International Purple-White Plate


"I know this man," he replied. I even gave him some martial arts in Chengdu. He had many fatal flaws. Intransigent, ungrateful, and willful. He was driven out of the temple by me. At the time, he did something wrong, and I made him never see me again. "

When they heard how familiar Ru Feng was with Yuan Ming, they were both surprised and happy. "You have a master-disciple relationship, that's even better," he said. This time, that time. Now, he'd accomplished a great deed. You should be impressed with him. His work was enough to make up for his past. He was coming back. You guys should forgive him and settle things once and for all. " Ruo Feng nodded happily. The group of people came out of the house, chatting and laughing as they waited for Yuan Ming to stop talking for the time being.

So this shoe has some history. You saw it and decided that it was Yuan Ming." Not the shoes first. As for Yuan Ming, he was that fat monk who lost a shoe while being chased around the city by the police the day that Rufeng looted the treasure in Taibai Restaurant. At that time, Yuan Ming was having fun in the city with three monks from the Jade Cloud Temple and Yuan Ji. Because Yuan Ming loved watching people practice martial arts, he wanted to go to the Sky Bridge to see what the situation was like. They walked to Xuanwumen, where they met the serene silence of the monastery. Yuan Ji and the others recognized Changjing, so they first greeted her and then chatted with her, delaying their journey. At that time, Yuan Ming was standing beside Changjing as he greeted her. He also met Chang Jing. A few people were talking and laughing as they invited Changjing to the Sky Bridge to have a look. Changjing then explained to them that they were in a hurry to return to the temple. All of a sudden, he saw a group of police officers rushing over from the north. They quickly blocked off the intersection and closed the city gate, preventing pedestrians from passing through. Then the policemen looked around for targets and shouted for monks.

Since Yuan Ming did not usually act carefully, he would think of stealing from rich families and shops when he did not have any money on hand. So he was afraid of the police. Seeing that the police officers were arresting the monks, Yuan Ji and the others did not panic. Instead, Yuan Ming and the others panicked. He saw a group of police officers pointing at them and shouting, "Those few monks, don't let them escape, capture them!" Yuan Ming said to himself, "Oh no! The police are going to arrest me. Once I was caught, I was bound to have a whipping stick and suffer. If I'm going to do it, I'll have to do it all. The smell might be unbearable. We can't let them catch us! " Thus, he sneaked his eyes around to look at the path in order to slip away.

At that time, the news hadn't spread yet. No one knows why the police are arresting people like this. Suddenly, Yuan Ming saw two groups of police officers running towards him. This scared Yuan Ming so much that he turned around and ran without thinking. This aroused the suspicion of the police. The police were even more suspicious of him now that he was fat, so they chased after him. In the end, the police all concluded that he was the one who robbed them. This was really bitter for Yuan Ming. The police were gathering, sirens blaring, calling out to him to get in touch, trying to catch him up.

Soon, wherever Yuan Ming went, there were people chasing after him. There were also people blocking him in front. It was as if he had fallen into a trap. Yuan Ming was scared out of his wits when he saw people blocking his way everywhere. Relying on his martial arts skills, he passed through trial after trial, taking twists and turns, traversing the streets and dashing towards the north. Because the north side was the location of the incident, there were many officers and police officers. Yuan Ming, on the other hand, had fallen into a trap and ran into the encirclement of the combined forces of the officers and soldiers. The way he was chased was much more powerful than the way Zhang Tingxiao and Zhao Yonggang chased after the monk. During that time, a large number of police officers surrounded him several times, but he was still using his martial arts skills, so he was able to jump across the roof and run away. The police held him back a few more times, then he knocked him down and broke free and ran away. When he had escaped to the vicinity of the Residence of Crown Prince, he was too tired to run. It just so happened that Ma Shaofen was personally coming after him. He was pursued again. He hurried into the alley. Due to the long and narrow alley, there were some twists and turns. Yuan Ming dove into the depths of the alley and basked in the light of the alley. After turning a corner, he heard that Ma Shaofen had brought his men and wanted to jump into the mansion to hide. He was so tired that he couldn't go to the wall. This wall reminded Yuan Ming of something in his haste. He set up a trap on the spur of the moment, and deliberately took off one of his shoes and threw it under the wall, making it suspicious that he had dropped it when he jumped. He ran in the opposite direction. As a result, the shoe actually attracted the police who were chasing him, causing Chief Ma Shaofen to fall into his trap.

After Yuan Ming threw away his shoes, he felt that he could run faster with just one foot. Delighted, he took off the shoe again, held it in his hand, and ran north in a roundabout way. When he saw a pile of firewood in one of the courtyards, he jumped over the wall and jumped into the courtyard, hiding in the haystack. At this point the policemen thought he had entered the palace. He was busy surrounding the manor, and no one was chasing after him.

Yuan Ming in the people's firewood haystacks, long heard no one to chase him, secretly rejoiced. He hid until dark before he dared to come out. He did not dare to return to the nearest temple and escaped out of the city to the faraway Blue Cloud Temple in the western mountains. When he arrived at the Jade Cloud Temple, he was still wearing Yuan Ji's old shoes. The shoes were large and loose and did not fit him. He carried a bag with a replacement shoe in it, but the bag was far away in the temple. He would have to wear it for a few days. In a few days, he would come to the temple to change his shoes. At this time, he heard that the soldiers and the police were after the monks, but they were actually after the people from the Shaolin Temple in Mount Song. That was because Rufeng had stolen one of Yuan Shikai's treasures from the Great White Tower. When he heard the news, he became suspicious again, and asked for permission to capture Rufeng that day. He didn't dare to rashly enter the city again. He was afraid of running into Rufeng.

It turned out that he had come to Beijing from Chengdu in order to escape from Rufeng. When he was in Chengdu, Rufeng was very good to him and taught him martial arts. Once, he and the other two people had done something wrong behind Rufeng's back. It caused a lot of trouble for the temple and Rufeng. Rufeng was extremely angry, almost crippling him. Only when everyone was struggling to defend him did he finally let them go. In a fit of anger, Ruo Feng forbade him from ever seeing him again. Rufeng was angry at first, but later on he let it go. Unexpectedly, Yuan Ming started to hate Ru Feng. All his life he had been harboring evil thoughts, and he said to himself, "Good! You hate me so. If one doesn't do it, the other won't. In any case, you and I don't have a master and a disciple. "Watch me steal your things!" As a result, before he left, he stole one of Rufeng's favorite books, The Sect Leader's Secrets. This time, he thought that the fact that Rufeng appeared in Beijing was because he had found out that the book had been lost and had come to capture him. Ever since he heard that Rufeng was in Beijing, Yuan Ming had been on edge every day. He had not dared to come to the Temple of National Protection to change his shoes. He was afraid that he would run into Rufeng and grab him.

These few days, Yuan Ming had been feeling especially flustered. He told Yuanzhi a few times that he was going to Tianjin and then run to Shandong to avoid the pursuit of Rufeng. He also took the question seriously, thinking that Rufeng might catch him. The light one will cripple him, and the heavy one will beat him to death. Actually, Ruo Feng knew that his beloved book had been lost. He didn't know who had stolen it. Rufeng did not suspect Yuan Ming either. Once again, Yuan Ming was completely guilty of being a bandit.

Yuan understood that the heavens were secretly reconciling with this plan in his heart. "Master Rufeng must be searching for me in every temple at this time." He would be able to find the Jade Cloud Temple in a few days. No, I have to leave Beijing as soon as possible. If I don't leave now, I might be captured by him tomorrow. " Yuan Ming was scaring himself, causing the panic in his heart to grow more and more.

After dinner tonight, he said to Yuan Ji, "If Master Rufeng comes to find me, you must tell me in advance. You still have to keep it a secret for me, just say that I've never been here. " Yuan Ji said, "Don't worry! I know that. You've told me a few times. " Hearing this, Yuan Ming was not at ease. He changed his mind and said, "Let's not wait until tomorrow. "Today, as soon as it is dark, I will go into the city to change my shoes and get something from the temple, and then I will leave Beijing." Yuan Ji said, "If you're very scared, then you should leave as soon as possible. "Master Ruo Feng will come sooner or later." Yuan Ji was making fun of him. Unexpectedly, he steeled his confidence in Yuan Ming's ability to escape.

Yuan Ming was very careful in case he came across Ru Feng. The sky had just turned dark, so he didn't dare to set off. After the sky had turned dark, he departed from the Blue Cloud Temple and hurried to the Imperial Protector Temple. He would never have thought that the enemy's road would be narrow, and that Rufeng was at the Temple of national protection. As the Jade Cloud Temple was too far away from the temple, it was already late at night when Yuan Ming arrived at the temple. He did not go through the gate. He quietly jumped over the wall into the courtyard and ran directly to the house he lived in. When he got to the door, he took out his key and opened it. When he entered, he felt that it was dark and damp. He hurriedly took out a match and lit the candle. He took his remaining shoe out of his pocket and threw it on the bed. Then he opened the bedside table, took out a pair of half-brand-new shoes and put them on. Then he put Yuan Ji's old shoes under the bed. He walked a few times on the ground, feeling comfortable on his feet. Looking out the window, he still wanted to go back to the Jade Cloud Temple. Seeing that the night was too late, he thought to himself, "Going back too far." It wasn't worth it to send a pair of old shoes on such a long journey. He might as well throw away his old shoes and not return the money. I'll get on the car at daybreak and leave as soon as it's light. " He made up his mind and listened to the crackling of the candles. He looked up and saw that the candle was almost burnt out. He hurriedly blew it out and left the room, thinking to find a long piece of wax in the front room and spend the night there. When he came to the front of the monastic room and saw that there was no light inside, he thought that the monks had gone to bed. He did not make any sound to disturb her as he came to the Buddhist Hall again. When he arrived at the front of the house, he saw that it was brightly lit and crowded. He looked in again, close to the window. He saw that the abbot and the others were sitting around the abode, chatting and laughing. Despite his search for wax, he was captivated by the scene inside. Since Pu Xian and the abbot were to the south and had their backs to the north, Yuan Ming was unable to see clearly what kind of treasure it was. He only heard the words, "This treasure is truly marvelous!" Just as he was anxious to see, a figure appeared in front of him. It was the abbot holding something in his hand. The light was pure white, like the cup of an elephant. He wanted to go inside. Just as he walked a few steps, he heard Ruo Feng say, "How did you draw this painting?" "How wonderful …"

Yuan Ming recognized the voice and was about to walk in and stop, thinking, "Why am I so unlucky! I was afraid that if I met him, I would run into him. " He didn't dare to enter, so he turned around to look inside. He searched for the figure of Rufeng among the crowd and confirmed that he was right. Pu Xian's body moved, revealing Ru Feng who was sitting opposite to him. Ruo Feng was all smiles. Behind him were his friends. Yuan Ming was also trembling with fear and trepidation and wanted to leave. As he listened to the lively conversation going on inside and calmed down, he thought to himself, "I'll listen to the story outside and view the treasure, but it doesn't matter. It was dark and Master couldn't see me. As soon as he leaves, I'll be in time to run. " Although he thought this, his mind was still in turmoil. After listening for a while, he was no longer in the mood to continue listening. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the abbot say, "It's even more amazing for you to look at this again. If you change the color of the manna, you will be able to display the power of the scene. "The sound of a war horse's hiss can be heard …" Yuan Ming was attracted again. After listening for a while, he suddenly remembered that there was a monk in the courtyard. He looked inside and saw that the number of monks had decreased. He said in alarm, "Seeing your safety is getting worse outside. The two of them are nice people, so you have to talk to them when you see me. If they were to be heard from inside, it would be bad for them to alarm their master. Don't look, don't look, don't look for wax. Why don't you take everything back to the Jade Cloud Temple. "Yuan Ji's life is simple, so he won't blame me for not returning his shoes."

He felt that he couldn't hear enough, so he looked around. Seeing that there was no one coming, he sneaked a peek inside. After listening for a while, he tried to scare himself again, thinking, "Don't listen anymore, the monk that was making the change should come now." He backed away, still wanting to look at it a few more times. When he was out of sight of the room, he turned and walked away.