do not accept these shoes, must be because I am despicable, afraid to wear these shoes degrading feet?"

Mr. Sun quickly said politely, "There's no need for that." He hurriedly thought of a way to compete with Rufeng. Mr. Sun's feet were bigger than Rufeng's. Mr. Sun said with a smile, "According to what Miss Gardenia said, Master you should wear those shoes. Take them or she won't get up." Rufeng happily took the shoes and thanked Gardenia. Gardenia revealed a smile and immediately thanked them for receiving the shoes.

Mr. Sun said, "If Miss has any requests, we can agree to them as well. It's just that we still lack presents for Miss to remember. " Only then did Gardenia laughed and said: "Sir has left me the unforgettable period of my life, and I feel extremely honored. That is, I was able to get to know Mister. "

At this time, Mr. Sun was still puzzled, thinking: "I didn't give her anything?" Gardenia continued: "I mentioned your name in the convent. Someone knew and told me. So, mister is the number one great man of China, I'm sorry for the disrespect! Now all the people in the convent are honored for me. " With that, he bowed deeply to Mr. Sun and said, "You are too noble!" Mr. Sun smiled and said, "I have no money, so it's not expensive anywhere. Miss has spoken. "

Then Gardenia said again: "Just because benefactor is a special person, I have something to ask of you. Only you can help me. " Mr. Sun said, "If Miss has something to say, please just say it. There's no need to be polite. Other than heaven holding the moon, I can help you, "said Gardenia." My brother is a soldier in China, and there is no news of him. Please help me to find it when you return home. I am very grateful to my brother and sister for receiving this message. This big brother of mine is the only relative I have now. " After which, he shed tears. Afraid of being seen by Mr. Sun, he hurriedly wiped it away.

Mr. Sun graciously agreed, saying, "Miss, please be at ease. Your brother is indeed in China. I will definitely help you find him. Please leave behind your brother's name and description. "

Gardenia held back her tears and was very happy. She took out a photo and said: "The person on it is my brother. He is called Nobuyasu Man. One of his ears was cut off when he joined the Black Hand Society as a marker. I'm afraid the rest is written on the back of the photo. "

Mr. Sun took the photo and translated her words to Rufeng as he read them.

After hearing that, Ru Feng laughed. "Why don't we change this black hand into a cruel one? It would be better to cut off one's ears as a sign of joining the Association." Could he be sincere just like that? The Japanese are being ridiculous and cruel. " Only then did Gardenia bid the two farewell.

Since Mr. Sun's return, China has undergone tremendous changes. The Republic of China was established. Mr. Sun was elected by the provinces as the interim Grand President of the Republic of China. Mr. Sun took time out of his busy schedule and commissioned a few Japanese consuls to help him search for Nobuyasu. The Japanese garrison battalions in China were also checked by Mr. Sun. None of them had been able to find him. Later, the Japanese consul sent a telegram to Mr. Sun saying that Nobuyasu was an officer of the Japanese army's battalion. As a result of the ship out, capsized at sea, the whereabouts of the ship remains unknown.

Mr. Sun thought that this person died in the storm, deeply regretted Gardenia. In order not to hurt Gardenia to hope for the enthusiasm of her family, Mr. Sun never wrote to tell her. Later, Mr. Sun, for the grand scheme of national unity, resigned from the presidency and gave his place to Yuan Shikai. He left Mr. Sun and went back to Chengdu to live in the Temple of State. He kept his shoes and photos.

One day in June, this happened again in Chengdu when Rufeng went to visit his long-lost old friend, the Elder of the Temple of Pharaoh, a hundred miles away from the temple of Pharaoh at the foot of Mount Emei. There were siblings who were performing along the street and arrived in Chengdu. These two were originally Henan people. Brother's name is Lee Yanyi, sister's name is Li Qian. The two of them were young and both of them looked very beautiful. The two of them had long heard that Chengdu was famous for its wealth and wealth, with rich citizens and bustling streets. So they came all the way here. The two of them had already staged a few games in Chengdu. There were many spectators on the stage, so it was very popular. Chengdu praised his siblings' martial arts performance. In a short period of time, everyone in Chengdu had heard of the news, and the two siblings were well-received everywhere in Chengdu.

Unexpectedly, this news alerted a group of famous bullies in Chengdu. There were five people leading this group of evil people, and thirty to fifty of them were underlings. Among them, the eldest was nicknamed Love Mountain Stones; the second was nicknamed Lian River; the third was nicknamed Local Level Snake; the fourth was nicknamed Earth Tiger; and the fifth was nicknamed Chou Manchu. Each of them was more repulsive than the other. They were known as Chengdu's Five Tyrants. They bully the market, commit adultery and robbery, do everything. Every store had to pay tax to them. The stalls and vendors had to pay him for permission to make a living. Their black taxes were heavy and frequent, whoever had to pay them later was beaten by the light ones and the heavy ones by the broken families. The slaves were so savage that they could hit people with their hands. Everyone in Chengdu knew about them, and nobody dared to mess with them.

When the Five Tyrants heard that they had come from outside the city to show off their skills, they immediately gathered together to discuss how to deal with them. Big Brother Shan Shi said: "This Chengdu is our territory. Without our permission, who would dare to make money in private here? He ate the heart of a bear and swallowed the guts of a leopard. "Grab them, confiscate their stadiums, and then beat them to a half-dead to get them out of Chengdu."