International Purple-White Plate


The few soldiers who were tying him didn't know who he was, and didn't know who Yuan Keding was. A soldier slapped him in the face and said, "How dare you call for a conspiracy!" The other two soldiers stepped forward and began to beat him. It caused Yuan Keding to lose his head and howl like a wolf. In an instant, he was beaten black and blue, with blood splattering all over his chest.

The agents in the room had panicked when they heard movement outside. The officers and soldiers rushed into the house, and the agents fired their guns in resistance. Some ran out of the windows. Three or four officers were wounded by the special agent. All the soldiers fired back, killing a few people on the spot. A few of the agents had fled to the yard and were barging around to get out of the siege while firing. Wherever they went, there would be people blocking them and people chasing after them. The officers and soldiers shouted in all directions, "Surrender!"

Seeing that they could not escape, three of them kneeled and raised their hands. The officer stepped forward and tied the three of them tightly. The remaining agent rolled to the ground, fired stubbornly, and was killed by a volley of bullets.

Lu Wenhu ordered the soldiers to look at the three alive, and called Pu Xian over to ask: "Are there still any survivors here? "Count them all." Pu Xian and a few old monks, inside and out, see the log.

Pu Xian said: "Sir, the mastermind Yama Takashi has escaped. He hasn't been back since he went out in the morning. The number of dead and alive here is the logarithm. " Lu Wenhu and De Sheng ordered the three special agents and Yuan Keding to return and pay the order. The police came in again to make a record of what had happened to the body, so they didn't mention it.

Lu Wenhu and De Sheng brought a group of criminals back to the library to report to Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun respectively. Lu Wenhu said: "Reporting to the old marshal, the monk's information is true. He had caught the mastermind and three murderers. The remaining eleven people resisted arrest and were all killed. "

De Sheng also said to Zhang Xun: "Reporting to the Governor, there is indeed a group of people hiding in the State Protecting Temple, planning something bad. Four were now captured, and the remaining eleven resisted arrest, firing stubbornly, all killed. These people are not Henan people. They also wounded a few of our soldiers. " Zhang Xun was dumbstruck when he heard it.

Feng Guozhang expressed his satisfaction and asked: Brother Zhang, what else do you have to say? Zhang Xun's face flushed red from the question, and she said angrily: "Who are these people? So bold. How dare you do such a thing under my rule! Bring it here, and have Commander Feng interrogate it himself. "

De Sheng continued: "The two leaders heard from the State Protecting Temple Monk that the person was Japanese and his name was Yama Takashi. Bring this, and call yourself Yuan Keding. " Zhang Xun was suspicious, "Yuan Keding, could it be Eldest Young Master?" He ordered: "Bring anyone here to interrogate."

De Sheng went out and escorted a bruised and battered Yuan Keding. Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun sat together and looked at him. His face was covered in blood, his chest was covered in blood, and his face was swollen to the point where the truth was hard to tell. Seeing the two seated men, Yuan Keding lowered his head and kneeled on the ground. Zhang Xun was the first one to recognize Eldest Young Master, he slammed the table and shouted: "Bastard! You dare to do this in my place. I'm so pissed off! Who ordered you? "Speak!"

Yuan Keding lowered his head and did not say a word. Zhang Xun was incoherent again: "You, you are completely devoid of conscience! Not only did it ruin my reputation, it also ruined my reputation and your father's reputation! Did he know? "Speak!"

Zhang Xun slapped the table again. Yuan Keding panicked and said: "This matter, my father does not know, it was me who did it."

Zhang Xun didn't ask and looked at Feng Guozhang beside him. Feng Guozhang's eyes were wide open as he scolded: "Animal! Why did you want to kill me? "Speak!"

Yuan Keding trembled in fear, and said: "Uncle, spare me! The Japanese Yama Takashi forced me to do this. He wants to kill you. Those people were also Japanese people he had brought with him. I was fooled by him and now I know I was wrong. " With that said, he kowtowed to Feng Guozhang again and again, begging for mercy.

Feng Guozhang stopped asking and said to Lu Wenhu who was beside him: "Bring in the three people outside." Zhang Xun's guards, Zhang Biao, De Sheng and Lu Wenhu all went out together, pushing the three people in: "Kneel!" The three of them did not dare to resist and they all kneeled on the ground. Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun sized up the three people: All of them were young and strong, all dressed like monks. The two of them were both infuriated.

Yuan Keding pointed to the three of them and said, "Uncle, these three are all Yama Takashi's men. They are monks in disguise. " The three of them lowered their heads in silence.

Feng Guozhang asked in shock, "Quickly tell me, why do you want to kill people? Who is this messenger? " After a while, one of them said, "Sir, it's none of our business. It was Mr. Yama Takashi and Mr. Yuan who brought us here. We don't know anything. "

Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun secretly thought: "If this matter were to be revealed, the Japanese Consulate would definitely come to get it. Then let the murderer run. If we go to them for a lawsuit, they won't be able to come up with anything good. "

Feng Guozhang turned his head and slapped the table: "You fearless monks, kill King Ci, if you don't kill me, it would be unforgivable! Push it out and shoot it on the spot! "

Who said the Japanese weren't afraid of death? The three of them trembled in fear and shouted, "Spare me, spare me!" "It's none of our business." Zhang Biao, De Sheng, and Lu Wenhu, did not care about how they yelled as they dragged and dragged the three people outside.

Feng Guozhang then said to the rest of them, "If there is such an unlawed monk in the future, we will just capture him and shoot him!" The three gunshots outside scared Yuan Keding out of his wits and he collapsed to the ground. Zhang Xun looked at him and said to Feng Guozhang: "What do you think we should do with this beast?"

Feng Guozhang said: "For his father's sake, let's first not kill him and lock him up. "You and I will go see his father and have him treat us himself."

Zhang Xun ordered someone to escort Yuan Keding down, and said to Feng Guozhang: "You've been startled. I am truly ashamed of myself for doing such a thing under my rule. I apologize. "

Feng Guozhang said: "You don't have to blame yourself. Things have already been clarified, what does it have to do with you? I was wrong about you. I should apologize to you. "

Zhang Xun thought: "I cursed him too much today, I have to let him feel warmth." Just as he was about to open his mouth to apologize, Feng Guozhang said: "Forget it, we have been good friends for many years. I don't blame you. What do I think? How could his father really not know? "

Zhang Xun heard him doubting Yuan Shikai, and immediately advised: "Don't think like that. Even though his father is in a high position, aren't we the ones to praise him? How could he not be guilty and put to death? The beast must have acted on its own with the Japanese. You must also not be mistaken about Xiang Cheng (Yuan Shikai), and even more so, do not have second thoughts towards him because of this. "

Feng Guozhang sighed, "You're right. I would rather the father and son take responsibility on me, I will never take responsibility on the father and son duo." Zhang Xun said: "That's right. In the future, I will personally go to Beijing to see his father and seek justice for you. "

Feng Guozhang was wary of Zhang Xun, he anxiously returned to Nanjing and said: "It's better if you go to Beijing than me. This matter is up to you. I need to get back to Nanjing immediately. "

Zhang Xun knew that he was still wary of her, and said: "If you leave like this, I will be rude. I don't dare to stay here any longer. Why would I have to eat a meal to calm my nerves before leaving? " After which, she waited for his reply.

Wang Zhanyuan said: "Old Marshal, I have already prepared the carriage. Commander Zhang's guards are waiting outside to see us off. We're not leaving now? "

Feng Guozhang said: "We must not disappoint the great kindness shown by Regional Commander Zhang. We'll leave after eating. " He thought to himself, "If I don't dare to eat, you'll suspect that I'm afraid of you."

Zhang Xun immediately ordered: "Organize the feast!" He turned around and saw Ru Feng sitting beside him. Seeing Ru Feng's apathetic expression, neither arrogant nor servile. Zhang Xun had the idea again. He pulled Feng Guozhang into another room and said, "This is all over. This Thief Monk, shouldn't you give him to me today? "

Feng Guozhang's face sank as he asked, "What do you want to do with him?"

Zhang Xun said: "This monk is too bold, whether or not he is messing with us will not be revealed. He was an expert in martial arts, and had the ability to kill the Spider Emperor. He absolutely could not let him live. The former, he stole something from the President in Taibai Lou. The President was frightened sick for more than a month. Everywhere he went, people would try to catch him, but they wouldn't be able to. He had already committed the crime of assassinating the king. We caught him and gave him to the President. "

Feng Guozhang lowered his head in anger, he thought: "It's fine if you don't mention the President, but why should I give you the person? Do you think I'm still loyal to him in the future!? "

Seeing that Feng Guozhang was deep in thought, Zhang Xun asked, "Do you know what kind of thing he robbed the President of the United States from?" Feng Guozhang clearly knew, and deliberately said, "What good thing could the President have been robbed by him. It was said that even the few broken plates that the Emperor had eaten on were not strange objects. That thing, even if you gave it to me, I wouldn't want it. "

Zhang Xun said anxiously, "Otherwise … You don't know, that thing is called "International purple-white plate", it is our national treasure. It's priceless! There are many uses for it, and there is a lot of joy in it. Right now, the thing is in the Thief Monk's hands. We should ask him for it back. " Feng Guozhang continued: "You have heard of people's rumors. It's not that expensive. It was just some ancient pottery. They were also made randomly out of thick porcelain from ancient times. Do you think, if it is really a treasure and is so priceless, how can the President get it out there for him to take away? "

Zhang Xun listened for a long time without saying anything, but thinking carefully, Feng Guozhang was also not an outsider. So he said, "What you say is neither. I heard from the Eunuch Liu that this thing is very precious. In order to build an empire, the President had to bear with it and bribe the Japanese Inoue Shizuo to take it away. What kind of treasures had the Japanese not seen before? "Would he be willing to work for the President if he didn't get the real thing?"

Hearing that, Feng Guozhang immediately found a reason, and said angrily: "I hate those Japanese enemies, and they are not good things. I urged the President again and again not to socialize with the Japanese. He just wouldn't listen. He had been secretly hooking up with the Japanese. Since that thing was a national treasure, how could he give it to a Japanese casually?! I just want Ru Feng to snatch it back. He was also surprised by his infatuation with Japan. "

He continued, "Besides, the Yuan father and son have always been secretive, how could a monk like Ru Feng know about it so easily? It must be heaven's will, for Ru Feng had coincidentally done it. This treasure should not fall into the hands of the Japanese. I advise you to pretend that you don't know and leave it to him. This is just like how they tried to kill me today.

Zhang Xun was left speechless for a while, and after a while, he said: "If we don't capture the Thief Monk today to retrieve the treasures, when the President finds out in the future, how can he not blame us?"

Feng Guozhang said straightforwardly: "You definitely can't capture him today. I need him to drive me back to Nanjing. Someone told the President about it, and you pushed it all on me. Said I let him go. " Seeing that Zhang Xun was unhappy, Feng Guozhang coaxed him: "I can pay some money to buy that treasure back from him, and then give it to you. I hope you won't cause him any more trouble in the future. "

Hearing that, Zhang Xun was immediately happy, and said: "Rest assured, if I am able to redeem the treasure, I will not cause him any trouble. I'll pay whatever he wants. "

Feng Guozhang said: "I do have this bit of money." This caused Zhang Xun to be overjoyed.

Feng Guozhang then said: "I have seen this monk who is truly righteous, brave and righteous, shining brilliantly. If anyone tries to make things difficult for him again in the future, I will let them know that I absolutely cannot tolerate it. " Feng Guozhang purposely threatened Zhang Xun again.

The two of them went out to eat, Feng Guozhang made Ru Feng sit beside him and said: "Regional Commander Zhang has guaranteed that you can go to Henan publicly from now on." Zhang Xun continued: "Precisely. From now on, I am friends with Master, and we will get back together. " Ru Feng said: "Thank you for the lift. my humble self won't be polite. " Ru Feng said in his heart: "Other than you catching me today, you will never have another chance to do that again!"