International Purple-White Plate


Meanwhile, Shi was sleeping soundly in the bedroom with his wife, Tsukiko, in her arms. Shi Chuan was woken up by the sound of the door knocking. He was very unsatisfied and said: "Who is it? Knock on something! Don't you know that the sun has yet to rise? "

The man said from outside, "I'm Bian Tou, I'm sorry, sir. Outside the door, a man who called himself Yama Takashi came in, and brought two people with him. There was also a Chief of the Guan Dong Jun.

In the evening, they were attacked by a group of shipmates in the city, and they came here to hide from the heavy casualties. Let them in? "

When Shi Chuan heard about Yama Takashi, he became displeased; but when he heard that someone from Guan Dong Jun was coming, he immediately became angry and said, "Wait, I'll go out and take a look."

For the sake of the officer, Shi Chuan led the three into the living room. When Shi Chuan saw that the three of them were covered in blood and looked to be in a sorry state, he asked about what had happened and invited a doctor to bandage their wounds.

The three of them ate and slept.

Shi Chuan kept ignoring Yama Takashi, causing Yama Takashi to feel extremely awkward. He wanted to stay and avoid the limelight for a few days, but he could not. He secretly turned to Tabata Takashi: "There are not many people here, so we can hide for a while, but it won't work if we take too long. Knowing that we were here, the crew came to attack, unable to resist. Let him send us back to Shandong. "

At this time, Tabata Takashi had already become a frightened bird. After hearing Yama Takashi's words, he was extremely afraid, and immediately turned towards Shi Chuan and said: "The people and crew of Xuzhou, are very powerful. Mr. Shi Chuan, quickly send someone to escort us back to the Shandong military camp. I am from Shandong Linzi Guan Dong Jun garrison camp. "Please, mister!"

Shi Chuan helped the three of them change their clothes and sent ten young Japanese men with hidden guns to escort them onto the train and escort them on the road. It was precisely this: It was not about meeting in trouble, but meeting again on a narrow path.

As the train sped along, it passed Xue Cheng and Tengzhou. More people got off the train and made room for them. Very quickly, the seats were filled by the old and weak passengers. The young lady's companion was a gentleman. He stood up and said a few polite words to the young lady before getting off the car and leaving. The young miss protected her seat and said to Pu Xian: "Master, weren't you already sleepy? Come and sit down. " Pu Xian said "Thank you", and hesitated. The young miss pulled at him, and Pu Xian finally sat down beside her.

At this time, Pu Xian was already tired. It was a little stiff sitting with the young lady. The young lady was very generous, beaming, and repeatedly chatted with him. Pu Xian could only relax and chat with her. The Miss said, "Young Master, you are handsome and young, so why don't you go out of your home and become a rich and powerful couple?"

Pu Xian said: "Everyone has their own aspirations. Being at home had its advantages, but being at home also had its advantages. "He who goes out with the family thinks like a common man. He who has not much desire falls in love with the family and is supreme among all."

That young lady laughed and said, "When you were young, you were naive and innocent, with no thoughts in your heart. Now that you are in your youth, do you not regret that you have not lived your entire life? Look, men and women of our age are all laughing, loving and loving each other, how happy life is! Don't you envy them? You don't want to be married? I don't believe it. "

Pu Xian said: "The outsider's heart has been swept, love is carefully removed, pious cultivation of the Dao, cleansed and unrepentant."

Miss intentionally glanced at him and smiled: "Why are you blushing? Yan Wei said in her heart, "Let's start thinking now!" Pu Xian laughed: "Beauty is the voice of the heart, it is afraid of shame and humiliation, and even more beautiful is normal, it is not necessarily something that you think about."

The Miss smiled and said, "Beauty is the voice of the heart, changed by will."

Pu Xian said: "Young miss has so many wonderful words, observing her facial expressions, Poverty-Stricken People admires you. Your demeanor is elegant, your actions are free and easy, and few people can compare to you, Poverty-Stricken People respects you. Please do not talk about love and humiliate Poverty-Stricken People. "

As expected, the young lady became solemn and asked, "Which temple did Master come from?" Pu Xian said: "I am from the State Protecting Temple of Beijing."

The young lady then asked, "What are you doing out here?" Pu Xian said: "What business does a Taoist have when he goes out? It's nothing more than fate and a sightseeing trip."

The young miss laughed and said, "That's great! It's not like you have anything to worry about, right? "

When Pu Xian heard this, he said, "The Taoists, Shi Zi, and the common folk all have their own difficulties. No one can escape reality. How can I not be troubled? All people are the same, filled with joy, anger and sorrow. "

The Miss said in alarm, "Ah, ah, what's the use of being so powerful? A vulgar home is often troubled by food and clothing, so it is born with joy and sorrow. Could Daoism be like this? What are you worrying about? "

Seeing her sharp question, Pu Xian sighed: "Although I am not troubled by the life of food and clothing, but seeing how many people have suffered greatly from being bullied, I also feel unhappy."

The young lady laughed and said, "The human world is not a paradise, but an unfair world. It is very difficult to eradicate injustice. People have always had the burden of riding in palanquins and carts along the streets begging for food. In fact, how about heaven? The Queen Mother held the Immortality Peach Banquet, and there were even great deities that couldn't be invited. Sometimes there is no need to worry. "

Pu Xian said: "Everyone has their own goals and interests, they are different."

The Miss said, "Only by putting aside all worries can we truly go out. Don't lie to yourself, just go back to vulgarity. I am willing to be your best friend in life. "

Pu Xian said: "Thank you. It's hard for us to be close friends. " The young miss was infatuated with Pu Xian's beauty, and yet she kept on pestering him.

So this girl was Shi Chuan's sister, Shi Chuan Qi Hong. She finished primary school in Tokyo, Japan, and then came to Shanghai, China, where she had a certain level of knowledge. She was graduating from school and was still unmarried. She didn't want to do anything because she didn't agree with Shi Chuan's decision to run the store. Apart from occasionally receiving guests to help out with business for Shi Chuan, he shut himself up in his room and studied in seclusion for the rest of his life. As a result, she often felt depressed and annoyed.

She was hiding in her room and reading. While she was still distracted, she heard the young men say that they would send Yama Takashi and the rest. She asked in detail where it would go, and the young man said it would go to Jidong. She left her books and locked her room to follow her on a long journey, to relieve her boredom.

Pu Xian didn't know that she was with that group of people. Shi Chuan Hiro was happy as he chatted with her along the way. Seeing that she had caught Pu Xian, Yama Takashi and the rest relaxed a lot.

Ru Feng saw that the group of young men had been surrounding Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi from head to toe. He said in his heart, "Don't look at how you are in the car. If you get out of the car, you won't be able to handle it. Once I get to Ji Nan and take a ride, I will be able to find an opportunity to get rid of the culprit, Yama Takashi. " He also sat down on the seat closest to the door, keeping an eye on Yama Takashi's actions from time to time.

It was dark. The train arrived at Jinan Station. The passengers burst into an uproar. They all gathered their belongings and prepared to get off. Pu Xian took the chance to leave his seat, and went closer to Ru Feng: "Junior Master, I have a plan. I'll go down and wait outside. If we go our separate ways, don't wait for me, we will meet again at Chaoyang Temple. "

Ru Feng also quietly said: "Don't be too greedy and fight, be quick, and only kill Yama Takashi."

Pu Xian turned and squeezed out of the carriage into the crowd. In the distance, it was dark, and the lights of the street lamps were shining brightly. Plain stabbing was inconvenient. Just as Pu Xian followed his plan, he climbed up to the top of the car and looked down from above. When Yama Takashi got out of the car, he thrusted his sword at him.

Then Shi Chuan took him from behind and said, "Who are you looking at? Wait for me? Why don't you say your goodbyes when you leave? " Pu Xian turned back to see that it was her, and said anxiously in his heart: "I'm waiting for someone. Go quickly, see you later! "

Pu Xian twisted his body, wanting to dodge and find another opportunity. Shi Chuan Hong grabbed onto him and said, "How do you want to get rid of me? You don't want to know my name, and I still want to know your magic name. "

Pu Xian said anxiously: "We don't know each other, what's the use of knowing so much? My name is Pu Xian. " She said, "My name is Yi Hong, and I live in Xuzhou. I heard you say that you were out for a stroll. I'm out on a trip, too. Why don't we go with you? You may not want to be with me, but I'd love to be with you. Let's go for a walk. " With that, she pulled Pu Xian along, "Don't wait for that person, come with me." She had entangled Pu Xian.

Just then, Yama Takashi and the rest saw Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong following closely behind Pu Xian, they were staring at Ru Feng from their carriages, afraid that the two would go on a rampage to assassinate them. That pervert Matsui Nanao who had lived for the rest of his life, took out his gun in front of everyone, pointed it at the bullets and said to Yama Takashi: "I will bring my men to guard the vicinity. You and Mr.

The other Japanese youths were also flustered as they pulled out their guns to block the bullets. Matsui Nanao brought the two of them out of the car and stood guard at the entrance. Ru Feng took note of their actions and got out of the car. There were not many people left on the carriage, so Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi got up to protect them.

When they got out of the car, seeing Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong pulling Pu Xian along, a young man said: "Young miss, let's go this way!" Its voice was loud, and there were so many people around that Shi Chuanhong didn't hear it. He shouted a few times, but Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong still pestered Pu Xian and ignored him.

Two young men stepped forward, grabbed Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong and said, "Miss, come with us quickly." He glared fiercely at Pu Xian again.

Pu Xian grabbed him and said: "What are you doing? Why would she want to go with you! " Seeing that they were about to argue, Shi Chuan said hastily, "They are all my employees, come with me." Only then did Pu Xian let go.

Shi said to them, "I'm talking to my friends, it's none of your business! We're going to stay in Jinan for a few days. "

That person said, "No way, Mr. Shi Chuan, you have to take care of yourself. We'll leave right now. No one will take care of you. Wait for the guests to come back, then we'll stay here with you. " Pu Xian could tell that they were in one group and turned to leave with Ru Feng who was waiting at the side. The two of them dragged Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong, and chased after Yama Takashi and the rest.

Ru Feng, Pu Xian walked into the darkness and stopped in their tracks, watching them leave.

Pu Xian said: "It's all this young lady's fault. I might as well just rush up and kill him for a while! "

Ru Feng stopped them: "Don't be rash. They are tightly guarded and have guns in their hands. Follow him a little further, and after you leave here, see where else they can go. I believe that I will definitely find a suitable opportunity. " The two of them were silent. He followed up.