International Purple-White Plate


So it turned out that Feng Guozhang was also afraid of wrongly accusing Zhang Xun, after observing his words and emotions, he realized that Zhang Xun did not have any malicious intentions towards him. Thus, he asked Lu Wenhu to let go of Zhang Xun and retreat to the side. Zhang Xun kept scolding him, but he did not say anything back. Feng Guozhang asked Zhang Xun: "Don't tell me you really don't know anything?"

Zhang Xun shouted angrily: "What else do you want me to know!" Feng Guozhang was also furious: "Someone here wants to harm me!" Zhang Xun did not hesitate, and scolded: "You're slandering me! When will I kill you? "

Feng Guozhang used the tone that was used to agitate him again, and probed him: "Just now, why did you accuse me of doing things that are too shameful?"

Zhang Xun flung his braid: "I, Zhang Xun, am blind today and unlucky! When I heard that you had come, I used the etiquette of an old superior to lead my comrades to come pick you up. I didn't want you to be sneaking around without getting out of the car or looking for me since you arrived. I was anxious to get in the car to see you, but you pointed a gun at me. Are you being fair and square? " He then threatened, "Don't forget, this is Henan. Once I show my face, it will be impossible to escape!"

Feng Guozhang continued: "It's not hard to fly, let's call it quits. Since you are willing to accept me, why did you set up an inescapable net and wait to harm me? "

Zhang Xun was normally very shrewd, but at this moment, his mind was in a mess, as he shouted angrily, "Pah! You are used to being crafty, and you suspect everyone. Although there are a lot of officers and police outside, they are all sent by me to protect you. How can I have such an inescapable net? If you don't think of good intentions and have your suspicions, no one will bother you. "

Feng Guozhang said: "Brother, I'm not talking about these people." Zhang Xun reprimanded again: "If not for these people, I would never have ambushed them! Now I'm here to see you alone, kidnapped by you. You are not a treacherous person, what are you relying on! "

Feng Guozhang made Zhang Xun sit down, then asked: "You heard what happened outside, right? And why is that? " Zhang Xun said: "You peed on people's heads and kidnapped me for no reason. No wonder my subordinates are so disrespectful to you! For you to even ask about such a thing with a straight face, that is truly unreasonable! " Only then did Wang Zhanyuan get out of the carriage to stop the soldiers from rioting.

Zhang Xun's anger did not lessen, and he boldly said, "I did not do anything shameful, so I'm not afraid of you suspecting anything. If your men go out, they won't need more than three or five sentences before my men settle down. "To prove that I have no ill intentions towards you." Earlier, he got up, looked at the outside of the carriage and then angrily sat opposite of Feng Guozhang. Hearing the silence outside, Zhang Xun asked again, "How is it? What else do you have to say? If I am to truly harm you, can your people just go out and calm down? " Seeing that the situation was calm outside, Feng Guozhang's heart calmed down. He was asked without a word.

Just then, Zhang Xun's two bodyguards came in. Seeing Zhang Xun being angry, Feng Guozhang's face also darkened. The two of them stood beside Zhang Xun and asked: "Lieutenant, are you alright?"

Zhang Xun waved his hand: "Nothing, nothing. What are you guys doing in here! " The two of them were both silent as they looked at everyone.

Feng Guozhang said: "Since the two of you are here, please take a seat." The two were unwilling to sit, but they recognized Ru Feng. One of them pointed at Ru Feng and said in shock, "Isn't this Master Ru Feng of Mount Song?"

Zhang Xun was surprised, he immediately turned his head to look, and saw that it was Ru Feng. I said you don't know what to do. It turns out that the nation's felon is hiding by your side! What else do you have to say? " Hearing that, Ru Feng was also startled, and immediately turned to look. But he didn't know if it was true or not.

So it turned out that Zhang Xun had received secret orders from Yuan Shikai many times to capture him. Zhang Xun had sent people over many times to disturb Shaolin Temple, but they never saw the shadow of Ru Feng. With Ru Feng right in front of his eyes today, Zhang Xun was both surprised and happy. He then said to the guards: "Watch him. Don't let him get away. I want to see if you, Feng, can still put on airs in front of me! "

Feng Guozhang looked at Ru Feng for a while, and saw that he was seated very calmly, with no sign of panic on his face. He turned around and said to Zhang Xun: "You are blind, he is not a monk with Shaolin Temple, he is a monk with State Protecting Temple. He is my savior. It's Ru Feng, you dare to do anything to him? " With that, he glared at Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun also glowered at him, and said: "You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me! The monk is skinned, and I recognize his bones. If he wasn't Ru Feng, then who was Ru Feng? No matter what, I have to catch him today! "

Feng Guozhang said: "You dare! You are trying to silence me by killing me. If not for him coming to save me, I would definitely have been killed today! "

Ru Feng stood up and said unhurriedly: "Two lieutenants, don't hurt our relationship because of me. It was my wish to be able to escape danger today. If Commander Zhang wants to capture me, I will do the same. As the saying goes, one cannot die without regrets. "

Zhang Xun angrily rebuked Ru Feng, "Thief Monk, you are extremely daring! You dare to rob the President. So you were the one who instigated all of this today. When Commander Feng arrives at the Open Seal, I can guarantee his safety, if there is any danger, you can talk too much! I'll let you speak up! "

Ru Feng said: "Governor Zhang, since you did not intend to harm Governor Feng, why did you ambush a group of people in the State Protecting Temple? I knew all this, I saw the murderer, I overheard the plot. How can you say that I'm being provocative? "Does he really not know about this?"

Feng Guozhang saw that Ru Feng's questions were extremely firm, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, as he observed the changes in Zhang Xun's expression. Zhang Xun saw that what Ru Feng said was true, and thought: "This — is this true? Who could it be? This monk is lying! " Ru Feng asked: "Do you dare guarantee that such a thing will happen?"

Ru Feng said: "This matter is absolutely true, I dare to use my life to guarantee it. I heard all about how they plotted to kill him. "

Zhang Xun was skeptical, and said: "Who is so bold as to carry me on their backs and do such a thing!"

Ru Feng said: "Lieutenant Zhang, the matter has been exposed, do not panic. I hope you're not the one who agrees with me. "

Zhang Xun immediately retorted: "You're lying! How fair and square am I, Zhang Xun? Never do this conspiracy. If there really is such a thing, then if I know about it, Heaven will kill the Earth! "

Feng Guozhang said: "Brother, no need to swear. What do you want to do about it? And if they do, how do you explain it? "

Zhang Xun thought about it and said, "I don't know about this matter, but it's not the truth. It must be this Thief Monk trying to instigate him. If you really take someone out of there, it's true. No matter who it is or how many people there are, it's all up to you. "If not for this incident, I would have cut this monk into a thousand pieces!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to the two guards beside him and said: "You guys go dispatch another team of soldiers to surround State Protecting Temple, capture everyone who is participating for me, don't let him escape either!"

The two guards immediately answered, "Yes!" He was about to get out of the car. Feng Guozhang said: "Wait! To prevent you from deliberately letting them go and denying it, I will send one person to lead a team of guards. "

Zhang Xun was furious: "You don't need to send out any troops, just you can go and supervise by yourself. Your soldiers should stay behind to protect you! "

Feng Guozhang replied, "Alright." After calling Lu Wenhu, he instructed him, "Go and monitor them, you must capture all of them and bring them back."

Lu Wenhu immediately replied: "Yes!" Zhang Xun left another guard at his side. Only then did De Sheng and the other guard of Zhang Xun get off the carriage in a hurry and transferred troops to State Protecting Temple to capture them.

As Zhang Xun sat there, he was not satisfied. He knew that Feng Guozhang had placed him under house arrest. He secretly sized Feng Guozhang up and saw that he had a face full of satisfaction. Zhang Xun thought about it carefully: "This matter can't be true. I hope the Henan people are loyal to me. There is no such person. If Feng Guozhang were to grasp this weakness and spread it around, wouldn't I become a vile and despicable person in front of everyone in the future? "

After pondering for a long while, Feng Guozhang said: "Brother Zhang, please sit peacefully, there is no need to be afraid. This matter was quickly resolved. I hope that's not the case. "

Zhang Xun turned around and asked, "What do you mean by that? What's there to be afraid of? Why would I dare to fight!? If there is such a thing, I will apologize to you in person. If there is no such thing, I will send you back from Henan to Nanjing. From then on, you and I will sever our relationship. "

Feng Guozhang said: "If you really don't know about this, I won't blame you. You can just take me back to Nanjing. " As a result, the two fell silent.

The two of them sat for a long time. No matter how Zhang Xun thought about it, he was baffled. He calmed down and said to Feng Guozhang, "Their journey to the State Protecting Temple is also not a short one. They will have to wait for a long time before they can return. You and I are out of place and obstructing traffic and causing panic. No matter what, it's best if we don't lose too much face. If I were to enter the landlord's house again, I would welcome you. If you don't dare to go anywhere else with me, you might as well go to the pavilion and fall down, right? I'm in the same car with you, and I can't run away. You also have this Thief Monk by your side as a bodyguard, and you also need your bodyguard in front of and after your car, so you should be at ease now, right? "

Feng Guozhang pondered and said: "If Zhang Xun really harms me, it will be very difficult for me to escape Henan. If this monk bodyguard were to listen to his words, then make plans. This monk has heard that martial arts are very powerful, so he would do anything to help me. " Then he thought: "I will enter your cave, Zhang Xun, what can you do to me? Seeing that the situation is bad, I'll catch you first! "

He couldn't help but look at Ru Feng and say to him, "I, Feng Guozhang, have been through many trials and tribulations of life and death, and have gone through who knows how many trials and tribulations. I've never been afraid. I'm not that kind of person who avoids swords and daggers. "Fine, I'll go with you."

Zhang Xun instructed Zhang Biao, "Go and prepare the carriage." Zhang Biao left. Wang Zhanyuan quickly selected the guards that followed him and got off the car, preparing to go as well.

Zhang Biao quickly escorted a large double-horse sedan over. Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun, supported by the guards from the front and back, got off the carriage at the same time. The two of them got into the car, and in order to show his respect, Feng Guozhang waved to everyone who welcomed him. Then, he pulled Ru Feng along and they both got into the car. The carriage was followed by Feng Guozhang's guards. Zhang Xun's guards were right behind them. The group of people headed towards the library. Let's not talk about it for now.

As for Lu Wenhu and Zhang Xun's guards, the two of them quickly transferred a cavalry unit over, and a police unit over, and surrounded State Protecting Temple. At this time, Pu Xian and the monks were still monitoring the spies. Yuan Keding and Yama Takashi went out together, and as expected, Yama Takashi ran away. He made Yuan Keding drink all the way, and Yuan Keding came back drunk. Seeing that the little monk that went out to follow him did not come back, Pu Xian guessed that the little monk had went with Yama Takashi.

Seeing the soldiers suddenly surround State Protecting Temple, Pu Xian knew that this was the result of Ru Feng leaving, and the soldiers had caught them. Pu Xian led the old monks and welcomed Lu Wenhu: "Sir, you came at the right time. The assassins who planned to kill are all in the back room. They have put on makeup and are all dressed up as monks. "

When Lu Wenhu and De Sheng heard this, they were enraged, and passed their horses to Pu Xian and a few old monks. They all took out their guns and led their men into the courtyard.

The soldiers surrounded the house at the back. Yuan Keding drank and was about to sleep, when he suddenly heard people outside shouting for horses, and quickly got up to take a look. He thought that Feng Guozhang had come. He turned around and wanted to return back to his hut to instruct his camera to take action, but he was grabbed and tied up by the soldiers.

Yuan Keding shouted to the soldiers: "What are you doing? Who told you to capture me! I am Yuan Keding! "