International Purple-White Plate


A police officer felt it was inappropriate to call the deceased a mister, and said: "We call him mister. I often received reports from the people that they had entered the houses at night and raped women. The sheets of paper, if folded, could be as high as a foot. I just can't afford to mess with them. "This is great, this is called being caught fast." The onlookers kept cursing and listening to the police officer's words to vent their anger. Some people clapped happily, happier than watching a monkey play. One woman complained to a police officer, "Those who have no sense of shame will not leave the house. Old Wang's family has been bullied a lot by him.

The other woman said bitterly, "There's another damn one, that little one. He was ugly and did all sorts of wicked things. It would be better if someone killed him too. If we beat him to death, it will be fixed. "

When the officer heard this, he laughed and said, "The Chinese are powerless from top to bottom right now. It's not easy to deal with this one. Don't be too greedy. If there's more, we'll be in trouble. In a little while, the British Legation has sent someone to find us, and that's enough for us. " It turned out that the person who spoke was the police station's Sheriff Zheng.

At this moment, more and more people gathered to watch the show. The joyous voices and laughter became even more crowded, causing the crowd to become much smaller. Sheriff Zheng turned to the others. "You have to spread some of your hatred?" This would interfere with our official duties. " That audience was also really obedient. A wave of cheers and laughter rang out as they retreated one after another, enlarging the circle of onlookers even further.

Someone else said, "Sheriff is right. The hatred cannot be resolved within a few feet. Let go of it and let it be seen."

Someone suddenly shouted, "Look, it's coming." Everyone looked over and saw a police officer leading a tall monk and a monk walking over. Someone said, "Those who have identified the corpse are here. Let's see what they say."

The policeman separated the crowd and brought the tall and lame monks into the circle. Seeing the corpse on the ground, the little man's face soured. "The one who's dead," he said to Sheriff Zheng, "is our Mr. McCree." How did you kill him? " As he spoke, tears fell from his eyes. and fiercely said: "I want you guys to pay with your lives! "Quick, catch the murderer..." The following words were even more unpleasant to hear. This kind of behavior was better than a vile woman.

Sheriff Zheng was furious. Instantly, his smile faded as he said with a sunken face, "What did you say? Were we killed? You want us to pay with our lives? " Pointing at Sheriff Zheng, the little guy said angrily, "You Chinese are too barbaric! How dare you kill us Englishmen. I won't forgive you! "

"Calm down, Mr. Challee," he said angrily. What can you do if you can't spare us? Better be reasonable. " "If you don't catch the killer, I'll make you pay with your life!" The more he spoke, the more unreasonable his words became. "You're such a wild person, how unreasonable!" Sheriff Zheng said angrily. Thus, she just turned her face to the side and ignored him.

A mustached policeman angrily asked the little rascal, "Don't be unreasonable for now. What did you start to say? Let our officer pay with his life? I can see that you foreign devils are so fucking beautiful that they even dare to scare our officer. "You even say that we Chinese are barbaric, that's what I call barbaric!"

Another policeman said to the little man, "If you dare to open your mouth and bite again, I'll teach you a lesson!"

The moustache man said again, "Yes! Beat him up! " The tall Buddhist monk tried to persuade them otherwise, saying, "Please forgive me, Mr. Zheng. Challee had been on the spur of the moment, talking nonsense. "Look at my thin face, I apologize." He began with a bow from Chief Officer Zheng.

The moustache man calmed down and said to the little guy, "Mr. Lally, those words are more or less the same. "If you don't look at him, I'll beat you up!" Hearing that, the little guy was angered: "You smelly police actually dare to look down on me? He would use force just like that! "Don't think I'm afraid of you guys." The moustache man put down his spear and angrily said, "If you want to hit me, then hit me! Come over here!" As he spoke, the two began fighting.

Pull parted the two of them and said, "Sir, I will pull you down. Don't fight with him." The little guy had just been hit on the face. He covered his face and viciously said, "Mr. Lally, dodge. Let me teach him a lesson." The pull stopped him.

The moustache man pointed at the corpse on the ground, angrily said to the little kid: "Break open your dog eyes and take a look, what kind of place is this?" Your church is so far from here. Why did your people die so far in the middle of the night? It was obvious that he had entered the house at night, and was either a traitor or a thief! "You've already gotten used to it, you deserve to be beaten to death!"

The little boy was speechless for a moment. The moustache man said, "If you continue to pester us, we won't care even if the people from your church die!" Another policeman said, "You foreign priests are full of benevolence and swindling everywhere. "Why don't you read the Bible properly, and what does Jesus teach you to do?"...

Sheriff Zheng waved a hand to stop the crowd. "Sir, you are very wise. I admire you." As far as the dead are concerned, he often comes out at night. Taking advantage of a commoner's house was indeed not a small number of times. We've looked for you, Father Marley, many times, but your people are still so indiscreet. Was it Mr. Marley who didn't stop you? Or won't you listen? How should this be explained? Blame our people? Our people should have the right to guard their homes and protect themselves. " Lai Li was at a loss for words. He could only shake his head and remain silent.

The little man still hated Sheriff Zheng. "Zheng, how did you know that our Mr. Macley was out here to hack into a commoner's house?" he asked. You're clearly talking about protecting you Chinese people! "We can't not catch the culprit without doing anything!"

The moustache man said to the little man, "Mr. Challee, who are you talking to? How could you not know shame? The people tell you that your paper is a foot high. Do you think our officer doesn't know what you're doing? Why are you asking with such a face! Let me tell you the truth: don't mention the murderer first. If you all come out at night and die in the streets for the bandits, we'll have to help you dig holes and bury you. Because the stench affects the city on the street. Otherwise, we wouldn't even care about burying him! Even if I bury you, I won't be able to ask for a favor. "

Hearing that, the little guy was angered and shouted, "I protest! I protest! You protect the murderer and look down on the foreigners! " The moustache man stopped him and said, "Mister, don't be agitated. Move your bodies back to London and protest later. Stupid place, no effect on the city's appearance! " Upon hearing this, one of the commoners suggested, "Mr. Cha Li, this corpse is too big and you are too small. If you can't move it, you can just drag it to the outskirts and let the dogs eat it. The remaining bones will be lighter." He was so angry that he lost his composure. Ignoring the protest, he turned around to look at the person and scolded, "Bullsh * t!" That person did not get angry and said, "I helped you out of good intentions, and you even hurt me maliciously. If you die, the dog won't be full. " The moustache man continued, "If you don't want to drag it to the dogs, you can still move it. Hurry up and move! "I'm still waiting to clean up the place."

Everyone started to talk back and forth, making the little midget so embarrassed that he did not dare to make a fuss about it anymore. Both he and Lally were silent. The policeman with the book stepped forward and patted the little man on the shoulder, "Mr. Cha Li, don't pester us anymore. No matter how your people died, we will set up a investigation. Right now, you must seriously cooperate with our commanding officer to provide clues. Tell me first: when did the dead man leave the church? What was the purpose of his visit? Did Father Mary know? You'll have to account for this. We have clues to follow before we can investigate the case. Otherwise, we can only conclude that the deceased entered the house at night to commit heinous acts, and was beaten and killed by the victims. " The little boy frowned and was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to reply. He lowered his head and went with the police.

Yuan Ming, who had been watching from the crowd, thought to himself as he saw the little man leave with the police, "You little man can't say it here, and it's the same at the police station. Do you dare to admit that you have plotted against the National Guardian Temple for stealing treasures? "Why don't you listen to that kind-hearted person's words and drag your corpses to the dogs?"

He looked at the body a few more times and thought: "I must have hit McRae on the head when he had a fracture in his chest. How did all those other injuries come about? Was he beaten up by me as well? This was rather strange. Maybe I hit him in two places. Only the wound on its right arm was the most suspicious. I don't remember ever hitting him on the right arm. "

After thinking about it again and again, Yuan Ming felt that the injury was not caused by him. He thought for a while and said, "Where is the treasure? Was it because of a third party? Or did Macley have an accomplice? Or did the police want the treasure to go? " One question followed another in his head. Finally he said to himself, "We need to find out if Mary has the treasure or not. Then we can think about other things."

Very quickly, he thought of a brilliant plan, and was immediately overjoyed. He encouraged himself in his mind, "The secret message is true." He's not afraid of the strong, he's only afraid of taking advantage of the weak. Now that everyone in the mosque had come out to handle the murder case, the church would be empty. I'll go there and find out what's going on. "

He did not know whether the secret message was clever or not, but he squeezed his way out of the crowd and slipped away, ready to go to the mosque and spy on the cunning Father Mary face to face. Exactly: There is a natural person bold, do not know which won or lost.

Let's not talk about how Yuan Ming planned it. As for Father Mary, when the police came to deliver the message to him in the morning, they said: "Your Mr. Macley here was somehow killed in the street in front of the shop of the jade hall. Please send someone to identify the body as soon as possible. "

Mary was so shocked that she could hardly believe it. He shook his head and said, "That's impossible. I am a first-rate expert, and no one can kill me. You are mistaken. " The policeman who delivered the letter said, "Mr. Mary, we can't be wrong. Your MacLean expert often goes out at night, and everyone knows him. Chief Zheng is waiting for you there. He's going to set up a investigation. "