International Purple-White Plate


The next morning, Mr Sun said quietly to Rufeng, "You may not know this, but my landlord treats me the best and cares about me the most. Every time I go anywhere, she tells me. 'Afraid something will happen to me.'

"I can see that," he replied. "The landlord is a kind man. He treats people warmly."

Mr. Sun urged again, "Let's go and come back early. There won't be any problems. My landlord was afraid that I had gone too far and would come back too late to scare the two of us. If you don't believe me, I can walk around. " "Ah, so that's how it is," said Ru Feng with a smile. "Then let's go for a walk, and we didn't come to Japan for nothing.

Thus, the two of them secretly moved away from the house, went out to the car and enjoyed the scenery all the way to Mount Fu. The two chatted and laughed in the car, enjoying themselves.

It was noon when they arrived at a small seaside town. North of the town was a hill with a lake at the foot of it. The lake gave off a beautiful scenery. The two of them got off the car and entered the town. Both sides of the street were lined with signs and stalls. Shops were thriving, and there was a clamor from vendors for goods to be sold. It was a bustling scene.

Looking at these scenes, Mr. Sun said: "An ordinary small town in Japan can actually be so prosperous. Enough to make us ponder. There are a lot of things we should learn. Japanese people are hardworking and good at business. "

"Such a small town, such a bustling place, it really is something to be amazed about," said Rufeng. It's no less prosperous than our middle city. "

Teacher Sun laughed, "Can you find out the reason behind this bustling place?"

"Apart from being in a superior position, it's just as you said: the Japanese are hardworking and good at business."

Mr Sun added: "The development of Japan's private economy has driven the Japanese empire from weak to strong, and it is constantly developing. His achievements were in the process of being rejuvenated by the Ming Dynasty. In order for China to flourish, it must also break the feudal system, reform its laws and develop its economy. "

The Japanese businessman was very hospitable. The two of them were in the middle of a lively discussion when they were called over by a few waiters. Ru Feng didn't understand Japanese, but he understood the meaning of these greetings. Although he was not moved by the enthusiastic invitation, his appetite was aroused by the food that filled both sides of the street. Mr. Sun said, "Let's not watch it for now. It's time for lunch. It's time for us to have lunch." "You should've told me earlier," he said, smiling. "Look at me, I'm drooling."

Mr. Sun said with a smile, "You made me see it." The two chatted and laughed as they entered the restaurant with a female shop assistant. As he sat inside, the male and female employees became even more enthusiastic. Soon, he cooked the dumplings for Mr. Sun and Rufeng as instructed and brought them up to the table.

The two chatted as they ate. Both of them ate their fill. When he was done eating, he paid the bill. Mr. Sun said with a laugh, "I forgot for a moment that I was wronged today."

Ruo Feng was baffled. "What have you done to make me feel wronged?" Mr. Sun said, "I bought that dumpling for you for the beef filling." Laughing, he said, "I don't care about such things. Let bygones be bygones." The wine and the meat had passed through his intestines, but Lord Buddha had kept all of it within his heart.

The two of them happily left the store and strolled down the street. See that the sale of more than food, clothing, shoes and hats, daily goods, everything. There were groups of tourists, there were elegant girls, there were free and unrestrained young men, there were old men holding umbrellas walking at a slow pace, there were women moving unsteadily, there were vicious thugs, and there were civilized and prudent men. The tourists were all different. Everywhere, for the sake of Mr. Sun's safety, Rufeng did not leave Mr. Sun's side, monitoring those wanton, vicious pedestrians. Unknowingly, they had left the town.

The two of them went for a stroll by the lake again. It was beautiful to stand by the lake and look around. He saw: the green water in the lake was rippling, while the short trees were filled with the fragrance of flowers and birds. The temple on the mountainside stands tall and graceful, the sky is blue and the clouds are white and the birds soar. It made people let it go, made people leave it behind. Mr. Sun came to the scene full of love poems, his mouth constantly reciting poetry praises. It turns out that the Chinese Tang and Song poems are also suitable for Japan.

The two of them first took a tour of the lake in a small boat, then abandoned the boat to slowly swim up the mountain. The two of them reached the mountainside and were enjoying the view when a gust of cold wind blew. After the wind passed, the dark clouds quickly rolled over from the sky. That day, the Duke was going to wash the world.

Mr. Sun looked up at the sky and said, "Ah, a storm is brewing. This cool wind brings rain. It was about to rain heavily. We're going to be in the rain. What should I do? "

Rufeng looked at the sky and said, "The weather is very bad, I'm afraid it's not just rain. There's still hail in the rain. This thing is very powerful, so we need to avoid it. " As soon as the two hesitated, raindrops the size of copper coins began to fall. "It's too late for us to go down and avoid the rain," he said quickly. "Hurry up and go to the temple on the mountainside to take shelter from the rain."

The two of them rushed to the front of the temple, their bodies already stained and wet. Observing the temple, he said, "Seeing that the courtyard is big, there are many houses. The front hall was open in the middle, and there were stone steps in front of the door. The porch was deep and deep, and the red lacquer fence looked very beautiful. The long flat forehead was huge, and the words "Qing Shu-an" were engraved on a black background in gold. As the two ascended the steps, Mr. Sun smiled: "This is a monastery for women. I presume that there is a female Bodhisattva living inside." We must tread lightly, and be in awe of the Zen. "

Both of them knocked the door for a few times but no one answered. He pushed the door open and entered. The house was empty and lifeless, as if everyone had left it. There were moss on the ground and grass in the corners. Through the broken door and windows, he saw a large courtyard in the back, filled with wild grass that was waist-high, desolate and desolate.

It was raining hard now. They went back to the veranda and looked out over the rain. He saw the rolling rain on the mountain and the torrential rain; it was like a torrential downpour. Looking into the distance, I could see the rain and smoke, and I could see that the town at the foot of the mountain was hazy. Rain beat on the roof, the sound was loud, and he dared to bully the ten gongs and drums. The thunderbolt shook the wall, causing dust to fall. A closer look at the rain and sure enough there were bean-hailstones.

Just as the two of them were enjoying the scenery, a sudden gust of cold wind blew over. The rain borrowed the force of the wind to dump its way into the overhang. The two of them hurriedly retreated, trying to avoid the attack. "What a storm!" As Mr. Sun retreated, he said, "Incredible! "Incredible!" He listened and looked around as if he had heard something. At this time, the rain got heavier and heavier. Only thunder could be heard, no other sounds could be heard.

In the face of such a rain, Mr. Sun felt it and recited a note. Seeing him dance wildly, he was very happy and said: "The dark clouds roll, the thunderclaps, the shaking of the earth; the strong winds sweep, the rush of the wind, the pouring of the basin, the washing of the foul world; the rescue of the hungry people; the change of the color of the mountains; the renewal of the earth. "After the rain, look at the land again. The five valleys are lush and flourishing; the sun rises, the golden light shines brightly; the mountains and rivers are inlaid with gold and jade, the tens of thousands of people rejoice; look at the world again, who says that things are bad?" When Rufeng saw him happy, he also clapped happily and cried out: "Wonderful! and you can see the ambition of a great man.

Suddenly, Mr. Sun stopped smiling and went down to listen. And Ru Feng listened to him. The sound of a woman's crying could be heard. Rufeng hurried forward, listening attentively. He thought to himself, "Look at this desolate scene, no one has lived here for a long time. When we came in, we felt empty and creepy. Don't hide any strong pirates here. If it happens, I don't mind; if Mr. Sun is hurt, it will be bad. Amitabha, I hope the crying came from afar. "

He looked forward to the rain so he could leave as soon as possible. He turned his head and looked outside. The rain was still falling. At this moment, the crying could be clearly heard. And in that room.

"This is bad!" he thought to himself. Here it comes. There were indeed vicious people hidden here. With my many years of experience in the martial arts world, this person is currently coercing women to do whatever he wants. It's all over the place, and I've never cared about it. If Mr. Sun heard the crying and thought that the girl was in trouble, he had to take care of it. What should I do? "

Rufeng hurriedly pulled Mr. Sun to the door, and kept talking to him, repeatedly telling him to look at the rain, lest he should listen and meddle in other people's business. "Look at the rain," said Rufeng. "It's pouring down like a torrential downpour, like a torrential downpour." It was truly unprecedented. The rain carried the wind, spurring the flowers to break the willows, only the soft lawn, even more delicious. You don't recite poetry in the face of such a sight? "

At this moment, Mr. Sun was not in the mood to view the rain, nor was he in the mood to admire the scenery, much less recite a poem. He saw Rufeng talking and laughing with him over and over again. He was annoyed. He hissed, "Master, how do you have ears? There are women crying here. "

Rufeng coaxed him by saying, "First of all, I have no idea what to say, and secondly, I've been cultivating for too long, so I can only listen to the wind and the rain, and not ask about the secular voice. Even if there was a cry, it didn't come from here. It came from far away. Let's just enjoy the impromptu poetry of the rain, not smelling anything else. Your poem has a deep artistic conception, and I appreciate it. Why don't you recite a few more lines to me, and I will use them to express my feelings. I have always trained hard, and I also want to experience the pleasures of poetry. "

When Mr. Sun heard this, he said, "You really don't know how to handle poetry when you're cleaning the lamps of the ancient buddha. The weeping in my ears was sad, so how could the poetry be so good? Now I do not have the heart to see the rain, do not have the intention to admire the flowers, the heart is confused. The cry was clearly coming from somewhere in the room, yet you said it came from afar. Listen carefully. A woman is not easy to laugh for no reason, not easy to cry, crying must have sad things. Here, she was crying. Someone was definitely bullying her. We went to help her. No matter the nation, no matter the nation, no matter the Taoists or the common folk. " It was true that the heavens didn't want to make a beauty out of him. The rain suddenly lessened.

The sound of the rain lessened, and the cries became louder and clearer. Ru Feng complained incessantly in his heart, grumbling, "My lord, you really don't want to be a beauty!" As if you heard him say he was going to look, you stopped the rain. "How come it's not too big!"

Rufeng had no choice but to frighten Mr. Sun, saying, "Here is an empty room full of artemisia grass, there must be a large group of strong people hiding. They were holding steel knives to coerce women, to do that kind of thing. We don't care. "Since it's raining less, let's hurry up and leave so that we don't bring disaster upon ourselves." However, when Mr. Sun heard this, he said, "I remember there is a saying that is extremely kind: 'Saving a life is better than creating a seven-levelled pagoda'." This is your Buddhist compassionate prophecy. It's just right for today. "

Ruo Feng refused to take a look. He took Mr Sun's hand and said, "Whatever you like, let's get down the mountain." Unexpectedly, Mr. Sun retracted his hand and reprimanded him: "I heard the crying and I'm not afraid. Why are you panicking? Are all the heroes of the martial arts world like this? "

This remark aroused Rufeng's temper. Ru Feng rose to his feet. "I, a monk, have never been afraid of anything in my life. Life and death are not an issue." I was afraid that if you were to suffer, it would be unbefitting of you, so I didn't go and save her. When I arrived, Mr. Huang Xing gave me all kinds of instructions. He warned me again, and again, and again, and again, he warned me to take care of the situation for now. I was thinking that because she is a Japanese woman, she can't miss our country. Please come with me.

Mr. Sun stood still again and said, "Only with people can it be considered as a country. If I don't save him when I see him die, how can I bear it in my heart? " "Well said," he continued. "I'll escort you down the mountain. Then I'll come back and save her myself. Are you at ease with this? " Mr. Sun said, "You and I both have a life, so why should I be honored? There was no need for him to say anything more. They could just go over and take a look. I also have the honour to witness how the high monks of China are able to compete with Japanese bandits. " There was nothing that Rufeng could do to him.