International Purple-White Plate


Mary was greatly disappointed. She shook her head like a rattle again and stood there in a daze. It turned out that every time he went out, he disturbed a whole family. The people he disturbed all went to the police station. Officer Zheng had sought out Mary several times to redress the grievances of the victims. Mary was very protective of him. There was nothing Sheriff Zheng could do. He could only suppress his anger and try to persuade him. Mary was annoyed, so she said something about educating Macley and sent the sheriff away.

Recently, every time he went out, Macley would come back beaming and assure Mary that the treasure must be the priest's. Mary was overjoyed. Last night, when Macley had gone to the temple again, Mary had waited hungrily until dawn, hoping that he would be able to retrieve the priceless treasure. Mary was waiting anxiously for news of her death. No wonder he was startled.

Mary asked the police about the scene, and they told her about the many injuries and deaths he had sustained. At this moment, the foreign monks surrounded him. Mary was in a panic again as she turned back and forth on the ground, grumbling to herself, "What's the matter with Macley! Bad business! This is bad! Did he die on the way back, or on the way back? What kind of person was this that could kill him so viciously? Damn it, damn it! He was dead. Can I still get that treasure? This is unbelievable, unbelievable! " He suddenly remembered that Macley had followed him for many years, had saved his life, had benefited from him many times, and felt a pang of grief.

The policeman was anxious and urged him, "Sir, please calm down and send someone over quickly." Mary called all the men and said frantically, "You go! All of you, go! Hurry to the scene, to the police station, to the police station, to the legation, to them! Let them catch the murderer as soon as possible, and pay for my Maclay's life! Do you all understand? " This scared all the foreign monks into a panic, and they all said, "Yes, yes! We understand. Very well. " Then they all swarmed out, some to the Guardian Hall, some to the police station, some to the British Legation, and Lally and the file went with the messenger to the scene to identify the body.

After everyone had left for a while, only Mary was left in the room. He still could not calm down and was running around in panic. Sometimes he went to the window, sometimes to the table; sometimes he sat down and picked up a sheet of paper from the pen holder and was about to write a letter when he threw it away and stood up. He was insane. He regretted Maclay's death, and regretted never getting the treasure again.

Finally, he got tired and sat down with a depressed expression on his face. He calmly thought about it and said to himself: "It's over, it's over, everything is over." I have no hope of obtaining that mysterious treasure ever again. " After some thought, he said, "I've had a lot of people coming to see me at the police station about what McCree did. I protected my men and offended them. These cops hate me. They definitely won't help me with this case today. If I were to ask them for money now, I might not be able to use it. " He suddenly became angry and said, "Don't look at how many evil deeds my Mike has done. He had to get revenge and vent his anger! I won't forgive these people from the State Protecting Temple! "I wrote to Archbishop Li, asking him to come here and negotiate with the Chinese to see which Chinese would dare to slight him!" He made himself another cup of coffee and drank it while he worked out how to write a letter.

He finished his coffee, and in a moment of excitement, his mind was made up. Grabbing the feather, dipping it in ink, he began to write on the paper in a crooked manner. He wrote a few pages before stopping. He read through them again, sometimes nodding, sometimes shaking his head, not quite satisfied with what he had written. He picked up the chicken feathers again and was about to rewrite them when he heard the door outside creak open. Mary immediately put down her chicken feathers, took out her gun, and stood up. He heard the man's footsteps reach the front door of the house, and he pointed the gun at it. The door was pushed open again as Yuan Ming walked in from the outside.

Mary was flustered to see the Chinese monk. He was very afraid that people from the National Guardian Temple would come knocking on his door. His hand trembled and he immediately asked, "Who are you? "How dare you barge into my house without being called!" He had seen Yuan Ming in his twenties. He was a young monk with a packet of items on a square in his hand. He stood at the door with a smile on his face, as if he had no ill intentions. His nervousness relaxed a little.

Noticing his hesitation, Yuan Ming chuckled and walked over to his table. Seeing him come closer, Ma Li panicked again, using the muzzle of the gun to push Yuan Ming closer and kept driving him away, "Get out! Get out! I didn't ask you to come. "If I don't go out, I'll shoot."

Yuan Ming did not care about what he said and just smiled at him from beginning to end. He unhurriedly put his bag on the table and then calmly said, "Father Ma Li, what's wrong? Are you afraid of me?" Mary's hands trembled again. "I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid of you. Why should I be afraid of you! " Yuan Ming smiled and said, "It's good as long as you're not afraid of me. I'm your friend after all." Mary thought it was strange, she sized him up a few times and said, "No, no, I don't have a friend like you. You're lying to me. Get out of here! "If you don't go out, I'll shoot you." Yuan Ming said, "Once I'm out, I'll go out. Don't regret it if I leave! " Pointing at the bag, he continued, "This is a treasure! Cultural relics, do you understand? Don't you want it? "

When Mary heard that, "treasure", her eyes turned and she immediately asked, "Friend, what treasure is that?" Yuan Ming raised his head and said, "A priceless treasure." Mary stopped asking and reached for the bundle. Yuan Ming took his hand and said, "There's no need to look at it. It's the treasure you're looking for." Mary felt a little awkward and puzzled, unable to believe that it was true. "He immediately became suspicious." Could it be that he obtained that treasure? He wants to sell it to me? "What does this have to do with Mike?"

Yuan Ming was indeed tempted when he saw him. Mr. Marley, you don't ask me what's going on. and he kept chasing me away, it's not like he was a priest. " Ma Li was worried the entire time. He pointed his gun at Yuan Ming and observed him carefully to confirm that there was no malice in his eyes before calming down and saying, "Little master, quickly tell me: who are you and what kind of treasure are you hiding in your bag. How did you obtain it?"

"I am a monk in a temple, and I am friends with Mr. Macley," Yuan Ming lied. I was in the temple last night, and I don't know who was chasing after Macley, but he ran into our temple and gave me this package and said, 'This is a priceless treasure, and it belongs to Father Mary. If I don't come back for it, please take it to the mosque for me and hand it over to Father Mary. '' After saying that, he hurriedly went out the door to fight with those people. At dawn, I heard he was shot in the street. As per his previous life's orders, I have brought you the treasures. I, Monk, also know that treasures are valuable, but I do not dare to hide it from you. This is what I do to my friends. I don't value treasures that much either. This thing is not tasty and cannot be used well. If I don't give it to you, it's useless to keep it. "

When Mary heard that it was Macley who had given it to him, she immediately said happily, "So it turns out that my Macley has obtained the treasure. He really is a hero!" He prayed again, "Lord, bless this hero! Let him ascend to heaven early. " He was careful, however, not to take the gun, but to reach for the bundle with one hand. Yuan Ming held its hand and said, "Wait. You're still pointing a gun at me, not being polite, not being entertained with tea, it's a very slow thing to do. How could I give you such a precious treasure so easily? " With that, he took it and turned to leave.

Mary panicked and shouted, "Stop! "Stop right there!" Yuan Ming stopped and put away his spear. He greeted him with a smile, "Friend, I was the one who waited. Just to be careful, I can show you the tea. " Yuan Ming said, "If you serve me tea, I won't be giving you my treasure." Mary laughed. "Don't be angry, my friend. Hurry up and give it to me? " Yuan Ming saw that he was being coaxed again and said, "This way, I won't be able to give you the treasure." "Then how do you want to give me the treasure?" Mary asked anxiously. Yuan Ming said, "Originally, I wanted to give it to you for free. However, you are being disrespectful to me. I must obtain some rewards in order to give you the treasure." Yuan Ming came back to the table and said, "I've done such a big thing for you. It's only natural for you to give me some rewards." Mary was amused. "Of course, there will be a reward."

Ma Li was so happy that he forgot everything. He hastily went to an iron cabinet against the wall and opened two locks. He took out a small round box from inside, walked back to the table and removed the lid. He leaned over the table, looked at Yuan Ming and said, "How is it? These are for you. " Yuan Ming saw a white pile of silver coins, which was also worth sixty to seventy yuan. Yuan Ming shook his head and said, "No, no. Too little." Mary became even more anxious when she heard that. She looked at Yuan Ming expectantly and asked, "Then how much do you want?" Yuan Ming stretched out his hand and spread out his five fingers, saying, "Here, five hundred yuan." It had to be true. If there's a fake one amongst them, I won't give you the treasure either. " Mary immediately lowered her head and began to ponder.

Yuan Ming knew that he had not obtained any treasures, and so he decided to stop him so that he could escape. He thought he wanted a lot of money, but Mary wouldn't agree. Unexpectedly, Ma Li couldn't wait any longer. He frowned, and made up his mind, "Sure. "That's a deal." He was also angry at Yuan Ming for wanting so much. Ma Li then went to the metal cabinet, opened the door, and opened the other small doors as well. Yuan Ming praised him and said, "Look, I still have some." There were gold bricks, gold and silver jewelry, agate, coral, pearls, jade, and some unknown treasures. Everything was very rich. Yuan Ming was dazzled by what he saw. He suddenly had an idea.

The horse inside was as calm as water, squatting in front of the cabinet and counting silver coins. Yuan Ming snickered and thought to himself, "It's said that Ma Li is cunning beyond compare. Now that I see him today, he is just a fool." He took advantage of Mary's concentration on counting the money, stepped forward, and suddenly kicked her in the temple. Mary was kicked to the side without a sound. Yuan Ming quickly untied the package and threw away the four bricks inside the bread. Then, he packed another bag of silver and gold bricks. Yuan Ming said in his heart: "This Ma Li really plundered a lot in China, and there are those too. It would be hard to pack another five bags. This little thing is returned to its rightful owner. " He picked up his bag and left.

When they were far away, Yuan Ming looked at the things in his hands and felt happy. He thought to himself, "Originally, I came here only to investigate the situation, but I didn't want Ma Li to anger me. This is a big deal. After a while Mary woke up and shouted, and soon it happened. The police are going to get me. What should he do? What should he do? Forget about the treasures for now.

He walked quickly until he reached a fork in the road. He hesitated, "Should I return to the temple or to the Jade Cloud Temple? If I take the treasure and return to the temple, if Master catches me and refuses to forgive me, then return the secret decree to him. Now that I'm going back empty-handed, Master will not forgive me when she sees me. The thief let me go, the treasure went missing, and I did not accomplish anything. Furthermore, I betrayed my master, so there will definitely be no one to avenge me. Master, you have to kill me with a single palm. You must not go to the temple. Let's go outside the city first. " He made up his mind and quickly left the city.

As for Fang Dang and the others, they returned to the Zen hall from the furniture room. Everyone was waiting hopefully for Yuan Ming to return with his treasure, ready to celebrate for him. The monk was able to make a sumptuous meal with a dozen or so dishes. Yuan Ming had not come back yet.

The monk ordered someone to report: "Master Fang, the food is ready. "According to your instructions, I have brought out the best food in the temple. I will make sure that it is sumptuous. If I don't use it now, I'm afraid it will be too tasteless if it gets cold." "Wait a little longer," he said anxiously. "If the food is cold, it's better to keep it hot." The messenger replied.