International Purple-White Plate


The car came to a stop and only a few men and women got out. He separated the crowd and went into each carriage to take a look. A commotion broke out as they saw the men, women, and children in the car trying to change their attitude to the south. They were dressed in all sorts of clothes, except for the passengers who were not dressed as coaches. He was even unable to see the appearances of those three people from last night.

So it turned out that they were all unfamiliar with Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi and the sloppy-looking man, and did not know their characteristics. When Shao Deguang and the others saw that the clothes on the carriage were different, they thought that the three people were not on the carriage.

"Then we can rest assured. We'll head back and search for it," he said. Pu Xian and Ru Feng bid farewell to the crowd again. Luo Hua City Mistress led the group and sent Ru Feng to the carriage.

As the car drove away, Huizheng Jun and the others didn't mention anything about leaving. Ru Feng and Pu Xian were in the car, seeing that it was crowded, there were no seats vacant. Most people go out to earn a living and visit friends and family. With their backs against the door, the two stood facing the back of the car.

Ru Feng said: "Today, many people were unlucky to not have a seat. Stand for a day. "

We'll be able to find a seat after a few stops and a lot of people get off." "Didn't you see how the girls, their backpacks, and their carrying equipment are arranged?" he asked. They must all have gone outside. They couldn't get out of the car until they reached the main station. It's very difficult to get a seat today.

The two of them talked while Pu Xian was trapped again. Ru Feng supported him and said, "If you find it hard to control yourself, just sit at my feet and sleep." Pu Xian wiped his face with his hand and forced himself to calm down: "I can still hold on." He came up with a plan to get rid of his drowsiness. Look at the passengers one by one, and judge them who is handsome, who is ugly, who is the fattest, and who is the thinnest.

Pu Xian sized him up and his interest was immediately piqued. The passengers were all fat and skinny, with uneven heights. Fat and plump, thin and dry. Some of the men were plump and some of the women had beautiful scenes. Seeing a girl not far from him, with her charm, hair, and face, the three sceneries were very beautiful, so he secretly sized her up. That Girl was dignified and generous as she sat there. When people looked at her, she was not shy at all. She also seemed to be looking for a beautiful face, occasionally glancing at Pu Xian.

Pu Xian saw that she was smiling at him, and started to panic a little. He shifted his gaze away and thought to himself: "This is my fault, looking at her face for no reason. If I could cause her to fall in love, wouldn't that be my fault? If my dao heart is weak, wouldn't it be my fault as well? Don't look at her, don't look at her. "

That Girl saw that Pu Xian was an old Taoist, with a fair and handsome face, the more she looked, the more she liked it. Her eyes flashed again, full of love, staring straight at Pu Xian. Seeing that Pu Xian was no longer looking at her, she felt lost. Suddenly, he lowered his head and thought, and then looked at Pu Xian. Pu Xian could only say that he did not look and saw her again. The two of them glanced at one another, and their hearts were filled with joy.

This was exactly the kind of person who loved beauty. The autumn waves could not be retrieved. It was hard for her to speak out, which showed that her heart was filled with gentleness and gentleness. Actually, it wasn't just this couple. Everyone was the same. If the girl had three beauties, it would be easy to find more people.

Pu Xian looked at her a few more times and understood what she meant. Then, he suddenly remembered that he was a Daoist, and his heart was in pain. Finally, he stopped looking at the horse and looked away. Seeing a man sitting behind the That Girl, he also looked at the That Girl. He couldn't see the girl's face, but he was looking behind her.

Pu Xian saw that he looked strange and thought that it was funny, so she looked at him again carefully. His eyes were like pearls, with a great disparity in size; his left eye was more than apricot, and his right was like a cherry. His left eyebrow was long, almost three months, and his right eyebrow was short, like a piece of copper coin. One was fat and the other was thin; one pair of ears was high and the other was low. The bridge of his nose was broken, the holes were turned up, and the two holes were one thick and the other thin.

Pu Xian thought: "This person will definitely be satisfied after venting his anger." For he looked at no one, and the Russian pipe in his mouth did not smoke. He knocked the pipe against the chair and put it away.

Pu Xian could not help but laugh, and quietly said to Ru Feng: "The rumors say that humans are ugly and weird, looks like it really is true."

He pointed and said, "Isn't that …? The first of the eight monsters. "

Ru Feng retorted: "Be careful with what you say! "To make fun of one's looks is to not be the son of another."

The strange man suddenly saw Pu Xian laughing at him, and immediately became furious. He turned his Yin Yang Eyes and glared at him. Unexpectedly, his glare was quite comical. Pu Xian couldn't help but sneer and giggle. The man was both angry and annoyed. He simply turned around, took out his pipe, and filled it with yellow smoke. Pu Xian was looking behind him again. His neck, too, was surprisingly covered in a pimple's mole. There was hair on the mole, but it was rough and hard, like a pig's fur.

When Pu Xian saw this, he felt his entire body turning numb and itchy. When the others saw this, they felt as if their backs were pricked with goosebumps. They could not help but feel itchy all over.

Pu Xian did not dare to watch anymore, and was worried that Yue Yang would turn his head and scold him. Not far behind that person were two gentlemen in long green robes. Both of them had their hats on, and their faces were lowered as if they were dozing off. Behind them sat a dozen neatly dressed young men.

Pu Xian then looked at the person seated opposite to the two of them. It was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. He wore a western style uniform. He held a hat in his hand and had an uneasy expression. At one moment, he was scanning the surroundings. At the next, he was scanning everyone.

Pu Xian thought to himself: "Why does this man seem to be that slut who fought with me so many times and was injured by my sword?" After carefully examining him again, Pu Xian confirmed that it was him and was secretly shocked. Just as he was about to secretly tell Ru Feng, he turned his head to glance at the two old men who were sitting down. One of them suddenly raised his head, his face was long and narrow, with a skinny face and brown glasses.

Pu Xian recognized him with a glance, and was secretly shocked. He said in his heart: "That person who doesn't raise his head is undoubtedly Yama Takashi. This guy sure knows how to disguise himself, he managed to fool all those people. "

Pu Xian was secretly delighted. Tabata Takashi took out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes, casually placing the eyeglasses on the table. He pretended as if nothing had happened and looked around. Seeing Pu Xian, he became suspicious and immediately went to poke Yama Takashi.

The two of them whispered to each other, and Yama Takashi immediately looked at Pu Xian. Then he turned and whispered to the young men in front of and behind him. Very quickly, the youths started to size up Pu Xian and Ru Feng.

When Pu Xian saw all this, he thought in his heart, "This guy realized it with a start. From the looks of it, they had their own people behind them. "These two devils are really capable. They were in such a sorry state last night, where did they get these people from?"

Pu Xian also quietly prodded Ru Feng and told him about the things that had happened. The two of them immediately came to a decision. Ru Feng also secretly glanced at Yama Takashi and thought: "This bastard is still lacking something, if we add on his long beard, we would not be able to recognize him. Even if you have a few people by your side, you won't be able to escape! " Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi looked uneasy, looking around from time to time, afraid that Pu Xian would suddenly stab them. Ru Feng and Pu Xian noticed that they were panicking, the two of them knew what was going on and pretended to sleep, leaning against the carriage and shaking it, thinking about how to kill Yama Takashi.

It turned out that Yama Takashi's group did not manage to escape far last night, and thus abandoned the ship to land.

Yama Takashi said: "We are not familiar with the steering wheel, and the boat is not moving smoothly. They would never have expected us to abandon the ship and go ashore to hide. I'll take you to a place where it's absolutely safe. "

The three of them intentionally dispersed the empty boat, allowing it to drift along with the current. The lackey Matsui Nanao lowered his head without saying a word. He was frightened and afraid as he rushed towards the Mystical Silk Villa on the Middle Street. This silken house was a cloth shop, a famous shop in Xuzhou City.

There were fifty or sixty shop assistants, most of them Chinese youths of both sexes. The shop was founded in 1905 and was run by Japanese businessman Mr. Shukawa Ishikawa.

Shunsuke Ishikawa was a kind person, different from the other Japanese. He loved the Chinese nation and often taught his people and children to respect Chinese customs, wear Chinese clothes and speak Chinese. The old gentleman has not been home since he returned to the province last spring.

The store has been run by his eldest son, Mr. Ishikawa. Shi Chuan was related to Yama Takashi. Yama Takashi's concubine sister, Cherry Blossom, and Shi Chuan's assistant had been engaged since they were young.

They were married last spring. Cherry looks handsome, Shi Chuan feeds on ugliness. Cherry was never satisfied with her husband's appearance. Cherry is clever at talking, Shi Chuan is introverted, not good at speaking. As a result, the boss who came to talk business would always have Cherry standing up for him. Cherry's calligraphy corresponded with her calligraphy. She was fluent in Chinese, and her beautiful speech and appearance were alluring. She was often well-received by the guests. The guests were also attracted by her intelligence.

Last summer and autumn, the Suzhou merchant Tong Qiang came to Xuzhou to do a cloth business. When he met Cherry Blossom, they had a special conversation. Mr. Tong has no wife and loves the cherry.

After meeting three times, the two of them eloped. Shi Chuan was so embarrassed that he turned angry. He called Yama Takashi over and criticized him. Because Yama Takashi had helped his parents get Cherry Blossom married in China, Yama Takashi had to apologize to Shi Chuan and be willing to suffer the humiliation in front of him.

This time when he came to the Xuzhou, he felt that the affection between him and the Shi Chuan family was already gone and he had no face to see Shi Chuan again for help. In order to survive, he had no choice but to come to Shi Chuan for help.

At this point, Shikawa was married to Yasuko Oshima, just before her wedding honeymoon. Since Cherry had left, Ishikawa had helped change his father's way of managing the shops, dismissed all the handsome young Chinese male workers, and recruited a group of young men from Japan to replace them. He did this because he was afraid that the Chinese would try to snatch the beauty from the well again. These new Japanese youths were deeply influenced by the idea of aggression and the spirit of kung fu at home. They were all arrogant and hostile to China. As a result, the business that Shi Chuan helped became worse and worse in the Xu Province. Not to mention.

As for Yama Takashi and her group, Yu Lu was hiding somewhere and escaping outside of Shi Chuan's house. Yama Takashi knocked on the door and two young Chinese people came out first.

The two looked at Yama Takashi's group and saw that the three of them were covered with blood. Who are you looking for? " Yama Takashi could not bring up the topic of family relations anymore, so he could only point at Tabata Takashi and said: "This is Master Tabata Takashi who is stationed in the Japanese army in Shandong. He wants to see Mr. Shi Chuan. We met with misfortune at night, so we came here to avoid it. "

Just as the two of them were about to report to Ishikawa for help, another six Japanese youths came out. The six of them surrounded Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi and Luan Matsui Nanao, not wanting to enter.

Seeing that the three of them were unfamiliar and in a sorry state, one of them asked, "Why do you have bloodstains on you?"

Yama Takashi said: "Mr. Zhuo and I came here to welcome a group of Japanese Warriors. Unexpectedly, our Warriors got off the carriage during the day and started a fight with the local boatman youth. We lived in the same building, and in the dark the young boatman gathered a few dozen men to take revenge on us. After a fierce battle, some of our people died, some fled, while some Matsui and I protected the Great Sage as we travelled to this place. I don't know what the casualties were for the new warriors. "

When the six youths heard this, their noses tightened. After asking this question, they asked another one and questioned him again and again. Tabata Takashi patiently told the six about how he was attacked by a group of boats last night at the Pai Restaurant.

Unexpectedly, this group of young men were also arrogant and mean. Some of them were not willing to believe what they had heard and thought it was a trick. What a government official! How can you humiliate your military might in such a pathetic manner? How could a few small boatmen scare the Captain to this extent? I'm afraid you're faking it. In my opinion, you're not even Japanese. Although you can speak Japanese, which Japanese is as cowardly as you! Your words are fragmented and illogical. How can we, the stately Japanese warriors and a dozen more, be defeated by the crew of the boatmen? If they are defeated, then stop calling them warriors, calling them useless, ordinary people! " He was so angry that the prodigal Matsumoto was about to beat him up.

Yama Takashi quickly blocked in the middle and scolded the young man: "You all are acting presumptuously! Is this how Shi Chuan usually teaches you? We ran into danger all night and almost lost our lives to escape here. You guys don't sympathize, and you even say such evil words! How many days have you been in China? What do you all know? There is a saying in China, "a strong dragon does not oppress a snake on the ground". Do you understand? We were suddenly attacked and failed. What's so strange about that? " The youths were truly frightened.

Yama Takashi continued, "Quickly, get Shi Chuan to come out to welcome Mr. Zuo! Just say that Yama Takashi is also amongst them. " A young man turned around and went to report to Shi Chuan for help.