International Purple-White Plate


As Yuan Ming was walking away, he heard the abbot shouting, "Servants! "Thieves!" Yuan Ming thought they were talking about him and ran away in fright. After running a few steps, he suddenly stopped, feeling that something was wrong. "How can he see me when he has no eyes behind his back?" he thought. I'm so far away again. It's dark outside, and the house can't see me? "The shout of the abbot is urgent. There must be a thief who is plotting against the treasure."

He hurried back to the window and looked in, startled. The others fell to the floor. The thief was tall and thin, wearing a green robe and a black mask. A shiny steel blade was placed on the table.

The bandits were extremely pleased with themselves as they hurriedly collected the treasures in the box. Yuan Ming tensed up and almost cried out. He thought to himself, "Thank god I came back, otherwise, the treasure would have definitely been stolen by him." The Thief's actions immediately aroused his heroic spirit. Seeing that the bandits had packed up properly, he picked up the treasures and walked away with a single saber. Yuan Ming did not make a sound from beginning to end. He hastily ran to the door to block them off. He just wanted to fight to the death with the bandits.

Yuan Ming ran to the door. Seeing that the bandits were being very careful, he ran out the back door in a flash. Yuan Ming hurriedly passed through the corridor and exited through the back door as he chased after the bandits. He saw that the thieves were especially tall, taller than him by more than a head, so he did not dare to act rashly. Yuan Ming thought to himself, "I am unarmed and no one is there to support me. If I were to fight him now, I would definitely be at a disadvantage and it would be easy for me to let him escape." As the saying goes, when one meets the strong, he will be wise. When he meets the weak, he will be captured alive. I have to find the right opportunity to beat him up. " Unexpectedly, the thief moved quickly and with long strides. Not only was he unable to find an opportunity to strike, he even had to put in a lot of effort to keep up with the thief.

Yuan Ming's footsteps were light as he chased closely behind, yet the bandits did not notice. The thief went round the house, and the little Taoist was already shouting in the yard. This gave Yuan Ming courage and courage. When the bandits heard this shout, they panicked. Without even looking back, he quickly walked to the northeast corner of the wall. Because he had something in both his hands and was somewhat obstructed, he had to stop and return the blade to its sheath. Yuan Ming took the opportunity to get behind him and used all his strength to launch a palm attack towards the back of the thief. Caught off guard, the thief was knocked forward by the attack and almost fell to the ground when his head hit the wall. The following is not a restatement.

On the other hand, when Yuan Ming discovered that he had been tricked, he allowed the thieves to escape with his wounds. Thus, he leaped over the wall to chase after the thieves. He looked around outside the wall, but there was no sign of the intruder; he could not hear them even if he listened carefully. Deeply regretting that he had been so easily fooled, he hurried back to the courtyard to rescue everyone.

When he returned to the courtyard, he was afraid of Rufeng, so he did not dare to enter the house directly. He first went to the window and looked in. He saw that the little Daoist was busy inside, pouring water on everyone's faces. The window opened and the abbot sat up. He was relieved and did not go in. He went back to his own room and lit another candle. He wanted to write to his abbot the story of witnessing the thieves and then go in search of them. He raised his pen to write, but before he could do so, the candle chattered again and the flame dimmed, and the wax core was about to fall.

Yuan Ming hurriedly put down his brush and adjusted the wax core. He gathered the remaining wax and pinched it together before the candle lit up again. He took the opportunity to write those words quickly and briefly to the abbot. Then he pressed the word on the bed with his shoe. Then the candle went out again.

Yuan Ming felt rather carefree in his heart. He groped in the dark for the idea of finding a thief. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had been wrongly accused by the thieves. Remembering how difficult it was for a thief to walk and how he was about to leave, he thought to himself, "How many days have I practiced the Iron Head Art? The wounds caused by the thief being hit by me are definitely not any less than the injuries caused by me falling backwards. It was very possible that he hadn't escaped too far. Perhaps he was hiding somewhere, trying to survive. I'll go out and look for him. " He hurried out of the room, locked the door, and jumped over the wall.

It turned out that the trees surrounding the temple were high up in the sky, and the treetops covered the sky and blotted out the sun. The trees whooshed in the wind. Yuan Ming could not hear the bandits' movements outside the wall, nor could he tell the direction in which the bandits had escaped to. He raised his head and said to the trees with hatred, "You things are making noise randomly!"

He looked again at the thick trunks, and said to himself: "The thief is too wounded to walk, and may be moaning behind some tree. "See how I catch you!" He searched the trees one by one, and after some searching, he could not find the thief.

Yuan Ming panicked again as he thought to himself, "No, okay. This delay of mine actually made the thieves run far away again." He slapped his head and complained to himself: "Too stupid!" In his anxiety, he said from the bottom of his heart, "I have stolen Master's secret decree for nothing. I have read it many times but I am still so foolish! "Why don't you want the thieves to run away?"

It turned out that the book "Sect Leader's Decree" was a special book of several generations of disciples of the Shaolin Temple in Mount Song. Everything it contained was good. In addition to the Sect Leader's instructions, it also talked about some unique martial arts techniques and training methods. The text was simple and easy to understand. It also contained a number of healing secret recipes, which were closely linked with kung fu. The preparation, compatibility, addition and subtraction of all kinds of drugs are discussed in detail. He also discussed in detail the thirty-six major acupoints in the human body and seventy-two injuries in the Earth Life Acupuncture Point, including spear and rod, blade and sword, and techniques. Apart from that. The decree also described some flexibility, interpretation, attack and defense, interdiction, intermission, planning, fraud, and more than a hundred other strategies. There were all kinds of strategies, and they were all very flexible. They made people look at them in a way that made them very crafty. The contents of this book were marvelous and could be considered a treasure.

Ever since Yuan Ming had stolen the books, he had studied them day and night, and could not get rid of them. In order to concentrate on his cultivation, he carefully studied the decree without being disturbed. Thus, wherever he went, he pretended to be introverted and unfriendly. Ever since he had left Chengdu, he had been to many places, and he had always felt that it was not safe. Only then did he finally escape to Beijing to protect the national temple. From tonight's battle between his bare hands and a powerful enemy, it seemed that he had learned some skills from the decree, which could not be considered to be mature.

Yuan Ming, on the other hand, could not find the culprit outside the wall. He was also searching the streets and alleys to the east. He found several alleys and ran east along the street. Suddenly, he heard faint shouts coming from the direction of the National Guardian Temple. And where are you — answer! " It was Pu Xian, standing on the wall of the temple, shouting.

Yuan Ming stopped and said in his heart, "Could it be that I've caught up with the bandits? It's quite possible. " Suddenly, he heard a loud shout coming from behind him. Yuan Ming knew that the four little Daoist Masters had caught up to him. He looked around for thieves, while waiting for the four little realms.

Yuan Ming thought to himself, "The more people we find, the harder it will be for us to get away." While Yuan Ming returned, he listened and the four little Spiritual Masters stopped shouting. Seeing that no one responded, the four little Daoist turned to look elsewhere. As Yuan Ming walked back, the sky had already turned slightly bright. He was at a loss for what to do. As he was walking towards the National Protector Temple, he suddenly thought of something. Once, he came out from the State Protector Temple to look at the Sky Bridge to see who it was. One tall and one short Buddhist monk stood beside him. They were shockingly tall, and ridiculously short. The difference between the two was more than one. Yuan Ming couldn't help laughing as he compared the two of them. The tall, curly hair and bulging nose were like those of foreigners, the short, ugly and comical looking like a monster. Yuan Ming naturally had a deep impression of the two of them.

While reading, the two people commented on the martial arts they were practicing, "His martial arts seem to be very ingenious and each move did not have any power, but in reality, they could not help but fight. This was the so-called fancy fighting. It was just a show to make people happy. It was meaningless. Let's go. " From their words, Yuan Ming could tell that the two of them were both martial artists. Furthermore, they both possessed very high martial skills. The practice on the field was originally brilliant, but Yuan Ming thought it was very good. The audience also continuously applauded. The two of them enjoyed the show very much, so they walked away.

Yuan Ming watched them attentively as the two of them walked out of the restaurant and ran towards a woman who was selling vegetables. When they got closer, they bought a lot of vegetables from the woman and took them with them. Curious, Yuan Ming went over to the woman and asked, "Sister-in-law, which church did these two people come from just now to buy vegetables?"

The man selling vegetables was a middle-aged woman who liked to talk and laugh. She said to Yuan Ming, "You ask the two of them, they are from the Church of the British Mosque. The tall one was called Macley, the short one called him Little Bastard, but his name was Charlie. They come here all the time to buy groceries, and we both know him. They were stupid enough to pay as much as they wanted for the vegetables, regardless of the price. "These people who sell vegetables here have taken advantage of them before."

Yuan Ming recalled and felt that the bandit he was fighting was indeed that Michael. He thought back over and over again to the behavior of the thieves and decided that he was right. Yuan Ming immediately made up his mind and said, "I will not go back to the temple for now. I will go back after retrieving the treasure. Let's go to the mosque church first. Maybe we can catch the thieves and bring them back with us. " Without thinking, he hurried back in the direction of the mosque.

As he walked closer to the shop, he suddenly saw many officers and police officers in front of him. He did not know what they were talking about. Yuan Ming was afraid that they would catch him, so he slowed down his footsteps and became vigilant. He pretended to walk slowly in the morning, moving his limbs and surreptitiously spying on the soldiers and policemen. The officers and soldiers said something to the police and left. The policemen also walked towards the front of the shop. Seeing that they did not seem to want to capture him, Yuan Ming felt reassured and followed behind them. When he reached the front of the store, he saw a crowd gathered under a tree not far away. The police were there, too. Yuan Ming was curious and also squeezed into the crowd to take a look. He saw the bald and pale face of a monk lying on the ground dead with bared teeth and eyes. Yuan Ming was surprised and said in his heart, "Isn't this Mike? I was going to find him. How did he die? It's good that he died. Where did that treasure go? " Yuan Ming saw that the corpse was not beside him and thought that the police had taken it away. He looked at the policemen one by one and saw that none of them had the bag of treasures in their hands. At this time, Yuan Ming was confused, so he could only listen to what the crowd had to say.

More and more people began to gather to watch and gossip. A group of coroner's officers, also carrying files and masks, separated the crowd. The little Daoist hurriedly squeezed his way in, since he could not see inside the crowd. He snuck up behind Yuan Ming and saw a monk in front of him. He pulled him and shouted, "Fellow Daoist, please lend us some light." Yuan Ming turned his head and saw that it was the little Daoist, so he moved to the front. The little Daoist saw the corpse and was shocked and thought: "Why did this monk die here?" He might be the person who killed people last night to steal their treasures. " Yuan Ming asked him, "Are you from the National Guardian Temple? Are the masters there all right? " The little Daoist didn't know Yuan Ming and thought he could just ask. Without looking back, he replied, "All very well." When Yuan Ming heard this, he felt even more relieved.

At this point the coroner's policeman examined the body and said to the policeman with the book: "The deceased was Mr. Maclay of the Church of England, the mosque. Age unknown. "There is a massive fracture on the chest area of the corpse, a serious wound on the right arm, and a deep wound in the Qi Sea."