International Purple-White Plate


That Mr. Sun was really impatient. He turned around and ran towards the location of the cry after finishing his sentence. At this point, Ruo Feng regretted his decision deeply. He shook his head and said helplessly, "I'd rather listen to the landlord. If I don't go with him, how could this happen?" Rufeng had no choice but to rush forward and prepare for the upcoming battle.

It turned out that the crying came from the back room. The two walked out of the front room and into the courtyard. They walked around the grass and arrived in front of the crying house. The red lacquer door was closed, and on it was a signboard with the words' Hall of Law 'written on it. The two of them pushed open the door and entered the house. A young woman with disheveled hair and naked body was tied to a pillar, crying and making a ruckus.

She looked to be in her twenties, had a haggard face, and was quite pretty. She was a bit embarrassed and panicked when she saw the two enter. He struggled and gasped for breath. Her crimson face appeared helpless as she shook her head. Seeing her determination, he raised his head and wailed to the two: "Gentlemen, please, save me. I'm going to die of cold. The pirates have made me miserable. Please, please! " She spoke in Japanese, which Rufeng did not understand. He turned to Mr. Sun and asked, "What did she say?"

"She said the pirates had hurt her. She was too cold, and begged for help." Because he was an outsider, it was inconvenient for him to get close to a woman. Mr. Sun stepped forward and asked the woman, "Miss, where are the pirates? "Don't be afraid, we're here to save you." Mr. Sun also spoke Japanese.

Before the woman could reply, the four pirates inside the room had already been alerted. When they heard him speak, they all put down their cups, raised their knives, and came out together to answer, "We are here. Do you want to die? " He saw that all four of them were lean and had long hair. All of them had belts tied to their foreheads, giving them the appearance of having a headache. The two of them wore vests, while the two of them were bare-chested. One of them was exceptionally ferocious. His chest hair was very long and he held his sword in his hand as if he was about to kill someone.

The four of them scowled furiously with a very ferocious look on their faces. Although he didn't understand the old man's words, he knew they weren't good intentions. He stealthily gathered his power to stand in front of the four of them, glaring at them one by one.

The woman said, "It's him and the other four that have caused me so much suffering. These four brutes would not die a peaceful death! Sir, please save me. " Mr. Sun saw that all four of them were in their twenties, so he said to them: "It seems that all four of you are also like men, why are you bullying a weak girl at the same time? That shouldn't be possible! You have four young people, and you have sisters in your family, so you should ask yourself. I advise you to let her go. Let her go home early and reunite with her family. "

One of them sneered and said, "If we all had a conscience like you, we wouldn't be pirates. One of you is a man of letters and one of you is a warrior. I also advise you to not meddle in other people's business, lest you lose your life. " The other said, "I tell you the truth: we are drunk today, and we ask for pleasure. This beauty, if we don't play with her, others will as well. Isn't it all the same? So what if he let her go? The lives of your two kind-hearted people weren't exchanged for a few pounds of salt. If there are so many of these, can you manage it? The four of us don't want to kill anyone. You guys should hurry up and escape. "

Rufeng was furious at his words. He stepped forward to free the woman. The man pointed his sword at Ruo Feng and said, "You really don't care about face. You're courting death!" Before he could finish his sentence, he had already viciously swung his blade at the top of Ruo Feng's head. Ru Feng dodged and raised his leg, knocking him to the ground and heavily falling down. The other three rushed forward to surround him, ready to strike at any moment now.

"What are you doing?" To fight? " The three of them were stopped. "I, the Monk, don't want to hurt you four," he said. "I only want to let this woman go. If you attack again, you're asking for trouble." The four of them didn't understand Chinese, so they didn't know what he was talking about, but they could tell he was Chinese. The four people were furious as they all scolded, "You low race people are not even equal to dogs and pigs, and you even dare to come to Japan to be in charge! Kill them! " All four of them raised their sabers to strike at Ru Feng. Ruo Feng hurriedly moved to defend himself, engaging the four of them in combat.

Mr. Sun listened to the words of the pirates, very angry, also worried that Rufeng naked hands against the four of them to suffer. He stood aside to cheer for Rufeng. He saw that Rufeng was surrounded by four people, fearless and fearless. He was moving to the left and right, trying to attack the east and to attack the west. Rufeng suddenly jumped out of the encirclement and killed one of them with his palm. His feet swept across the area and another fell. That move was astonishingly fast. It was as fast as lightning. The two of them blinked in surprise, and Ruo Feng was right in front of one of them. The man tried to swing the knife in a flurry, but Ruo Feng, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, grabbed his arm, twisted it as best he could, and kicked him to the ground at the foot of the wall. The remaining person wanted to fight, but he wanted to run. Rufeng hated him the most. He flashed forward and killed him with a single palm.

At this time, the man who was swept down knelt down in a hurry and begged for mercy. He kept begging from his mouth and kowtowed three times. "You're the one who's going soft," Ruo Feng retorted angrily. He wouldn't forgive her even if she begged. If you win, both of our lives will be gone as well. "

After saying that, she kicked him, "Stand up and fight me again!" The man didn't know what was going on, but he was scared out of his wits and refused to get up. He pleaded for mercy. At the side, Mr. Sun said, "Master, please spare him." Only then did Ru Feng give up.

Mr. Sun personally liberated the woman, let her put on her clothes, the rain stopped and she left. The woman entered and put on her clothes. She knelt down and kowtowed to the two to thank them for their pain. That was true: bitter as the Yellow River, miserable like the heavens.

So this woman was a nun in this temple. This temple had many nuns. The teaching industry was flourishing, and the incense burned brightly. Because of the Japanese government's invasion of Korea and China, the Japanese army had been constantly conscripted for war, causing some Japanese youths, in order to avoid military service, to occupy small islands in the sea or temples in the mountains, becoming pirates of the strong.

They rob and rob all over the place. As a result, the Japanese strong pirates grew in number, social order was in disarray, and people's lives and property were not guaranteed. The temple was constantly being harassed by pirates. Some of the nuns had already left. Only the nun was left with no one to rely on. She had nowhere to turn to, and she was here no matter what. Her name was Gardenia tenuis, and she came from Kato Town.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Mr. Sun asked, "If you leave this place, will you be able to find a place to rest?" Gardenia cried, "I have nowhere to go but this temple. Everyone who could walk had left. I've been here for more than a year. " Mr. Sun said, "You can go to a densely populated place in the town and find another monastery. Once we leave, the pirates will come and bully you. " Gardenia said: "Sir, you do not know, now any temple, eating is difficult. A meal for one person and a few people to eat. I don't have any money on me, so who would be willing to take it? Here, I am destitute, living by begging. "I also wanted to find another place to stay for a while, but these pirates might have bullied me, so I really couldn't find a place to stay."

Mr. Sun turned his head and looked at the pirates kneeling at the side, expecting that she would not be able to stay any longer, he advised Gardenia: "You should return to the village for now, ask for the help of your family and friends, and leave this place first. In case they bully you again. "

Gardenia said: "Now my family is uninhabited, no close relatives in the village. I have an older brother who went missing because he was a soldier. Some said he was in Taiwan, others that he was in Fujian, and others that he was travelling in China. He didn't read much and didn't write to me. The year my brother became a soldier, when I was sixteen years old and was chosen by my husband, Ojawa, in Gato Town, to marry me as his wife. Two years after the marriage, I had no children. She married another wife. The lady was the daughter of a rich family, and she was very good at beating and scolding me. My husband had no choice but to send me here to cultivate. Every month he gives money to the temple house to support me. Later, Ogawa was recruited by the government to serve as a soldier in Korea. Therefore, I was left unattended. Here came the pirates again, and they bullied the nuns, and the nuns were gone. I'm the only one who's been bullied by these pirates. " When Mr. Sun heard this, he felt embarrassed for her and said to himself, "So Japanese society is actually so chaotic."

Gardenia pointed angrily at the four pirates and said: "They are all pirates who have come to escape military service. They are from the same village as me, and they are all from Kato Town. Not only did they not help me, they even bullied me. "

Pointing at the kneeling pirate, he said, "This beast is even more hateful. He is the eldest nephew of my husband, Xiao Chuan, the eldest son of my eldest uncle and brother. He was as insulting to me as the other three. He was the one who told the three that he was here, that they had come together. Today I was not feeling well, they forced me to bed, I scratched their faces in anger, they tied me here, they went drinking. I hate them! " After she finished speaking, Gardenia was filled with hatred. She kneeled down towards Ru Feng and begged, "Please, Master, please kill this beast. We can't let him live. Please, please!"

Ru Feng didn't understand her words. He turned his head to Mr. Sun and asked, "What is she trying to do?" The kneeling pirate was trembling in fear.

Mr. Sun told Rufeng, "This person is her husband's nephew. He insulted her because of the humiliation. He begged you to kill this man. " "That won't do," he said. I've already let him go and there's no reason for me to kill him anymore. He raped his aunt, and perhaps the Japanese did not care about Lun Chang. " Mr. Sun said, "Master does not know that the Japanese nation is deeply influenced by the Chinese nation. This person is a scum of his race. "

Seeing that the rain had not stopped yet, Mr. Sun turned around to explain his grudge to them. He said to the resentful Gardenia: "You have no one to rely on right now, so you're still relatives. Let him change from now on. Take care of you. Is that okay?" Gardenia heard the hatred said: "If others may be okay, but this animal is not. I will never let him take care of me. You killed him for me, sir. Please! Please! "

Mr. Sun said to the pirate, "You are still young, you should change the course of events. Quickly apologize to your aunt and ask for forgiveness! Won't you take care of her from now on? "

The man was secretly happy as he heard that there was a way out. He quickly crawled over and knelt in front of Gardenia to beg. Gardenia hated him and scolded him, but she was determined not to forgive him. He once again used the same method he had used to deal with Ruo Feng. He was unwilling to get up.

Gardenia's hatred changed even further. Biting her silver teeth, she picked up the knife on the ground and viciously swung it at the pirate's neck. Red light scattered in all directions as the pirate's head was chopped off. It almost fell to the ground. The corpse rolled and twitched. Gardenia is not yet out of breath, cut a few more times before throwing the knife, sitting down a burst of tears.

Rufeng turned around and entered the pirate's room. He saw a table on the floor, four bowls of seafood on the table, and a jar of wine on the left side of the table. Everyone on the table still had leftovers in their glasses. A pile of clothes was placed aside. He smelled the wine, picked up a cup, and poured himself a glass to drink. Very soon, he felt his entire body was scorching hot, and he became extremely positive. Knowing that his situation was not good, he regretted everything. It turned out to be Japanese spring wine. Ruo Feng was so angry that he broke down completely.

In the midst of the chaos, Rufeng found some pirate money and gave it to Gardenia. Mr Sun said: "This is good. You have some money. You can find a monastery to settle down." Gardenia was also very happy. She went in to pack up, brought out a suitcase, and said: "My two benefactors, if it is convenient, I will go with you. In town, I can find a place to stay. " Mr. Sun said, "It would be best if you could find a place to stay. We'll take you along with us."