International Purple-White Plate


Hearing this, Old Third sneered and said, "Boss, don't get angry yet. I heard from Brother White Flower Snake that there's only two people in this group that are performing. That girl was so pretty, she was so beautiful! This is obviously meant to be our arrival. We all have this luck! If he played with it, there would be endless benefits. How could he let her go so easily? Wouldn't that be letting her off too easily? " With that, he smiled as he savored his taste, as if he had tasted the benefits.

Ol 'Four also laughed and said, "Look at Ol' Three's morals, it seems like we've entered an alley. He really had no future. You haven't tasted any of these before? It's all the same if you blow the light. "

Ol 'Three said, "Don't boast yet. This little girl is really pretty. Not only have you never played before, but you look so emotional." The five of them laughed out loud, then turned their anger into joy.

The fifth brother said with worry, "Let's just go and capture them both. Beat her brother half to death and drive him out of Chengdu; leave the little girl for us to have a good time. How about this? " They all said, "Good idea! Good idea! "As you say." The second brother was the first to stand up and laugh, "Hearing the local leader say that, I can't hold it in, I'm already anxious!" The five of them laughed for a while before they went out to look for the brother and sister.

The five of them walked towards the temple and saw that there were a lot of people gathered in front of them. The boss pointed at them and said, "We don't need to look around for them. We just found them. It must have been them. Those who try to play tricks are often unwilling to accept this, so today, we'll just strip them off on the spot. " "The audience kept applauding and cheering." Good! Great! "This is great!" The more the five people heard, the angrier they became. They widened their eyes and quickly rushed over in anger.

The audience members were cheering for him when they suddenly saw Five Tyrants arrive. They immediately fell silent and then dispersed in panic. According to her previous experience, Lee Yanyi knew something was going to happen. The two of them immediately inquired of the others. A kind-hearted spectator told the two of them, "Young lady, young man, let's leave quickly. Stop practicing and quickly clean up." Before he could finish his words, that person had already left in a panic.

Some of the more daring ones saw that the two were still in a daze, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up and pack it up, it's the Five Tyrants." That kind of scoundrel couldn't be offended. A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him. " Li Yao thanked the man for his advice and hurriedly put away the spear, knife and staff with Li Qian. Before they could finish, the two of them were surrounded by the Five Tyrants.

Lee Yanyi had a long experience in the martial arts world. The two saw the Five Tyrants approaching menacingly, but weren't too afraid. This caused the Five Tyrants to be even more furious. That Fifth Brother looked around the city with a worried expression and was immediately overjoyed.

However, he lowered his face and turned to look at Li Yan, saying, "Brat, you really have a lot of f * cking guts. You dare to play tricks on my land to earn money? He didn't even say it out loud! Practice a few moves, and let me see what kind of crappy stuff it is. " Lee Yanyi cupped his hands and said, "Please forgive me for coming from afar and not understand the rules." Masters: When we earn a few pieces of money, we will definitely split half of it to visit and pay our respects to all of you. I'll apologize to everyone first. " After saying that, Lee Yanyi bowed deeply to them.

Worry city sneered and said: "Don't do this! It's not that you don't understand the rules, it's just that your father didn't educate you well. Let me train you. " While saying this, he suddenly gave Lee Yanyi a slap on the face. Lee Yanyi could only bear with it and did not retaliate. His face was burning with pain and he was furious. The Land Rover went up to Lee Yanyi and gave him another round of punches and kicks. Lee Yanyi couldn't hold it in anymore. Meng Shishi and the rest shouted, "This kid is not allowed to fight. You see, he still dares to be angry. You two are tired, we take turns. Until today. I'm going to make him laugh. "

Seeing that she could not dodge anymore, Li Yao flew into a rage and grabbed the fist of the tiger sitting on the ground. Taking advantage of this, she threw him far away and dropped him on the ground. The entire city relied on the advantage in numbers. In a fit of rage, he threw another punch at the other party. Lee Yanyi raised his hand and grabbed him by the arm, throwing him ten feet away. Ah! This kid is good. You can't mess with him unless you show your true colors. "

The local snake said a few sarcastic words. Then, it became furious and struck out its palm towards Lee Yanyi again. Lee Yanyi didn't dodge. He grabbed his arm and twisted it forcefully, just like how Zhang Guoguo used to ride a donkey. The pain made him cry out repeatedly while Lee Yanyi kicked him to the ground with one foot.

Watching Lee Yanyi beat up his three brothers with a majestic and awe-inspiring demeanor, Mountain Stone was shocked and said, "This kid is not easy to expose." If we don't do our best, we won't be able to get rid of him. " After saying that, he waved his hand and struck Lee Yanyi along with the five people, Lian River and the others. Being surrounded, Lee Yanyi was attacked from all sides. Lissy imagined that she could not defeat them even if she went up herself, so she went around calling for help. At this moment, the audience had all run far away. Li Qian shouted a few times, but seeing that no one came to save her, she saw that her brother was beaten until he could no longer hold on. She rushed to the temple for help.

The Buddhist temple has always been strictly closed, and monks are not allowed to leave the hospital for the streets. Because their monks are young and easy to cause trouble for. At this time, the deacon monk was leading the monks to plant and sweep the trees. Li Qian ran into the courtyard and said to the monks that had been swept away, "Masters, please save my brother. He's about to be beaten to death."

These monks were all in their twenties and were all loyal to the cause. When she saw Li Qian speaking, she was so anxious that she was about to cry. Someone took the lead and said, "Let's all go take a look to see who's so powerful." They didn't have time to ask who they were dealing with. They threw away their tools and ran over with Li Qian.

At this moment, Lee Yanyi had been knocked down to the ground. The Five Tyrants refused to stop. When the monks saw that the Five Tyrants were beating them up, they all looked at each other in dismay. A Buddhist monk with the name of Yuan Ming came forward and said, "Guests, please stop." This person didn't say anything. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death. As the saying goes, if one is to be merciful, then one must be merciful. "

The five of them really stopped fighting. Yuan Ming did not know how to react and said, "May I know why he has offended you all? I think that's enough. Let him go. " Seeing that he was angry, the Five Tyrants stopped him. No one had ever dared to question the Five Tyrants.

Seeing that Yuan Ming was interfering with her, Love Mountain Stone scolded, "Bald ass, do you know how to talk? The police just passed by, and you came to stop us. What the fuck are you? Are you even fit to talk to me like that? " The white-snatching Yuan Ming remained silent, his face flushing red to his ears. Lian Jiang came over and grabbed Yuan Ming. Without saying a word, he slapped him a few times.

It turned out that this Yuan Ming was actually the most stubborn one. Even if he were to be forced to death, he would not be afraid of him. He couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, so he suddenly retaliated and also slapped River Water twice. Love Mountain Stone had frightened his subordinates, "Grab him first!" The five people left Lee Yanyi and all came to beat Yuan Ming up. At this moment, the monks looked at each other, furious. Those who were on good terms with Yuan Ming shouted first, "Justice and retribution! All of you, go up! " The monks were all eager to join in the fray, and began a fierce battle with the Five Tyrants. There were many monks, two against one; the five hegemons had fewer people, so each of them was busy.

Unexpectedly, the boss, number two, and number three of the Five Tyrants were all powerful and had decent martial arts skills. They were used to beating people, so they had a way to beat people. Just look at them, they really know how to fight. After a period of conflict, their fighting became so violent that more than a dozen monks were knocked down and fell face first onto the ground. Yuan Ming saw that he lost in the end because he had too many people on his side. With his life on the line, he made a few quick moves before charging at his boss again.

Very quickly, he was also beaten by the Five Tyrants until his nose and mouth started bleeding, and then he fell to the ground. The Five Tyrants lifted him up, knocked him over, lifted him up again, knocked him over again, tortured him again and again. With bloodshot eyes, Yuan Mingxue still refused to give in and insisted on fighting the five of them.

At this moment, Lee Yanyi woke up from his coma. Gritting his teeth, he stood up from the ground and rushed towards the Five Tyrants and grabbed the local snake to hit it. The monks also got up from the ground one by one, shouting, "Fight!" and surrounding the five tyrants again. The intense battle began again.

The five tyrants still had some energy left, and their morale was high. After using this technique, they severely injured the monks one by one and fell to the ground. Only Yuan Ming and Lee Yanyi were still persisting with their lives. The two of them were surrounded by the Five Tyrants, and their fists and kicks were everywhere. The two of them staggered from the blow, and their footing was no longer stable. While sneering, the Five Tyrants swarmed over and over again. He saw that Yuan Ming and Lee Yanyi were about to be knocked unconscious.

By this time, Ruo Feng had already arrived from the courtyard. He had heard the news and witnessed the battle. "These five people are really despicable, using their martial arts to bully the people of Ya Dynasty," he thought to himself. He went up to them angrily and stopped them. "Let them go! "Watch this monk teach you a lesson!" The Five Tyrants didn't know Rui Feng, so they didn't think much of it. "Today, the donkeys must have forgotten to close the door. Even the bald one came out." Seated on the ground, Tiger also muttered: "Isn't it so? In normal times, who would dare to make a move against us? "Today, I was unlucky and got kicked by a donkey." He pointed at Ruo Feng and scolded, "Old bald donkey, don't you dare court death! He should return to the circle as soon as possible. If you don't listen, I will beat you up too! "

He scolded him for something else. He might have been a little angry, but this "bald donkey" was especially infuriating. Ruo Feng couldn't contain his anger. He made a sudden move, and with a turn of his body, he beat the two of them down. He darted forward and knocked down two more. In the end, only Worry was left in the city. He turned around and ran. Rufeng caught up to him in a few steps and kicked him to the ground. The five of them lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

"You still dare to behave so atrociously?" Ru Feng asked the five. Only now did the five of them realize how formidable Zhang Xuan was. They were completely speechless. "Speak!" Do you still dare to act so atrociously? "

Worry filled the city, and the tiger on the ground shouted, "I dare not! I don't dare to! "

When Rufeng saw that they had lost, he went over to take a look at Yuan Ming and Lee Yanyi. The duo was beaten black and blue, and their bodies were covered with wounds. "These five people are absolutely hateful. I'll cripple them!" He turned around and said to the Five Tyrants, "You five scoundrels, all of you are hateful! I told you all not to perform any martial arts anymore. "

The five of them quickly kneeled down and begged for mercy. Master, have mercy! Master, have mercy! "Pitiful little ant, it's greedy for life." He was so scared that his voice changed. After all, Rufeng was a member of the buddhist faith. With a benevolent heart, his heart softened once more. I hope this is progress. If there are to be any more evil deeds in the future, I will definitely not tolerate them! " The five of them said in unison, "Master has made great progress. In the future, you will be a good person. " They hummed nonstop.

Ru Feng turned around and led Yuan Ming, Li Yan, Li Qian and the monks back to the courtyard. He doted on Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi, who was unyielding and unyielding. He hurried into the house and asked the elders to treat the two of them. The elders looked at the injuries of the two and said, "This injury is too heavy. I don't have any medicine to treat injuries here. "Ah, Ru Feng, why don't you just give up on the elixirs of the Shaolin Temple?"

"I came in a hurry," he replied. "I didn't bring it with me." All my things are in the Temple of Repatriation. I'll go back and get it. "

The elder stopped him: "It will take a long time to get the medicine back. Why don't you take the other two to the Temple of National Reporting to recuperate." It also prevents the Five Tyrants from gathering people to take revenge on you. " "He dares!" Today, I didn't cripple them. If he really dares to come here for revenge, I won't be going. He really did sit down and did not want to go.

The elder deeply regretted that he had inadvertently provoked his temper, and advised, "It's all because of my blabbering, that's all. Hurry up and go! Rescue was more important. Everyone knows that you are the number one monk, and that you aren't afraid of them. " Only when the monks in charge came to persuade him did he agree to leave. The Elder ordered someone to prepare a carriage for Yuan Ming and Li Yao to arrive at the National Reporting Temple.