International Purple-White Plate


When Yama Takashi and his group walked out of the train station, the surroundings became dark. Ru Feng thought: "The chance is coming." Under the cover of the darkness of the night, the two of them inched closer to the front.

Not long after, they arrived at the main road. The few Japanese youths who were walking behind seemed to have noticed that someone was following them. Looking back again and again, they were a little flustered.

Pu Xian took out his sword and was about to rush forward. Suddenly, he saw a ray of light come from the front, followed by the sound of a car, Ru Feng quickly dodged the light and looked ahead. Just then, the person in front also stopped, only to hear Yama Takashi say: "They are here to pick us up. "There's no need to be afraid anymore."

The man in the car saw the group from a distance and came to a stop. It turned out to be a factory car. Six armed Japanese soldiers jumped down from the chariot, walked to the front of Tabata Takashi and saluted, and said a few words in Japanese.

Tabata Takashi got into the driver's seat of the car one after another. Matsui Nanao and the rest of the young men also escorted Shi Chuan and Xiong Hong to the carriage. When the soldiers saw the girl, they were all happy and rushed to get in the car as well.

A Japanese soldier sees Mr. Ishikawa dressed in an embroidered dress, like a Chinese girl. He thought it was a girl who was being played with. He put down his big gun, hugged Shi Chuan, laughed and kissed him first.

Shi Chuan was so angry that he broke free and slapped him in the face. The soldier, red-eyed from the blow, grabbed Shi Chuan and slapped her several times. He even scolded, "You ungrateful bitch! "How dare you hit me!"

Matsui Nanao saw this and was enraged. He grabbed the Japanese soldier, saved Shi Chuan and started attacking left and right, giving the Japanese soldier a big slap on the face. The Japanese soldier was beaten until his nose and mouth were bleeding.

The five soldiers put down their spears and attacked Matsui Nanao together. Some of the youths helped Matsui Nanao, while others helped him. They fought in the car. At this moment, the car turned around and drove away. There was a fight at the back and he didn't know what was in front.

The sword wound on Matsui Nanao's back was hit by the Japanese soldiers. Angry with the pain, he grabbed the Japanese soldier and dropped the car headfirst. It was only then that the driver noticed the fight and immediately stopped the car.

Tabata Takashi got off the car and scolded the Japanese soldier. A few young men jumped off and dragged the Japanese soldiers, who had fallen to the ground, into the car and drove away.

Ru Feng saw that they were fighting, but for some reason, both of them were stunned. The car drove away. Pu Xian said anxiously: "Heh! This bastard is really rich, he actually used a car to pick him up and let him run away. "

Ru Feng said disappointedly, "There is something new with the Japanese enemies. His car is especially big. " Pu Xian said: "This carriage is much larger than the one at the British Embassy. I saw it sitting there by itself. "

The car disappeared. Pu Xian continued: "This is really not bad. When can we in China have one? "

Ru Feng said: "Don't just look at the little devils. The Chinese are not stupid, and we will have them slowly. "

Pu Xian nodded his head and firmly believed it. He then asked, "Uncle-master, the world is dark. We can't walk. Where are we going to sleep?"

Ru Feng said: "There's a Treasure Light Temple not far from here, let's go there and talk." As the two of them spoke, they turned around and walked towards the Treasure Light Temple.

As the two of them were walking, they suddenly saw a shadow move in front of them. Pu Xian whispered: "Senior Master, look, there are people over there. The two stopped to take a closer look. He saw a person dragging a corpse towards a tree.

Pu Xian and Ru Feng understood, they went in left and right flanking, the man was caught unprepared, and was caught off guard. Ru Feng knocked him onto the ground and asked in shock, "Speak! What are you doing? How did you kill the people on the ground! "

So the killer was called Zheng Sanlang, he was in his forties and had a lot of free time. He was used to gambling for fun. He had a rich background, and some of his savings had been squandered. So he went to work as an evil man, cutting off single pedestrians in the vicinity of the station at night, looking for wealth and murder. It was unknown how many lives he had lost and how much money he had sought.

Tonight was also heaven's retribution and punishment. Firstly, he was caught by Ru Feng, and secondly, the person he killed was none other than its own son, Zheng Academy. He didn't know yet.

A few days ago, Zheng went to Nanjing to ask his aunt in Nanjing to find a job. The couple moved to make a living and abandoned his father, who did not support his family.

From the academy to aunt's future, aunt was also deeply angry that her brother Zheng Sanlang did not work properly and did not change his bad habits. He immediately agreed to the academy's request. She arranged for the academy to be the overseer in her own oil mill. The academy returned in delight to pick up her new wife, An Jiu, and set her up.

Ann had missed her husband in the last few days, and she was deeply disturbed by the thought of her single father-in-law at home. Every night, she was too frightened to sleep; during the day, she could not sit still.

This evening, just after dark, Anjou ate alone. Because he was pregnant, he felt weak and sleepy, so he lay in bed for a while. She was still thinking about her husband's return and unconsciously fell asleep. At this time, Zheng Sanlang saw that the sky had turned dark, so he picked up his crime tool (strangling the dog) and went to the station to wait for the crime to be committed.

Zheng Xuetang got off the train, intending to return home as soon as possible. When he reached the secluded area, his father was waiting for him. Seeing that someone was coming, his father steeled his heart. Gritting his teeth, he immediately put on a hairband that only showed his eyes. He picked up a bamboo tube and a rope, preparing to take advantage of the unforeseen situation.

Academic Zheng was young and strong. He was happy in his heart, but he didn't put up any defenses. He was in a hurry to leave when his father used a noose from behind to strangle his neck and ruthlessly strangle him. This was what it meant: the will of the people was born, and the whole world knew it. If good and evil did not repay each other, the universe would also be a private place.

It turned out that San Tie's rope had come out from the bamboo tube, and the bamboo tube was at the top and back of the academy, and it was tightening even tighter. The academy silently shouted, grabbing at him from behind, but he was unable to grab hold of him. Very quickly, his breathing was cut off. Suddenly, San Tie heard someone coming over. He hastily dragged the corpse behind the tree, and was about to strip off his clothes and take out his money. Unexpectedly, before he could commit his crimes, Ru Feng had quietly snuck up from behind him and caught him on the spot.

Zheng Sanlang kneeled and explained the crime to Ru Feng, then said angrily: "You evil person, you are extremely detestable. All men work with their hands in search of plenty of food, yet you seek wealth and murder. I do not know how many such acts you have done, how many lives you have caused, and how many families you have destroyed. If I let you live again, I will sully the world. "

Ru Feng used all his strength and was just about to kill him with one palm, when he suddenly heard a woman's voice from behind him shouting, "chivalrous hero, keep your life! "Let me take a look." It turned out that Ankh had come. In her dreams she saw her husband in the flames of the Red Court. When she woke up, her father-in-law had already left. She had a bad feeling about this, and she ran out the door, ignoring the dark distance to pick up her husband.

When she walked over just now, she suddenly heard Ru Feng interrogating her father-in-law under the tree. The eunuch wailed, begging for mercy. Her heart softened as she shouted, then stepped forward to save him.

Ru Feng really stopped, An Ran walked forward, and upon seeing that the one kneeling was her father-in-law, she pleaded for mercy to Ru Feng again and again. Ru Feng said: "Look at your face, I will spare him. In the future, he will have to change his mind and turn over a new leaf. "

Zheng Sanlang hurriedly kowtowed and left in a panic. Pu Xian said: "We shouldn't have spared him, he should have paid with his life. If the wicked are not removed, the world will not be clean. "

Pu Xian flipped over the corpses on the ground and looked at them. It was a young man in his twenties. Ann was standing by, terrified. At first glance he recognized her husband. He rushed forward to take a closer look and cried out, "School, school! You died a terrible death! This damned old fogey actually dared to harm his own son. "

After she had finished speaking, she crashed into the tree. Pu Xian reached out and grabbed her, "Benefactor, you shouldn't live lightly for now. Your husband still has some hope left. The woman really did go to take a look.

Ru Feng said to Pu Xian: "It's her who is begging for mercy, she's the one who gets killed. She was also heartless. If it wasn't for her husband, the one who died would have died in vain! Even if she wants to die, we won't save her. " The two of them turned around and walked away.

Arriving at the Treasure Light Temple, the elders there recognized Ru Feng and welcomed the two of them warmly. The two of them stayed at Baoguang Temple for a few days and enjoyed the scenery of Quan Cheng. Today, the two of them bade farewell to the Elder and came to the station. They prepared to take the train to Jiaodong. The two of them got into the car and saw two young nuns sitting in front of them.

Pu Xian asked the two of them: "Fellow Daoists, where is the most suitable place to get off the carriage from? It's the first time we've been there, and we don't know the way. "

The two of them laughed and said: "As you have asked, our temple is not far from the Chaoyang Temple. Come with us. At that time, we'll guide you there. "

Pu Xian was ecstatic. After thanking the two of them, he began to understand the situation within the Chaoyang Temple. It turned out that the two were Leader-class Hui Qing and Hui Jing. The two of them came to Ji Nan to buy a birthday present for her master, Abbess Yuqing.

Ru Feng chatted with the two for a whole journey and got to know about the situation within the Chaoyang Temple. The four of them got out of the car and went up the mountain together. The two of them continued to lure Ru Feng to the entrance of the Chaoyang Temple Mountain.

Hui Jing went in to report. When Fa Ming heard that Pu Xian had come, he was overjoyed to be with Master Si Kong, bringing all the guests and monks with him, there were around seventy to eighty people to welcome him. When they saw each other, Pu Tuo was so happy that he hugged Pu Xian and called him senior brother.

Fa Ming was as intimate as if he had left home for a long time. Pu Xian bowed to Fa Ming and Si Kong. Afterwards, the two of them waved to everyone and were led into the Eastern Palace Hall.

Ru Feng saw that there were all kinds of monks here, all of them were Wulin Master s and famous heroes, he was very happy, but he did not know many of them. Pu Xian almost didn't know any of them.

Ru Feng asked Fa Ming to introduce him to those foreign martial arts elites. Fa Ming then introduced them based on their seniority and qualifications.

The senior seniors were: Shen Ni and his disciples from the South China Sea, Lan Duo from Yunnan, Kulun Lama from Outer Mongolia, Karso Lama from the General Temple of Xinjiang and Jin Yuan from Luohan, Qinghai.

The second was the Samba Lama of Gandan Temple, the White Cloth Protectors of Kwang-ming Palace, the High Frigid Monastery of Heilongjiang Province and the Cultivator Lama of the same world, the Pearl Empress of Niu Gao Temple of Erlong Mountain in Liaoning Province.

There are: Sichuan female warriors Cao Yunfeng, Qu Yunfeng, Changbai Mountain Five Sages and other men and women more than 60. Just as Fa Ming finished her introduction, Dao Leader Guang Hai came to the Great Li Holy Maiden Temple. Ru Feng was very happy to see everyone one by one.