International Purple-White Plate


At this time, all the monks were hungry. They looked towards the distance but were unable to see Yuan Ming. They all went back to their rooms and said to Fang Dang, "I'm afraid Yuan Ming went somewhere else and won't be able to come back. No matter how we look, we can't see him. "

"Could it be that he went back to the Jade Cloud Temple?" He should be back by now. "

"Everyone's been hungry for the day," he said. "Let's eat first." Farmer also said, "If we wait any longer, the monks won't be able to endure the hunger." The abbot could only nod and agree before going to eat with the others.

After finishing his meal, he waited until sunset to see if Yuan Ming would return. "Why don't you send the fourth young Daoist to find him when he just came back?" the abbot said regretfully.

Farmer said, "I thought so at the time. "Because the case in the city is directly related to us, I was afraid that our people might be suspected of going into the city, so I didn't send anyone to find him."

"It would be wrong to send people to find it," he said. The mosque murders, they must think we did it. They might have gone to the police station and told us. It is a good thing that we have no one in the city, and it is a good thing that we have less trouble; Yuan Ming did not come back, and there is a reason for that. "

"In the cases in the city, it doesn't matter whether our people enter or not, they will still be held responsible," he said. The police began to solve the case. The first suspect was our National Guardian Temple. Unless the police didn't help the British. I'm thinking about how I'm going to fight this case against the British. "

Farmer said, "Reverend, you are right. I'm also thinking about it. "

When the young Daoist heard this, he said, "You all need not worry. If we fight a lawsuit, we will win. It was the British who came here first and killed our men. The police came to the door. I was right with them. Because you were all victims, and you were all mesmerized by Macley, and I was the only one left in the temple. They can't suspect that I killed Maclay. If the police don't believe me, I'll take them out and show them. I don't know what else he asked. I dare tell the police that the mosque deserves to die! Retribution! "

"There's no need for any of you to prepare," he said. This can only be understood by one another. The British could not appeal to the police, so no one came to us. "

Fang Dang said, "Logically speaking, this should be the case. But I also had another thought: If the mosque people were forced to hurry. Did they tell him that Maclay had been killed here? "Because there are hidden secrets and we cannot explain them, we will be passive and lose the case." Everyone began to analyze the situation and fell silent.

After a long while, Fa Tong said, "Don't think about doing good things with the foreigners. In order to achieve their goals, they would do anything they could. They may well have told the police that they recognized us. " "Don't worry, everyone," he said. As the saying goes, when the car reaches the mountain, there will be a road ahead. If the British tell the police about us without any shame. You can just blame it on me alone. He could still win this case. You are safe. I left. He can't catch me. " "Your idea is not bad. If we push this matter on you alone, what kind of people would we be? "Can you let this go?" Farmer laughed, "Don't be impatient. The British don't have to say anything. When Mary died, their church was in chaos, and there was no one to preside over it. They couldn't say that. "

You Feng turned to the abbot and said, "I wasn't talking about you. I was the one who robbed the treasure from Yuan Shikai, and now everyone knows, this is what it means to be wronged, to have a leader in debt. If the British do tell you about the two murders caused by the treasure, you tell the police that the treasure has been killed by Macley, captivated, and taken away. I expect that the British will lose. Yuan Shikai heard about the treasure and, despite the case, he will ask the people at the mosque for it. They can't explain it yet. "

"If the people at the mosque understand what you're saying, they won't dare to say anything about us."

Ru Feng continued, "I predicted that Yuan Ming wouldn't return. He must have known I was here and didn't dare to come back to see me." He must have gone back to the Jade Cloud Temple. If they sent someone to find him, they would definitely be able to find him. If, according to the two murders in the city, the treasure is not in his possession, I am not sure. Logically speaking, he should have already obtained a treasure after killing Macley. He should not risk going to the mosque again. He went to the mosque again and killed Mary. I don't quite understand. He is good at stealing things, and I don't think he would take such a big risk just to steal some gold and silver. " This once again drew everyone's attention.

"I really haven't thought about it," said the abbot. I thought that Yuan Ming went to the mosque and killed Mary in a fit of anger. Now, he needed to confirm that the treasure was not in Yuan Ming's hands, if not in his. We need to think of a good way to recover our treasures quickly. "

"Quickly go to the Jade Cloud Temple. When you see Yuan Ming, you must bring him back. "If he is afraid that Rufeng will not come back, you would rather lie and say that he has left than to bring him back." The four young masters happily accepted the order and each of them took their treasured swords to the Jade Cloud Temple.

The abbot then asked Ru Feng, "What is the difference between you and Yuan Ming Master and disciple? He was actually able to reach the point where they were not even able to meet face to face. Everyone sat down. Why don't you tell us what is the difference between us and let us judge you as master and disciple? " After saying that, the abbot smiled. Farmer added, "I found that Rufeng was very interested in the shoe that Yuan Ming left behind. Was there a reason for this? Then tell it all, and let us hear it. The four little Daoist Masters who went to the Blue Cloud Temple would not be able to return for a while. We listened and waited, so as not to get impatient. "

Hearing Fa Ming mention the shoes, Ru Feng said, "You're right, senior brother. That shoe has a history. I can identify Yuan Ming here, and the story is on the shoe. It's a long story. "

Fa Tong laughed. "It's good to have a long story, we have plenty of time. No matter how long your story is, it won't be as long as the Three Kingdoms. He would definitely finish it in a short period of time. "Actually, the longer the story, the more complicated it sounds, and the more interesting it sounds."

Laughing, he continued, "Senior brother knows how to make jokes. How could my story be as long as the Three Kingdoms' story? If it was that long, wouldn't I have become a famous person? Unlike Luo Chuanzhong, he is at least a great writer. " The four of them chatted for a while, before the little Daoist made some tea.

Rufeng sipped his tea and said, "If you want to explain the differences between me and Yuan Ming, you should first explain the history of this shoe. This way the story will be long. " The abbot continued, "We are not afraid of a story. Tell us in detail what the origin of the shoes is. " You Feng began to talk like a long story.

Originally, before the founding of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun Yat-sen had been in Japan directing the revolution of the country. Having won the victory in Jiangnan, the Revolutionary Party was eagerly awaiting Mr. Sun's return to the country to plan the formation of a new national government. For Mr. Sun's safety, Huang Xing sent someone to take him to Guangzhou from Chengdu Temple.

Huang Xing told Ru Feng to drive to Japan to pick up Mr. Sun and bring him back. Ruo Feng readily agreed. He, along with Song and other leaders of the revolutionary party, set out from Guangzhou by boat to the home of Mr. Wu, an overseas Chinese from Kobe, where Mr. Sun lived. Mr. Sun was very happy to meet a group of people who had come to pick him up. He was especially enthusiastic about Rufeng.

After Mr. Sun asked everyone about the situation in the country, Song Chuangren and the others hurried out to do some work. Some of the people who came with them were far away in Tokyo, and it was difficult for them to gather.

Mr. Sun, out of enthusiasm for Rufeng, said to him: "There are many things here that they need to do, and it will be difficult to finish them in a short time. My entourage was momentarily disorganized. So it will be some time before we can leave for home. Since the master came to Japan for the first time, I didn't have any good hospitality. Therefore, I will go for a walk with the master to enjoy the scenery of the mountain in Japan as a hospitality to the master. It would be a worthwhile trip if the Master could see the beautiful scenery of Japan. "

Rufeng, who was fond of travelling, readily agreed. He thanked Mr. Sun with a few courteous words. From then on, they travelled while waiting for their entourage. In the blink of an eye, a few days had passed, yet the people had yet to gather. During this time, Mr. Sun accompanied Rufeng to tour the various ornamental attractions in Kobe area.

Seeing that he had run out of time, Mr. Sun turned to Ruo Feng and asked, "Master, how have you been these past few days?"

"The scenery in Japan is very unique, and I feel very happy," said Rufeng with a smile. As you said, I have not wasted my time. "

Although I have been living in Japan for a long time, I rarely go out sightseeing," Sun said. These few days have also aroused my interest. We can go out a little farther, even though we don't have much of a chance to swim here anymore. I heard that the scenery in Fukuyama is also quite good. The seaside town was bustling. We'll take a ride there tomorrow. I believe there is a certain amount of inspiration for us. We can understand why ordinary Japanese towns and villages are flourishing.

As they were discussing, the landlady came over and hurriedly tried to dissuade them, "Mr Sun, you'd better not go to Fukuyama. I heard that the ground there is not very peaceful, robbers are rampant. Pirates dare to rob and commit crimes in broad daylight. Murder and murder happened frequently. Don't go too far. "

Mr. Sun snorted and replied, "I have such a martial arts master by my side, where should I go to be afraid of anything? We won't go out at night, we'll run into a few bad guys in the middle of the day, what can he do to us? You don't know our master. He is from Shaolin Temple, Songshan, a famous Chinese temple. If there really is someone scheming against us, he will be the one looking for trouble when we start fighting. "So you don't have to worry."

The landlady heard this. He took a glance at Rufeng and saw that he was indeed strong and fat. He expected him to have some astonishing martial arts skills. He then relaxed and no longer obstructed her. She said a few polite words to Ru Feng before walking away. Mr. Sun looked like he wanted to say something, but he smiled at Rufeng.

Although he was a master of martial arts, he had no choice but to be modest and prudent. Seeing his landlady leave, he said to Mr. Sun: "If Fukuyama is in danger, I will not go. It's the best thing to hear from the landlady. " Mr. Sun shook his head and smiled.

"Japan has its customs and practices. We do not understand it, nor do we know the extent of the evil of its strong men," said Rufeng. We can win people from martial arts, but we do not know the characteristics and methods of every strong person in Japan. In case of any situation, we will inevitably suffer a disadvantage. It's not worth it to go for a walk. " He could not bear to think about it.